View Full Version : Bledsoe is terrible. Keeps ignoring Dragic

11-15-2014, 12:01 AM
Suns never should have re-signed this guy.

11-15-2014, 12:51 AM
Agreed. Thomas can fk off too.

11-15-2014, 12:59 AM
Suns never should have re-signed this guy.
And the Thomas signing was about as stupid as stupid can be.

11-15-2014, 01:47 AM
And the Thomas signing was about as stupid as stupid can be.

That was the insurance policy but the Suns GM was stupid enough to sign Bledsoe to that monster contract after never proving himself ever.

11-15-2014, 03:57 AM
I don't understand what Bledsoe has ever done to earn that contract. Guy isn't even top 20 at his position, and has proven to be injury prone in the past. Yet a small market team like the Suns offer him twice what he's worth? :confusedshrug:

11-15-2014, 08:24 AM
I'll say it again: They should have done Bledsoe for Monroe last summer.

Now with Bledsoe's contract, it much harder to do...

11-15-2014, 08:25 AM
I'll say it again: They should have done Bledsoe for Monroe last summer.

Now with Bledsoe's contract, it much harder to do...

Lakers will take Bledsoe for Lin + scraps.

*looks at Eric's contract*

no thanks.

11-15-2014, 08:32 AM
Why are we giving Dragic a pass for his terrible play while blaming Bledsoe who has been better than him?

11-15-2014, 08:36 AM
Why are we giving Dragic a pass for his terrible play while blaming Bledsoe who has been better than him?
was wondering the same thing

11-15-2014, 08:38 AM
Why are we giving Dragic a pass for his terrible play while blaming Bledsoe who has been better than him?

Probably because Dragic tore up the league when Bledsoe was out last year, enough to spawn an ISH troll. I don't see any Bledsoe obsessees on here.

11-15-2014, 08:40 AM
Probably because Dragic tore up the league when Bledsoe was out last year, enough to spawn an ISH troll. I don't see any Bledsoe obsessees on here.

Everything I see the OP post has some kind of racist undertone to it. He constantly hypes white players, and writes some borderline racist shit in off the court lounge topics as well.

The fact is, Bledsoe has been better this year, and so has IT.

11-15-2014, 09:55 AM
Why are we giving Dragic a pass for his terrible play while blaming Bledsoe who has been better than him?
Dragic has been awful and so has Bledsoe.

11-15-2014, 10:01 AM
Everything I see the OP post has some kind of racist undertone to it. He constantly hypes white players, and writes some borderline racist shit in off the court lounge topics as well.

The fact is, Bledsoe has been better this year, and so has IT.
To me, Thomas is a total joke. His defense is so bad it's stupid and on offense he just shoots and shoots and shoots some more. I don't care if he scores he's just awful. Having three guards like that is just stupid for Phoenix. None of them are pass first so it makes for a real mess. Thomas would never have gotten that contract anywhere else and neither would Bledsoe. Dragic shoots too much too he just passes more than the other two and is better at running a team. At least he was last year. What ever was going on there last year is over. They went from a team on the rise to a team with a one way ticket to the bottom.

11-15-2014, 10:02 AM
I don't understand what Bledsoe has ever done to earn that contract. Guy isn't even top 20 at his position, and has proven to be injury prone in the past. Yet a small market team like the Suns offer him twice what he's worth? :confusedshrug:

"He is a point guard that can move fast, therefore he is a superstar or a future superstar"

Signed all casual NBA fans and idiot NBA gms

11-15-2014, 10:24 AM
This is the thread I have been waiting for.
GD is back to being a good PG, not top 8, and the stans start blaming teammates. Look. He is in the 9-12 range and in a league 20+ deep, that is pretty awesome. Last year was called a CAREER year and good for him, he played great. But if you really think this dude is gonna continue at a 20 6 clip or better...:confusedshrug:

11-15-2014, 11:36 AM
Lakers will take Bledsoe for Lin + scraps.

*looks at Eric's contract*

no thanks.

At first I was like... :eek: :no: :facepalm

And then I was like.... :oldlol: :cheers:

11-15-2014, 11:39 AM
also, does this confirm that masonanddixon is another dragic4life, dubeta, lebronxrings alt? Same Jan 2014 join date, and slightly less posts, but the immediate reply? Just throwing that out there...

11-15-2014, 12:25 PM
Why are we giving Dragic a pass for his terrible play while blaming Bledsoe who has been better than him?

Because Dragic is playing well and Bledsoe is killing the production

11-15-2014, 12:28 PM
Everything I see the OP post has some kind of racist undertone to it. He constantly hypes white players, and writes some borderline racist shit in off the court lounge topics as well.

The fact is, Bledsoe has been better this year, and so has IT.

Are you still upset about the fact you're a gangly awkward white guy who pretends to be an athlete on the internet?

11-15-2014, 12:36 PM
Dragic is best at the point for the Suns. He runs the team well, holds the chemistry, plays above average D and have the best size of the three. A very good finisher at the rim and shoot from anywhere on the court relatively well.

I too agree he hasn't shown to be as effective as he is last season, but he's still that guy who the Suns should have playing point guard and facilitating the ball. Bledsoe is individually talented but is no good playing team ball. Been saying that having 3 points and 2 of them being 6 feet isn't going to work. Suns have to get rid of one or two of either Bledsoe, Thomas or Green for a big, preferably a offensively skilled PF. Get rid of the log jam at guards and spread those play time for Archie and TJ. TJ in the D league is a waste.
Go back to the Morrises on the bench and Tucker starting lineup. He may not be as offensively oriented as the rest of the crew, but Tucker is that glue guy who raises the intensity and effort of the team on both ends.

11-15-2014, 12:41 PM
Dragic is best at the point for the Suns. He runs the team well, holds the chemistry, plays above average D and have the best size of the three. A very good finisher at the rim and shoot from anyway on the court relatively well.

I too agree he hasn't shown to be as effective as he is last season, but he's still that guy who the Suns should have playing point guard and facilitating the ball. Bledsoe is individually talented but is no good playing team ball. Been saying that having 3 points and 2 of them being 6 feet isn't going to work. Suns have to get rid of one or two of either Bledsoe, Thomas or Green for a big, preferably a offensively skilled PF. Get rid of the log jam at guards and spread those play time for Archie and TJ. TJ in the D league is a waste.
Go back to the Morrises on the bench and Tucker starting lineup.

Part of Goran's struggles so far have been playing him as a 2 guard and often as a spot up shooter as Thomas/bledsoe ball dominate, which is absolutely retarded coaching.

I also think the Frye departure was a huge loss in terms of the floor spacing.

Andrew Wiggins
11-15-2014, 12:42 PM
Everything I see the OP post has some kind of racist undertone to it. He constantly hypes white players, and writes some borderline racist shit in off the court lounge topics as well.

The fact is, Bledsoe has been better this year, and so has IT.


his old account is permabanned..."brisbaneman" did the same shit on there

11-15-2014, 12:43 PM

his old account is permabanned..."brisbaneman" did the same shit on there

That isn't me, son.

try to stay on topic.

I challenge you to find even one semi-racist post I have made.

11-15-2014, 12:46 PM
Can somebody tell me how you rank the guards I watched them in pop spots and couldn't tell who is what.

Who is the best pure point guard? Dragic?
Who closes the game? Isiah?
Who is best in the SG spot?
Why is Bledsoe the cornerstone?

11-15-2014, 12:48 PM
Can somebody tell me how you rank the guards I watched them in pop spots and couldn't tell who is what.

Who is the best pure point guard? Dragic?
Who closes the game? Isiah?
Who is best in the SG spot?
Why is Bledsoe the cornerstone?

None of them have SG ability, which is the problem.

Bledsoe appears to be the cornerstone because the GM has put all his chips into Bledsoe being the go-to guy and will get fired/extended based upon how he pans out.

Thomas is a nice game changer but gets exposed as soon as teams focus in on him.

11-15-2014, 01:07 PM
Dragic is best at the point for the Suns. He runs the team well, holds the chemistry, plays above average D and have the best size of the three. A very good finisher at the rim and shoot from anywhere on the court relatively well.

I too agree he hasn't shown to be as effective as he is last season, but he's still that guy who the Suns should have playing point guard and facilitating the ball. Bledsoe is individually talented but is no good playing team ball. Been saying that having 3 points and 2 of them being 6 feet isn't going to work. Suns have to get rid of one or two of either Bledsoe, Thomas or Green for a big, preferably a offensively skilled PF. Get rid of the log jam at guards and spread those play time for Archie and TJ. TJ in the D league is a waste.
Go back to the Morrises on the bench and Tucker starting lineup. He may not be as offensively oriented as the rest of the crew, but Tucker is that glue guy who raises the intensity and effort of the team on both ends.

Thanks. Thanks Masondixon as well.

11-15-2014, 01:16 PM
None of them have SG ability, which is the problem.

Bledsoe appears to be the cornerstone because the GM has put all his chips into Bledsoe being the go-to guy and will get fired/extended based upon how he pans out.

Thomas is a nice game changer but gets exposed as soon as teams focus in on him.

Yeah, I can agree to most u said. The Suns putting so much money on Bledsoe really is the problem here.

Tucker is a great 3 n D guy who is getting under utilised as well. The Suns rely too much on their guards to rack up points. Green could have easily been the best SG the Suns can put on the floor, but he's too trigger happy and takes some of the dumbest shots. It's great when his game is on, but when not it's easy for me to go on a fan rage watching the game.

Bledsoe is still the best player we can use at SG. Dragic at 1 and Bledsoe at 2 on offense, and switch their spots on defense, that's still the best option we have. Thomas and Green have to understand their role as the offensive sparks off the bench, and coach to roll with whoever have got the hot hand to finish the game. Tucker has to start, Marcus to the bench. Not sure why he's even playing, Tolliver should be warming the bench more and his minutes going to TJ. Keep the Plumlee and Len rotation at C.

Next when the chance shows itself, ship the guards causing the log jam and we can start playing some Zoran, who should give Goran a boost to his game.

11-16-2014, 01:34 AM
Bledsoe and Thomas were terrible today vs the Clippers

11-16-2014, 01:39 AM
Yeah, I can agree to most u said. The Suns putting so much money on Bledsoe really is the problem here.

Tucker is a great 3 n D guy who is getting under utilised as well. The Suns rely too much on their guards to rack up points. Green could have easily been the best SG the Suns can put on the floor, but he's too trigger happy and takes some of the dumbest shots. It's great when his game is on, but when not it's easy for me to go on a fan rage watching the game.

Bledsoe is still the best player we can use at SG. Dragic at 1 and Bledsoe at 2 on offense, and switch their spots on defense, that's still the best option we have. Thomas and Green have to understand their role as the offensive sparks off the bench, and coach to roll with whoever have got the hot hand to finish the game. Tucker has to start, Marcus to the bench. Not sure why he's even playing, Tolliver should be warming the bench more and his minutes going to TJ. Keep the Plumlee and Len rotation at C.

Next when the chance shows itself, ship the guards causing the log jam and we can start playing some Zoran, who should give Goran a boost to his game.

u know your stuff :applause:

11-16-2014, 01:39 AM
That settles it.

Dragic will forever be > Bledsoe, Thomas

11-16-2014, 02:54 AM
That settles it.

Dragic will forever be > Bledsoe, Thomas

Isaiah was hot as the season began but now he's manifesting his true colors.

11-16-2014, 03:02 AM
Probably because Dragic tore up the league when Bledsoe was out last year, enough to spawn an ISH troll. I don't see any Bledsoe obsessees on here.

:lol you weren't around for cf86?

11-16-2014, 03:51 AM
Are you still upset about the fact you're a gangly awkward white guy who pretends to be an athlete on the internet?

Of course. Insidehoops, where I've been called gangly, fat, a steroid abuser all at different points... :oldlol:
I don't care enough to pretend to be anything on here. I share what I want to, if I want to. And whatever claims you are so interested in to accuse me of "pretending", I can back them all up if I so wanted to.

You on the other hand are legitimately not right in the head. You're some pissed off, old, white American, that moved to Brisbane and can't deal with the fact black athletes dominate the sports you love. :oldlol:

11-16-2014, 03:58 AM
Of course. Insidehoops, where I've been called gangly, fat, a steroid abuser all at different points... :oldlol:
I don't care enough to pretend to be anything on here. I share what I want to, if I want to. And whatever claims you are so interested in to accuse me of "pretending", I can back them all up if I so wanted to.

You on the other hand are legitimately not right in the head. You're some pissed off, old, white American, that moved to Brisbane and can't deal with the fact black athletes dominate the sports you love. :oldlol:

I am not sure why you feel the need to inject race into a topic that has nothing to do with it. I'd prefer it if you stayed on topic and tried to contribute instead of detracting from the discussion.

11-16-2014, 04:02 AM
I am not sure why you feel the need to inject race into a topic that has nothing to do with it. I'd prefer it if you stayed on topic and tried to contribute instead of detracting from the discussion.

I'd rather derail your thread since you're a POS.

Other posters have commented on your racist shit too. No surprise there. Its a shame you live in Brisbane.

11-16-2014, 04:04 AM
I'd rather derail your thread since you're a POS.

Other posters have commented on your racist shit too. No surprise there. Its a shame you live in Brisbane.

I don't live in Brisbane and I have never said anything racist. You have probably never seen a black person in your entire life.

You sound like a hypersensitive little Millennial.

Grow up.

11-16-2014, 04:30 AM
I don't live in Brisbane and I have never said anything racist. You have probably never seen a black person in your entire life.

You sound like a hypersensitive little Millennial.

Grow up.

You were the poster brisbaneman or whatever it was, and you just recently made a thread about Brisbane. :oldlol:

Hypersensitive? Nah, couldn't give a damn. I just like calling out POS like you. :oldlol:

Talk so much racist shit on an anonymous forum, but you wouldn't make a peep away from it. :oldlol:

Grow up? Said the racist lol...

11-16-2014, 04:52 AM
Agreed. Thomas can fk off too.


11-16-2014, 05:06 AM
You were the poster brisbaneman or whatever it was, and you just recently made a thread about Brisbane. :oldlol:

Hypersensitive? Nah, couldn't give a damn. I just like calling out POS like you. :oldlol:

Talk so much racist shit on an anonymous forum, but you wouldn't make a peep away from it. :oldlol:

Grow up? Said the racist lol...

Nah thats not me and I was wondering because I was considering going down to Brisbane.

You don't give a damn, yet you follow me around insisting I am a racist...why don't you present just one racist post I have ever made? You know you can't because you're a pathetic little Millennial who can't differentiate between having opinions and being a racist.

I'll let you sit atop your spire in your delusional world where you have a 38'' vertical, run a mile in 4 minutes, and deadlift 500 lbs

11-16-2014, 05:11 AM
Dragic is best at the point for the Suns. He runs the team well, holds the chemistry, plays above average D and have the best size of the three. A very good finisher at the rim and shoot from anywhere on the court relatively well.

I too agree he hasn't shown to be as effective as he is last season, but he's still that guy who the Suns should have playing point guard and facilitating the ball. Bledsoe is individually talented but is no good playing team ball. Been saying that having 3 points and 2 of them being 6 feet isn't going to work. Suns have to get rid of one or two of either Bledsoe, Thomas or Green for a big, preferably a offensively skilled PF. Get rid of the log jam at guards and spread those play time for Archie and TJ. TJ in the D league is a waste.
Go back to the Morrises on the bench and Tucker starting lineup. He may not be as offensively oriented as the rest of the crew, but Tucker is that glue guy who raises the intensity and effort of the team on both ends.

naw man his D is average at best but I agree with everything your saying. How do we justify paying that much money to the morri twins just to have them ride the bench? I dont think any other team would be willing to take on that/those contracts. Bledsoes contract is already an issue. Thomas is trying too hard to prove himself and it results in him not sharing the ball efficiently. Dragic flourishes when he's depended on to run the offence but hornaceck is experimenting with the 2 guard lineup and runs with whoever's got the hot hand.

11-16-2014, 06:12 AM
naw man his D is average at best but I agree with everything your saying. How do we justify paying that much money to the morri twins just to have them ride the bench? I dont think any other team would be willing to take on that/those contracts. Bledsoes contract is already an issue. Thomas is trying too hard to prove himself and it results in him not sharing the ball efficiently. Dragic flourishes when he's depended on to run the offence but hornaceck is experimenting with the 2 guard lineup and runs with whoever's got the hot hand.

Sad to sad it's an experiment which will probably never work. At no time should u consider having 2 6 feet guard logging heavy minutes. And considering their level of play they're both all at worse a sixth man role on a middle of the pack team like the Suns, managing their minutes n role becomes an issue.

11-16-2014, 06:56 AM
You cant be serious. Thomas is by far the biggest statpadder in the league, plays terrible defense and has the ball in his hands way too much.

11-16-2014, 08:22 AM
You cant be serious. Thomas is by far the biggest statpadder in the league, plays terrible defense and has the ball in his hands way too much.

The Kobe effect on most LA fans.