View Full Version : Right now, there is no flow with this team," Horry said. "It's Kobe this, Kobe that.

11-17-2014, 11:14 AM
"I'd rather not have to do that," Bryant said, "but you can't just sit back and watch crime happen in front of you."

Scott described the Lakers' Bryant-heavy offense as a "double-edged sword."

"We've got to find that happy medium," he added.

Practically speaking, can a team function when one player is taking so many shots?

"We can function," Scott said. "I don't know how well we'll function. Like I said, it's a happy medium between that and we've just got to find a happy medium."

On Time Warner Cable's postgame show, former Lakers Robert Horry and James Worthy, both analysts, questioned Bryant's shooting.

"I listen to, really, what Jeremy Lin says," Worthy said. "I know Kobe is frustrated, and I know Kobe is going to do what he has to do in his own mind -- as he said, keep the team involved.

"But when I hear 'lack of communication and trust' from Jeremy Lin, that makes me wonder if everyone is in sync. It doesn't seem to be because the defense is not showing us that they're connected."

Horry agreed.

"Right now, there is no flow with this team," Horry said. "It's Kobe this, Kobe that, and you can see the frustration in the other guys. Jeremy Lin stated it. Boozer stated it in the interviews that there's some lack of trust going on and they want to be more involved in the team effort to win ballgames."

The team has looked good in spots, coming close to winning some games.

"There have been times," Horry said. "And if you go back and look at those times, you look at the shots taken -- the ball was shared. And then you look at when they're frustrated, and there's one individual with more shots than the others."

It's only mid-November, but everything is happening at an historic rate, and not in a good way for these Lakers. And at some point, perhaps soon, that's all these Lakers may have to play for -- not being on the wrong side of history, in the worst section of the record books.


Worthy also called out Kobe on the half time lakers show. Basically said Kobe has to stop shooting so much:oldlol:

11-17-2014, 11:17 AM
It's appalling to me that some Kobe fans are defending his shot selection. It's downright shameful the way he's clearly gunning for the scoring record. Wins don't matter to Kobe and in turn they don't matter to Kobe stans who pretend to be Laker fans. I want the team to win, it would be cool if Kobe passed MJ but it's just not fun to watch. If the games were at least competitive it would be alright, but they're not. This team is getting embarrassed out there on a nightly basis. It's not fun.

11-17-2014, 11:17 AM
Kobe is chasing the scoring record, too bad he's adding to his missing record while he's at it.

Catch-22 for dem Kobetards.:oldlol: :lol

11-17-2014, 11:18 AM
The problem with Kobe is not that he's shooting too much but he's taking too many bad shots. He could still get his shots if he worked within the offense. Getting another teammate involved means the defense will have to spread, and it means more opportunities for him to get open shots. I think Byron scott is being too nice to Kobe. He should do the hard thing and sit him when he's disrupting the flow.

11-17-2014, 11:19 AM
Everyone calling Kobe out

11-17-2014, 11:35 AM
Doesn`t even his closest family have trust issues with him (mom, dad, Vanessa)?

Okay, let`s leave that out.

I think KObe could be great for the Lakers, but he has to share and really, like really, make team mates trust him. Like not calling them out after one bad game etc.

And he should shoot less, that is a given.

It`s a possible win-win for him--> more trust in team mates--> they play better ---> more rest for him--->fresher for play offs (if!).

Not hating on the guy here, just hating on his act right now.


11-17-2014, 11:49 AM
Dude is just chucking them up, irregardless of shot selection. This season is kind of exposing him as a REALLY shitty teammate and mentor. Phil, Pau and Fisher aren't there to "smooth things" so its pure, unadulterated Kobe Bryant, for better or worse.

11-17-2014, 11:54 AM
Doesn`t even his closest family have trust issues with him (mom, dad, Vanessa)?

Okay, let`s leave that out.

I think KObe could be great for the Lakers, but he has to share and really, like really, make team mates trust him. Like not calling them out after one bad game etc.

And he should shoot less, that is a given.

It`s a possible win-win for him--> more trust in team mates--> they play better ---> more rest for him--->fresher for play offs (if!).

Not hating on the guy here, just hating on his act right now.


Been trying to tell the young Kobe homers there was nothing admirable about his play, and that it actually makes the Lakers worse.

So ya, it ain't just you - and its not hating. The media, his peers and now legends are calling his ass out.

11-17-2014, 12:00 PM
Damn, Payton, Horry, Worthy, Lin, Boozer--errbody callin' Kobe out. If Magic does, too, it's a wrap.

11-17-2014, 12:11 PM
Damn, Payton, Horry, Worthy, Lin, Boozer--errbody callin' Kobe out. If Magic does, too, it's a wrap.
Here's what Magic would probably say:

"Kobe Bryant took 34 shots last night. If he had made all of those shots he would have had at least 68 points. He didn't make all of his shots though but he did make some of his shots and that's why he had 44 points instead. The Lakers lost the game because they got outscored by the Warriors."

11-17-2014, 12:24 PM
What Kobe is doing right now is shameful in every single way. It's getting to the point where I'm wondering if he has some kind of treatable psychological disorder that makes him so profoundly self-absorbed.