View Full Version : Byron Scott..wtf?

11-18-2014, 10:31 AM
No trolling - real talk.

Why does Scott give Kobe the green light to shoot as much as he wants??

Lakers Offense:

Kobe On: 103.7
Kobe Off: 113.2

Lakers Defense:

Kobe On: 122.1
Kobe Off: 104.3


It`s turrible! I just don`t get why he`s give free reign to chuck :confusedshrug:

We know the rest of the team shots at a better clip. So why?

And why can`t Kobe (try to) play the "PG light" role he did two seasons ago, with 6-8 assist, 15-20 ppg? Ego? "Watching a crime"? Pride? Suckage?

Watching him pumpfake three to five times before each J makes me cringe. What does Scott really think of this shiiiit?

11-18-2014, 10:58 AM
because he's too bitchmade to say anything about it

11-18-2014, 11:07 AM
He's right up there with Jordan's all time scoring record that's why.

11-18-2014, 11:25 AM
Those stats are kinda taken out of some context since Kobe sitting usually happens in the 4th quarter when both teams have emptied there benches and for the most part the other team isn't scoring as much.

11-18-2014, 11:26 AM
Lakers should just focus on D and passing, grit out som wins that way.
No D and chucking @ 38% is a disgrace to the franchise. :facepalm

And it`s on Byron to tell `em :banghead: :hammerhead:

11-18-2014, 11:28 AM
Probably because he's a scared bitch.

All we heard during preseason is that he was going to conserve Kobe and limit his minutes...he's playing 35+ minutes a night. :facepalm

11-18-2014, 11:32 AM
So, he can get him back into rhythm. If he limits Kobe, that'll start to mess with Kobe's mentality into thinking that he lost it. That's all he can do to get back into his somewhat old form. You limit him, he'll lose his confidence & that'll get him to start thinking that he lost it. But Kobe being Kobe, I doubt that would happen, but there's a chance of him heading into that rut.

Once he has proven things to himself that he's still Kobe, I think that's when Byron Scott will start to limit him (or at least when they're both confident enough).

Think about the mental aspect.

Real Men Wear Green
11-18-2014, 11:36 AM
Byron Scott can't tell Bryant what to do. Doesn't have that authority. There are in fact a few college coaches that never wanted to work in the NBA because they didn't like the coach-star dynamic. I think Bobby Knight said that specifically. In this case, Bryant has that two year guaranteed deal for 48 million (or something). He's got 5 rings and an MVP. Loyalty to the Lakers and watching Kobe Bryant are the only reason anyone will buy a ticket right now. Meanwhile Scott is a coach with a losing career record who gets no credit for the two times his team won the East. When the Lakers inevitably fire him no one will care. If he really does want to change the way Bryant plays he has to know he doesn't win that fight long-term. The team will probably be bad no matter what he does so if he can take them from a 10-win pace to a 20-win pace he's still done.

11-18-2014, 11:42 AM
Byron Scott can't tell Bryant what to do. Doesn't have that authority. There are in fact a few college coaches that never wanted to work in the NBA because they didn't like the coach-star dynamic. I think Bobby Knight said that specifically. In this case, Bryant has that two year guaranteed deal for 48 million (or something). He's got 5 rings and an MVP. Loyalty to the Lakers and watching Kobe Bryant are the only reason anyone will buy a ticket right now. Meanwhile Scott is a coach with a losing career record who gets no credit for the two times his team won the East. When the Lakers inevitably fire him no one will care. If he really does want to change the way Bryant plays he has to know he doesn't win that fight long-term. The team will probably be bad no matter what he does so if he can take them from a 10-win pace to a 20-win pace he's still done.

I think this is correct, and it`s kinda sad :(

Oh well, and old dog like Scott knew what he got himself into...

Byron Scott right now:

11-18-2014, 12:36 PM
because Byron Scott is smart and knows running Kobe into the ground will injure him.

then he can implement the offense he wants.

Linsanity part 2 here we come!

11-18-2014, 12:43 PM
No trolling - real talk.

Why does Scott give Kobe the green light to shoot as much as he wants??


It`s turrible! I just don`t get why he`s give free reign to chuck :confusedshrug:

We know the rest of the team shots at a better clip. So why?

And why can`t Kobe (try to) play the "PG light" role he did two seasons ago, with 6-8 assist, 15-20 ppg? Ego? "Watching a crime"? Pride? Suckage?

Watching him pumpfake three to five times before each J makes me cringe. What does Scott really think of this shiiiit?

vs Warriors:

Kobe: 15-34

rest of the team: 24-64, rest of the starters 10-35

please go on...

11-18-2014, 02:01 PM
I think Scott's a crappy coach, but I can't blame this on him.

longtime lurker
11-18-2014, 02:12 PM
Those stats are kinda taken out of some context since Kobe sitting usually happens in the 4th quarter when both teams have emptied there benches and for the most part the other team isn't scoring as much.

How dare you try to interject common sense into a good Kobe hating thread! And as for why Kobe doesn't play PG? Well you need actual good players to pass to. There's a huge drop-off from passing to Dwight, Pau, Artest, Steve Blake and Meeks to Jordan Hill, Boozer, Lin...I'm not going to bother with the rest.

11-18-2014, 02:13 PM
vs Warriors:

Kobe: 15-34

rest of the team: 24-64, rest of the starters 10-35

please go on...
What about vs Spurs?

11-18-2014, 03:07 PM
What about vs Spurs?
Did we win vs Spurs? If not, what difference does it make? (not to quote Hillary Clinton)

11-18-2014, 03:14 PM
Byron isn't an idiot. He knows the quickest way to alienate himself from Laker fans is to go against Kobe. We all saw what happened to Mike Brown. Kobe gave dude the "death stare" and he was fired in less than 24 hours. :eek:

11-18-2014, 03:43 PM
Kobe's stature and offensive options he's got give Scott no leverage to do that. Still, Bryant shoots when he wants to shoot and that's that. Even PJax had trouble keeping him in check at times.

Pop, Doc, Fisher and possibly Shaw and Thibs. These are the current coaches that Kobe would listen to. Scott, meanwhile, will have to shore up the putrid Laker D before Bryant will entertain the idea of running an offense that involves his teammates more.

11-18-2014, 05:46 PM
vs Warriors:

Kobe: 15-34

rest of the team: 24-64, rest of the starters 10-35

please go on...

You don't find that one game sample a bit odd?

Here, for the season:

Kobe this year: 92-244(37.7%)
Kobe's teammates this year: 276-606(45.5%)

Kobe already taken 244 shots :biggums:

Complete YOLO mode.

11-18-2014, 05:57 PM
Kobe sucks.

11-18-2014, 06:12 PM
Byron isn't an idiot. He knows the quickest way to alienate himself from Laker fans is to go against Kobe.

Exactly right. Kobe will always be their boy. Its part of the reason why Buss shunned Shaq, the fanmail that Kobe got was at a 5:1 ratio of the mail that Shaq got.

The franchise has always empowered Kobe even if it meant undermining their coaching staff and/or other players.

11-18-2014, 06:24 PM
You don't find that one game sample a bit odd?

Here, for the season:

Kobe this year: 92-244(37.7%)
Kobe's teammates this year: 276-606(45.5%)

Kobe already taken 244 shots :biggums:

Complete YOLO mode.


11-18-2014, 06:59 PM
One Kobe bucket is worth two from anyone else.