View Full Version : serious question about nba contract and injury

11-18-2014, 05:20 PM
So in Germany, if e.g. a football player earns 3mio € a year, but gets heavily injured so that he cant play for 6 or more weeks, his employer (the club/franchise), due to german employment law, isnt forced to pay him anymore and the healt insurence steps in and pays the player a MAX of 6000€ a months, often more like only 85 € a day.

how does this work in the NBA?
im asking due to cases like ROSE

edit: of course you can, as a professional football player pay a private insurance, so it steps in after 6 weeks of injury and you get of course more money, but still below your normal paycheck.

11-18-2014, 05:24 PM
nothing like this. You get your checks, regardless. The only way they don't get the money is if they explicitly retire. Now, in some cases, insurance does take over and pay the remainder of the contract (basically, a dr determines that the players injury is career ending and then that player doesnt play more than a certain # of games again, B Roy was the last one I remember).

But the player gets the money and it counts towards the cap.

11-18-2014, 05:49 PM
Players union wouldn't let them change the contracts to allow this.

11-18-2014, 06:44 PM
nothing like this. You get your checks, regardless. The only way they don't get the money is if they explicitly retire. Now, in some cases, insurance does take over and pay the remainder of the contract (basically, a dr determines that the players injury is career ending and then that player doesnt play more than a certain # of games again, B Roy was the last one I remember).

But the player gets the money and it counts towards the cap.

Teams also don't have to pay if the player injures himself while doing an activity such as riding a motorcycle, because it is a breach of their contract.

11-18-2014, 06:49 PM
Teams also don't have to pay if the player injures himself while doing an activity such as riding a motorcycle, because it is a breach of their contract.
right, this is true. But they rarely do this. Jay Williams broke his hips riding a motorcycle and the bulls still honored his contract. Dont want to be seen as cheap and it still counts towards the cap

11-18-2014, 07:07 PM
You are wrong about the german situation - that's the law for anybody - but the pro athletes have other insurances that will pay them their full contract money during the time of the injury!

11-18-2014, 07:12 PM
right, this is true. But they rarely do this. Jay Williams broke his hips riding a motorcycle and the bulls still honored his contract. Dont want to be seen as cheap and it still counts towards the cap

What about Andrew Bowling?

11-19-2014, 03:54 AM
You are wrong about the german situation - that's the law for anybody - but the pro athletes have other insurances that will pay them their full contract money during the time of the injury!

no. only if they would pay a private insurance... but most of prof-athlets DONT do it. And even if they do, they would of course getting more than 85 € a day, but below their normal pay check.

