View Full Version : Where Does Suspension Money Go?

11-19-2014, 11:41 AM
Was just watching an ESPN blurb on the Malice in the Palace, and it said that $11.5M in salary was lost. Where does the money go? Does the team withold the paychecks for the games missed during the suspension and retain the salary, or does the team pay those games' worth of salary to the league office? It would seem that someone is actually making money off of players being suspended, i.e. either the team's respective owner or Adam Silver/Rod Thorn.

Would be nicer to have the money donated to the team's designated charity, but then that sparks a conflict of interest for the local foundation i.e. the Sacramento Boys & Girls club rooting for Boogie to flip out and get a suspension :lol

Anyone know what happens to those (often large) chunks of cash?

11-19-2014, 12:06 PM
I believe disciplinary fines by the league go to charity. I'd guess the team just pockets the money they fine guys for being late etc.

11-19-2014, 12:10 PM
Found two sources. One old, one maybe not so reliable:


Seems the money goes to charities, but which charities exactly isn't transparent.

11-19-2014, 12:13 PM
Hahaha if the fines went to boys and girls clubs, I would get a bunch of little kids to heckle Boogie every game lol