View Full Version : Predict OKC's standing at the end of year

11-24-2014, 01:17 AM
No trolling (yea right).

I honestly don't think they make the playoffs. I don't think KD/Russ will be back exceptionally soon, and I don't think they're gonna be able to play like nothing happened once they step on the court, they'll have to adjust. By then we'll be 30 games into the season and just by virtue of being in the west they'll be screwed.


11-24-2014, 01:23 AM
If they do they might play so hard in so many minutes that they hurt themselves before playoffs again. Who knows...when they come back every game is going to be like a playoff game for them. I doubt they can play at that type of level for long without hurting themselves again as they are just coming back from injury

Eat Like A Bosh
11-24-2014, 01:25 AM
It's not as bad as you think. Say if Durant or Westbrook comes back late, no worries. They could probably pull a Duncan/Robinson like what SA did.

11-24-2014, 01:29 AM
It's not as bad as you think. Say if Durant or Westbrook comes back late, no worries. They could probably pull a Duncan/Robinson like what SA did.
Yea that's absolutely amazing for next year, but doesn't do much for them this year which is what I was asking. I do agree though in the long run it might end up more beneficial to miss the playoffs

11-24-2014, 01:41 AM
Depends on the rest of the conference. The Clippers look like garbage right now. Who knows if they get their shit together? And I think Sac eventually cools off a little. You have your top 6 (Mem, GS, Por, Hou, Dal, SA) pushing 50+ and after that I believe we see mid 40s at that 8 and/or 7 spot. Not quite 50 like last season. The West overall is deeper and it would be insane if 8 needs to hit 49 again.

Can OKC reach 46-48 wins? So, 43-24 from here to get to 46 wins. That's only .641. With Durant and Westbrook since 2010, they win .688. If they match that then they finish 46-21 for 49-33, which would likely to be in the playoffs.

Although obviously they need to come back very soon, and my variable estimations could be off. Maybe the 8th needs 50 wins.

Anyway, I think Durant and Westbrook comeback, one gets injured again, and the tank the rest of the season.

11-24-2014, 01:43 AM
OKC 5-7 seed, make it to the Finals if healthy. (well, they wouldn't be in the POs if not healthy, right?)

This injury thing could be a blessing in disguise, because the role players are getting minutes they would have never gotten and WB & KD get a ton of rest to start the season, if they do it right they could peak in the POs and go on a 2000-01 Lakers run.

11-24-2014, 02:36 AM
The west is just too good to make up so much ground. They have the second worst record in the league right now, and will probably lose a few more games before Westbrook is back.

I think they finish with 47 wins, which won't be enough to make the playoffs.

Angel Face
11-24-2014, 03:08 AM
40is wins 30ish loses. Could end up in 6 - 8th seed range. Might miss the playoffs as well but unlikely to happen. Yes, two of their stars are injured but they will make a run when those 2 get back. The league miss em. During the lock out 2012 season, OKC had a record of 47 - 17. They can make another run like that.

All Net
11-24-2014, 03:34 AM
Yea that's absolutely amazing for next year, but doesn't do much for them this year which is what I was asking. I do agree though in the long run it might end up more beneficial to miss the playoffs
Depends what's the draft class like?

11-24-2014, 03:52 AM
49-33. 7th seed.

Durant leads OKC from having the 2nd worst record in the league, to a playoff seed in the tough West, which results in consecutive MVP's.

11-24-2014, 04:01 AM
With Goatbrook's injury (broken hand) I hope he shoots less and averages 10 assists a game. I know for a fact he is capable. Unfortunately, I don't think he will because the team counts on him for points.

That being said, championship or bust even as the 8th seed.

11-24-2014, 04:12 AM
Depends what's the draft class like?
As usual there appears to be quite the drop off from the top 4-5 and the rest, I haven't seen much college ball so I'm not able to give a valid assessment of many people, but Emmanuel Mudiay and Jahlil are the truth. Beyond that I can only regurgitate scouting reports.

All Net
11-24-2014, 04:13 AM
As usual there appears to be quite the drop off from the top 4-5 and the rest, I haven't seen much college ball so I'm not able to give a valid assessment of many people, but Emmanuel Mudiay and Jahlil are the truth. Beyond that I can only regurgitate scouting reports.

If they did just the miss the playoffs chances are they get at best..10-14 pick?

11-24-2014, 04:20 AM
If they did just the miss the playoffs chances are they get at best..10-14 pick?
Pretty much, they'd have to get really lucky, or...hope is the wrong word here, but I think you'll understand my meaning, have KD or Russ have a set back so they miss the playoffs by quite a bit.

Edit: Realistically they don't need a star, just a lights out shooter, or an excellent defender. Classic 3 and D 4th banana. Should be doable.

11-24-2014, 04:38 AM
I have said since Westbrooks injury that they will not make the playoffs. If they rush Durant back it could cause serious injuries. The odds of Westbrook coming back playing as hard as we expect him to in the style he plays he most likely will miss some more games.

Add in that they have one of the hardest schedules in the second half of the season.

I also worry about KD working his way back into game shape. He will most likely not have played in 10 plus weeks. It will take him sometime to get back into shape and be able to finish off games.

Plus the West is very good. Not only at the top end but teams like Sac, New Orleans, Suns are no longer give me wins.

All Net
11-24-2014, 07:24 AM
Pretty much, they'd have to get really lucky, or...hope is the wrong word here, but I think you'll understand my meaning, have KD or Russ have a set back so they miss the playoffs by quite a bit.

Edit: Realistically they don't need a star, just a lights out shooter, or an excellent defender. Classic 3 and D 4th banana. Should be doable.
Well they got Adams at 14 I think and he's been soild.

11-24-2014, 09:02 AM
The West being stacked is the best possible thing for the Thunder, with all bad teams improving like the Suns( weren't bad but missed playoffs)Jazz/Pelicans/Kings/Denver that means more of the wins that would go to the Top 8 teams are now going to be split up more evenly amongst the top 12 or so teams.

If Durrant and WB return soon they can still easily make a run and get in.

11-24-2014, 09:25 AM
It's not as bad as you think. Say if Durant or Westbrook comes back late, no worries. They could probably pull a Duncan/Robinson like what SA did.
It bugs me when people say this.

There is NO Tim Duncan in this draft. We need to quit saying this.

11-24-2014, 09:32 AM
Depends what's the draft class like?
more how well you scout, and OKC has a great drafting record

draft class hype is overrated. there are plenty of guys in the top10 that could be legit players if drafted into the right situation

11-24-2014, 09:33 AM
It bugs me when people say this.

There is NO Tim Duncan in this draft. We need to quit saying this.
when was the last time there was a "tim duncan" in a draft class? 03?

durant and davis aint on duncan level

11-24-2014, 09:34 AM
The West being stacked is the best possible thing for the Thunder, with all bad teams improving like the Suns( weren't bad but missed playoffs)Jazz/Pelicans/Kings/Denver that means more of the wins that would go to the Top 8 teams are now going to be split up more evenly amongst the top 12 or so teams.

If Durrant and WB return soon they can still easily make a run and get in.
yeah, but they also have to play those tough teams