View Full Version : how will Ferguson affect NBA tonight?

11-24-2014, 08:53 PM
if charges arent brought against the cop, will there be violence tonight in NBA arenas?

Shit could get real

11-24-2014, 09:07 PM
there wont be violence in the arenas. Rioting, looting and breaking your own town/city is the dumbest thing you can do after an unfavorable outcome or thing happening. Whats the logic? Great make your city shittier, you have to live there. Stealing/destroying it doesn't help anything but portray negative stereotypes.

Verdict should be out soon. Im unbiased on it. Cant really have an opinion not being there at the moment.

edit: shit however will get real tonight regardless the outcome wonder if the networks will air rioting/whatever the outcome is.

11-24-2014, 09:19 PM
Rioters have some Luol Deng in them

11-24-2014, 09:20 PM
if charges arent brought against the cop, will there be violence tonight in NBA arenas?

Shit could get real
Only whites goes to games...

11-24-2014, 10:32 PM
we are about to find out

no indictment

11-24-2014, 10:43 PM
Who cares. Has LITERALLY nothing to do with the NBA.

11-24-2014, 10:46 PM
You think the people looting can afford NBA tickets?

11-24-2014, 11:11 PM
Rioters have some Luol Deng in them


11-24-2014, 11:16 PM
Gordon Hayward is rumored to have smashed a dude's teeth in with a crowbar before the game started.

11-24-2014, 11:54 PM
Black cop shot an unarmed white 20 year old to death in Utah because he thought he was reaching into his pants for a gun. Nobody gave a crap. Nobody rioted. It didn't make the national news.

Racial tension is good for business in the media world. They want to make you afraid. What makes more people afraid than a white cop shooting a black dude? Blacks are afraid of police, and whites are afraid of riots. And the news ratings go up and up...

11-25-2014, 05:11 AM
Black cop shot an unarmed white 20 year old to death in Utah because he thought he was reaching into his pants for a gun. Nobody gave a crap. Nobody rioted. It didn't make the national news.

Racial tension is good for business in the media world. They want to make you afraid. What makes more people afraid than a white cop shooting a black dude? Blacks are afraid of police, and whites are afraid of riots. And the news ratings go up and up...

I dont think the national news is making us afraid, I think its the looting, the setting of fires and sheer of violence is whats making us 'afraid'

11-25-2014, 10:56 AM
Black cop shot an unarmed white 20 year old to death in Utah because he thought he was reaching into his pants for a gun. Nobody gave a crap. Nobody rioted. It didn't make the national news.

Racial tension is good for business in the media world. They want to make you afraid. What makes more people afraid than a white cop shooting a black dude? Blacks are afraid of police, and whites are afraid of riots. And the news ratings go up and up...

Great post man. You know your shit.

Black people are bringing this shit on themselves. Ok, the cop got off in the trial. People are tired of being labeled thugs due to their skin colour, so they respond by doing thug shit? That will certainly help their cause...Then you see blacks call their own "cacs" and uncle toms, the ones that are educated and model citizens. Black people discriminate their own for marrying a woman of a different skin colour. You see the hypocripsy in all this, right?

People are idiots regardless of their skin, I can't stand the racial crap that's still going on in 2014.