View Full Version : How come other races don't get the same press as Michael Brown?

11-26-2014, 03:54 AM
What have we done to be so ignored?

11-26-2014, 04:00 AM
Massive media coverup of all the cop-on-Chinese-American crime bro

11-26-2014, 04:23 AM
Blacks get these type of media attention because they're complaining about being oppressed. Other races don't have such a history in this country.

Different situations get different reaction from the press, based on race. For example, if a little black girl gets kidnapped, you will not hear a word about it, other than one of the missing children scrolling pictures that scrolls by on the local 11:30pm news, just mentioning the name and age. Yet it's so common for a little white girl to get national news when one goes missing.

So every race has it's different media coverage.

By the way, I don't care about Michael Brown.

11-26-2014, 05:39 AM
Demand. If the story is interesting to the public, then of course it will explode as more and more media began covering it in their front page. When public interest dies down, it doesn't get press anymore.

11-26-2014, 07:40 AM

11-26-2014, 08:57 AM
because people live in the past.

but in the odd scenario you need a more philosophical answer

its because you are starting a thread like this talking about it

Patrick Chewing
11-26-2014, 10:37 AM
It's all about money and the media exploiting Black America.

Black America has had a shitty history in this country, and for all the years since slavery has ended, Black America is still in the dumps. However, let's not pretend that part of that is not from their own doing either.

The media foams at the mouth for stories of a supposed oppressed little man versus the mean oppressive giant. When the media consistently covers you as such, that's all you'll ever be to them.

Look at all the successful Black people out there in Government and in Entertainment. The Republican Party at any point in time may have 3 or 4 different African-American candidates that could run for President. The media doesn't care about them. They ostracize them because they know it won't bring in the ratings. Instead, the media focuses their attention and paints the narrative of a "Gentle Giant" who was cut down early in his life by a maniac cop with a racist agenda who got away scot-free.

That is a systematic exploitation of Blacks in this country and it is beyond unfair. And you want to know why?? Because there are black youths in poor neighborhoods all across the country turning on the news and all they see is how a white cop killed an unarmed black teen over and over and over again. They never see the countless other successes that Black America has had and they never will until they open their eyes and shun the inhumane grip the American Media, and race hustlers like Sharpton and Jackson have on the Black Community in this day and age.

Patrick Chewing
11-26-2014, 10:47 AM
The sad irony is that the media also propped up this unknown Senator by the name of Barack Obama and made him President of the greatest nation on Earth.

Yet race relations are the worst they've been and the country is more divided than ever. Black America is still in turmoil and we have just given amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens who can now apply for jobs that Black America should have been lining up for in the first place.

11-26-2014, 11:29 AM
The sad irony is that the media also propped up this unknown Senator by the name of Barack Obama and made him President of the greatest nation on Earth.

Yet race relations are the worst they've been and the country is more divided than ever. Black America is still in turmoil and we have just given amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens who can now apply for jobs that Black America should have been lining up for in the first place.

Let's be real here, Black America will never line up for these jobs. They are perfectly happy collecting welfare, popping out kids to collect that $$, all while complaining about how they are being held down by "the man"