View Full Version : bulls need defense

11-26-2014, 09:12 AM
LOOK it was no surprise to me nuggets were gonna win. With the way we just let easy drives to the basket go down. I would say its pau gasols fault but lets be honest it takes more than 1 person to play defense especially against drives. people need to close lanes we need boozer back. Boozer couldnt get up to block shots easily so he used other methods like hard fouls and putting his body in the way. im so annoyed its like we took a step back this year. NOW young players literally run our team to the ground and people like gasol and buttler have to carry the brunt of offense too hard to keep up with the easy shit we give on the other side. I ABSOLUTELY have no faith in our team holding a 1 point lead at the end of the game with the defense that we have had lately.

11-26-2014, 09:18 AM
Did you really say we need boozer Back? :wtf: and for his defense? :wtf: :lol

Hinrich had trouble staying in front of Lawson, and Gasol was playing lazy defense, slapping at the offensive player instead of getting in good positions for blocks.

Our whole team looked dead against Denver. We didn't show any kind of energy until the last few minutes of the game, we struggled pretty bad outside of butler as per usual.

11-26-2014, 09:25 AM
yeah what about how utah jazz scored 50+ in the paint against us the game before. them scrubs had anything they wanted at the basket. at least boozer would use his body to keep people out of the paint.

11-26-2014, 09:41 AM
I think the Bulls need more offense, the same problem theyve had the last 3 years..

I think Thibs runs his guys into the ground hence all the injuries, the D is normally great but it looks like theyre flat and exhausted at the moment..:confusedshrug:

11-26-2014, 01:25 PM
Pau Gasol is playing big minutes. Of course the defense will suffer. The offensive boost he gives is clearly worth it.

11-26-2014, 01:36 PM
Pau is good - defensively. He puts his hands up hes tall enough he dont need to jump - just put them long arms straight up and avoid fouling. THE HOLE- there is a big hole in our defense OBVIOUSLY. IS the big body factor the O factor we need someone that takes alot of space up (PF -SF) clogging the lanes (collapsing the defense) allowing for people to not get that drive to the basket.

The help defense. You can cause people to make bad shots and the C can get the block.

11-26-2014, 04:33 PM
Thibes needs to more offensive sets or play Snell more for defense.

11-26-2014, 05:56 PM
They're still a good team, but will never win anything currently constructed. Does Bulls management blow it all up after this season?

11-26-2014, 07:59 PM
Thibes needs to more offensive sets or play Snell more for defense.

I don't care what Thibs says about snell blowing defensive sets.

From watching him, he deserves a 15 to 20 minute role. If you gave him a consistent role without pulling him after every mistake he might get confidence.

His long arms and man defense would be handy. He can knock down t h e 3 too, we need him in the rotation.

11-26-2014, 08:04 PM
I think the Bulls need more offense, the same problem theyve had the last 3 years..

I think Thibs runs his guys into the ground hence all the injuries, the D is normally great but it looks like theyre flat and exhausted at the moment..:confusedshrug:

IMO, we should be experimenting playing Brooks and Rose together against certain lineups, then have hinrich play alongside one of these two for stretches. Hinrich should see no more than 20 minutes a game, he is way overplayed.

When it's hinrich Dunleavy butler taj Noah and you are behind on the scoreboard, I just don't understand the thinking by Thibs here.

We could probably run some lineups of rose butler mirotic taj Gasol for offense at times, but I don't think Thibs likes to take offensive risks at the detriment of losing defense.

Thibs biggest flaw is that he doesn't take enough risks.

11-26-2014, 08:06 PM
Yeah let's play D at 100% effort during the regular season so we're gassed/hurt by playoffs time. You guys haven't learned from previous seasons? :facepalm

Optimus Prime
11-26-2014, 08:10 PM
Bulls need a star who doesn't quit on his team every time he's tired or has a hangnail.

11-26-2014, 09:54 PM
Pau is a terrible defender these days, this isn't news.

El Gato Negro
11-26-2014, 10:43 PM
All the bulls need is to get everyone healthy, they will be fine.

11-27-2014, 04:17 AM
Pau is a terrible defender these days, this isn't news.

When he's engaged on defense he's quite good.

His problem is he is inconsistent on D. The space between his best and worst is noticeable.