View Full Version : James (Jimmy) Butler is a glorified prime Corey Maggette...

Im Still Ballin
12-01-2014, 09:40 AM
With a spoiler on the back.

Not worth the max. He is an above average defender at best, he gambles WAY too much. Overrated defender to be quite frank.

Worth maybe 10m or so...

Mr Exlax
12-01-2014, 09:41 AM
Who's James Butler?

12-01-2014, 09:41 AM
time to swing the banhammed mods?

this cant be a legit thought

12-01-2014, 09:42 AM
You forgot to compare him to DMC

Im Still Ballin
12-01-2014, 09:44 AM
They have similar offensive games. Get the to the lines alot, hit the occasional midrange jumper, etc...

This type of offensive style may be effective in the regular season against most of the time, INFERIOR teams, but in the slow jam grind of the playoffs, more specifically the lockdown defensive eastern conference, that play style will get murdered. We saw what happened to James Harden.

The true mark of a great offensive player is versatility. Ability to score in various ways.

Im Still Ballin
12-01-2014, 10:05 AM
You can see the similarities in their play. Both hard-nosed, physical players with a knack for getting to the charity stripe. Hoo-haa. Corey is stronger and more built, but Jimmy is quicker.

97 bulls
12-01-2014, 10:57 AM
You can see the similarities in their play. Both hard-nosed, physical players with a knack for getting to the charity stripe. Hoo-haa. Corey is stronger and more built, but Jimmy is quicker.
You may be right. The problem with Maggette was that he was brittle. I don't think he ever played a full season. And they are no where near similar on defense. I agree that Butlers impact is too short of a sample size. But the Bulls gotta take that chance.

12-01-2014, 11:02 AM
Corey Maggette couldnt defend a chair

12-01-2014, 11:08 AM
Whenever someone wants to shit on a SG today, they just compare him to Corey Maggette. :(

12-01-2014, 11:19 AM
With a spoiler on the back.

Not worth the max. He is an above average defender at best, he gambles WAY too much. Overrated defender to be quite frank.

Worth maybe 10m or so...

hahahahahahaha above average defender AT BEST!

looks like jimmy butler is actually turning into a nice player as he is now starting to accumulate hate

above average at best!! hahahaha what a clown

12-01-2014, 11:20 AM
Jimmy Butler can lock people up, Maggette did the opposite. He was a black hole on offense and his defense was pathetic from what I remember. Stop the comparison game and stick with your DMC threads along with bashing his competition as best centers :lol

12-01-2014, 11:21 AM
The true mark of a great offensive player is versatility. Ability to score in various ways.

who is calling jimmy butler a great offensive player?

12-01-2014, 11:51 AM
This dude :facepalm

12-01-2014, 12:10 PM
He is clearly the second best defensive SG in the game (Tony Allen might be getting nervous though), and his offensive game has improved vastly this year. He is not getting ticky-tack fouls. He legitimately gets hit and earns his trip to the FT line. I don't see why that should change in the playoffs. He is our leading scorer right now, but we really don't need him to be. So we'll be fine even if his PPG dips some in the playoffs. We have other players to pick up the slack.

12-01-2014, 12:20 PM
Jimmy = Mip

Im Still Ballin
12-01-2014, 12:25 PM
He's about as good as Paul George, whos about as good as prime Corey Maggette.

Andrew Wiggins
12-01-2014, 12:36 PM
what tangible benefit do you get out of trying to annoy people all the time?

sad existence :lol

12-01-2014, 01:17 PM
He's about as good as Paul George, whos about as good as prime Corey Maggette.
why do you compare great defenders to corey maggette`?

12-01-2014, 01:21 PM
Maggette looks like Harden actually, thought Harden is better.
He wasn't a good defender so you can't compare him to Butler who is an elite defender.

Im Still Ballin
12-01-2014, 01:32 PM
You guys underrate Maggette's defense. He was tough, physical, lockdown although if somewhat over-zealous. In the peak of his prowess he was on par with guys like George/Leonard/Butler. Not to mention he played in the most defensive era of NBA history.

12-01-2014, 02:03 PM
You guys underrate Maggette's defense. He was tough, physical, lockdown although if somewhat over-zealous. In the peak of his prowess he was on par with guys like George/Leonard/Butler. Not to mention he played in the most defensive era of NBA history.

You are quickly becoming one of the worst posters here.

12-01-2014, 02:08 PM
You are quickly becoming one of the worst posters here.

12-01-2014, 02:09 PM
You guys underrate Maggette's defense. He was tough, physical, lockdown although if somewhat over-zealous. In the peak of his prowess he was on par with guys like George/Leonard/Butler. Not to mention he played in the most defensive era of NBA history.

Take a break dude and come back when you've composed yourself.

Im Still Ballin
12-01-2014, 02:11 PM
I'm getting hate because I don't believe in the hype of Butler?


12-01-2014, 02:26 PM
I'm getting hate because I don't believe in the hype of Butler?

you're getting hate because you're a freaking dumbass.

Paul George 24
12-01-2014, 02:26 PM
leoanrd >>>>>>>>>>> both

12-01-2014, 02:35 PM
You can see the similarities in their play. Both hard-nosed, physical players with a knack for getting to the charity stripe. Hoo-haa. Corey is stronger and more built, but Jimmy is quicker.Omg Maggette looks just like Xhibit, I honestly never realized that until I watched this video :roll:

12-01-2014, 02:37 PM
you're getting hate because you're a freaking dumbass.


Im Still Ballin
12-01-2014, 02:42 PM
Corey had 2 games in 2004 where he locked down Kobe

Don't believe me? Look it up.

12-01-2014, 02:47 PM
Maggette is definitely underrated but lets be honest, Butler is more complete of an offensive player, has the 3 as a consistent weapon now, although he isn't as proven as a scorer as Maggette, as Corey did average basically 20 a game for 4 seasons.

On the defensive end, Butler has the edge, although Maggette himself was no slouch on D.

Butler has the advantage of establishing his career on a winning team, which he has done a fine job at, whereas Corey had been on losing teams for the majority of his career.

Overall, Jimmy does have the edge per his play so far this season, but lets see if he can maintain this type of play throughout an 82 game season, and playoffs, let alone comparing his newly found success this season to a proven NBA veteran player in Maggette.

Im Still Ballin
12-01-2014, 02:49 PM
Maggette is definitely underrated but lets be honest, Butler is more complete of an offensive player, has the 3 as a consistent weapon now, although he isn't as proven as a scorer as Maggette, as Corey did average basically 20 a game for 4 seasons.

On the defensive end, Butler has the edge, although Maggette himself was no slouch on D.

Butler has the advantage of establishing his career on a winning team, which he has done a fine job at, whereas Corey had been on losing teams for the majority of his career.

Overall, Jimmy does have the edge per his play so far this season, but lets see if he can maintain this type of play throughout an 82 game season, and playoffs, let alone comparing his newly found success this season to a proven NBA veteran player in Maggette.

12-01-2014, 03:19 PM
he's gonna be better than prime bad porn