View Full Version : Basketball / Football

12-05-2014, 09:44 PM
Since everyone already agrees that football and basketball are the two greatest team sports (not up for debate), it's time for an analogy.

Football takes a great number of specialized players, and puts them to use under strict rules and guidelines. The head coach is like the composer, giving everyone a specific task. Their job is to, on every play, execute precisely what their coach has asked of them. In this way, football is like a symphony orchestra.

Basketball takes a small handful of players, gives them rough guidelines for success, and allows them a lot of room for improvisation within those guidelines. The coach has influence, but not nearly as much. A basketball team is more so led by its best player... who operates like a band leader. The team's success depends on not just the schemes in place, but how the players are able to improvise and bend the rules of those schemes. In this way, basketball is like a jazz quintet.

There you have it. Football is classical music, basketball is jazz.

Meanwhile hockey is unique, brutal, and entertaining mostly in smaller doses, just like metal.

Baseball is like country music. It's boring and no one likes it.

12-05-2014, 10:56 PM
Baseball is like country music. It's boring and no one likes it.

It is boring, but it's the second most popular sport in the U.S. Don't live in denial.

12-05-2014, 11:55 PM
It is boring, but it's the second most popular sport in the U.S. Don't live in denial.

This makes the analogy even more appropriate. Country music is THE most popular genre of music in America.

But just like baseball, country music is enjoyed by hillbilly morons with no taste. The urban cultural centers of this country do not care about either one (no exceptions).