View Full Version : I'm in the most ****ed up fantasy league. Friendships have been broken today

12-12-2014, 12:17 AM
So over the last 3 years me and some friends have been in the same fantasy league, this was our 3rd year (btw I won the first 2).

So a few days ago one of the players had his phone stolen by his gf, they got in a huge fight and his girl dropped several of his players. We all saw this so the commish of our league (another friend) posted a message telling us not to add the dropped players, that the person who got the players dropped will add them again once the waiver is complete.

What happens? Three ****ing idiots INCLUDING the commish add the players that were dropped. I'm outraged so I post a league message this morning saying that I'm out this bitch. An argument ensues, other people playing this league are outraged as well to what just happened. One of the players and the commish (Keep in mind I know both of these guys, we hang all the time) get into a huge personal argument.

Somehow it leads to how the commish messaged one the players ex girlfriend while they were broken up, the commish was trying to hook up with her behind his back. A big argument ensues, it was just ****ing chaos. Unbelievable. The commish has know dropped his players and is threatening to delete this league.

WTF just happened?:biggums:

12-12-2014, 12:18 AM

12-12-2014, 12:18 AM
Sounds like she needs to get punished anally

12-12-2014, 12:20 AM
Is it yahoo? Send me an invite, lol.

12-12-2014, 12:23 AM
Post the chatlogs.

12-12-2014, 12:23 AM

J Shuttlesworth
12-12-2014, 12:24 AM
Man, that dude must be pathetic if his girlfriend though "How can I get him really angry? How about messing with his fantasy basketball team?"

12-12-2014, 12:25 AM
What a disaster. Sorry to hear brother.

Pretty shady stuff going on there in terms of the real life stuff. Hating hearing things like that.

12-12-2014, 01:42 AM
it sounds like you all had dysfunctional friendships to begin with, and you are only now realizing it

12-12-2014, 01:42 AM
"What happens? Three ****ing idiots INCLUDING the commish add the players that were dropped."

damn lol

This should be in an episode of the League

Yao Ming's Foot
12-12-2014, 01:43 AM
You sound like you are about 14 years old but then I see the Jun 2007 join date?!?


12-12-2014, 02:14 AM
I wanna **** that girl in the pooper :banana:

12-12-2014, 02:20 AM
Is fantasy that serious? :biggums:

Never done it before

12-12-2014, 02:26 AM
Usually the commish can just reverse the drop and add the players back manually. What kind of league is this?

12-12-2014, 02:26 AM
Update: The commish and one other player have left the league, before they left they appointed me the new commish and they released all their good players. I had to add those players back to their teams and lock them.:oldlol:

12-12-2014, 02:26 AM
ok now time for the real story

a) dude dropped his own players cause its a money league most likely and he needed an excuse to get out of paying cause he knew his team wouldnt end up winning. used his GF as an excuse

b) OP is mad not cause anyone else got ****ed over or other people are mad. but because he didnt get any of the good players on waivers

c) there is no girlfriend. shes actually made up. and OP doesnt hang out with these people. theyre infact his online friends he made through some chat room or message board

12-12-2014, 02:28 AM
Usually the commish can just reverse the drop and add the players back manually. What kind of league is this?

Ya, I don't know why he didn't do that in the first place. I just put the roster exactly how it was before all this chaos began. It seems like the old Commish was just trying to take advantage.

12-12-2014, 02:33 AM
ok now time for the real story

a) dude dropped his own players cause its a money league most likely and he needed an excuse to get out of paying cause he knew his team wouldnt end up winning. used his GF as an excuse

b) OP is mad not cause anyone else got ****ed over or other people are mad. but because he didnt get any of the good players on waivers

c) there is no girlfriend. shes actually made up. and OP doesnt hang out with these people. theyre infact his online friends he made through some chat room or message board

a) Don't think so. I believe him, his gf is crazy psycho, she has thrown his xbox out a 14 story room out of a hotel and she has actually ran him over with a car once. I actually joked with him that his girl was gonna **** up his team before the season started.

b) false. I obeyed the commish and didn't put waivers on any of the players that got dropped.

c) I actually know 6 of the guys personally, 1 is a stranger from New York who is chill as hell. (8 team league)

Eric Cartman
12-12-2014, 03:13 AM
I actually know 6 of the guys personally

Are they hot? :confusedshrug:

Finger Roll
12-12-2014, 03:16 AM
c) I actually know 6 of the guys personally, 1 is a stranger from New York who is chill as hell. (8 team league)

Reminds me of a buddy who loves hitting on 3's and then saying "she was cool as ****" lol

I've had a fantasy football league get a little testy with friends. It happens :cheers: Sounds like you have a couple ****s as friends. It happens :banana:

12-12-2014, 05:06 AM
What's with people losing their minds over fantasy sports?

Two dudes getting into a fist fight over fantasy football: http://deadspin.com/two-grown-men-get-in-a-fistfight-over-fantasy-football-1650500700

12-12-2014, 05:25 AM
Sounds important. People arguing about a game based on a game.

Life man... it always throws the big stuff at you.

12-12-2014, 07:07 AM
the commish was trying to hook up with her behind his back.

this is the best part

your friends are assholes OP, get new friends unless you too are an asshole

12-12-2014, 07:12 AM
Fantasy sport is a game just like any other. Basketball... football... soccer... monopoly. Lord knows how many fights have broken out in monopoly.

12-12-2014, 11:30 AM
Why are people so confused that people got upset at the adds? These guys said they would do one thing, then did another behind peoples backs to gain an advantage. Friendships aren't built on things like that.

Anyway what the hell was the commish's reasoning for doing that?! Had to have been priceless.