View Full Version : It's ridiculous how much controversy the media tries to create out of false narrative

J Shuttlesworth
12-12-2014, 06:19 PM
It's pretty damn annoying and it happens outside of basketball, but the media are such scumbags.

So they report on Kobe calling his teammates soft as Charmin or whatever, but that headline is the only thing that people really pay attention to. The headline makes it sound like Kobe's being a complete jackass, but you see the video and hear the context and it's a totally different situation. You realize it's just him in practice being ultra-competitive, which I can appreciate. It didn't seem like he's creating a rift between him and his teammates, just being himself.

I actually was a victim of falling for the headline and not knowing the full story. I saw the video, and Kobe's interview after and saw it in a completely different light. I'm not saying Kobe isn't an entitled egomaniac, but this shit got blown way out of proportion.

And then we see the reports that Melo is willing to waive the no-trade clause, followed immediately by Melo throwing that bs down the drain. Since the media is so prone to reporting bullshit, I'll give Melo the benefit of the doubt. I don't see him waiving the trade clause after he had the offseason to switch teams if he wanted.

12-12-2014, 06:21 PM
It's mostly ESPN who is a victim of this.

In general though I strongly believe that the media should be viewed as one of the largest cancers of our society with how garbage they have collectively become.

12-12-2014, 06:24 PM
Not sure about those specific instances, but at least a fair share of the time, where there's smoke there seems to be fire.

There's no incentive for those involved (directly or tangentially) in controversy to do anything except for outright deny allegations, because otherwise it can be harmful to their stock/brands.

No reason to believe the media 100% of the time of course, yellow journalism is very real. But if I hear something reported (especially from quality reporters/insiders), chances are there's something to it IMO.

12-12-2014, 06:24 PM
It's always been about the headlines. No one cares about what's actually going on. It's actually what the media counts on.

12-12-2014, 06:29 PM
Just be happy that they haven't resorted to social media style clickbait yet:

"Kobe calls his teammates soft, but what he compared them to dropped my jaw."

12-12-2014, 06:44 PM
You can't trust the media about anything. It's to the point where tweets and Instagram pics give more accurate news.

12-12-2014, 06:46 PM
Just be happy that they haven't resorted to social media style clickbait yet:

"Kobe calls his teammates soft, but what he compared them to dropped my jaw."

Oh god, those articles are the f*cking worst.

12-12-2014, 07:39 PM
media wouldnt do it if it didnt work. we're the idiots, look at our frontpage, threads about those things always go the longest

Hey Yo
12-12-2014, 07:54 PM
Not sure about the Melo situation but good thread OP. Like Kobe said.. "It seems like if I want to get sports source now, accurate sports source, I have to go to TMZ."

ESPN has sadly lost it's way.. aside from First Take, Jemele Hill and Max Kellerman (and a few others).. espn is trash.
What wasn't accurate that ESPN and the other 10 sports outlets reported? Kobe was caught on video having a meltdown during practice (in which he hasn't been at for 2wks) while calling his teammates soft.

Did he do it for attention cause he knew the media was there :confusedshrug: if so, it didn't look good of him calling Mitch out when Mitch has been in his corner for a long time.

Eric Cartman
12-12-2014, 08:32 PM
it didn't look good of him calling Mitch out when Mitch has been in his corner for a long time.

He didn't complain about Mitch, he complained to Mitch, telling him that his teammates are a bunch of heartless bitches.

Also, dude's trying to motivate his team anyway possible. He wanted one of those guys to challenge him, dude's old as dirt and still can bully and scare his guys with the flick of a finger.

Kobe is surrounded by betas. Even, for example, a scrub like Kendrick Perkins, has some fire that silverback gorilla maniac. Kobe knows they suck, but at least wants them to play with passion and not let yourself get bullied like a little bitch.

12-12-2014, 08:38 PM
Link the video

12-12-2014, 08:39 PM
The media is a huge reason for the pussification of America. Anything remotely controversial or deemed politically incorrect is just relentlessly plastered all over the news and beaten to death. There's just so much shit we don't need to know about.

12-12-2014, 08:45 PM
Just be happy that they haven't resorted to social media style clickbait yet:

"Kobe calls his teammates soft, but what he compared them to dropped my jaw."
"Top 10 insults Kobe used in practiced yesterday, #7 will blow your MIND"

Eric Cartman
12-12-2014, 08:51 PM
Also, you can see the perspective of the TNT guys talking about this topic last night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI65aVdc2xA

They were like, that's normal shit, though Shaq wanted no part of that question, and Chuck put some dirt on the Lakers already rotten corpses.

In 4 minutes, they discussed the topic from a realistic, normal point of view.

Espn needs hours of footage to draw the casual basketball fan in, so they have to strech that story as much as they can.

TNT is more for the hardcore basketball fan, ones with functional brains that can distinguish between bullshit and real talk.

Also, a little taste of the kobe rage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfRBIwTek14

12-12-2014, 08:54 PM
Welcome to 2014

Hey Yo
12-12-2014, 09:09 PM
He didn't complain about Mitch, he complained to Mitch, telling him that his teammates are a bunch of heartless bitches.
He complained to Mitch on video. That does no good. Unless they're going WWE style and Mitch knew before hand.

Also, dude's trying to motivate his team anyway possible. He wanted one of those guys to challenge him, dude's old as dirt and still can bully and scare his guys with the flick of a finger.

So calling his teammates "useless mother f***ers" who do nothing but watch Kobe shoot during the game, should challenge him the 1st time he's been to practice in 2 weeks?

Kobe is surrounded by betas. Even, for example, a scrub like Kendrick Perkins, has some fire that silverback gorilla maniac. Kobe knows they suck, but at least wants them to play with passion and not let yourself get bullied like a little bitch.

Kobe knows his teammates suck, so what better way to motivate them by calling them and Mitch out at practice while possibly knowing the cameras are running?

Your post is filled with nothing but contradictions.

Eric Cartman
12-12-2014, 09:13 PM
So calling his teammates "useless mother f***ers" who do nothing but watch Kobe shoot during the game, should challenge him the 1st time he's been to practice in 2 weeks?

Yes, he was begging to be suckered punch by that asian boy, Lin should've at least told him to stfu.