View Full Version : Sony Hackers threatening 9/11 attacks.

12-17-2014, 02:02 AM
On theatres that are gonna show "The Interview" movie

12-17-2014, 02:03 AM
also why can't hackers just release nude celeb pictures............man that was a simpler time. ****ing aye.

12-17-2014, 02:10 AM
[QUOTE=bballnoob1192]On theatres that are gonna show "The Interview" movie

12-17-2014, 02:17 AM
Poor Seth Rogen, trying too hard to be an edgy movie maker.

Patrick Chewing
12-17-2014, 02:20 AM
Pay cash for the movie ticket.

12-17-2014, 02:23 AM
Actually if they wanted to they could attack all of those movie theaters...it's not impossible.
how would they coordinate that type of attack? i can see them hacking the theatres, but 9/11ing all the theatres?

12-17-2014, 03:00 AM
how would they coordinate that type of attack? i can see them hacking the theatres, but 9/11ing all the theatres?

Sorry I didn't read the entire OP. I was speaking based on technology. I don't know how they'd pilot planes into a bunch of movie theaters...seems like a lot for just a movie.

12-17-2014, 03:14 AM
TIME person of the year should have been hackers. First the Fappening and now some other dudes taking down a big time Hollywood studio :lol

12-17-2014, 04:45 AM
We live in a f*ucktarded world

12-17-2014, 05:03 AM
not that funny...........find out who it is and fukk them good

Real Men Wear Green
12-17-2014, 09:47 AM
If they just hit one or two it will be considered a national tragedy. And it is still a relatively easy thing to shoot up a theater. Neither of the two theaters I go to has ever checked me for weapons. So if North Korea is behind all this they could definitely have a number of crazy agents set to wreak havoc. And if North Korea isn't behind the hack I don't see how they accomplish hitting more than a few theaters. No one outside of North Korea gives a shit about Kim Jong Un.

12-17-2014, 12:05 PM
one theater chain has already decided not to show the film. how weak is that :facepalm ... I grew up watching sadam hussein impersonated and made fun of in countless movies and skits. Hell, Team America was hilarious! Baron Cohen's amazing Borat character pissed off Kazakhstan and even made The Dictator, but who cares??... I swear, so many people in this country and much of the west have a severe case of some kinda stockholm syndrome at the moment. "poor terrorists, poor kim jong un". I've seen dumb people on FB saying "Rogen shouldn't have made the movie, it will anger NK!". Give me a break. It's a work of fiction by some of the best jokesters of last decade, not a manifesto or call for action lol

12-17-2014, 01:22 PM
one theater chain has already decided not to show the film. how weak is that :facepalm ... I grew up watching sadam hussein impersonated and made fun of in countless movies and skits. Hell, Team America was hilarious! Baron Cohen's amazing Borat character pissed off Kazakhstan and even made The Dictator, but who cares??... I swear, so many people in this country and much of the west have a severe case of some kinda stockholm syndrome at the moment. "poor terrorists, poor kim jong un". I've seen dumb people on FB saying "Rogen shouldn't have made the movie, it will anger NK!". Give me a break. It's a work of fiction by some of the best jokesters of last decade, not a manifesto or call for action lol

Weak as shit. Way to show solidarity! Places that refuse to show it out of fear and intimidation should be boycotted in the future for such craven cowardice.

12-17-2014, 02:42 PM
fukk, this is weak........bullshit empty treaths and some theates won

12-17-2014, 04:13 PM
its getting pretty crazy. All press for the movie had to cancel appearances. for instance, screen writer, dan sterling, cancelled yesterdays interview with Adam Carolla because of all of these ridiculous threats.

12-17-2014, 04:25 PM
its getting pretty crazy. All press for the movie had to cancel appearances. for instance, screen writer, dan sterling, cancelled yesterdays interview with Adam Carolla because of all of these ridiculous threats.
5 major movie chains have decided not to show the movie. when the osama bin laden movie comes out al qaeda know exactly what to do :facepalm

12-17-2014, 04:28 PM
5 major movie chains have decided not to show the movie. when the osama bin laden movie comes out al qaeda know exactly what to do :facepalm
Didn't the Osama Bin Laden movie already come out.

I predict massive boycotts and protests against the theaters.

12-17-2014, 04:31 PM
so now cnn is saying 'most major theater chains' pull 'the interview' .. and they said it's looking more and more like sony may not release it lol .. the U.S. isn't supposed to give in to shit like this ? .. this is a movie playing here, our backyard .. nobody's damn business .. you're gonna cower to some foreigner's threats ? .. I don't believe this shit .. thought this would get laughed off .. very surprised

12-17-2014, 04:33 PM
This movie looks like shit anyways but to have movie theaters pull this film is so dumb.

12-17-2014, 04:44 PM
Such masochistic capitulation :facepalm

Like crying before you are hurt.

12-17-2014, 04:46 PM
Straight to video.....Movie looks like shIT..........This is the type of comedy we have nowaday.........:facepalm

12-17-2014, 04:47 PM
Can't wait to see the South Park episode that makes fun of this.

12-17-2014, 05:00 PM
Straight to video.....

The terrorists won :lol

[INDENT][B][U]Sony Weighing Premium VOD Release for

12-17-2014, 05:00 PM
Didn't the Osama Bin Laden movie already come out.

I predict massive boycotts and protests against the theaters.

i think they are making another one based on the SEAL who said he took the kill shot

12-17-2014, 05:48 PM
I'm not saying they can do it..... But um... I think I'll just wait for this one to hit Netflix :oldlol:you won't have to wait long judging by the trailers

12-17-2014, 06:16 PM
lol i guess these pimpled face "terrorist" win. ****ing pathetic by sony and the movie theatres.

Patrick Chewing
12-17-2014, 06:16 PM
What's a 9/11 attack on a movie theater?

Flying two planes into the theater? Holy shit talk about overkill.

12-17-2014, 06:17 PM
Can't wait to see the South Park episode that makes fun of this.
South Park was right. If you want to censor something, just threaten to kill everyone. Such a joke.

Sony and all these theaters a bunch of p*ssies

12-17-2014, 06:17 PM
Sony just announced they are cancelling the release of The Interview.

Terrorists - 1

Freedom - 0

12-17-2014, 06:23 PM
Who thought making a live action movie about North Korea would be a good idea to begin with? Were those people high while making it? And was Sony as high to go along with them too?

12-17-2014, 06:24 PM
Who thought making a live action movie about North Korea would be a good idea to begin with? Were those people high while making it? And was Sony as high to go along with them too?
Who cares? Freedom of speech brah. If someone wants to make a movie about Muhammad doing lines of coke or killing Kim Jong Un, they should do it. Couple of bs threats shouldn't stop them

12-17-2014, 06:33 PM
Who thought making a live action movie about North Korea would be a good idea to begin with? Were those people high while making it? And was Sony as high to go along with them too?

Judging by the email leaks that were part of this fiasco, they don't exactly have geniuses working at the high level positions at Sony. Just a bunch of spoiled (racist) trust fund babies.

Somewhere, Kim Jung Un is doing the schmoney dance as I type this.

12-17-2014, 06:33 PM
Who cares? Freedom of speech brah. If someone wants to make a movie about Muhammad doing lines of coke or killing Kim Jong Un, they should do it. Couple of bs threats shouldn't stop them
Sure you can, but consequences are not that fun to be dealing with. Oh, and people who invested on the movie care.

12-17-2014, 06:41 PM
no fukking way !! :facepalm :facepalm .........then there is no stopping these so called hackers.........just post a treath and you can get any movie you want cancelled........ :banghead: :mad:

12-17-2014, 07:29 PM
Who thought making a live action movie about North Korea would be a good idea to begin with? Were those people high while making it? And was Sony as high to go along with them too?

My guess is that James Franco pitched the idea. And sold it a really subversive high art because it's a commentary about how US culture is trying to destroy one of the few powerful places left in the world that hasn't submitted itself in some significant way to western ideals. And then he gets it made only to be disappointed when it receives a C+ in his film class because it isn't funny at all.

12-17-2014, 07:37 PM

Very relevant

12-17-2014, 07:46 PM
Who wanted to see this shit anyways

12-17-2014, 07:55 PM
Is there anywhere left in the world left to live that isn't full of cowards these days (well, apart from shitholes)?

Is courage so worthless a virtue these days? Are people so unwilling to take a minuscule risk about something they care about. This sets a precedent, and it's not a good one. It just means loads of films won't be made at all as produces stick to safer topics.

12-17-2014, 08:12 PM
Is there anywhere left in the world left to live that isn't full of cowards these days (well, apart from shitholes)?

Is courage so worthless a virtue these days? Are people so unwilling to take a minuscule risk about something they care about. This sets a precedent, and it's not a good one. It just means loads of films won't be made at all as produces stick to safer topics.

exactly, most dumb fukks don

12-17-2014, 08:33 PM
Definitely wack to cancel (postpone) the release altogether.

If it wasn't set to be released on Christmas day I don't think it would have been cancelled. That's a huge day for movie attendance and the ***** Sony company has been thoroughly owned so they probably want to cut the losses now. They've gotten the publicity they wanted.

But there is a backlash from the public I feel (whether it'll last in today's ADD online society is another thing...).

"You've GOT to be kidding me. Since when does a third rate Communist country dictate what we do in America. Sony, you're nothing but North Korea's bitch. Pathetic." ...has 1,500+ likes in the comments of Buzzfeeds FB post.

"It's a good thing the prime minister of Malaysia wasn't grumpy and mean. We'd never have had Zoolander" has 800+ likes.

Similar pages have similar comments with similar amounts of likes. Clearly people are scratching their heads wondering if this is a dream.

I think it all comes down to bad timing, economics of the situation, weak cyber security exposed massively, fear of reprisal, "controversial" subject matter, and companies having no backbone.

12-17-2014, 08:40 PM
Michael Moore twitter


12-17-2014, 08:43 PM
Michael Moore twitter


Macho ain't gonna like that last tweet :lebronamazed:

12-17-2014, 08:48 PM
Who thought making a live action movie about North Korea would be a good idea to begin with? Were those people high while making it? And was Sony as high to go along with them too?

Funny you said that. Sony bought drugs for Rogan and Franco during the shooting of the movie.

12-17-2014, 08:49 PM
My guess is that James Franco pitched the idea.

Actually Seth wrote most of the jokes and pitched the idea.

12-17-2014, 08:54 PM
so now cnn is saying 'most major theater chains' pull 'the interview' .. and they said it's looking more and more like sony may not release it lol .. the U.S. isn't supposed to give in to shit like this ? .. this is a movie playing here, our backyard .. nobody's damn business .. you're gonna cower to some foreigner's threats ? .. I don't believe this shit .. thought this would get laughed off .. very surprised

How is this cowardice? It would be a PR disaster for Sony if they forced the theaters to show it and there really was a massacre. Why play with fire when it has already burnt you once? The first threat was real. The second threat is still unknown. Sony is taking the smart route and being overly cautious. The damage would be more disastrous than what the movie is capable of pulling in. It's all business. There's nothing dumb about it.

12-17-2014, 09:02 PM
horrible precedent to set. now those hackers or NK will get anything they want by promising 9/11 type attacks. why would they stop here?

12-17-2014, 09:08 PM
LMFAO what a bunch of stupid hipsters


12-17-2014, 09:10 PM
If they just hit one or two it will be considered a national tragedy. And it is still a relatively easy thing to shoot up a theater. Neither of the two theaters I go to has ever checked me for weapons. So if North Korea is behind all this they could definitely have a number of crazy agents set to wreak havoc. And if North Korea isn't behind the hack I don't see how they accomplish hitting more than a few theaters. No one outside of North Korea gives a shit about Kim Jong Un.
Yes but have you seen North Korea, and what they are taught about Americans/America? Any agent from North Korea who gets sent from that country on assignment to America would be absolutely dumbfounded at the simplest things, like how well fed Americans are, and how our power stays on without interruption ...and how "problems" in America aren't really problems (we don't dread famine, or secret police, we dread when we misplace our iphone chargers).

Those North Korean agents might get to the theater... and decide to buy tickets and watch the movie eating our endless supplies of sweet and buttery snacks instead :lol

12-17-2014, 09:10 PM
horrible precedent to set. now those hackers or NK will get anything they want by promising 9/11 type attacks. why would they stop here?

this is the only movie we are allowed to watch now http://gizmodo.com/1957-anti-american-movie-from-north-korea-is-the-only-l-1672413770

12-17-2014, 09:12 PM
horrible precedent to set. now those hackers or NK will get anything they want by promising 9/11 type attacks. why would they stop here?

It's nothing new dude. Schools have been shut down; flights at airports have been delayed. People take this sh*t seriously. Ya'll are acting like this is some new sh*t.

I support Sony. It's better to be safe than sorry.

12-17-2014, 09:17 PM
That language is 100% North Korean government.

Their usual stupid "PAY ATTENTION TO US!" threats.

12-17-2014, 09:59 PM
That's like saying the bully at school "did you a favor" by stealing your lunch money... because you were going to spend it on junk food... Um yeah, I guess :facepalm

12-17-2014, 11:43 PM
I'm actually genuinely ****ing pissed off right now......What's next some ****ing hackers say some arbitrary stupid shit offends them and then gets exactly what they want. WTF America. Holy shit.

12-18-2014, 12:20 AM
“We are deeply saddened at this brazen effort to suppress the distribution of a movie, and in the process do damage to our company, our employees, and the American public,” read the statement. “We stand by our filmmakers and their right to free expression and are extremely disappointed by this outcome.”

**** off sony. way to be real *******.

“When you are confronted with a bully the idea is not to cave but to punch him in the nose," Fran Townsend, Bush’s homeland security adviser, said Wednesday during a previously scheduled appearance in Washington, D.C. “This is a horrible, I think, horrible precedent.”

Unless this is some crazy US government conspiracy. I agree with what Townsend said.

12-18-2014, 12:24 AM
i love how hollywood pretends to fight so hard for creative freedom and liberties but are the first to fold to threats. first South Park and now this :facepalm

12-18-2014, 12:39 AM
Yup. Wasn't gonna watch this movie but this shit pisses me off

12-18-2014, 12:56 AM
It's nothing new dude. Schools have been shut down; flights at airports have been delayed. People take this sh*t seriously. Ya'll are acting like this is some new sh*t.

I support Sony. It's better to be safe than sorry.

I believe this is the first time a movie has been canceled due to terrorist threats. Correct me if I'm wrong.

It's b1tchmade. I thought this was America and we were free, but I guess we do what North Korea tells us to. Nice.

12-18-2014, 01:09 AM
Yes but have you seen North Korea, and what they are taught about Americans/America? Any agent from North Korea who gets sent from that country on assignment to America would be absolutely dumbfounded at the simplest things, like how well fed Americans are, and how our power stays on without interruption ...and how "problems" in America aren't really problems (we don't dread famine, or secret police, we dread when we misplace our iphone chargers).

Those North Korean agents might get to the theater... and decide to buy tickets and watch the movie eating our endless supplies of sweet and buttery snacks instead

my guess is if there were north korean spies in the US, they're not north korean at all, but highly paid foreigners (maybe chinese) with american passports and even american educations.

the clueless north korean spy who knows nothing about america.... is probably too unqualified to be a spy.

12-18-2014, 03:20 AM
I believe this is the first time a movie has been canceled due to terrorist threats. Correct me if I'm wrong.

It's b1tchmade. I thought this was America and we were free, but I guess we do what North Korea tells us to. Nice.

It doesn't matter. Knee jerk reactions to terrorist threats are the norm, not some sort of lame precedent. Someone makes a threat to shoot up a Mcdonald's, trust me, they will shut it down. Some kid makes a joke about a school shooting, guess what, no more school for the day. You can't even joke at the airport without getting arrested, so how is this something new?

Sony isn't in the business of making a statement or growing some balls. The PR damage would be disastrous if there was a shooting. They can still stream the movie, release it on DVD, and make a killing off it, so the idea the terrorists are winning is overblown. If people are going to die watching it in theaters, then it's not worth it from a moralistic standpoint.

12-18-2014, 03:28 AM
Why do people think North Korea is behind this? It's probably just some American kids having fun.

12-18-2014, 03:38 AM
Why do people think North Korea is behind this? It's probably just some American kids having fun.

The point of entry was in Thailand. It was a sophisticated attack. If it was some american kids in the US, I'm sure he would of already been caught by now with the amount of internet surveillances we have.

12-18-2014, 04:07 AM
How is this cowardice? It would be a PR disaster for Sony if they forced the theaters to show it and there really was a massacre. Why play with fire when it has already burnt you once? The first threat was real. The second threat is still unknown. Sony is taking the smart route and being overly cautious. The damage would be more disastrous than what the movie is capable of pulling in. It's all business. There's nothing dumb about it.

who the fukk would carry out that massacre, NK hates america even before this movie right ?, why not just do it at any random movie showing then...........no, i am sorry rambo, only massacre to take place is the next school shooting

12-18-2014, 04:24 AM
U.S looking like major b1tches right now and paving the way for future a$$ rapings from terrorists :cheers:

12-18-2014, 08:33 AM
lol wat? I didnt plan on seeing this movie anyways, so technically the north korean bastards didnt take shit from me.

That's not even the point...at all. So if anonymous white supremacists threaten to blow up theaters showing 12 Years a Slave, we should cave in to their demands? Should we ask Al-Qaeda for permission from now on what films to make?

It sets a really bad precedent.

Take Your Lumps
12-18-2014, 11:15 AM
If the Aurora theater shooter had threatened to attack before-hand; would that have been reason enough to compromise our ideals and pull The Dark Knight Rises?

12-18-2014, 12:41 PM
That's not even the point...at all. So if anonymous white supremacists threaten to blow up theaters showing 12 Years a Slave, we should cave in to their demands? Should we ask Al-Qaeda for permission from now on what films to make?

It sets a really bad precedent.

this right here ..

this is really surprising .. the U.S. isn't about this .. being intimidated into cancelling a movie ? lol .. then again why should we be surprised .. obama got up on a podium and apologized over a youtube video .. like I said, they would've laughed this off 20 yrs ago .. but I guess it's probably '911' that's causing this reaction .. either way, U.S. just got punked by a bunch of faceless trolls .. embarrassing :facepalm

How is this cowardice? It would be a PR disaster for Sony if they forced the theaters to show it and there really was a massacre. Why play with fire when it has already burnt you once? The first threat was real. The second threat is still unknown. Sony is taking the smart route and being overly cautious. The damage would be more disastrous than what the movie is capable of pulling in. It's all business. There's nothing dumb about it.

not a bad point .. if something did happen, sony would look 23543543x worse no doubt .. bad for business .. but where do we draw the line here ? what if other faceless perps start making threats ? .. this is the United States of America .. this shit isn't supposed to fly here .. we don't get intimidated .. and we don't stunt free speech over some threats .. especially threats from foreigners .. ridiculous .. U.S. comes off embarrrasingly weak looking on this one

12-18-2014, 12:44 PM
Obama is failing so hard right now. :facepalm

12-18-2014, 12:56 PM
I believe this is the first time a movie has been canceled due to terrorist threats. Correct me if I'm wrong.

It's b1tchmade. I thought this was America and we were free, but I guess we do what North Korea tells us to. Nice.

I'm thinking that Sony didn't have a lot of stock in this movie anyway. I don't know of anybody "excited" to see it, and a few who said "I'll probably see it," and the reviews have been subpar anyway. If this were the Avengers, Sony wouldn't have cancelled it among threats.

12-18-2014, 01:22 PM
It's nothing new dude. Schools have been shut down; flights at airports have been delayed. People take this sh*t seriously. Ya'll are acting like this is some new sh*t.

I support Sony. It's better to be safe than sorry.

But to bow to hackers? When has there been another time where a group of hackers threatened 9/11 style attacks over an everyday thing like watching a movie? Sure we've shut things down over one cuckoos threats but this is something different. And it usually had to do with schools or airports, but the movies?

12-18-2014, 01:45 PM
Can't wait to see the South Park episode that makes fun of this.
didnt south park have an episode where they were supposed to depict the prophet Muhammad but their network got scared and refused to air it? and forced them to heavily edit the episode?

Also its stupid to be afraid of NK. They would never attack us 9/11 style. They are a nation state. Our retribution would be quick and devastating. Kim Jong Un and the north korean elite live like kings. Why would they throw all of that away?

Islamic extremists strongly believe that the afterlife will be better than life today. And the vast majority of them dont currently live like kings. It makes sense for them to undertake suicide attacks.

A nation state is very unlikely to attack the united states of america. Its the equivalent of you walking up to some big brolic bodybuilder and punching him in the face. The US would have to do extraordinarily provocative actions to induce another nation state to attack us. All nation states are lead of leaders who live really well. They would not want to toss that away

Eg. the US induced the empire of japan to attack us after severe economic sanctions and an oil embargo that left the japanese military in a bad position

Over the next decade, Japan expanded slowly into China, leading to the Second Sino-Japanese war in 1937. In 1940 Japan invaded French Indochina in an effort to embargo all imports into China, including war supplies purchased from the U.S. This move prompted the United States to embargo all oil exports, leading the Imperial Japanese Navy to estimate that it had less than two years of bunker oil remaining and to support the existing plans to seize oil resources in the Dutch East Indies.

And also imperial japan was far closer to 1940s america than current north korea is to current america in terms of military capabilities.

12-18-2014, 01:52 PM
If the Aurora theater shooter had threatened to attack before-hand; would that have been reason enough to compromise our ideals and pull The Dark Knight Rises?

You're comparing a single shooting/bombing threat (which would probably come from a local phone line or IP address and taken serious by police/movie theater) to a company screening it's movie in hundreds of theaters across the whole nation and all of them being "potentially threatened" by "9/11" style attacks (LMAO). I understand there's issues of liability, but it's highly questionable how liable Sony productions is if extremists or terrorists commit an act of violence at a particular theater based on one of the film's content in said theater. The movie is rated (R) and perfectly legal, mind you, even vetted by the US government reportedly. The movie will obviously be released, just not on Christmas Day anymore. The bottom line for pulling was probably $$$ more than any fear for movie goers. It's always about money. Theaters had already decided to drop it and Sony can't afford any more losses and that's that - they've already got lawsuits stemming from the security breaches. It's sad for the artists and consumers though, now we know that offending one of the the most egregious dictators in a major motion picture is out of bounds in America, particularly if the dictator has great hackers.

Chuck Norris wouldn't take this shit

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/cf/cf2e208cc0eeab2a55c7d6c580f70a0195b9919f1d2d1cf106 7d0127ad4c8d45.jpg

12-18-2014, 01:57 PM
and BIG UP to the Alamo Drafthouse in Dallas/FW for replacing the Interview with Team America :rockon: ... I hope Alamo Drafthouses in SA do the same


12-18-2014, 02:07 PM
Sony is a Japanese company this doesn't reflect on america at all.

All the jealous euro trash and Canadians reaching for anything to try and make america look bad
major american theater companies are refusing to screen the movie.

They are afraid what will happen to their stock prices if an attack did occur in one of their theaters.

12-18-2014, 02:26 PM
didnt south park have an episode where they were supposed to depict the prophet Muhammad but their network got scared and refused to air it? and forced them to heavily edit the episode?

Yeah, this theme has already been covered by them. Besides, we won't have more South Park until Fall 2015 anyway.

12-18-2014, 05:05 PM
Apparently Hydra was behind the attacks to have Spiderman join forces with the Avengers and create tension within the group.

How meta would that be?

12-18-2014, 05:14 PM
Or they could just add a warning label that it is going to break people down of what they thought they knew.

12-18-2014, 06:21 PM
“The world will be full of fear,” the message reads. “Remember the 11th of September 2001. It will be 911 times 2356."


12-18-2014, 07:13 PM
I'm thinking that Sony didn't have a lot of stock in this movie anyway. I don't know of anybody "excited" to see it, and a few who said "I'll probably see it," and the reviews have been subpar anyway. If this were the Avengers, Sony wouldn't have cancelled it among threats.

Agreed. This whole thing is being overblown. If losing our "creative freedom" means we'll see less of Kim Jong in sh*tty Rogen movies with the unfunny talentless douchebag Franco, then I'm not losing sleep over it.

Sorry we're not losing sh*t. It's not like the terrorists are saying we need to stop making cool action movies with great CGI with girls shooting bullets out of their big because it offends them. They're just saying look don't put Kim Jong in it and kill him at the end. When they start demanding new sh*t, maybe I'll ride the "america is stronger than this" parade, but c'mon now, be real, it's just a sh*tty Seth movie. Who cares? It's not worth one person dying over.

Dr Seuss
12-18-2014, 07:25 PM
Agreed. This whole thing is being overblown. If losing our "creative freedom" means we'll see less of Kim Jong in sh*tty Rogen movies with the unfunny talentless douchebag Franco, then I'm not losing sleep over it.

Sorry we're not losing sh*t. It's not like the terrorists are saying we need to stop making cool action movies with great CGI with girls shooting bullets out of their big because it offends them. They're just saying look don't put Kim Jong in it and kill him at the end. When they start demanding new sh*t, maybe I'll ride the "america is stronger than this" parade, but c'mon now, be real, it's just a sh*tty Seth movie. Who cares? It's not worth one person dying over.

in other words, because you dont have strong feelings for something, its irrelevant. but if it was something that interested YOU, then that changes everything??

ok... dumb schmuck

12-18-2014, 07:32 PM
in other words, because you dont have strong feelings for something, its irrelevant. but if it was something that interested YOU, then that changes everything??

ok... dumb schmuck

No dumbsh*t, everyone is crying about creative freedom and I am implying we are losing very little freedom by NOT including Kim Jong in our movies. Hey that is a freedom I'm willing to sacrifice and I sure as hell will not risk my life to go see it if they played it in the theaters. You're dumb to suggest this movie is worth people dying over. The threat may or may not be real, but I wouldn't take my chances over this piece of sh*t.

12-18-2014, 07:58 PM
Big mistake by Sony to not air a couple movies over this propaganda terrorist hack.

There should be no negotiation with terrorists. Their goal is to put fear into people. Fu<k the terror groups. Let them make their threats, but don't let fear be what shuts you down.

These threats are just bullshit anyways. Realistically, they would get nothing strategic from blowing up a few theaters. Why take these idiot threats seriously without good intel?

12-18-2014, 08:42 PM
If they just hit one or two it will be considered a national tragedy. And it is still a relatively easy thing to shoot up a theater. Neither of the two theaters I go to has ever checked me for weapons. So if North Korea is behind all this they could definitely have a number of crazy agents set to wreak havoc. And if North Korea isn't behind the hack I don't see how they accomplish hitting more than a few theaters. No one outside of North Korea gives a shit about Kim Jong Un.

No one inside of North Korea gives a shit about Kim Jong Un either. They are too scared to admit it. Most of the agents that are allowed to leave the country end up taking advantage of the situation and enjoying the vacation or defecting. No one should be worried about North Korean agents or terrorists in the US. It's all a bunch of made up bullshit.

12-18-2014, 08:54 PM
No one inside of North Korea gives a shit about Kim Jong Un either. They are too scared to admit it. Most of the agents that are allowed to leave the country end up taking advantage of the situation and enjoying the vacation or defecting. No one should be worried about North Korean agents or terrorists in the US. It's all a bunch of made up bullshit.
Those elder statemen are a bunch of idiots. They could have overthrown Kim Il-sung dynasty right after Jong-il died.

12-18-2014, 09:30 PM
What a bunch of pansies this country has become. :facepalm



12-18-2014, 10:00 PM
No dumbsh*t, everyone is crying about creative freedom and I am implying we are losing very little freedom by NOT including Kim Jong in our movies. Hey that is a freedom I'm willing to sacrifice and I sure as hell will not risk my life to go see it if they played it in the theaters. You're dumb to suggest this movie is worth people dying over. The threat may or may not be real, but I wouldn't take my chances over this piece of sh*t.
It's not even about creative freedom. It's about all the fear mongering BS that the media spits out there to the public every goddamn day. Next thing you know some stupid y2k terrorist hacking group is gonna threaten to bomb all basketball games or some stupid shit. And every ****ing dumb american will be scared and won't leave their homes. It's just a very ****ing bad precedent to allow terrorist groups to do this kind of shit.

12-19-2014, 04:10 AM
It's not even about creative freedom. It's about all the fear mongering BS that the media spits out there to the public every goddamn day. Next thing you know some stupid y2k terrorist hacking group is gonna threaten to bomb all basketball games or some stupid shit. And every ****ing dumb american will be scared and won't leave their homes. It's just a very ****ing bad precedent to allow terrorist groups to do this kind of shit.

exactly.......scary that there are so many dumb fukks that don

12-19-2014, 04:15 AM
No dumbsh*t, everyone is crying about creative freedom and I am implying we are losing very little freedom by NOT including Kim Jong in our movies. Hey that is a freedom I'm willing to sacrifice and I sure as hell will not risk my life to go see it if they played it in the theaters. You're dumb to suggest this movie is worth people dying over. The threat may or may not be real, but I wouldn't take my chances over this piece of sh*t.

someone is threatening to blow up every gay bar in your town, will you still take the chance and go ? ............of course you would, you need your asshole pounded everyday

12-19-2014, 04:32 AM

More power to you GRRM. Also **** Sony.

12-19-2014, 11:23 PM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]exactly.......scary that there are so many dumb fukks that don