View Full Version : You're the GM, what do you do?

12-22-2014, 05:07 AM
Here's the trade.
Knicks and Lakers

Knicks send out:
1 year contract

This years first round pick

Lakers send out:
Kobe Bryant
2 year contract

This years Rockets first round pick and second round pick.

Pros for the Knicks:
-Kobe knows the triangle
-Kobe has a good relationship with the coach and GM
-Kobe helps current Knicks learn the Triangle
-Next year, you have a one year window to make something happen
-Possible Phil Jackson coaching appearance
-If it doesn't work out, you can (probably) trade him and/or he expires anyways.
-Ticket revenue/Jersey sales
-Kobe in the Eastern Conference playoffs (next year)

Cons for the Knicks
-That's a lot of cap space
-Who plays PF?
-Log jam at SG
-J.R Smith and Kobe probably can't co exist.
-Kobe's old, probably retires after next season
-You give up a high draft pick

Pros for the Lakers:
-You get a top draft pick
-You probably get 2 of the top 5 picks (suns pick)
-Stoudemire expires at the end of the season
-Kobe's contract is gone
-fast track to rebuild with excess cap room

Cons for the Lakers:
-End of an era
-Kobe doesn't retire a Laker
-Season ticket holders would murder you if they could
-Kobe fans would murder you if they could
-You probably don't get any significant free agent next season, even with cap space.
-Next season starting lineup would be full of rookies.
-You lose revenue in ticket sales and merchandise.
-TWC probably puts out a hit on you
-You're probably not a .500 team for at least 3 years if everything goes right.
-The Lakers FO probably has a sibling civil war over this, regardless of the outcome.

If you're the Lakers FO, do you do this trade?
If you're Phil Jackson, do you do this trade?

Is asking for the Knicks first round pick asking for too much?
-if yes, would you still do the trade if it's just a Stoudemire and Bryant swap?

12-22-2014, 05:19 AM
Amare has been better than Kobe this season doe

12-22-2014, 05:21 AM
there are no cash incentives in terms of making trades in the NBA right now

what's there to do?

12-22-2014, 05:26 AM
there are no cash incentives in terms of making trades in the NBA right now

what's there to do?
Good point on this one. Slipped my mind.

12-22-2014, 05:32 AM
Amare has been better than Kobe this season doe
That as it may be, the Knicks are still 5-25, second worst in the league. Is it a worthy gamble to pair Kobe, Anthony, and Phil Jackson...in the eyes of Phil Jackson, General Manager?

The Red Viper
12-22-2014, 05:44 AM
This deal helps Knicks more than Lakers.

Without Kobe, the little attraction Lakers have also goes. Yes, you got a lot of room in cap space but what are you gonna do with it? If someone like Phil or Pop were coaching there, yes, it could have worked because you not only have a great franchise but a coach who knows how to win. Currently, their front office is ****ed up and Byron Scott isn't that good of a coach. No way in hell, they would be able to attract the top talents to Lakers with that set-up. I agree that they still couldn't this season but there are lot of "good but not great" players available this summer. If they get a couple of those, they can start rebuilding their team better with Kobe leading them.

Eric Cartman
12-22-2014, 06:13 AM
That as it may be, the Knicks are still 5-25, second worst in the league. Is it a worthy gamble to pair Kobe, Anthony, and Phil Jackson...in the eyes of Phil Jackson, General Manager?

I'd be worse than francis and marbury. They are the worst at their position defensively and shoot a low fg%.

Also would hate to see kirbe play for someone else than the lakers.

Of course, the ideal would've been that he retired after the achillies injury.

That being said, I'd sign amare on the cheap next year for sure.

12-22-2014, 01:25 PM
Not sure if this would help or hurt the Knicks, but NY is kind of fk'ed regardless with the Melo contract. Kobe comes off the books as a huge expirer in 2 years, and trading him doesn't make you a contender. Basically all you do is replace Kobe with a much less marketable player with a sideways trade. Maybe Amare will add a few wins... and you still miss the playoffs, at the cost of alienating your fanbase.

Keep Kobe and show the NBA: hey, you give us your all and we reward you on your bad years. Kobe chucking his way to scoring records helps put butts in seats... much more so than having Amare would. Like half the Lakers squad comes off the books after this year and best case scenario you get to keep your top 5 pick. Sign a bunch of journeymen to 1 year contracts unless you land Marc, Deandre, or LMA and prepare for the KD bid-wars in 2016 with at least 2 of your last 3 1st's turning out to at least be servicable role guys. Best case scenario you end up with like a core of Marc and KD(though KD won't likely leave OKC or Marc with Memphis) or you build through the draft like everyone else(which isn't very likely, you'll hook someone you're the Lakers).

All in all, Kobe makes tanking a much smoother transition than Amare does.

12-22-2014, 02:02 PM
If I were the Knicks, I'd keep Amare until his contract is off the books and then enter next year without his contract and a high lotto pick. The only thing Kobe adds is ticket/merchandise sales and maybe a few wins to get them a worse pick in the draft.

Besides, Kobe doesn't agree to this anyway. If he waives his no trade clause, it is to chase a ring.

12-22-2014, 02:05 PM
Fire the physician and hire more draft scouts

12-22-2014, 02:08 PM
I would do it as the Knicks for the simple fact that it drums up a little excitement for team that has been completely devoid of it this season.