View Full Version : Looking back now, did Cleveland make the right move trading for Love?

12-24-2014, 03:24 PM
Tristan Thompson is playing pretty well but it looks like Cleveland lacks some depth.

Wiggins gives them A LOT more versatility both with lineups and shit and also cap wise for the next 4 years... and his potential longterm is absolutely insane.

I just don't see why they made that deal. Thought it was a dumbass trade from day one.

Kyrie/Wiggins/LeBron/Thompson/Varejao (was healthy when they made the trade) with Waiters/Marion/Miller/Bennett off the bench just seems like a scarier team to me. IDK man.

12-24-2014, 03:26 PM
Thunder trading Harden is worse

12-24-2014, 03:26 PM
Tristan Thompson is playing pretty well but it looks like Cleveland lacks some depth.

Wiggins gives them A LOT more versatility both with lineups and shit and also cap wise for the next 4 years... and his potential longterm is absolutely insane.

I just don't see why they made that deal. Thought it was a dumbass trade from day one.

Kyrie/Wiggins/LeBron/Thompson/Varejao (was healthy when they made the trade) with Waiters/Marion/Bennett off the bench just seems like a scarier team to me. IDK man.

Lebron wanted it. Next?


12-24-2014, 03:27 PM
Thunder trading Harden is worse

:biggums: What does that have to do with this thread?

12-24-2014, 03:27 PM
Lebron wanted it. Next?


Okay. But do they have to give LeBron everything he wants?

12-24-2014, 03:30 PM
Okay. But do they have to give LeBron everything he wants?

Yes, and they're more than happy to do so. Unhealthy.


12-24-2014, 03:32 PM
Anyone want to find those threads where Russwest0 said Wiggins would be a bust before the trade?
Kblaze, teach me your ways.

12-24-2014, 03:32 PM
Keeping Wiggins and Bennett and I think that draft pick just seemed like a better move for both now and for future sustainability.

12-24-2014, 03:33 PM
duh... they should have traded wiggins for bogut/klay thompson as was proposed originally and then flip waiters for a pf


12-24-2014, 03:33 PM
Anyone want to find those threads where Russwest0 said Wiggins would be a bust before the trade?

Go look for whatever you want, I always thought Wiggins was overrated because some people acted like he was going to come into the league and play like rookie Melo or Bran or some shit.

Doesn't change the fact that the potential is all there and he seems like a good hard working kid with a low ego.

12-24-2014, 03:34 PM
Maybe... but Bennett is absolutely terrible.

12-24-2014, 03:35 PM
Please you know damn well if the Cavs hadnt made the trade, you'd be making threads on how they should have.

Uncle Drew
12-24-2014, 03:35 PM
How is it looking back if we're only a few months into the season? :rolleyes:

What if Wiggins is a major bust? What if we didn't make that trade and Wiggins tears an ACL? These type of questions can only be answered after three years or so, and that is still quite early tbh.

12-24-2014, 03:36 PM
How is it looking back if we're only a few months into the season?

Because it's looking back a few months and we've been able to see all of the pieces on their new teams for a little bit :hammerhead:

12-24-2014, 03:37 PM
Please you know damn well if the Cavs hadnt made the trade, you'd be making threads on how they should have.

Yes me, the same guy arguing that Ibaka is a better 3rd option than Love would be making threads clamoring for a trade of Wiggins, Bennett, and a draft pick for Love if they didn't make the trade.


Uncle Drew
12-24-2014, 03:38 PM
Because it's looking back a few months and we've been able to see all of the pieces on their new teams for a little bit :hammerhead:
Stop taking things so literally. Looking back is something you do after a few years.

We're only a few months into the season/trade, there's no valuable answer to the topic.

12-24-2014, 03:43 PM
Stop taking things so literally. Looking back is something you do after a few years.

We're only a few months into the season/trade, there's no valuable answer to the topic.

This forum is all about projecting how moves will affect teams down the line man. We have debates over who contenders and pretenders are rather than waiting to see who wins it all just cause it's something to talk about.

It's not hard to see the potential of Wiggins and to a lesser extent Bennett who could at the very least be a decent bench player, plus that draft pick is a hugely underrated asset in this deal.

Meanwhile with Cleveland constructed as they are now, it's very plausible that they don't win shit these next 2 years and LeBron and Love both leave. Seems like you don't want to talk about this trade right now because you aren't happy with it right now and are hoping things change.

12-24-2014, 04:02 PM
Refreshing to see a kid with humility and good work ethic.

Just goes to show that Durant is rubbing off on the younger kids. I think Durant/Westbrook have changed the whole culture of the NBA and made things more competitive than ever.

With them you know they're not worried about trying to be celebrities off the court, it is all basketball with them. Wiggins and Parker seem to be cut from the same mold.

Glad to see the NBA turning back into watchable television.

12-24-2014, 04:04 PM
Refreshing to see a kid with humility and good work ethic.

Just goes to show that Durant is rubbing off on the younger kids. I think Durant/Westbrook have changed the whole culture of the NBA and made things more competitive than ever.

With them you know they're not worried about trying to be celebrities off the court, it is all basketball with them. Wiggins and Parker seem to be cut from the same mold.

Glad to see the NBA turning back into watchable television.

Yup. I remember seeing him on first take saying that his favorite player is Durant, like most kids who come into the league now. Not surprising to see him coming to the league with no expectations and a big work ethic, trying to mold his persona after KD's.

12-24-2014, 04:40 PM
I have a feeling that they'll regret this move in the future. It's not like Lebron wouldn't have come back had they kept Wiggins...

Wiggins will be better than Love in a couple seasons, book it.

Human Error
12-24-2014, 05:29 PM
It was a wrong move. Love puts up stats but he does it by stealing rebounds from his teammates and he is one of the worst defenders in his position because he does not have length to protect the rim and he is the slowest footed PF in the game. Considering Varejao also plays below the rim, the Cavs should have gone for Ed Davis or Derrick Favors instead.

12-24-2014, 05:34 PM
Yikes, Love is definitely underrated.

Stop judging players by box scores and box score derived stats. :facepalm They're more about opportunity than ability.

He is camping at the 3pt line a bit, but much less than he did earlier in the season. In the games I've watched in the last few weeks, Love constantly calls for passes in the post. His defense hasn't been as good as it was last year (when he was neutral or better), but it hasn't been his worst season on that end.

I'm a believer in Wiggins, but he's probably a couple years away from being an impact player in this league. Cleveland didn't make a bad call, since LeBron will be exiting his prime at that point (if he isn't already, though maybe he isn't). Wiggins, if he pans out, would have given this team a great young core to grow and develop together, but Love is a fantastic talent.

12-24-2014, 05:55 PM
Am I missing something? What has Wiggins done to show that the Cavs should start second guessing their decision to trade him? Is this thread the result of an unwarranted knee- jerk reaction to a good scoring game in a blowout loss?

12-24-2014, 06:32 PM
Am I missing something? What has Wiggins done to show that the Cavs should start second guessing their decision to trade him? Is this thread the result of an unwarranted knee- jerk reaction to a good scoring game in a blowout loss?

Thing is Cavs need defense bad and Love ain't helping them in that department.

Wiggins looks like he can develop into a Paul George type of player down the line. I mean it looks like they aren't winning shit this year, Kyrie/Wiggins/LeBron for next year sounds NASTY.

12-24-2014, 07:06 PM
Without even needing to look back, most believed it was the wrong decision even before it happened.