View Full Version : Chromecast on ballstreams tips?

12-30-2014, 11:35 PM
I usually do high quality, north america west. Got my laptop right next to my tv. Open up a tab on chrome and hit the cast button thing. Have the options set to extreme 720p high bitrate (tab casting quality). It is so-so though at best. It sometimes needs to buffer, it's about 30 seconds behind the regular stream, etc. Anyone else have a much better experience with chromecast for ballstreams?

12-31-2014, 12:33 AM
Yea use Ball Cast. It's a app that streams the games via your ballstreams account.

I've been using for a while. Works great.

Here's a link to the app.



12-31-2014, 12:35 AM
do u have android?

01-01-2015, 11:38 PM
Thanks, that makes sense kind of. However, that is not for PC right? That's to use an app on my android phone?

01-01-2015, 11:40 PM
Thanks, that makes sense kind of. However, that is not for PC right? That's to use an app on my android phone?
Yes, then cast to your Chromecast. If you don't have an Android, hmm... not sure.

Don't you have an HDMI cable from your laptop to TV? If not, I don't know what else to try.

01-01-2015, 11:46 PM
Yes, then cast to your Chromecast. If you don't have an Android, hmm... not sure.

Don't you have an HDMI cable from your laptop to TV? If not, I don't know what else to try.

Okay, that's what I thought. Yeah, I got a HDMI cable from comp to tv. The port on my laptop is a bit shizzy though and so sometimes I get signal loss randomly (quite annoying). It's why I got chromecast in the first place - so I wouldn't have to deal with wires.

I'll just keep going the HDMI cable route for now. I'll try what has been suggested on my phone to see how it is though, sounds interesting. What sort of controls do you get (like pause/rewind)?

01-01-2015, 11:46 PM
Thanks, that makes sense kind of. However, that is not for PC right? That's to use an app on my android phone?
Use an app like mediacast or something to cast it to ur tv. chromecast support isn't built into that app. when it asks how u want to run the video just say click mediacast or whichever app u decide on. there are probably better ones than mediacast but that's the one i use. also, having ur laptop next to ur tv doesn't do anything. it's more about the distance from ur router because it's not casting from ur laptop but sending a link to ur chromecast for it to use. sadly, the chromecast only supports 2.4 ghz so the wifi speed isn't super good from it (one of my main gripes with it but i still <3 mine) try to move closer to ur router.

01-02-2015, 02:33 AM
Use an app like mediacast or something to cast it to ur tv. chromecast support isn't built into that app. when it asks how u want to run the video just say click mediacast or whichever app u decide on. there are probably better ones than mediacast but that's the one i use. also, having ur laptop next to ur tv doesn't do anything. it's more about the distance from ur router because it's not casting from ur laptop but sending a link to ur chromecast for it to use. sadly, the chromecast only supports 2.4 ghz so the wifi speed isn't super good from it (one of my main gripes with it but i still <3 mine) try to move closer to ur router.

Yeah, laptop, router, tv all on the same desk so that's not the issue. Chromecast is good for a lot of stuff for me but ballstreams just has not been very reliable. It is super frustrating to watch live sports and it messes up (why I don't mess with random streams). Better than anything we've had in the past though so no real complaints from me. Love tech.

Also, I'm not sure what you are saying. You can cast ballstreams...you just cast it like you would youtube...the only difference being youtube works well and ballstreams does not. Why would mediacast be better or worse? Maybe you are talking about it for phone (which I'm not...just talking laptop)?

01-02-2015, 02:43 AM
Yeah, laptop, router, tv all on the same desk so that's not the issue. Chromecast is good for a lot of stuff for me but ballstreams just has not been very reliable. It is super frustrating to watch live sports and it messes up (why I don't mess with random streams). Better than anything we've had in the past though so no real complaints from me. Love tech.

Also, I'm not sure what you are saying. You can cast ballstreams...you just cast it like you would youtube...the only difference being youtube works well and ballstreams does not. Why would mediacast be better or worse? Maybe you are talking about it for phone (which I'm not...just talking laptop)?
yeah i was talking the phone app.
i think the chromecast struggles running things like ballstreams. it's a lot more data than what it's intended use was for (hulu, netflix, etc.) i can get it to work for a little bit but it eventually bogs down. i was thinking it was just my internet speed but it might just be the chromecast. idk.