View Full Version : It IRKS me when fans claim that Rose "isnt even the best player on the team"

01-06-2015, 01:19 PM
like hes not even close.


01-06-2015, 01:21 PM
Because he hasn't been this season.

Take the stan glasses off for a second and try to look at it objectively.

01-06-2015, 01:22 PM
Because he hasn't been this season.

Take the stan glasses off for a second and try to look at it objectively.

refer to the original post for objectivity.

01-06-2015, 01:23 PM
those injuries and muscle memory problems really messed him up.

01-06-2015, 01:23 PM

Give it up man, don't become so bitter. Why not be a fan of the name on the front, and not the name on the back?

01-06-2015, 01:24 PM

Give it up man, don't become so bitter. Why not be a fan of the name on the front, and not a stan of a player?


01-06-2015, 01:27 PM
They are a better team with him no doubt. Difference is this year he doesn't have to be a superstar anymore. With Butlers rise and Gasol's revival they are a team that can hurt you in so many ways. Once mirotic is the starting SF, they will be even more lethal. 4/5 starters that can create their own shot, and all 5 can pass well. Rose will NEED to be the best in the playoffs. Nothing matters till then, so don't let haters skew your opinion

01-06-2015, 01:27 PM
Rose is averaging 17/3/5 on 40/26/82 and 0,6 steals.

Jimmy Butler leads over him in EVERY SINGLE of those categories if you swap rebounds and assists. He also plays DPOY level defense.

It's sad what injuries have done to this guy. He's only a shell of his former self.

Butler and Gasol are the best players on the bulls right now.

01-06-2015, 01:30 PM

01-06-2015, 01:30 PM
refer to the original post for objectivity.

So If I where to post all the other statistics that favor Butler and Gasol over Rose, what would you say?

Just because you cherry pick a couple of stats that favor Rose doesn't make him a better player than either Butler or Gasol this year.

Rose - 17/5/3 on 40 percent shooting with a 15.77 PER and a 49.7 TS percentage.

Jimmy Butler - 22/6/3 on 48 percent shooting with a 22.32 PER and a 60 TS percentage.

Pau Gasol - 18/11/3 on 48 percent shooting with a 21.72 PER and a 54 TS percentage.

It's pretty clear when you look at it objectively.

01-06-2015, 01:33 PM
Its because of how multi-dimentional he is that leads you to believe that. Given his role with the team.

01-06-2015, 01:33 PM
They are a better team with him no doubt. Difference is this year he doesn't have to be a superstar anymore. With Butlers rise and Gasol's revival they are a team that can hurt you in so many ways. Once mirotic is the starting SF, they will be even more lethal. 4/5 starters that can create their own shot, and all 5 can pass well. Rose will NEED to be the best in the playoffs. Nothing matters till then, so don't let haters skew your opinion

what do you mean he doesnt need to play like a star? we needed him to play like a star in many games which he did that led to a win where otherwise we wouldnt have won.

01-06-2015, 01:40 PM
what do you mean he doesnt need to play like a star? we needed him to play like a star in many games which he did that led to a win where otherwise we wouldnt have won.
Bulls are not reliant on hero ball anymore. Butler and Gasol have played very well in the 4th on a consistent basis. Rose has owned the 4th, but so has jimmy. Not sure why you care so much about 1 player. It's the Chicago bulls I cheer for, not the Chicago roses.

01-06-2015, 01:41 PM
So If I where to post all the other statistics that favor Butler and Gasol over Rose, what would you say?

Just because you cherry pick a couple of stats that favor Rose doesn't make him a better player than either Butler or Gasol this year.

Rose - 17/5/3 on 40 percent shooting with a 15.77 PER and a 49.7 TS percentage.

Jimmy Butler - 22/6/3 on 48 percent shooting with a 22.32 PER and a 60 percent TS percentage.

Pau Gasol - 18/11/3 on 48 percent shooting with a 21.72 PER and a 54 TS percentage.

It's pretty clear when you look at it objectively.

oh great, the simp stats. you forgot to factor in that rose has averaged 32 minutes vs's jimmy butlers 40 minutes. and rose has a huge impact on creating on offense that jimmy just doesnt compare to. I actually watch the games, and most of the time rose is out of the game, the bulls start losing even with jimmy in the game, thats why i posted those 82games stats to show that its not always about what shows up on the simp stat sheets. refer to kevin love as an example. now get lost loser.

01-06-2015, 01:41 PM
I thought it was pretty clear Rose has not been the best player on the Bulls this season. :confusedshrug:

01-06-2015, 01:43 PM
Even if he's not playing or performing the best thus far I'd still take him over Butler or Gasol in the grand scheme, assuming he can get back to his best shape... He's averaging 19 ppg in wins, while averaging 11 ppg on weak %'s in losses... Rose is also shooting a respectable .48% in fourth quarters this season... It's similar to how highly regarded Tony Parker is even when he's barely playing or the Spurs continue rolling without him.

01-06-2015, 01:45 PM
Even if he's not playing or performing the best thus far I'd still take him over Butler or Gasol in the grand scheme, assuming he can get back to his best shape...

Well no shit. But so far he has been horribly inconsistent. I'd love to see him return to form, but so far it has not happened.

01-06-2015, 01:46 PM
I thought it was pretty clear Rose has not been the best player on the Bulls this season. :confusedshrug:

thats my argument. that its truely not clear, its very much debatable if you take out the instant fame and popularity that butler and gasol has this year.

01-06-2015, 01:49 PM
Well no shit. But so far he has been horribly inconsistent. I'd love to see him return to form, but so far it has not happened.

I hear ya. But with only 25 games played, coming back from numerous injuries (which clearly effected him mentally too), some of that is to be expected. I don't think he'll ever be the paradigm for efficiency, but it's not to say his inefficient/inconsistent game can't have a huge impact, particularly as he gets into midseason form

01-06-2015, 01:52 PM
We all know that you 're Rose's biggest stan around but just give up already, dude.
Rose isn't the same player he once was. He's closing games well but there's another 36 minutes on the game and he's not performing well in this time.

01-06-2015, 01:56 PM
oh great, the simp stats. you forgot to factor in that rose has averaged 32 minutes vs's jimmy butlers 40 minutes. and rose has a huge impact on creating on offense that jimmy just doesnt compare to. I actually watch the games, and most of the time rose is out of the game, the bulls start losing even with jimmy in the game, thats why i posted those 82games stats to show that its not always about what shows up on the simp stat sheets. refer to kevin love as an example. now get lost loser.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

If Rose had good "simp stats" you would be bloviating about how great he is and how he's the MVP.

But he doesn't so you've resorted to citing plus/minus and "clutch" stats. :lol

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

01-06-2015, 02:05 PM
Is this for serious? He is shooting WELL below league avg TS%, is back to being a defensive liability, and is #8 on the team in RAPM.

EDIT: Can't see the pics in the OP. I'm genuinely curious what stat you are attempting to massage to suggest the #253 RAPM player is better than the #15.

01-06-2015, 02:23 PM
Rose is averaging 17/3/5 on 40/26/82 and 0,6 steals.

Jimmy Butler leads over him in EVERY SINGLE of those categories if you swap rebounds and assists. He also plays DPOY level defense.

It's sad what injuries have done to this guy. He's only a shell of his former self.

Butler and Gasol are the best players on the bulls right now.

Butler is a beast on defense thats for sure. (Also efficiency goes to butler) However, the argument of Butler leading over every category is affected by Rose's minutes control earlier in the year. Also, when I watch the games i noticed that atleast 6 of butlers points come from direct fast break assists from rose or a hockey-assist rose assist. What i'm trying to say is, rose makes butler a better player more then butler makes rose a better player. I don't think its a coincidence that Butler is having a breakthrough year the same year Rose came back. Thats just my opinion though

01-06-2015, 02:41 PM
uhh it's not even close either. butler and gasol are clearly more valuable than rose. fraud ass 2011 mvp.

01-06-2015, 02:45 PM
We've won 10 out of the last 11 games. Who gives a ****?

But yeah Jimmy > Pau > Rose so far this season.

01-06-2015, 02:55 PM
thats my argument. that its truely not clear, its very much debatable if you take out the instant fame and popularity that butler and gasol has this year.

And my argument is that a debate only exists if you are being too stubborn to see what is clearly happening in front of our eyes. He could bounce back and become the best player on the Bulls again, but at this point, he has not been the best.

01-06-2015, 02:58 PM
I dont think a Bulls fan should give a **** who the best player is while winning. Rose could score 16 a game on 37% shooting if the team is working well in the process. Why should I care what anyone thinks about where the teams 4 stars lie in comparison to eachother?

Im just happy we have 4 stars...all healthy....and 7 guys who could realistically have 20+ and be the reason we won on any given night.

They can be in any order...so long as the result is a W.

01-06-2015, 02:58 PM
He's done. Get over it. :banghead: :cry: :roll: :lol :oldlol: :D :rockon: :facepalm :wtf: :sleeping

01-06-2015, 03:00 PM
On a per minute basis is Rose even 3rd best on his team? Mirotic might be better. Ditto Taj.

They aren't winning all these games because of Rose.

01-06-2015, 03:22 PM
What is the issue here? Rose has been maybe the 3rd best player on the team... when he wasn't sitting out due to planning on being at graduations in the future. But Gasol and Butler have led the team to their best showing in years. The Bulls are absolutely rolling right now.

01-06-2015, 03:26 PM
Bulls are not reliant on hero ball anymore. Butler and Gasol have played very well in the 4th on a consistent basis. Rose has owned the 4th, but so has jimmy. Not sure why you care so much about 1 player. It's the Chicago bulls I cheer for, not the Chicago roses.


Correct. U r a true Chicago Bulls fan. But there r others who only cheer for the individuals in the uniform. They are basically star-f***kers.

01-06-2015, 03:27 PM
2 things I would point out:

1. Rose is still the most clutch beast mode finisher on the team. This will be evident in the playoffs. Or it won't and the Rose regression storyline remains in full force. But I think he will show up.

2. I don't think Rose has been CHOOSING to go as hard to the rim as he could. Like I said, we need to see the playoffs to really know what is up.

All that said, the Bulls are pretty loaded with talent - it is no shot at Rose to suggest Pau and Jimmy are playing at an elite level this year - perhaps even moreso than Rose who is still playing into form.

01-06-2015, 03:29 PM
uhh it's not even close either. butler and gasol are clearly more valuable than rose. fraud ass 2011 mvp.
So, how a player is playing this season determines their past MVP worthiness?

lebald has to turn in some hardware in that case.

01-06-2015, 03:43 PM
What is the issue here? Rose has been maybe the 3rd best player on the team... when he wasn't sitting out due to planning on being at graduations in the future. But Gasol and Butler have led the team to their best showing in years. The Bulls are absolutely rolling right now.

The issue is simple. There is a difference between Bulls fans and Rose stans.

01-06-2015, 04:03 PM
Rose is shooting like crap from the field and he plays no defense.

I don't know how you can compare him to a skilled 7 footer who can change like 10 shots a game and block shots as well and rebound.

On the defensive end...gasol is way more important than rose.

On the offensive end...he's also better and more efficient.

Even at rose MVP level..which was gifted to him because people got bored of LBJ winning every year...I don't get how rose would be head and shoulders above gasol by scoring a few more points here and there.

01-06-2015, 04:11 PM
The Bulls are the most talented theyve been since the 90's.

Nathan is it really all about Rose for you?

To all those Rose haters though.....do you really think this guy isnt coasting most nights trying to just make it to the playoffs? Because his stats and shooting percentages in the reg season hail in comparison to how important it is that the guy just doesnt get injured before the post season.

Jimmy and Pau are all stars, Mirotic is the real ROY, Noah and Taj are studs, Brooks is a beast off the bench and Derrick Rose has taken over multiple 4th quarters already.

Things are all good right now. Enjoy it.

01-06-2015, 04:14 PM
Rose is shooting like crap from the field and he plays no defense.

I don't know how you can compare him to a skilled 7 footer who can change like 10 shots a game and block shots as well and rebound.

On the defensive end...gasol is way more important than rose.

On the offensive end...he's also better and more efficient.

Even at rose MVP level..which was gifted to him because people got bored of LBJ winning every year...I don't get how rose would be head and shoulders above gasol by scoring a few more points here and there.

25/7/4 on a 62 win team at age 22.....shhhhhhhh

01-06-2015, 04:16 PM
Gasol > Rose

01-06-2015, 04:56 PM
:roll: He's not even the second best player on his team.

01-06-2015, 05:09 PM
To all those Rose haters though.....do you really think this guy isnt coasting most nights trying to just make it to the playoffs?

Is coasting another way of saying he is chucking? If so then i agree he is coasting.

Over the last 5 games he is taking 19 shots per game shooting 26%. Coasting like a champ. :bowdown:

01-06-2015, 06:02 PM
On a per minute basis is Rose even 3rd best on his team? Mirotic might be better. Ditto Taj.

They aren't winning all these games because of Rose.
we did win that wizards game because of rose :lol

01-06-2015, 06:05 PM
we did win that wizards game because of rose :lol

No you won because your bench badly outplayed ours. The Bulls had a double digit lead in the 4th with Rose on the bench.

Not only did the bench hold the lead they were explanding it. Then Rose came in and it vanished.

Bailing out Rose seems to be a regular occurance for the bench.

01-06-2015, 06:13 PM
No you won because your bench badly outplayed ours. The Bulls had a double digit lead in the 4th with Rose on the bench.

Not only did the bench hold the lead they were explanding it. Then Rose came in and it vanished.

Bailing out Rose seems to be a regular occurance for the bench.
damn you're still mad about that game :lol

01-06-2015, 06:14 PM
pretty sure rose himself would question somebody calling him the best player on the team... so far this year anyway

01-06-2015, 06:20 PM
damn you're still mad about that game :lol

I am just stating facts that Rose stans can't handle.

And the lead against the Wizards isn't the only one that Rose has blown lately with his chucking. Fortunately his teamates keep bailing him out.

19 shots per game over the last 5 games shooting 26%. :facepalm

01-06-2015, 06:22 PM
I am just stating facts that Rose stans can't handle.

And the lead against the Wizards isn't the only one that Rose has blown lately with his chucking. Fortunately his teamates keep bailing him out.

19 shots per game over the last 5 games shooting 26%. :facepalm
and we're still number 2 in the conference :pimp:

01-06-2015, 07:32 PM
I would like to put this out there - durring Roses mvp year the bulls couldnt buy a basket - throw the ball into asik or noah and you cry. Boozer did some weird stuff but nothing like throwing the ball to gasol. there was no butler around so NOW roses minutes are down and he is needed for crunch time forced shots. its not his fault his stats are falling not all his fault at least. BUT his jump shot has gone down for sure.

01-06-2015, 07:44 PM
and we're still number 2 in the conference :pimp:

Bulls won 48 last year and added Gasol and Mirotic. It was a given they would be good this year even with a Hinrich/Brooks pg tandem.

01-06-2015, 08:27 PM
Current Butler isn't far off from MVP Rose...LOL

The difference, OP, is that Butler is able to sustain his 2 way play for 40 minutes a game...and he's able to give you 22 a game at absolutely great efficiency while also being an elite defender.

Rose at his peak was better, but it's closer between MVP Rose and current Butler than it is current Butler and current Rose.

Rose has clearly been worse than Gasol and Butler so far this year...shit...on not playing alone.

01-06-2015, 08:42 PM
DRose is 8th in RAPM.


01-06-2015, 08:48 PM
bulls with rose 19-6
without 6-4

keep reading the simp sheets.

01-06-2015, 08:53 PM
bulls with rose 19-6
without 6-4

keep reading the simp sheets.


He ducks the good teams. Then lil' Nate can pretend he is important.

RAPM is his impact on the scoring rate of the team both offensively and defensively. His contributions, on a per minute basis, are 8th on the team. If you also take into consideration how much time he has missed he might fall even lower.

01-06-2015, 08:56 PM
He ducks the good teams. Then lil' Nate can pretend he is important.

Dudes a clown...but you are acting no better with shit like that.

01-06-2015, 09:04 PM
Frye = Dirk without mid range shooting

Beverly = Rose without 2 inches


LOL at Blaze calling anyone else on this forum a clown...

01-06-2015, 09:11 PM
So, how a player is playing this season determines their past MVP worthiness?

lebald has to turn in some hardware in that case.

because he wasn't even the best player that season? only thing he had to show for it was his team's record, and that was because of thibs, not rose.

01-06-2015, 09:18 PM
No you won because your bench badly outplayed ours. The Bulls had a double digit lead in the 4th with Rose on the bench.

Not only did the bench hold the lead they were explanding it. Then Rose came in and it vanished.

Bailing out Rose seems to be a regular occurance for the bench.

:lol Now you are trying reinterpret the game. :roll: :roll: :roll: Just admit it. Game tied at about the six minute mark, and the bench is on the bench for the rest of the game. Game is up for grabs: Rose opened a can of whoop azz, and the game was over, and it wasn't close. Wall started to miss like crazy. Crunch time is crunch time. Bench was not in the game.

01-06-2015, 09:28 PM
because he wasn't even the best player that season? only thing he had to show for it was his team's record, and that was because of thibs, not rose.
Right and Thibes kept having the best record after Rose went down. Rose lead the league in total points. He lead the league in fourth quarter points. He flipped more fourth quarter leads than any player in the league. Rose had more responsibility offensively than any star player. Rose was responsible for more his teams points than any other player in the league. The teams offense went to 28th in the league without him. Do we need to continue...

01-06-2015, 09:28 PM
oh great, the simp stats. you forgot to factor in that rose has averaged 32 minutes vs's jimmy butlers 40 minutes. and rose has a huge impact on creating on offense that jimmy just doesnt compare to. I actually watch the games, and most of the time rose is out of the game, the bulls start losing even with jimmy in the game, thats why i posted those 82games stats to show that its not always about what shows up on the simp stat sheets. refer to kevin love as an example. now get lost loser.

So Rose plays 32 minutes and Butler plays 40? Even more reason that Butler is the star and better player.

You're not valuable to your team playing less minutes. The more you can play, the better.

01-06-2015, 10:03 PM
So Rose plays 32 minutes and Butler plays 40? Even more reason that Butler is the star and better player.

You're not valuable to your team playing less minutes. The more you can play, the better.

great, but when we are talking about stats and there is a disparity in minutes then you cant really use stats.

however i did the math, and with roses current stats and if he played an extra 8 minutes, which he will at some point, he would have 21 points and 6 assists. so its not so clear cut after all is it? or people are just judging by hype and box score. Rose also has been far beyond more clutch than any player on the bulls.
all in all, the bulls are something like 16-2 their last 18 games, the bulls without rose would never have such a streak, even with butler playing so solid and pau's awsome offense.

01-06-2015, 10:05 PM
great, but when we are talking about stats and there is a disparity in minutes than you cant really use stats.

however i did the math, and with roses current stats and if he played an extra 8 minutes, which he will at some point, he would have 21 points and 6 assists. so its not so clear cut after all is it? or people are just judging by hype and box score. Rose also has been far beyond more clutch than any player on the bulls.
all in all, the bulls are something like 16-2 their last 18 games, the bulls without rose would never have such a streak.

and he'd score far less efficiently and be a demonstrably worse defender.

again...this is so ****ing stupid...butler/gasol have clearly been better players than Rose to date.

and so what about the record? Rose is still really good....of course you are better with a player like that. you also do realize that the bulls without butler wouldn't likely win 16 out of 18 either...right?

01-06-2015, 10:09 PM


01-06-2015, 10:11 PM
Get the feelinng Rose is holding himself back a bit trying to get through the season, but obviously Butler and Gasol are having better seasons then Rose.

01-06-2015, 10:13 PM
:lol Now you are trying reinterpret the game. :roll: :roll: :roll: Just admit it. Game tied at about the six minute mark, and the bench is on the bench for the rest of the game. Game is up for grabs: Rose opened a can of whoop azz, and the game was over, and it wasn't close. Wall started to miss like crazy. Crunch time is crunch time. Bench was not in the game.

Typical stan living in an alternate reality. When Rose checked into the game with 6:35 left the Bulls were up 10.

6:35 Derrick Rose enters the game for Aaron Brooks 84-74


01-06-2015, 10:14 PM
Butler > Rose so far into the season. However, the Bulls won't win the title if Rose continues this kind of play. He needs to be the best player for his team. I'm not rooting for him, but I still believe he's the Bulls best talent.

01-06-2015, 10:24 PM
Typical stan living in an alternate reality. When Rose checked into the game with 6:35 left the Bulls were up 10.

6:35 Derrick Rose enters the game for Aaron Brooks 84-74

My bad it was at the 3:25 mark when Rose let Wall and company catchup to beat them on his terms.

This didn't help you any but it is more specific and more humiliating that it only took two minutes to do what Rose did.

01-06-2015, 10:27 PM
Typical stan living in an alternate reality. When Rose checked into the game with 6:35 left the Bulls were up 10.

6:35 Derrick Rose enters the game for Aaron Brooks 84-74


cmon bro the game was like a week ago.

you know exactly what happened... Wall got hot from getting buckets in transition and had some really nice moves(the behind the back)

but once the wizards took the lead Rose took over the game.. while wall kept missing in the halfcourt...

01-06-2015, 10:30 PM
My bad it was at the 3:25 mark when Rose let Wall and company catchup to beat them on his terms.

This didn't help you any but it is more specific and more humiliating that it only took two minutes to do what Rose did.

It only took 2 minutes for the Wizards to erase a 10 point lead after Rose checked into the game.

Same thing happened when the Bulls played Indy. When Rose checked into the game with 8:55 left the Bulls were up 11.

8:55 Derrick Rose enters the game for E'Twaun Moore 83-72


3 minutes later Indy took the lead.

Luckily Butler bailed them out. Rose finished 5-20.

01-06-2015, 10:31 PM
cmon bro the game was like a week ago.

you know exactly what happened... Wall got hot from getting buckets in transition and had some really nice moves(the behind the back)

but once the wizards took the lead Rose took over the game.. while wall kept missing in the halfcourt...

The reason the Wizards went on a run is because of Rose's missed shots and turnovers. But Bulls fans like to pretend that didn't happen.

I am not the one who brought up the game in this thread.

01-06-2015, 10:38 PM
It only took 2 minutes for the Wizards to erase a 10 point lead after Rose checked into the game.

Same thing happened when the Bulls played Indy. When Rose checked into the game with 8:55 left the Bulls were up 11.

8:55 Derrick Rose enters the game for E'Twaun Moore 83-72


3 minutes later Indy took the lead.

Luckily Butler bailed them out. Rose finished 5-20.

Rose is at a level where he just wants to win games. He's capable of doing it shooting 5 for 20. He's done that in the playoffs. The point guard position is there to control the game and win the game if they can. You think they care about your ideas of efficiency whicj matters less to PG's than any other position on the court.

01-06-2015, 10:40 PM
The reason the Wizards went on a run is because of Rose's missed shots and turnovers.
:lol You are a strange dude.

01-06-2015, 10:41 PM
Rose is at a level where he just wants to win games. He's capable of doing it shooting 5 for 20. He's done that in the playoffs. The point guard position is there to control the game and win the game if they can. You think they care about your ideas of efficiency which is matters less to PG's than any other position on the court.

The Bulls can win in spite of Rose's failures because they are the most stacked team in the conference. Rose has probably been the worst pg in the league over the last few games.

He has been playing like the Josh Smith of pgs.

01-06-2015, 10:46 PM
:lol You are a strange dude.

I am not the one denying the facts. Rose had 2 missed shots and 2 turnovers in that span.

You are so clueless you didn't even know the Bulls had a 10 point lead while Rose was on the bench. What game were you watching?

01-06-2015, 10:47 PM
LOL he's trying to defend Rose saying his production would increase with more minutes.

This is exactly what the PER stat explains. How a player performs per minute essentially. Pau and Butler have higher PERs.

01-06-2015, 10:49 PM
Is Rose even the best point guard on his team?

I mean, come on man, seriously....

01-06-2015, 10:51 PM
You know Chicago will ship Rose out? Dragic going Chicago

97 bulls
01-06-2015, 11:00 PM
Nate.... dont worry about who the best player is. Just be happy the team is doing well and Rose is healthy. The Bulls would be hurting if they missed any of their key players.

And dont even entertain the Rose haters. He could be avg 25/8 on 50% and theyd have something negative to say

01-06-2015, 11:35 PM
I am not the one denying the facts. Rose had 2 missed shots and 2 turnovers in that span.

You are so clueless you didn't even know the Bulls had a 10 point lead while Rose was on the bench. What game were you watching? This Game.

01-06-2015, 11:36 PM
refer to the original post for objectivity.

I especially love the minute percentage played.

01-07-2015, 03:48 AM
You have to be pretty delirious to think Rose is even the 2nd best player on the team this year, much less the first. Butler and Gasol are killing it.

01-07-2015, 06:47 AM
He will turn it up in the finals. Youll see.

01-07-2015, 07:08 AM
Just be happy he is able to play some ball for fuksake.

People act like the poor guy wants to be injured.


01-07-2015, 08:23 AM
This Game.

Props to him for holding on to the 10 point lead the bench handed him. :bowdown:

01-07-2015, 10:39 AM
Props to him for holding on to the 10 point lead the bench handed him. :bowdown:

hey, your boy john wall barely scored 2 points on rose in that game in the first 3 quarters. so what game were you watching where you thought john played better than rose?:lol

i will be anticipating your reply greatly.


01-07-2015, 10:48 AM
hey, your boy john wall barely scored 2 points on rose in that game in the first 3 quarters. so what game were you watching where you thought john played better than rose?:lol

I was watching the game where Wall had 9 assists and shot 9/16 from the field. I guess you were watching something else.

Wall only took 13 shots per game in december. He isn't shooting as much, especially early in games. He is looking to set up other players, something Rose doesn't know much about.

Rose is all about that chuck, all about that chuck, bout that chuck, bout that chuck...

01-07-2015, 10:51 AM
I was watching the game where Wall had 12 assists and shot 9/16 from the field. I guess you were watching something else.

Wall only took 13 shots per game in december. He isn't shooting as much, especially early in games. He is looking to set up other players, something Rose doesn't know much about.

Rose is all about that chuck, all about that chuck, bout that chuck, bout that chuck...

how did that efficiency and 12 assists serve him? he definitely won the game right? 2 points on rose the first 3 quarters, you lost.

01-07-2015, 10:53 AM
Be serious, OP. When you watch the games, do you really think Rose's impact comes close to Butler's?

Shit, in the games I've seen Brooks has been your best PG. But Butler's two-way play, sustained for a longer amount of time (I hate minutes arguments regarding defensive players because their presence isn't a statistical one), is simply more valuable than what Rose currently brings (blame it on the injury if you want).

Also, on BBallReference's On/Off page, Butler has been numbers than Rose.

01-07-2015, 10:56 AM
Be serious, OP. When you watch the games, do you really think Rose's impact comes close to Butler's?

Shit, in the games I've seen Brooks has been your best PG. But Butler's two-way play, sustained for a longer amount of time (I hate minutes arguments regarding defensive players because their presence isn't a statistical one), is simply more valuable than what Rose currently brings (blame it on the injury if you want).

Also, on BBallReference's On/Off page, Butler has been numbers than Rose.

when i watch the games, especially for the pg position, i see the impact that doesnt show up on the stat sheets. and it shows in the record and minutes when he plays, that the team is more winning, and better when hes on the court.
jimmy is a solid anchor for the bulls, hes not the game changer that rose is. look at the close games weve had, butler ends up with an even record, but rose has a winning one.

01-07-2015, 11:14 AM
how did that efficiency and 12 assists serve him? he definitely won the game right? 2 points on rose the first 3 quarters, you lost.

Our bigs sucked. Gortat/Nene/Hump/Seraphin were a combined 13/37, shooting 35%. And we got outrebounded by 11.

But let's pretend like Rose dominated Wall to make the stans happy.

01-07-2015, 11:19 AM
when i watch the games, especially for the pg position, i see the impact that doesnt show up on the stat sheets. and it shows in the record and minutes when he plays, that the team is more winning, and better when hes on the court.

Problem is that they aren't better with Rose on the court. His RPM is -1.18 which ranks 41st among pgs (Brooks is 27th, Wall 6th).


01-07-2015, 11:26 AM
Problem is that they aren't better with Rose on the court. His RPM is -1.18 which ranks 41st among pgs (Brooks is 27th, Wall 6th).


do you realize how retarded you are for believing these stats? if you really think brooks is more impactful than rose than you are as stupid as ive thought you were. keep searching though, youll eventually find something.

wizards are 5-5 last ten games. stop deluding yourself, this wall ***** is nothing.

01-07-2015, 11:36 AM
do you realize how retarded you are for believing these stats? if you really think brooks is more impactful than rose than you are as stupid as ive thought you were. keep searching though, youll eventually find something.

wizards are 5-5 last ten games. stop deluding yourself, this wall ***** is nothing.

Rose is shooting 5 threes a game while shooting 26%. Is that stat meaningless too?

I bet i know what his favorite food is, chuck roast.

01-07-2015, 12:38 PM
nathan here clearly wants dat d-rose jizz.

01-07-2015, 12:49 PM
Rose is averaging 17/3/5 on 40/26/82 and 0,6 steals.

Jimmy Butler leads over him in EVERY SINGLE of those categories if you swap rebounds and assists. He also plays DPOY level defense.

It's sad what injuries have done to this guy. He's only a shell of his former self.

Butler and Gasol are the best players on the bulls right now.

Rose is still working his way back, you don't lose two years of pro basketball and get your form back in a few months, he might need this whole season, it took CP3 two seasons to get back from his knee injury. Rose WILL regain his MVP form in the future barring any major setback, he's still young.

01-07-2015, 04:21 PM
He isn't the best player on his team. :)

Are you irked yet? :cheers:

01-07-2015, 05:40 PM
I'm risking my employment posting this from work but I just had to say it.

Rose is a mental midget and will never return to his 2011 form. He's hardly the third best player on his current team and it irks me that there are still delusional fans who believe this soft introverted wuss will ever lead a team to the promise land. Its all about Jimmy Buckets and Pow wow Gasol now and the sooner you accept this, the better you will be.

01-07-2015, 06:00 PM
I'm risking my employment posting this from work but I just had to say it. Rose is a mental midget... Pow wow Gasol now and the sooner you accept this, the better you will be.

You got it backwards... Your employer is at risk by employing you. They are mental midgets. The sooner you get banned the better off we will all be.

01-07-2015, 08:15 PM
I'm risking my employment posting this from work but I just had to say it.

Rose is a mental midget and will never return to his 2011 form. He's hardly the third best player on his current team and it irks me that there are still delusional fans who believe this soft introverted wuss will ever lead a team to the promise land. Its all about Jimmy Buckets and Pow wow Gasol now and the sooner you accept this, the better you will be.
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

nathanjizzle is a 30 year old loser troll and pointguard is the most delusional on this site, also a big-time loser but he's actually being serious. Just a really stupid guy.

01-07-2015, 08:16 PM
I apologize to all kobe stans. I never knew how just really not bad they actually were.

Again...I apologize.

01-07-2015, 09:30 PM
I apologize to all kobe stans. I never knew how just really not bad they actually were.

Again...I apologize.


01-07-2015, 10:46 PM
Does it really irk you that much? I personally think Rose is still the best player on the team per minute basis, but it is completely fair for someone to say Butler or Gasol has been the best player on the team this year so far. But you know what... WHO CARES. WERE WINNING.

Who cares about it's not even close, or who's the best player. At this point the only thing on my mind is championship.

01-07-2015, 10:50 PM
Does it really irk you that much? I personally think Rose is still the best player on the team per minute basis, but it is completely fair for someone to say Butler or Gasol has been the best player on the team this year so far. But you know what... WHO CARES. WERE WINNING.

Who cares about it's not even close, or who's the best player. At this point the only thing on my mind is championship.
Nathan and Pointguard are strictly Rose stans. That's all they are.

You know those LeBron stans who only care about LeBron? That's what they are for Rose.

Must be a miserable existence to stan for the biggest retard in the league who quit on his team two years in a row.

01-07-2015, 10:54 PM
Rose's suckage continues. After 3 quarters he is 3-14 with only 1 assist and 3 turnovers against the Jazz, one of the worst defensive teams in the league.

Looks like his teamates might not be able to carry him to victory this time.

01-07-2015, 10:55 PM
Rose's suckage continues. After 3 quarters he is 3-14 with only 1 assist and 3 turnovers against the Jazz, one of the worst defensive teams in the league.

Looks like his teamates might not be able to carry him to victory this time.
Actually a regular night for him.

01-07-2015, 10:59 PM
nathan here clearly wants dat d-rose jizz.
and you clearly want dat LeBRONZE jizz

01-07-2015, 11:01 PM
Must be a miserable existence to stan for the biggest retard in the league who quit on his team two years in a row.
Could be more miserable... I could be you, right?

01-07-2015, 11:02 PM
Could be more miserable... I could be you, right?
How long did it take you to come up with this one? 10 minutes?


01-07-2015, 11:15 PM
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

nathanjizzle is a 30 year old loser troll and pointguard is the most delusional on this site,
:lol woke up thinking about me today didn't you. Second time you're talking about me. I didn't think trolls let people in their head like that. Its like you are trolling yourself now, without knowing it. Why all the ugliness?

also a big-time loser but he's actually being serious. :lol

01-07-2015, 11:20 PM
:lol woke up thinking about me today didn't you. Second time you're talking about me. I didn't think trolls let people in their head like that. Its like you are trolling yourself now, without knowing it. Why all the ugliness?



Literally took you 10 minutes to come up with 2 lines. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Where's the "work" excuse you slow functioning liar?

It's becoming more and more apparent why you can relate to Rose so much. You both are insanely slow.

01-07-2015, 11:47 PM

Literally took you 10 minutes to come up with 2 lines. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Where's the "work" excuse you slow functioning liar?

It's becoming more and more apparent why you can relate to Rose so much. You both are insanely slow.
Why do you care about my time. I am usually doing three things at a time along with changing channels for games, and all of them are more important than responding to you. This is hilarious, I might respond in two days, maybe even a week. You aren't important. You are a slow, clown, hater on a board that I'm not in a rush to respond to. Do you keep a thread open and keep refreshing it to respond? When you get to it you get to it.

Stop sweating me, you lunatic.

01-07-2015, 11:47 PM

Literally took you 10 minutes to come up with 2 lines. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Where's the "work" excuse you slow functioning liar?

It's becoming more and more apparent why you can relate to Rose so much. You both are insanely slow.
Why do you care about my time? I am usually doing three things at a time along with changing channels for games, and all of them are more important than responding to you. This is hilarious, I might respond in two days, maybe even a week. You aren't important. You are a slow, clown, hater on a board that I'm not in a rush to respond to. Do you keep a thread open and keep refreshing it to respond? When you get to it you get to it.

Stop sweating me, you lunatic.

01-09-2015, 11:33 PM
OP is right, rose is still the best player on the team. Tonight it was obvious when everyone else dropped the ball, and i mean that literally and figuratively. Jo played shitty defense on nene, and had no offensive production. Butler kept letting beal and butler hit 3s, and had no offense himself. Pau had little impact. It was infact Rose and the bulls bench that kept the Bulls in the game.