View Full Version : If the Knicks decide to blow it up, I want Amare to go to the Spurs

01-06-2015, 09:51 PM
What are the chances of this happening?

Spurs bench:

C: Amare
PF: Diaw
SF: Belinelli
SG: Ginobili
PG: Mills/Joseph

01-06-2015, 10:01 PM
What are the chances of this happening?

Spurs bench:

C: Amare
PF: Diaw
SF: Belinelli
SG: Ginobili
PG: Mills/Joseph

"if the knicks decide to blow it up"? Its already been blown up, so what can the Spurs offer us?

01-06-2015, 10:12 PM
There's nothing to blow up.

Their team already consists entirely of scattered shrapnel.

01-06-2015, 10:14 PM
Yeah I'm not sure how you blow up a burned out building.

01-06-2015, 10:17 PM
As a Stat fan I am all for this, it would be good seeing him make the most of what he has left instead of wasting away on the Knicks

01-06-2015, 10:17 PM
What are the chances of this happening?

Spurs bench:

C: Amare
PF: Diaw
SF: Belinelli
SG: Ginobili
PG: Mills/Joseph

Amare should come to the Hawks.

01-06-2015, 10:20 PM
If they decide to blow it up? :biggums: Right now the knicks resemble no mans land from WW1, they've been blown up a millions times.

01-06-2015, 10:20 PM
Please god no. He isn't good enough for minutes in SA anyway.


01-06-2015, 10:23 PM
As a Stat fan I am all for this, it would be good seeing him make the most of what he has left instead of wasting away on the Knicks
yeah it's so sad to see a player give his best 82 games a season, put up stellar performances and numbers and be stuck on a mediocre team.

01-06-2015, 10:25 PM
yeah it's so sad to see a player give his best 82 games a season, put up stellar performances and numbers and be stuck on a mediocre team.
From his limited playing time (when healthy) he can still score quite efficiently, don't be mad your shitty team signed him at the wrong time.

01-06-2015, 10:25 PM
Good scoring punch off the bench but terrible defense? No thanks. Send him Kobe's way.

01-06-2015, 10:26 PM
Amare needs to go back to Phoenix to be healthy again

01-06-2015, 10:37 PM
Yeah I'm not sure how you blow up a burned out building.
Blow up the pieces and fragments remaining! :banana:

02-16-2015, 01:29 AM
Spurs wouldn't even have to trade for him now. They can sign him straight up. I hope he goes to the Spurs or Bulls if the Bulls decide to trade Taj by the deadline.

02-16-2015, 01:35 AM
maybe old wise guy team leader for young club. wolves bucks. or join the heat and come off the bench occasionally.

02-16-2015, 01:52 AM
lol at the title..i think the knicks already self detonated long ago...just gotta hope if the fallen pieces are able to walk out of that crater again

02-16-2015, 01:59 AM
could see him going to the Heat or Suns.