View Full Version : French satirical magazine attacked by terrorists in Paris

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01-07-2015, 08:51 AM
Paris police say shots have been fired at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hedbo, killing at least 11 people, a police official has said.

Charlie Hebdo, a satirical weekly has drawn repeated threats for its caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, among other controversial sketches.


01-07-2015, 08:54 AM
Their last tweet was a picture of the ISIS leader...


01-07-2015, 09:07 AM
Islam has nothing to do with this!

01-07-2015, 09:09 AM

Soon even the French will be too scared to offend.

01-07-2015, 09:18 AM
Does no one take care of these "youths" these days?

01-07-2015, 09:28 AM
allah akbar!

damn terrorist rats, rip innocent people

01-07-2015, 09:43 AM
In Europe there will be a big anti-muslim movement. These morons are digging their own graves.

01-07-2015, 10:45 AM
Notice how quickly the words "terrorist attack" comes out of French and British leaders mouths. Sounds like powers that be trying to scare up some more support for their fake wars, huh?

And it's nice that the "terrorists" waited until after the New Year to get their agenda known, get as much mass media coverage as possible, eh?

Hmmmm......gee, I wonder who benefits from these convenient terrorist attacks?

You say this stupid crap about EVERY SINGLE Islamic terrorist attack. It's useless. You aren't in Paris. You have no idea what's happening. Yet EVERY SINGLE ATTACK, you automatically try to deny that insane Islamic terrorists are doing what insane Islamic terrorists are doing. You sit at home, and no matter where crazy Islamic radicals are blowing something up in the world, here's bagelred, sitting at his desk, screaming that it's all made-up.

01-07-2015, 10:55 AM
Maybe they waited until after the holidays because that is when people would be back at work?
Nah, conspiracy is the only answer here. The government be ordering hits on cartoonists to fuel their bloodthirsty drive for war :rolleyes:.

'French terrorism expert Jean Charles Brisard tells the BBC that the attack was well planned: "What we can say is, looking at the images and videos that are coming out, is the individuals were well-prepared, well-equipped; they had military-style weapons; they had probably bullet-proof jackets. So these individuals were well trained and determined indeed to commit this terrorist act, which is probably the worst that we've experienced in French history in the last 30 years."

This has probably come straight from Syria as a targeted assassination attempt. The situation is just getting worse and worse and still so many have failed to wake up to the problem, which is not going to go away on its own. The greater the perceived threat (which is growing), the more will people retreat into nationalism also. Islam will spell the end of multiculturalism, though our current multiculturalism isn't very 'multi' or pluralist at all, as it is a singular ideology that ostracises and ridicules those who disagree regarding its merits. Its dogmatic and unconditional inclusiveness has contributed a great deal to bringing this problem to us in the first place.

01-07-2015, 11:36 AM
cue the... "ALL religions are crazy, stopping making this about radical Islam" diversionary, apologist BS ... A problem is a problem is a problem... Being afraid to talk about it is a huge part of the problem, for Muslims also.

01-07-2015, 11:40 AM
Crazy shit. Executing police officers in the street http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=bc6_1420632668

One of France's most famous political cartoonists Cabu confirmed dead. God I hope we have Muhammed cartoons running in every western newspaper daily for the rest of the year to honor the victims of Islam and free speech.

01-07-2015, 11:46 AM
I'm reminded of the Danish paper that did Muhammed cartoons. Islamists just don't get satire do they?

01-07-2015, 11:53 AM
Well they all knew the risk when they drew those cartoons.

01-07-2015, 12:02 PM
If these nutjobs were another religion, they would react the same way. It is not the religion, it is the people. Brainwashed and extremely violent (killing of innocents), that is not something preached by the sane Muslim world. Of course the usual people come in here and will talk about Islam being the problem :oldlol:


You can't poke satire at extremists and expect no reaction, jus sayin.

01-07-2015, 12:03 PM
Well they all knew the risk when they drew those cartoons.

Yeah, definitely terrible what has happened to them but were they retarded? In this current climate why would you want to endanger yourself? Its not like they were making a REAL political statement, just making trashy cartoons to get attention. Are lives worth risking for that?

01-07-2015, 12:04 PM
You say this stupid crap about EVERY SINGLE Islamic terrorist attack. It's useless. You aren't in Paris. You have no idea what's happening. Yet EVERY SINGLE ATTACK, you automatically try to deny that insane Islamic terrorists are doing what insane Islamic terrorists are doing. You sit at home, and no matter where crazy Islamic radicals are blowing something up in the world, here's bagelred, sitting at his desk, screaming that it's all made-up.
Where is the post? Was it deleted by bagel or a mod? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, maybe if he said FFFFFFFFF ISLAM, he would be made mod here :rolleyes:

01-07-2015, 12:04 PM
In Europe there will be a big anti-muslim movement. These morons are digging their own graves.

Thats what they want though. They want there to be a separation between the Muslims and the Non-Muslims so their organisations can become stronger. Have to say its working right now.

Andrew Wiggins
01-07-2015, 12:12 PM
Where is the post? Was it deleted by bagel or a mod? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, maybe if he said FFFFFFFFF ISLAM, he would be made mod here :rolleyes:

"oldschool" is one of jeff/steve's account.

and this attack is truly disgusting. hopefully more of these satirical cartoons against mohammed pop up all over the place. free speech should always be preserved no matter who it offends

01-07-2015, 12:18 PM
"oldschool" is one of jeff/steve's account.

and this attack is truly disgusting. hopefully more of these satirical cartoons against mohammed pop up all over the place. free speech should always be preserved no matter who it offends
That is not the answer. I am offended by a satirical drawing of the Prophet, but I am not gonna do anything violent about it, as you are allowed free speech. Maybe you should start drawing them, as you want innocent people to start dying for something you believe in. Don't be a coward, put your name on the blog and start drawing :cheers:

01-07-2015, 12:21 PM
Yeah, definitely terrible what has happened to them but were they retarded? In this current climate why would you want to endanger yourself? Its not like they were making a REAL political statement, just making trashy cartoons to get attention. Are lives worth risking for that?
Because they aren't cowards like the scum in here who say things like 'they brought it on themselves'

Only a craven imbecile can't recognise that there is a REAL political statement in what they were doing, and in what they died for, which is that they (and Western society) will not be cowed into respectful silence by threats from religious fanatics. It is one of the oldest and most valuable principles of European culture, but OF COURSE you and other ISHiots would fail to comprehend any of this in the slightest.

God, i abhor cowards like you, who live comfortable lives because of the risks and great tasks taken on by the valiant of the past, only to repudiate all that they stood for because you worship comfort, peace, and security (i.e. servitude).

01-07-2015, 12:23 PM
That is not the answer. I am offended by a satirical drawing of the Prophet, but I am not gonna do anything violent about it, as you are allowed free speech. Maybe you should start drawing them, as you want innocent people to start dying for something you believe in. Don't be a coward, put your name on the blog and start drawing :cheers:
Is this another muslim secretly revelling in the murder of journalists who have 'offended' your precious sensibilities?

Your incredible stupidity and ignorance offends me to the bone.

Andrew Wiggins
01-07-2015, 12:24 PM
That is not the answer. I am offended by a satirical drawing of the Prophet, but I am not gonna do anything violent about it, as you are allowed free speech. Maybe you should start drawing them, as you want innocent people to start dying for something you believe in. Don't be a coward, put your name on the blog and start drawing :cheers:

i have no interest in it but people that are compelled to shouldn't have to fear for their life because of oversensitive piece of shits that use islam as means for violence.

sounds like you're defending the terrorists just because they're the same religion as you...what a shock

Andrew Wiggins
01-07-2015, 12:27 PM
Is this another muslim secretly revelling in the murder of journalists who have 'offended' your precious sensibilities?

Your incredible stupidity and ignorance offends me to the bone.

seriously. talking about journalists being murdered as if it's no big deal because it offends his religion. sadly, this mentality is shared by far too many people that identify themselves as muslims :wtf:

01-07-2015, 12:28 PM
Delusional idiots with guns are dangerous.

01-07-2015, 12:29 PM
Terrorists are the Josh Smiths of Islam.

Addition by subtraction, I have no problem eradicating every single terrorist in the world, any race, any religion, any color, any country. If you get rid of them, everyone would appreciate all the religions. But we are blinded by what these retarded terrorists do, and don't you dare reply to this Dresta because you get so mad on the internet you start calling everyone names :oldlol:

In b4 out of context verses from the Qur'an :facepalm

01-07-2015, 12:32 PM
In before some Muslims starts crying about how these guys are only a small part of Islam and real Islam isn't like this and how Muslims are the real victims. Oh too late.


Imdaman and his extremist ideas are the reason Islamic terrorism is so prevalent and deeply ingrained in Islamic culture.

01-07-2015, 12:36 PM
Knew this thread would turn into Islamophobia. :rolleyes:

Insidehoops, innit. :rolleyes:

01-07-2015, 12:37 PM
Terrorists are the Josh Smiths of Islam.
This sounds wrong in many levels. Still, :oldlol:

01-07-2015, 12:39 PM
This sounds wrong in many levels. Still, :oldlol:
I said it in jest, but Islam would be better viewed without them. Addition by subtraction.

Can't believe I'm saying this... but Islam needs Stan Van Gundy in charge :facepalm

01-07-2015, 12:44 PM

It's nice to know that 38 out of a billion Muslims are against extremism.

01-07-2015, 12:48 PM
Knew this thread would turn into Islamophobia. :rolleyes:

Insidehoops, innit. :rolleyes:
Why can't you even have a conversation without expressing the dogmatic rhetoric and prejudices of your time? 'Islamophobia' is a nonsensical construct, and yet here you are employing the term; a non-muslim employing muslim propaganda in a thread about followers of Islam executing a bunch of journalists. Better start talking about Marxophobia (people who think Marxism is a bad idea), and right-wing-ophobia (people who constantly and incessantly preach hate against all things conservative). How about Nazophobia? Is that a pathology too? Is everyone who is anti-nazi mentally ill? You need to recognise that these are all ideologies, and no ideology is worthy of special respect and praise simply because it has a billion + simpletons who hold it dear.

When you grow up a bit you might realise that none of these are pathologies, and that different points of view are allowed without their being a mental illness.

01-07-2015, 12:48 PM
In before some Muslims starts crying about how these guys are only a small part of Islam and real Islam isn't like this and how Muslims are the real victims. Oh too late.


Imdaman and his extremist ideas are the reason Islamic terrorism is so prevalent and deeply ingrained in Islamic culture.
Hello Pim Fortuyn/Geert Wilders.

If you werent aware, there are 1.6 billion Muslims.

01-07-2015, 12:48 PM
So I noticed my post on this attack possibly being a False Flag was erased. To the moderator who did that, you are a dunce.

01-07-2015, 12:51 PM

01-07-2015, 12:55 PM
Why can't you even have a conversation without expressing the dogmatic rhetoric and prejudices of your time? 'Islamophobia' is a nonsensical construct, and yet here you are employing the term; a non-muslim employing muslim propaganda in a thread about followers of Islam executing a bunch of journalists. Better start talking about Marxophobia (people who think Marxism is a bad idea), and right-wing-ophobia (people who constantly and incessantly preach hate against all things conservative). How about Nazophobia? Is that a pathology too? Is everyone who is anti-nazi mentally ill? You need to recognise that these are all ideologies, and no ideology is worthy of special respect and praise simply because it has a billion + simpletons who hold it dear.

When you grow up a bit you might realise that none of these are pathologies, and that different points of view are allowed without their being a mental illness.

Where did i mention mental illness?

F*cking hell. Insecure tw*t. I wish we could discuss these things without bringing in generalizations. How many Muslims do you even know IRL?

01-07-2015, 12:59 PM
Knew this thread would turn into Islamophobia. :rolleyes:

Insidehoops, innit. :rolleyes:


01-07-2015, 12:59 PM
Hello Pim Fortuyn/Geert Wilders.

If you werent aware, there are 1.6 billion Muslims.
Living in London you should be aware that many of its mosques and 'Islamic societies' have become breeding grounds for extremism. You can only not have noticed this through wilful ignorance, it has been so clear and observable:


01-07-2015, 01:01 PM

Better to post the actual cartoons



"I wouldn't have shot them myself, but they kinda maybe deserved to get killed for making a satirical image" -Imdaman and hundreds of millions "moderate" Muslims.

01-07-2015, 01:02 PM
Where did i mention mental illness?

F*cking hell. Insecure tw*t. I wish we could discuss these things without bringing in generalizations. How many Muslims do you even know IRL?
Phobias are mental illnesses, and defined by their irrationality you dense ****.

It's not my fault you can't understand the idiotic language you use - maybe you should think before employing terms you've simply annexed unthinkingly from others. Then you won't have to get all defensive after someone calls out your bullshit.

01-07-2015, 01:02 PM
Terrorists are the Josh Smiths of Islam.

Addition by subtraction, I have no problem eradicating every single terrorist in the world, any race, any religion, any color, any country. If you get rid of them, everyone would appreciate all the religions. But we are blinded by what these retarded terrorists do, and don't you dare reply to this Dresta because you get so mad on the internet you start calling everyone names :oldlol:

In b4 out of context verses from the Qur'an :facepalm

01-07-2015, 01:03 PM
Phobias are mental illnesses, and defined by their irrationality you dense ****.

It's not my fault you can't understand the idiotic language you use - maybe you should think before employing terms you've simply annexed unthinkingly from others. Then you won't have to get all defensive after someone calls out your bullshit.
How many Muslims do you know IRL?

01-07-2015, 01:05 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

LJJ so mad.

It is offensive. No one deserves to die over free speech abuse. But they should know what they will incite. To claim they didn't know better would be stupid. You can't reason with extremists. That does not make me moderate, that makes me a human with common sense. Take off your tinfoil hat bro.

01-07-2015, 01:07 PM
I don't understand why we have to blame all "Muslims" every time an Islamist Terrorist attack like this occurs in the West. It would be like Muslims blaming all "White European Christians" every time America/France/England invade, rape, pillage, and occupy Middle Eastern lands.

We should realize that not all Muslims (Only ISIS and the like) are evil, and not all White Christians are evil(Only supporters of American/British/French foreign policy).

You know how best this would have been avoided? If France never killed millions of Algerians, Morrocons, Tunisians, Syrians, Libyans and Lebanese and forced so many refugees to seek shelter within their country.

We should blame Serbia, they started WW1 and because of them the Ottomanian Empire was destroyed by France and GB -> Middle East occupied by the West.

01-07-2015, 01:07 PM
Yes a bunch of innocent people were gunned down by raving lunatics and I'm not laughing about it and happy about it like you. That's exactly right.

01-07-2015, 01:09 PM
We should realize that not all Muslims (Only ISIS and the like) are evil, and not all White Christians are evil(Only supporters of American/British/French foreign policy).

So American/British/French foreign policy is based on radical religious beliefs? You do realize that these countries are representative democracies, not crazy theocracies right? You do realize that the majority of the populations of these countries don't adhere to any religious belief right?

01-07-2015, 01:16 PM
Dresta on this forum


I don't agree with him all the time. But generally he's always on point and certainly one of the few posters who can actually back up their argument.

No one deserves to be killed for a satirical cartoon. There is no justification.

01-07-2015, 01:18 PM
Yes a bunch of innocent people were gunned down by raving lunatics and I'm not laughing about it and happy about it like you. That's exactly right.
Do something about it. All you do is btch and moan about it on the internet. I understand it's easier to shit on an entire religion with the anonymity of the internet but your whining is incessant and extremely beta. Otherwise, stfu and get over it. You thinking I am happy about this is borderline girly. I am bothered anytime someone innocent gets killed. Whine some more. I am sure your word is getting across insulting an entire religion.

Religion of peace, badly represented by ignorant brainwashed violent terrorists. Deal with it or do something about it. I guarantee you that ISIS is not reading your posts. Make a stand :cheers:

01-07-2015, 01:18 PM

01-07-2015, 01:20 PM

01-07-2015, 01:20 PM
Do something about it. All you do is btch and moan about it on the internet. I understand it's easier to shit on an entire religion with the anonymity of the internet but your whining is incessant and extremely beta. Otherwise, stfu and get over it. You thinking I am happy about this is borderline girly. I am bothered anytime someone innocent gets killed. Whine some more. I am sure your word is getting across insulting an entire religion.

Religion of peace, badly represented by ignorant brainwashed violent terrorists. Deal with it or do something about it. I guarantee you that ISIS is not reading your posts. Make a stand :cheers:

I banged a bunch of Muslim honeys and liberated them from their vile religious chains. I'm made my difference. :cheers:

01-07-2015, 01:21 PM
Its not based on radical religious beliefs at all. You're 100% right when you say these countries are representative democracies ; which ultimately makes things much worse. What do you think Muslims (Or whoever) think of "Democracies" when they see the damage and destruction that its greatest adherents cause to their lands and people? They see these countries filled with white European men invade, pillage, and occupy their land in the name of "democracy", and what are they meant to think of it? That all white people who believe in democracy support these neo-imperialist actions??

Just like ISIS uses "Islam" as a front for its ambitions to control land, the "West" uses democracy as its excuse to do the same.

Those were french guys, they probably lived in 3rd or 4th generation in France.

01-07-2015, 01:22 PM
I don't understand why we have to blame all "Muslims" every time an Islamist Terrorist attack like this occurs in the West. It would be like Muslims blaming all "White European Christians" every time America/France/England invade, rape, pillage, and occupy Middle Eastern lands.

We should realize that not all Muslims (Only ISIS and the like) are evil, and not all White Christians are evil(Only supporters of American/British/French foreign policy).

You know how best this would have been avoided? If France never killed millions of Algerians, Morrocons, Tunisians, Syrians, Libyans and Lebanese and forced so many refugees to seek shelter within their country.

if no muslims were allowed into europe in the first place............they have their shitholes countries, stay there

01-07-2015, 01:28 PM
Do something about it. All you do is btch and moan about it on the internet. I understand it's easier to shit on an entire religion with the anonymity of the internet but your whining is incessant and extremely beta. Otherwise, stfu and get over it. You thinking I am happy about this is borderline girly. I am bothered anytime someone innocent gets killed. Whine some more. I am sure your word is getting across insulting an entire religion.

Religion of peace, badly represented by ignorant brainwashed violent terrorists. Deal with it or do something about it. I guarantee you that ISIS is not reading your posts. Make a stand :cheers:

Maybe he's worried about getting a fatwa put out on him. Salman Rushdie needs a private security team to follow him around for the rest of his life because he wrote a book. Fact is if you openly criticize Islam it's a possibility you could face repercussions.

01-07-2015, 01:31 PM
In Europe there will be a big anti-muslim movement. These morons are digging their own graves.
Why can't we send all these sharia law hardcore fggots back to Arabia or wherever the fuq they're from? These jackasses hate living with infidels, so go back to Muslim countries you dopes and leave the Christian countries alone...and I'm not even religious by any means but I'm tired of these Moslem jerkoffs wanting us to abide by their backward ass customs. :facepalm

01-07-2015, 01:32 PM
Ain't Paris have surveillance cameras all over the place? Should they get closer to the terrorists by now?

01-07-2015, 01:33 PM
How many Muslims do you know IRL?
Stupid and pointless question, but considering i grew up in Tooting Broadway (London), and played Cricket for a local club for many years throughout my childhood, it is a lot. Not only that, but i have family from Tunisia, so i have arab (and muslim) relatives, one who was even tortured by the Bourguiba administration, and another who was a high-ranking General in the Tunisian army (and whose daughter started wearing the hijab to rebel and embarrass him :roll: - and who actually inquired as to whether i was open to marriage and conversion). Oh, and i also lived with a muslim for two years.

So i think my credents are likely better than yours, no?

I don't understand why we have to blame all "Muslims" every time an Islamist Terrorist attack like this occurs in the West. It would be like Muslims blaming all "White European Christians" every time America/France/England invade, rape, pillage, and occupy Middle Eastern lands.

We should realize that not all Muslims (Only ISIS and the like) are evil, and not all White Christians are evil(Only supporters of American/British/French foreign policy).

You know how best this would have been avoided? If France never killed millions of Algerians, Morrocons, Tunisians, Syrians, Libyans and Lebanese and forced so many refugees to seek shelter within their country.
Hard to avoid the past to be honest, though the French were particularly unpleasant as colonialists. Not that anyone should care about the past of those countries anyway, considering they were pretty barbarous themselves when they were conquered, and almost every country, race or religion has some kind of past grievance they could use to justify murder. They were religious fanatics and barbarians long before Western imperialists showed themselves, and living off past injustices serves no purpose other than to perpetuate injustice and misery.

Tunisia is the only one of those countries not looking like an absolute shit-heap, and what have its people done? Repudiated the mixing of islam and politics, and turned westward, electing a relic of the Bourguiba administration. The people in the North and along the East coast of Tunisia view those in the South and towards Algeria as primitive and backwards, ('you will be amazed at how much so' my uncle told me, and he was right). I also saw a surprising number who supported Assad, and who viewed the Syrian resistance as a conglomerate of religious fanatics from the start (when Westerners were being told otherwise).

01-07-2015, 01:44 PM
The muslims in this thread are correct. This had absolutely nothing to do with islam, except for the part where 12 people were killed in the name of islam.

HitandRun Reggie
01-07-2015, 01:45 PM
:oldlol: @ the people who say this is just another incident of the isolated few in Islam. ENTIRE NATIONS have issued the assassination of people just because their writings aren't flattering to Islam. Salman Rushdie can attest to that.

01-07-2015, 01:48 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

LJJ so mad.

It is offensive. No one deserves to die over free speech abuse. But they should know what they will incite. To claim they didn't know better would be stupid. You can't reason with extremists. That does not make me moderate, that makes me a human with common sense. Take off your tinfoil hat bro.
You and the clear satisfaction you are taking in this barbarism really aren't doing your arguments in favour of 'moderate' muslims like yourself much good. To be honest, you are making muslims look bad by being a complete piece of shit. What does that even mean 'they know what they will incite'?

Ignorant bullshit is what that is. Of course they knew there was a risk, but sometimes people take risks to take principled stands against barbarians and miscreants, that doesn't mean we blame them when they are murdered for simply expressing an opinion or point of view. If people as courageous as this didn't exist, we'd all still be living under despotism, and yet here you are, sarcastically rolling your eyes at their demise. You have no shame.

Anybody with half a brain knew the truth about Assad. Dudes a G. The only people i've come across who have said otherwise have been extremist-Muslims and idiot Westerners with no knowledge of history, geography and politics. Heres a video from a few years back of the man driving alone through Damascus. Imagine Obama or Cameron tryin to do that.

Yes, i just mean it was strange to see it from a people who had just toppled their own dictator, and elected an islamic government (when i was last there). I think Tunisia will be ok, but the others, not so much.

01-07-2015, 01:52 PM

01-07-2015, 01:56 PM
Financial Time's response:


01-07-2015, 01:59 PM
Over a cartoon? A f*cking CARTOON... 12 people dead?

It's 2014, I think the human race is way past due for a collective paradigm shift away from backwards 2000+ year old bullshit desert religions. But since there are always those who insist on groveling and bowing to imaginary characters, why not go for someone real instead now- L. Ron Hubbard actually existed. Scientologists don't blow shit up except Hollywood films. Jussayin'

HitandRun Reggie
01-07-2015, 02:00 PM

Translation: We are terrified.

Score one for Islamic terrorists :rolleyes:

01-07-2015, 02:07 PM
Islam is a disease that doesn't belong in the 21st century. I hope all cartoonists start drawing pictures of the pedophile prophet

This isn't a poverty problem or a race problem. It's an Islam problem

01-07-2015, 02:09 PM
This is like someone going to Syria on holiday and getting shot and killed. You would feel sorry for them, but in the back of your head you would be thinking "wtf did they think was gonna happen?".

You have to understand the threat. There is a reason women try to avoid being alone at night in dangerous areas. There is a reason we tell kids not to talk to strangers. There is a reason I try not to insult Jews on ISH. This is a dangerous world. You need to use common sense.

You can say blah blah blah its not fair, and you would be right. But this world aint fair. You have to think on your feet and do whats best for you and your family/employees.

Getting killed because you trolled blood thirsty maniacs for 12 years isn't a cool way to go. Its kinda dumb.

01-07-2015, 02:11 PM
This is like someone going to Syria on holiday and getting shot and killed. You would feel sorry for them, but in the back of your head you would be thinking "wtf did they think was gonna happen?".

You have to understand the threat. There is a reason women try to avoid being alone at night in dangerous areas. There is a reason we tell kids not to talk to strangers. There is a reason I try not to insult Jews on ISH. This is a dangerous world. You need to use common sense.

You can say blah blah blah its not fair, and you would be right. But this world aint fair. You have to think on your feet and do whats best for you and your family/employees.

Getting killed because you trolled blood thirsty maniacs for 12 years isn't a cool way to go. Its kinda dumb.
This isn't shithole Syria. It's Western Civilization. If Muslims can't properly assimilate into society, they needa get the fck out and go back to their dumps

01-07-2015, 02:13 PM
Financial Time's response:

The Financial Times and its writers barely have a clue when it comes to finance, so why on earth would you listen to them concerning anything else? Houellebecq is one of France's forefront novelists, one who has been controversial in many areas - why exactly shouldn't someone be willing to give him exposure and coverage? The mentality of the ft would result in the novel never even finding a publisher/distributer, as has happened with many artistic works in recent years. It is the mentality of the masochist and coward, and it suits the financial times well.

Anyway, the argument of indaman boiled down: 'This has nothing to do with Islam! But what do these cartoonists expect to happen to them when they mock Islam?'

The cognitive dissonance of a fanatic right thurr...

01-07-2015, 02:24 PM
You and the clear satisfaction you are taking in this barbarism really aren't doing your arguments in favour of 'moderate' muslims like yourself much good. To be honest, you are making muslims look bad by being a complete piece of shit. What does that even mean 'they know what they will incite'?

Ignorant bullshit is what that is. Of course they knew there was a risk, but sometimes people take risks to take principled stands against barbarians and miscreants, that doesn't mean we blame them when they are murdered for simply expressing an opinion or point of view. If people as courageous as this didn't exist, we'd all still be living under despotism, and yet here you are, sarcastically rolling your eyes at their demise. You have no shame.

Where is my clear satisfaction? I have stated over and over and over about how NO INNOCENTS SHOULD EVER BE HURT. Even if these guys have been needling Muslims for 12 years, they are still innocent. I am making Muslims look bad? :oldlol: OK there. I couldn't care less about how you view me, I am not on this website to convert people to my religion. I am here to talk basketball and sometimes off topic. I only state my opinions.

I agree though, it's the barbarians reacting to the drawings and it is entirely against the basic concepts of Islam. Islam preaches self control, for goodness sakes, we FAST FOR A MONTH DURING THE DAYLIGHT. That is 100% teaching/preaching self control, to not eat, drink, think bad thoughts. These idiots have none of that self control, they fast for a month and turn into blood thirsty barbarians the rest of the year. That is not Islam's message. I am sorry if you think it is, you have the right to think that based on every news report that you watch on Fox.

See you in the next thread buddy :cheers:

01-07-2015, 02:25 PM
I already responded to this post:

'Anyway, the argument of indaman boiled down: 'This has nothing to do with Islam! But what do these cartoonists expect to happen to them when they mock Islam?'

The cognitive dissonance of a fanatic right thurr...

longtime lurker
01-07-2015, 02:28 PM
I'm not surprised by the reaction from the typical bigots on this site. Muslims kill people, the problem is Islam and all Muslims are dangerous! Black guy kills cops, OMG the problem is black people and all black people are violent thugs. White people go on shooting sprees and also kill cops, silence....

01-07-2015, 02:30 PM
I already responded to this post:

'Anyway, the argument of indaman boiled down: 'This has nothing to do with Islam! But what do these cartoonists expect to happen to them when they mock Islam?'

The cognitive dissonance of a fanatic right thurr...
Let me break it down for you since you are not following...

If these terrorists were crazy Knick fans and brainwashed to get upset over every negative thing said about the Knicks... they would perform heinous acts to the Daily News, The NY Post, and every newspaper. That is all I was saying. I guess you would blame the New York Knicks for all the killing, since they suck so much this year.

longtime lurker
01-07-2015, 02:32 PM
I think it's insane that these journalists were killed over a cartoon but what free speech is being protected? They didn't critique the troubling aspects of islam, they weren't standing up for women's rights within the religion, what was the point? Maybe I'm missing something but it doesn't seem worth it to print something that's a direct insult when there are crazy people that will kill over the insult...

01-07-2015, 02:32 PM
I'm not surprised by the reaction from the typical bigots on this site. Muslims kill people, the problem is Islam and all Muslims are dangerous! Black guy kills cops, OMG the problem is black people and all black people are violent thugs. White people go on shooting sprees and also kill cops, silence....

when the fk was there silence on that? every spree has been at the forefront of news.. why cant people look at the facts of each individual situation instead of categorizing everything based on race/religion and blindly defending their side. Now the black defenders are defending islamic shooting sprees. Let me guess.. if those guys got gunned down the french police would deserve prison? evil white man right? :rolleyes:

01-07-2015, 02:33 PM
I think it's insane that these journalists were killed over a cartoon but what free speech is being protected? They didn't critique the troubling aspects of islam, they weren't standing up for women's rights within the religion, what was the point? Maybe I'm missing something but it doesn't seem worth it to print something that's a direct insult when there are crazy people that will kill over the insult...

Maybe pointing out that this religion is full of crazy people that will kill you over a cartoon? :confusedshrug:

01-07-2015, 02:39 PM
I think it's insane that these journalists were killed over a cartoon but what free speech is being protected? They didn't critique the troubling aspects of islam, they weren't standing up for women's rights within the religion, what was the point? Maybe I'm missing something but it doesn't seem worth it to print something that's a direct insult when there are crazy people that will kill over the insult...
Let's make one point here. The cartoonist in question wasn't some anti-Islam bigot. The guy went after everyone. Muslims, Catholics, Protestants.. etc.

And he has the right to do that. Freedom of expression is an important law. This isn't Saudi Arabia or some sharia nation

01-07-2015, 02:39 PM
Why is there expectations for regular non-ISIS muslims to take ownership of these crazy people doing horrible things when they themselves are usually the victims of it?

01-07-2015, 02:41 PM
I'm not surprised by the reaction from the typical bigots on this site. Muslims kill people, the problem is Islam and all Muslims are dangerous! Black guy kills cops, OMG the problem is black people and all black people are violent thugs. White people go on shooting sprees and also kill cops, silence....

This is true. I find it pretty funny that all the White Islamaphobes here freaking out over Sharia law coming to Arkansas or Mississippi are FAR more likely to be shot up by a deranged White Christian in a movie theater, school, mall, etc than being the victim of Muslim extremists.

01-07-2015, 02:42 PM
Why is there expectations for regular non-ISIS muslims to take ownership of these crazy people doing horrible things when they themselves are usually the victims of it?

Because it's their brothers, sisters, sons and daughters doing it. It sprouts from within their own community, directly as a result of mainstream Islamic teachings.

longtime lurker
01-07-2015, 02:44 PM
when the fk was there silence on that? every spree has been at the forefront of news.. why cant people look at the facts of each individual situation instead of categorizing everything based on race/religion and blindly defending their side. Now the black defenders are defending islamic shooting sprees. Let me guess.. if those guys got gunned down the french police would deserve prison? evil white man right? :rolleyes:

Yes because looking for the facts for each individual situation is exactly what's going on here. There are crazy people in every religion, ethnicity, race but somehow when white people commit these acts a whole group is never condemned.

01-07-2015, 02:46 PM
Because it's their brothers, sisters, sons and daughters doing it. It sprouts from within their own community, directly as a result of mainstream Islamic teachings.
does that apply to every group then?

01-07-2015, 02:50 PM
Religion of peace. Din do nuffin'.




Poll source (http://www.pewforum.org/files/2013/04/worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-full-report.pdf)

longtime lurker
01-07-2015, 02:51 PM
Maybe pointing out that this religion is full of crazy people that will kill you over a cartoon? :confusedshrug:

Well you can do that without actually doing the very thing that will encite violence in the first place.

Let's make one point here. The cartoonist in question wasn't some anti-Islam bigot. The guy went after everyone. Muslims, Catholics, Protestants.. etc.

And he has the right to do that. Freedom of expression is an important law. This isn't Saudi Arabia or some sharia nation

Of course he can and should be able to do anything he wants, but what's of doing the very thing that you know will incite violence. This isn't a human rights issue, there are many ways he could criticize Islam without actually drawing the prophet.

Patrick Chewing
01-07-2015, 02:55 PM

New album out in stores now!!! Coming to a town near YOU!!!

Seriously, **** that filthy religion and all these apologists for that religion on this site. Even the most moderate, docile and reformed member of Islam still prays to that pedophile daily.

01-07-2015, 03:04 PM

New album out in stores now!!! Coming to a town near YOU!!!

Seriously, **** that filthy religion and all these apologists for that religion on this site. Even the most moderate, docile and reformed member of Islam still prays to that pedophile daily.

01-07-2015, 03:20 PM
fvck every person on this planet who would kill another human over a goddamn cartoon.

in case anybody has not seen the cartoon yet, here is a link (http://i.imgur.com/W6l1V4q.jpg). i hope every person on the planet sees this cartoon.

01-07-2015, 03:32 PM
Yes because looking for the facts for each individual situation is exactly what's going on here. There are crazy people in every religion, ethnicity, race but somehow when white people commit these acts a whole group is never condemned.

These guys were offended by writers/cartoonists making fun of their prophet.. so they got orders to kill them. The facts here say that this dispute is directly over islam.. these werent two guys who were disgruntled for whatever reason, maybe being bullied at school for reasons having nothing to do with religion, who shot shit up and just happened to be muslim.. they attacked for purely reasons of religion.

If some white kid shoots up a school and his parents happened to be christians but never even took him to church and were the typical half ass christians that maybe go to church on easter and thats it, why the fk would anyone mention christianity as a motive or reason when itsclear it had nothing to do with it ? And you compare stuff like that to guys who are hardcore religious fanatics who take their faith very seriously and are willing to kill directly for it.. its just a false, idiotic comparison.

01-07-2015, 03:32 PM
fvck every person on this planet who would kill another human over a goddamn cartoon.

in case anybody has not seen the cartoon yet, here is a link (http://i.imgur.com/W6l1V4q.jpg). i hope every person on the planet sees this cartoon.

Is that the actual cartoon? The f*ck is going on there? :oldlol: :wtf:

01-07-2015, 03:38 PM
Islam is a disease that doesn't belong in the 21st century. I hope all cartoonists start drawing pictures of the pedophile prophet

This isn't a poverty problem or a race problem. It's an Islam problem

You are right. But you forgot to add all other religions as well.

Its 21st century and people still belive in fairy tales from 2000+ years ago...

01-07-2015, 03:43 PM
You are right. But you forgot to add all other religions as well.

Its 21st century and people still belive in ferry tales from 2000+ years ago...

Change ferry to fairy and you my nigguh for life :cheers:

01-07-2015, 04:13 PM
Is that the actual cartoon? The f*ck is going on there? :oldlol: :wtf:
Beats me. French humor is weird I guess :oldlol:

01-07-2015, 04:32 PM
This one get their office burned down:


01-07-2015, 04:43 PM
This one get their office burned down:

eh, this is the same place few years ago

the man is the chief editor who was murdered today

anyway, this is exactly the thing that will only bolsters the rising tide of resistance against islamofascism in Europe

their deaths will be avenged soon

01-07-2015, 04:47 PM
Beats me. French humor is weird I guess :oldlol:

I guess it really doesn't matter what it means... as weird as it seems. It would be a great showing of solidarity and defiance by the International press if every paper/blog/etc big and small chose one day to publish that cartoon or maybe something more toned down featuring Muhammad. No way for the extremists to attack everyone. But I think the terrorists may have succeeded in their effort to silence free speech today.

01-07-2015, 04:48 PM
lol one of those policemen was a muslim

well, for the toughest kebab, there is no difference in heresy shared by the rest of us

01-07-2015, 04:49 PM

01-07-2015, 04:58 PM
It's amazing how many people in here are making the "she got raped because she chose to wear a short skirt" argument.

01-07-2015, 05:08 PM
It's amazing how many people in here are making the "she got raped because she chose to wear a short skirt" argument.
More like she wears nothing walking alone in a known shady street.

At that point are we still surprised?

01-07-2015, 05:08 PM

01-07-2015, 05:29 PM

This is sadly true. There needs to be one that goes back to the 12th century.

01-07-2015, 05:53 PM
Islam needs to be eradicated.

HitandRun Reggie
01-07-2015, 06:04 PM


01-07-2015, 06:09 PM
Newspaper said that two of the terrorists already fought 2005 in Iraq against US Troops. They also fought in Syria 2013/2014 and the police knew them.

They were probably on welfare, wow the west is so beta it hurts. :facepalm

01-07-2015, 06:10 PM
It's amazing how many people in here are making the "she got raped because she chose to wear a short skirt" argument.

Yeah, blaming the victim seems like the knee-jerk reaction when it comes to some ISH'ers response to brutal terrorism.

Bottom line is terrorism needs to be rooted out, regardless of which ethnicity or group it's coming from.

And seeing that not every terrorist group has the same motive, ideology, and make up, it's important to learn how members of radical Islamic groups became radicalized in the first place, and to assess how they measure up to other terrorist groups.

For some, they can't even get to that point in the conversation without wanting to defend Islam outright or steer the conversation in a different direction. In essence, willfully ignoring a real problem out of fear, political correctness, etc.

The victim blaming says more about those using that tactic than it does about the incident - they ultimately see these acts as just or warranted and the victim as the cause of their own death. The cold blooded murder of 10 journalists in democratic France is warranted? lol pleeease.... Basically, they think that if a strong arm bully is known to linger around then everybody should veer around them from then on, instead of trying to challenge the bully or eradicate bullying in general... It's pacifism at it's worst.

HitandRun Reggie
01-07-2015, 06:24 PM
They were probably on welfare, wow the west is so beta it hurts. :facepalm

European based cultures it seem like an evolutionary dead end. We have too much compassion and not enough self concern. If we had even 10% of the self preservation of the rest of the world 90% of the conflict within our societies wouldn't exist. Which is why Asians are probably destined to rule the world, they don't possess this inherent, inward conflict which makes them want to be compassionate to outward cultures and societies.

01-07-2015, 06:29 PM
Not surprised. But anyways, RIP. :sleeping

01-07-2015, 06:31 PM
lol one of those policemen was a muslim

well, for the toughest kebab, there is no difference in heresy shared by the rest of us
they've never had a problem killing each other either

01-07-2015, 06:40 PM
From the law and humanity perspective yes they shouldn't be killed and terrorists should be rooted out blah blah blah.

But it seems to me this magazine MO is somewhat like the Westboro Baptist Church in terms of going out there and put out the most offensive stuff possible to sell magazines. I don't think I have much sympathy for them. To say they don't bring it upon themselves is like me insulting Mike Tyson's mom in front of him and saying I don't bring it upon myself when he bashes my face in.

Patrick Chewing
01-07-2015, 06:45 PM
From the law and humanity perspective yes they shouldn't be killed and terrorists should be rooted out blah blah blah.

But it seems to me this magazine MO is somewhat like the Westboro Baptist Church in terms of going out there and put out the most offensive stuff possible to sell magazines. I don't think I have much sympathy for them. To say they don't bring it upon themselves is like me insulting Mike Tyson's mom in front of him and saying I don't bring it upon myself when he bashes my face in.

So in your world, they deserved to die? Because killing someone over a cartoon seems rational in your world?

01-07-2015, 06:46 PM
From the law and humanity perspective yes they shouldn't be killed and terrorists should be rooted out blah blah blah.

But it seems to me this magazine MO is somewhat like the Westboro Baptist Church in terms of going out there and put out the most offensive stuff possible to sell magazines. I don't think I have much sympathy for them. To say they don't bring it upon themselves is like me insulting Mike Tyson's mom in front of him and saying I don't bring it upon myself when he bashes my face in.
Its very simple. The right wing fundamentalists killed the free-minded left wing, aka I dont give a shit, except if some passer in the time of attack who had nothing to do with that was killed. RIP for those.

HitandRun Reggie
01-07-2015, 06:47 PM
From the law and humanity perspective yes they shouldn't be killed and terrorists should be rooted out blah blah blah.

But it seems to me this magazine MO is somewhat like the Westboro Baptist Church in terms of going out there and put out the most offensive stuff possible to sell magazines. I don't think I have much sympathy for them. To say they don't bring it upon themselves is like me insulting Mike Tyson's mom in front of him and saying I don't bring it upon myself when he bashes my face in.

And this is exactly why there is a growing anti-Islam movement. Not just because of the amount of terrorism from Muslims but because of the large segment of apologists for Islam extremism.

01-07-2015, 06:53 PM
So in your world, they deserved to die? Because killing someone over a cartoon seems rational in your world?
Of course not. Even the Westboro ppl don't deserve to be killed. But if they do, I doubt anyone will have much sympathy.

01-07-2015, 06:58 PM
So in your world, they deserved to die? Because killing someone over a cartoon seems rational in your world?
Not even remotely close to what he said.

01-07-2015, 07:02 PM
the terrorists are winning


At least three English-language outlets—the New York Daily News, the London-based Daily Telegraph, and the Associated Press—are either pixelating or completely deleting photos of Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting Mohammad. Members of the satirical magazine’s Paris staff were gunned down this morning by masked attackers. As BuzzFeed points out, other Western outlets such as CNN have taken similar steps in the past when reporting on controversial depictions of the most prominent prophet in Islam.

Below is a GIF comparing the Daily News’ photo to the original, which was pulled from Getty Images. It depicts slain Charlie Hebdo editor Stephane Charbonnier standing in front of his magazine’s office after it was firebombed in 2011:


(What exactly the Daily News deems worthy of pixelation is unclear. In 2012 it pixelated part of a different Charlie cover depicting a rabbi pushing an imam in a wheelchair; only the imam was obscured.)

Below is another GIF comparing the Telegraph’s photo to its original, which was also pulled from Getty Images. Dated June 2013, it depicts a woman reading a different issue of Charlie Hebdo; it was eventually removed from the paper’s website.


The Associated Press, by contrast, has taken even more severe steps. Several hours ago, photos that showed the magazine’s Mohammad cartoons were made available on their extensive wire photo database. However an AP spokesperson later told BuzzFeed’s Rosie Gray that the photos were mistakenly uploaded and that “it’s been our policy for years that we refrain from moving deliberately provocative images.” The photos in question have since been deleted.

A set of Muslim teachings called hadith forbid visual representations of Mohammad. The same teachings also prohibit artistic representations of living beings.

01-07-2015, 07:37 PM
Two officials named the suspects as Frenchmen Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi, in their early 30s, as well as 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad, whose nationality wasn't immediately clear. One of the officials said they were linked to a Yemeni terrorist network. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to publicly discuss the sensitive and ongoing investigation.

Cherif Kouachi was convicted in 2008 of terrorism charges for helping funnel fighters to Iraq's insurgency and sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Okay, here we go.

There was a car bomb in Yemen around the same time too. Not sure if related.

01-07-2015, 09:26 PM
Stephen King ‏@StephenKing
Killing cartoonists to honor the Prophet takes dumb to a new and sublime level. Hey, idiots: the Prophet can take care of biz on his own.

01-07-2015, 09:37 PM
Looks like they have captured one of the suspects

1 or 2 more to go

01-07-2015, 09:53 PM
The youngest suspect turned himself in.

One of the other two has a connection with Al Qaida also.

01-07-2015, 10:02 PM

Patrick Chewing
01-07-2015, 10:12 PM



01-08-2015, 12:18 AM
So one of the guys (Cherif Kouachi) they are looking for had been in a french prison for 3 years after being found guilty on terrorism charges of some type and the other (Said Kouachi) had been in Syria at some jihadist training camp a few years ago but was allowed to come back to France :wtf:

01-08-2015, 03:52 AM
So one of the guys (Cherif Kouachi) they are looking for had been in a french prison for 3 years after being found guilty on terrorism charges of some type and the other (Said Kouachi) had been in Syria at some jihadist training camp a few years ago but was allowed to come back to France :wtf:

Yeah, I mean after every incident they always increase security to the next level but somehow guys with "terrorist" written on their foreheads get into the country...

01-08-2015, 04:04 AM
So one of the guys (Cherif Kouachi) they are looking for had been in a french prison for 3 years after being found guilty on terrorism charges of some type and the other (Said Kouachi) had been in Syria at some jihadist training camp a few years ago but was allowed to come back to France :wtf:
They are "french citizens" born in in France, how is the state supposed to react in such situations? It is supposed not let "its own people" back in the country? Multicultural society has never worked and does not belong to Europe. Thanks for the fake virtues U.S.

01-08-2015, 04:05 AM
More like she wears nothing walking alone in a known shady street.

At that point are we still surprised?

They haven't been selling their comic strips in Kabul oe Islamabad. They were in France, a secular country, your anology is off.

What's so disturbing about this new wave of terrorists is that most of them live and grew up in those western countries. Got the so-called humanistic education and still ended up turning to (religion) induced violence.

01-08-2015, 04:33 AM
Unfortunately this is the reality of Islam. They cannot compromise or even have the ability to rationalize. Islam can teach someone who is borderline crazy or psycho, to go over the edge. No surprise that the Muslims of ISH only back one side and that is their religion.

The funny thing is that the Muslims of ISH are indeed your typical keyboard warriors, half ass Muslims. They are fake ass Muslims who support these attacks.

Real Muslims are not typing on a basketball message board. They are out their fighting in the name of Islam. They pretend to be Muslims but they are only Muslim by name and that's about it.

They are your modern day "studio gangstas."

01-08-2015, 05:12 AM
Unfortunately this is the reality of Islam. They cannot compromise or even have the ability to rationalize. Islam can teach someone who is borderline crazy or psycho, to go over the edge. No surprise that the Muslims of ISH only back one side and that is their religion.

The funny thing is that the Muslims of ISH are indeed your typical keyboard warriors, half ass Muslims. They are fake ass Muslims who support these attacks.

Real Muslims are not typing on a basketball message board. They are out their fighting in the name of Islam. They pretend to be Muslims but they are only Muslim by name and that's about it.

They are your modern day "studio gangstas."
Why are you so concerned for us muslims on ISH? Are you a real christian???

01-08-2015, 05:24 AM

01-08-2015, 05:43 AM
Why are you so concerned for us muslims on ISH? Are you a real christian???

I am not really concerned with the Mussies on ISH and these threads have evolved further than just your typical argument of "eradicating Islam" or "get rid of Islam."

Like I mentioned previously, if confronted or if you have to choose sides, a so-called Muslim will side with his own believers. Such as those on ISH. You sympathize with these Muslims because you feel the need to or it fills a void in your life. Innocent people are killed and all I hear is you guys supporting them.

If your true intentions is to defend your people then it is best to acknowledge how horrible these acts are. We would actually sympathize with you so-called peaceful Muslims than watching you guys make a fool of yourselves and confirming what I have been saying all along about you guys.

01-08-2015, 06:48 AM
So one of the guys (Cherif Kouachi) they are looking for had been in a french prison for 3 years after being found guilty on terrorism charges of some type and the other (Said Kouachi) had been in Syria at some jihadist training camp a few years ago but was allowed to come back to France :wtf:
we are a bunch of *******

Denmark for example does not even jail jihadists returning from Syria:lol

01-08-2015, 07:22 AM
I am not really concerned with the Mussies on ISH and these threads have evolved further than just your typical argument of "eradicating Islam" or "get rid of Islam."

Like I mentioned previously, if confronted or if you have to choose sides, a so-called Muslim will side with his own believers. Such as those on ISH. You sympathize with these Muslims because you feel the need to or it fills a void in your life. Innocent people are killed and all I hear is you guys supporting them.

If your true intentions is to defend your people then it is best to acknowledge how horrible these acts are. We would actually sympathize with you so-called peaceful Muslims than watching you guys make a fool of yourselves and confirming what I have been saying all along about you guys.
As I said before, that was nothing more than a conflict between free-minded left wing and right wing fundamentalists. I dont like any of them, and it would have been the best for all of us if all of them were killed yesterday.

And, are you a real christian?

01-08-2015, 07:27 AM
As I said before, that was nothing more than a conflict between free-minded left wing and right wing fundamentalists. I dont like any of them, and it would have been the best for all of us if all of them were killed yesterday.

And, are you a real christian?

I've been showing my disdain towards religion and you ask me if I am a Christian? No I am neither a real or a fake Christian.

I perceive the world as "believing in yourself."

01-08-2015, 07:38 AM
I've been showing my disdain towards religion and you ask me if I am a Christian? No I am neither a real or a fake Christian.

I perceive the world as "believing in yourself."
aka delusional

01-08-2015, 08:19 AM
Is it constitutional to lob a few nukes at the Middle-East and eradicate the majority of these ****s from the earth? :confusedshrug:

01-08-2015, 08:21 AM
Is it constitutional to lob a few nukes at the Middle-East and eradicate the majority of these ****s from the earth? :confusedshrug:
africa and india can go as well

01-08-2015, 08:23 AM
africa and india can go as well
Not all of Africa bro, think of the elephants. Seriously doe Cape Town is pretty rad. Also what did India ever do to you? :biggums: Indians are mostly peaceful people.. I got no beef with them..

01-08-2015, 08:25 AM
If these nutjobs were another religion, they would react the same way. It is not the religion, it is the people. Brainwashed and extremely violent (killing of innocents), that is not something preached by the sane Muslim world. Of course the usual people come in here and will talk about Islam being the problem :oldlol:


You can't poke satire at extremists and expect no reaction, jus sayin.

I think the problem is that there are more extremists from Islam than any other religion.

01-08-2015, 08:32 AM
Also what did India ever do to you? :biggums: Indians are mostly peaceful people.. I got no beef with them..

vindaloo is disgusting :mad:

01-08-2015, 08:43 AM
Is it constitutional to lob a few nukes at the Middle-East and eradicate the majority of these ****s from the earth? :confusedshrug:
They are mostly bred and raised in Europe.

01-08-2015, 09:19 AM
They are mostly bred and raised in Europe.
"Mostly" is not correct. The ones you see in the news are usually European because they already lived there, it was easier for them to carry it out. There are far more radicals living in the Middle East.

01-08-2015, 09:19 AM
vindaloo is disgusting :mad:

Andrew Wiggins
01-08-2015, 09:44 AM
vindaloo is disgusting :mad:

indian food is f*cking delicious

01-08-2015, 10:04 AM
I am not really concerned with the Mussies on ISH and these threads have evolved further than just your typical argument of "eradicating Islam" or "get rid of Islam."

Like I mentioned previously, if confronted or if you have to choose sides, a so-called Muslim will side with his own believers. Such as those on ISH. You sympathize with these Muslims because you feel the need to or it fills a void in your life. Innocent people are killed and all I hear is you guys supporting them.

If your true intentions is to defend your people then it is best to acknowledge how horrible these acts are. We would actually sympathize with you so-called peaceful Muslims than watching you guys make a fool of yourselves and confirming what I have been saying all along about you guys.

Nobody here is defending them, they are only correcting you on your ignorantly immature anti-islam/nazi/racist comments, actual muslims hate those more than you or anybody else here, infact those terrorists have done much more damage against the normal muslims than anybody else, some muslims here have probably ran for their life to whatever country they are in just to not get killed by those.... yet you sit here, comfortable in your chair, watch movie, scratch your balls and NEVER met a muslim your life while you start threads and do so only to attack Islam and not those terrorists, you make it very clear... thats the problem here, YOU.... nobody else.... understand?

01-08-2015, 10:08 AM
Nobody is defending them, they are defending Islam, actual muslims hate those more than you or anybody else here, infact those terrorists have done much more damage against the normal muslims than anybody else.... meanwhile, you start threads and do so only to attack Islam and not those terrorists, you make it very clear... thats the problem here, YOU.... nobody else.... understand?
in the muslim world, the agreement with death as a punishment for apostasy and defamation of the religion is the norm

normal muslim, as a moderate muslim, is an oxymoron

islam and its ignorant apologetics like you are the problem and that problem, at least in Europe, will be solved very soon

Patrick Chewing
01-08-2015, 10:14 AM
Nobody is defending them, they are defending Islam, actual muslims hate those more than you or anybody else here, infact those terrorists have done much more damage against the normal muslims than anybody else.... meanwhile, you start threads and do so only to attack Islam and not those terrorists, you make it very clear... thats the problem here, YOU.... nobody else.... understand?

But Islam does nothing to fix this problem. You can say you hate these people all you want, but these radicals will continue to kill in the name of Islam.

Instead, other countries (non-Muslims) are forced to confront radical Islam and kill a few thousand, but then the other thousand or so that survived or were related to those that died become radicalized and recruit even more and the cycle continues over and over and over again. Islamic terrorism will only end when so-called "good Muslims" like you or people who claim they despise these people do something about it. Posting a picture holding a banner saying you're against ISIS is child's play. Islam needs a MOVEMENT. Like in the 60's here in America. That is the only way.

01-08-2015, 10:18 AM

Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.

Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.

When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.

Here's how it works.

As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:

United States -- Muslim 0.6%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1.8%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. This is happening in:

Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. This is occurring in:

France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- Muslim 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris , we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim sections, in:

Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 15%

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:

Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:

Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' -- the Islamic House of Peace. Here there's supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 100%

Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.

how long before another such terror attack?

01-08-2015, 10:20 AM
save your efforts, according my source along with WW3 there well be a religious war as well. So enjoy the peace while you can, will figure out whos wrong or right later.

01-08-2015, 10:26 AM
in the muslim world, the agreement with death as a punishment for apostasy and defamation of the religion is the norm

normal muslim, as a moderate muslim, is an oxymoron

islam and its ignorant apologetics like you are the problem and that problem, at least in Europe, will be solved very soon

What you are talking about is not the muslim world, there is no country/place called "Muslimania" first of all, sorry about that, its the 2nd biggest religion on earth and its even more multi-cultural-racial than "Christian world" is..... i specifically am from Bosnia, where its you could say mostly muslims, there is no "agreement with death as a punishment for apostasy and defamation of the religion" here and neither is there any terrorists or camels or whatever here.... you are talking about some 50th world country in middle of nowhere in Africa or middle-east who obviously have some insane sects like that, but so does some sects or countries that happen to be christian.... see, what they are doing has nothing to do with religion, its sects, its ideology, its culture.... If what they were doing was "OK" by Islam (which it is not) then i obviously wouldnt want to have anything to do with Islam.... but thats not the case...

The case is here i am talking to you and your friend 9erempire there who do nothing else but spit in Islam for whatever reason some PSYCHOS are doing....

Do you see any muslims here start threads everyday about some criminals who just so happened to be christian (or from any other religion) and their criminal acts? No..... better yet do you see any muslims here spit on Christianity or any other religion 24-7 like you and your friend there? No.....

Thats the problem with YOU and your friend 9erempire there, yet again.... drawing the comb over every single muslim because you generalize the entire damn religion over some single digit lunatics...... there is no "apologetics", there is only rational/logical people and then there is YOU.......

Patrick Chewing
01-08-2015, 10:30 AM
Very good find wherever you found this from. This is dead on.

Yemen just had a massacre just yesterday I believe and has had a few over the last month or so it seems. If the Koran preaches violence, and it's followers follow the Koran to a tee, then of course we see the violence we see today as a result. Very simple to understand, yet Muslim apologists want you to believe this is just an isolated minority movement.

01-08-2015, 10:35 AM
Thats the problem with YOU and your friend 9erempire there, yet again.... drawing the comb over every single muslim because you generalize the entire damn religion over some single digit lunatics...... there is no "apologetics", there is only rational/logical people and then there is YOU.......
As long as there is a word called Jihad in your religious teaching i reserve my right to judge and shit on EVERYONE and EACH of YOU.

01-08-2015, 10:45 AM
As long as there is a word called Jihad in your religious teaching i reserve my right to judge and shit on EVERYONE and EACH of YOU.
The most important Jihad is the one you have within yourself aka Jihad al Nafs. That is in the teachings, so go educate yourself instead of blindly hating. Jihad al Nafs is the war you have with yourself aka SELF CONTROL. There is NO JIHAD WITH THE WEST. That is what is being taught to the ignorant and weak minded who can't think for themselves aka the violent groups out there.

You can judge us if you want, but I couldn't care less. The only Judge that matters is the one up there.

Generalize all you want as well, but remember that nobody really cares.
"OH I WILL JUDGE AND SHIT ON EVERY AND EACH OF YOU." :roll: put yourself high up on the pedestal.

01-08-2015, 10:47 AM
Bible does not preach violence? :roll:

01-08-2015, 10:48 AM
What you are talking about is not the muslim world, there is no country/place called "Muslimania" first of all, sorry about that, its the 2nd biggest religion on earth and its even more multi-cultural-racial than "Christian world" is..... i specifically am from Bosnia, where its you could say mostly muslims, there is no "agreement with death as a punishment for apostasy and defamation of the religion" here and neither is there any terrorists or camels or whatever here.... you are talking about some 50th world country in middle of nowhere in Africa or middle-east who obviously have some insane sects like that, but so does some sects or countries that happen to be christian.... see, what they are doing has nothing to do with religion, its sects, its ideology, its culture.... If what they were doing was "OK" by Islam (which it is not) then i obviously wouldnt want to have anything to do with Islam.... but thats not the case...

The case is here i am talking to you and your friend 9erempire there who do nothing else but spit in Islam for whatever reason some PSYCHOS are doing....

Do you see any muslims here start threads everyday about some criminals who just so happened to be christian (or from any other religion) and their criminal acts? No..... better yet do you see any muslims here spit on Christianity or any other religion 24-7 like you and your friend there? No.....

Thats the problem with YOU and your friend 9erempire there, yet again.... drawing the comb over every single muslim because you generalize the entire damn religion over some single digit lunatics...... there is no "apologetics", there is only rational/logical people and then there is YOU.......
I am talking about almost every single muslim country apart from those where islam was diluted by decades of communism (like Bosnia or Central Asia -stans and even there the numbers are not small)



Generalizations can be useful. If 90 wolves out 100 attack you on sight, it is pretty clever to avoid all of them.

As long as you keep ignoring that the problem is major one, in order of hundreds of millions of people, than there is no reason to talk with you or even acknowledge you as a sane person or a moderate muslim or whatever you even are.

Patrick Chewing
01-08-2015, 10:52 AM
Bible does not preach violence? :roll:

Because Christians are blowing each other up every day. :rolleyes:

01-08-2015, 10:52 AM
From the law and humanity perspective yes they shouldn't be killed and terrorists should be rooted out blah blah blah.

But it seems to me this magazine MO is somewhat like the Westboro Baptist Church in terms of going out there and put out the most offensive stuff possible to sell magazines. I don't think I have much sympathy for them. To say they don't bring it upon themselves is like me insulting Mike Tyson's mom in front of him and saying I don't bring it upon myself when he bashes my face in.
You know **** all about the magazine or its background, history or tradition in French society do you? You don't allow immigrants to come into your country and then eradicate your tradition of irreverent satire, especially directed at authority figures (a tradition that contributed a great deal to our emancipation from monarchical dependency). Laughing at authority figures has always been the best way to undermine them and their silly ideas - why do you think muslims hate satire so much?

You are clearly oblivious to all this and so should keep you ignorant terrorist justifications and stupid Mike Tyson analogies to yourself in the future. They're only making you look a fool. And showing your inability to recognise that the effects of this sort of thing, go far further than Charlie Hebdo, and will lead to the suppression of many valuable publications in the future. Your attitude only makes the problem worse.
the terrorists are winning

Yep, sad that too many on here can't understand this, or what such cowardice signifies, and sound like this dogmatized piece of shit on the BBC:

Paul Westcott emails: Charlie Hebdo should stop offending anyone - freedom of speech is one thing but so are human rights - no to racism, sexism, intolerance, terrorism and hate crimes. Caricatures of Muhammad ARE a hate crime - wake up world and look at what you are doing - double standards.


Blasphemy = hate crime

We've gone a full circle back into the age of superstition.

01-08-2015, 10:56 AM
Bible does not preach violence? :roll:
Bible is not a literal, unaltered and unrefusable word of God

01-08-2015, 10:58 AM
Bible does not preach violence? :roll:

next time someone straps on a suicide vest and blows up a temple while yelling out "in the name of Jesus!" let me know.

01-08-2015, 11:00 AM
next time someone straps on a suicide vest and blows up a temple while yelling out "in the name of Jesus!" let me know.

It actually happens. Not as widespread as Islamic terrorists, but its out there.

01-08-2015, 11:05 AM
Generalize all you want as well, but remember that nobody really cares.
"OH I WILL JUDGE AND SHIT ON EVERY AND EACH OF YOU." :roll: put yourself high up on the pedestal.
I have no problem putting myself over irrational (religious) people. Religions dont belong in the 21st century.

01-08-2015, 11:08 AM
As long as there is a word called Jihad in your religious teaching i reserve my right to judge and shit on EVERYONE and EACH of YOU.

Look, first of all i am not religious at all, infact i hate religion... but i come from a christian catholic AND muslim family/roots and i know alot about it... all i am talking about here is ration & logic...

Look i know you as a Bulgarian have a dislike for what the Ottomans did to your people looooong time ago and all that.... but you need to grow up and grow out of it... and what the hell do you know about "Jihad" except for american movies and your anti-islam media? Do you even know what "Jihad" ACTUALLY means?

Jihad is about inner spiritual struggle, a duty which involves the five Pillars of Islam, its about the prayer, concern for the needy, self purification, pilgrimage, benovelence, peace.... its about the inner struggle for being the best human you can be........ Jihad is actually the biggest OPPOSITE of anything you specifically know about it.... that what I HAVE BEEN TAUGHT......

Those who do anything opposite to this are a not following Islam.... they are following something completely else..... only to them are they "muslims", only to them is "Jihad" correctly viewed and to anti-islam/nazi/racist guys like you and your friends here......

Thats the problem.... and again, this comes from a guy who hates religion.... not because i think there is anything wrong with any religion.... but because i think you dont need to be religious to be a good human being.... just because you are religious doesnt mean you are a better human being than somebody who is not.... If you are not a good human being, then religion means SHIT....

There is nothing wrong with any religion, there is wrong with PEOPLE.......... This is my only message here, thats the message / logic / ration YOU, Patrick Chewing, Trollsmasher and 9erempire here refuse to understand..... or actually, you do understand this logic only if it comes from any other religion except Islam..... thats the problem....

01-08-2015, 11:32 AM
From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:

Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%

Please don't lump Albania into this category. Perhaps, the most secular and non-religious country in the world.. Not gonna defender Sudan and Malaysia though lol

01-08-2015, 11:40 AM
"In 2009, Charlie Hedbo fired a writer for a joke they said as anti-semitic - then he was charged with a hate crime "


Jokes about Muhammad and Muslims - freedom of speech.

Jokes about Jews - Anti semitism.

PS: I'm catholic and all for free speech. They should be able do draw things without being fired or much worse, killed. Just can't understand the double standard there.

01-08-2015, 11:40 AM
It actually happens. Not as widespread as Islamic terrorists, but its out there.
Yea I know it happens, but those are usually lone wolf events (abortion clinic bombings) On the other hand, we have worldwide movements that are actively recruiting and advocating such atrocities to be committed against non Muslims and people who aren't Muslim enough

01-08-2015, 11:55 AM
next time someone straps on a suicide vest and blows up a temple while yelling out "in the name of Jesus!" let me know.

That is because Christians want to kill without dying, so they use guns (sometimes even chains behind trucks) instead of suicide vests.

01-08-2015, 11:56 AM
11 pages of discussion over the killing of some ****ing jerk who made fun of all religions and who tought he could provoke different people who believe in different things over and over again without consequences???

01-08-2015, 11:57 AM
"In 2009, Charlie Hedbo fired a writer for a joke they said as anti-semitic - then he was charged with a hate crime "


Jokes about Muhammad and Muslims - freedom of speech.

Jokes about Jews - Anti semitism.

PS: I'm catholic and all for free speech. They should be able do draw things without being fired or much worse, killed. Just can't understand the double standard there.

He was acquitted. So yes. Make satire of Jews = free speech according to the French law and it held up in court.

01-08-2015, 12:01 PM
He was acquitted. So yes. Make satire of Jews = free speech according to the French law and it held up in court.
Free speech is saying that you dont agree with somebodys believes. But if you start making jokes out of it and start offending others and different, than its becoming the hate crime, racism, bigotry etc. Get it?

01-08-2015, 12:04 PM
Free speech is saying that you dont agree with somebodys believes. But if you start making jokes out of it and start offending others and different, than its becoming the hate crime, racism, bigotry etc. Get it?

If you get personally offended by someone making a cartoon about your culture, then you are extremely intolerant of other people's views and freedom. The limit on free western society on free speech should be inciting violence, not on causing offense to extremely intolerant people.

01-08-2015, 12:09 PM
If you get personally offended by someone making a cartoon about your culture, then you are extremely intolerant of other people's views and freedom. The limit on free western society on free speech should be inciting violence, not on causing offense to extremely intolerant people.
What people's views??? Drawing a joke out of someone's prophet, with one objective, and thats to make those mad and wanna kill you is stupidity. That guy was just very stupid in my mind and nothing else, and you can see where stupidity can take you to.
People need to recognize the line between freedom of speech and hating/bigotry.

01-08-2015, 12:19 PM
He was acquitted. So yes. Make satire of Jews = free speech according to the French law and it held up in court.

To the French law? Yes. But not according to the magazine and those responsible for it. He was fired by the very same people who claim to defend free press for all when attacking the Muslims and the faith.

Of course it does not compare with murder. But it shows the double standard of those reponsible for Charlie Hebdo.

01-08-2015, 12:21 PM
What people's views??? Drawing a joke out of someone's prophet, with one objective, and thats to make those mad and wanna kill you is stupidity. That guy was just very stupid in my mind and nothing else, and you can see where stupidity can take you to.
People need to recognize the line between freedom of speech and hating/bigotry.

Drawing a cartoon of Muhammad is not bigotry. They drew cartoons of Jesus and the Pope all the time.

01-08-2015, 12:39 PM
What people's views??? Drawing a joke out of someone's prophet, with one objective, and thats to make those mad and wanna kill you is stupidity. That guy was just very stupid in my mind and nothing else, and you can see where stupidity can take you to.
People need to recognize the line between freedom of speech and hating/bigotry.

you realize that this magazine draws biting satire about every authority..political as well as religious, not just islam, right? of course, only muslim extremists are butt hurt enough to massacre people over it.

01-08-2015, 12:44 PM
11 pages of discussion over the killing of some ****ing jerk who made fun of all religions and who tought he could provoke different people who believe in different things over and over again without consequences???

Free speech is saying that you dont agree with somebodys believes. But if you start making jokes out of it and start offending others and different, than its becoming the hate crime, racism, bigotry etc. Get it?

What people's views??? Drawing a joke out of someone's prophet, with one objective, and thats to make those mad and wanna kill you is stupidity. That guy was just very stupid in my mind and nothing else, and you can see where stupidity can take you to.
People need to recognize the line between freedom of speech and hating/bigotry.

You are despicable. A proud muslim everyone :applause: .

No understanding of freedom of speech, and zero care that about people being gunned down for going to work because they'd drawn cartoons offending his precious prophet. What makes you think you have the right to believe such a ridiculous doctrine and have no one ridicule you for it? Who the **** do you think you are?

Do you not know that there is no such thing as free speech without also the freedom to offend? That there is no such thing as freedom at all in a society of protected feelings and sensibilities?

The only bigot here is you, as you think it is justifiable for people to be murdered (and then after their murders to declare them '****ing jerks' - thus insinuating support, or at the very least sympathy, for these murderous psychopaths and fanatics) for drawing a cartoon you don't agree with.

01-08-2015, 12:45 PM
Jokes about Muhammad and Muslim can also be anti-Islam. But you don't shoot somebody up for it.

Difference is Charlie didn't shoot that writer to death for making a comic about Jews.

Islam takes a big L in this one.


01-08-2015, 12:51 PM
You know **** all about the magazine or its background, history or tradition in French society do you? You don't allow immigrants to come into your country and then eradicate your tradition of irreverent satire, especially directed at authority figures (a tradition that contributed a great deal to our emancipation from monarchical dependency). Laughing at authority figures has always been the best way to undermine them and their silly ideas - why do you think muslims hate satire so much?

You are clearly oblivious to all this and so should keep you ignorant terrorist justifications and stupid Mike Tyson analogies to yourself in the future. They're only making you look a fool. And showing your inability to recognise that the effects of this sort of thing, go far further than Charlie Hebdo, and will lead to the suppression of many valuable publications in the future. Your attitude only makes the problem worse.
Here comes Dresta and all his assumptions :oldlol:

"Oh you must be this and that, you don't know this and that"

How do I discuss with someone who are childish like that and didn't even comprehend correctly one bit of what I was saying?

I do agree though that the side effect of this can be pretty negative, as you pointed out could lead to suppression of future publications.

01-08-2015, 01:01 PM
Here comes Dresta and all his assumptions :oldlol:

"Oh you must be this and that, you don't know this and that"

How do I discuss with someone who are childish like that and didn't even comprehend correctly one bit of what I was saying?

I do agree though that the side effect of this can be pretty negative, as you pointed out could lead to suppression of future publications.
What do i have to assume? That you happily accept that it is ok that publishing insults of the prophet results in death, and thus that it is stupid to do so? It is certainly not an inevitability, and many irreverent cartoonists still live on (as does Rushdie).

If that is the case your argument for tackling the influence in stronger than mine, as there is now this one unique and special religion made impervious to insult by the threat of external violence from immigrants. That magazine is part of a long cultural tradition, and to suggest it set up shop or change its methods because of the coercion of these people is to capitulate to cowardice.

So what is your point exactly? Other than pouring scorn on the recently murdered, of course. At least these men died for something. Most people die for nothing, after living a life so empty that they were unwilling to risk their lives for any cause.

01-08-2015, 01:07 PM
You are despicable. A proud muslim everyone :applause: .

No understanding of freedom of speech, and zero care that about people being gunned down for going to work because they'd drawn cartoons offending his precious prophet. What makes you think you have the right to believe such a ridiculous doctrine and have no one ridicule you for it? Who the **** do you think you are?

Do you not know that there is no such thing as free speech without also the freedom to offend? That there is no such thing as freedom at all in a society of protected feelings and sensibilities?

The only bigot here is you, as you think it is justifiable for people to be murdered (and then after their murders to declare them '****ing jerks' - thus insinuating support, or at the very least sympathy, for these murderous psychopaths and fanatics) for drawing a cartoon you don't agree with.
You idiot...
you need to know one thing that you obviously didnt know before.
Those cartoons were not drawn to entertain somebody or to show that freedom of speech exists.
Those cartoons were drawn just, and just to provoke the Muslims at the first place, and doing so, in the middle of time when terrorists could blow every part of your town and when they are most sensitive is beyond stupid.
You and the others have claimed that they attack everyone equally, but if you look at the last cartoons you can see that almost every one of them has something to do with Muslims.
All of those cartoons are very rasist. Is changing your avatar to a drawing of Muhammad after incident happened rasist? Will you try to justify it too?

And as a writer yesterday said, not only the cartoons are racist, but also the saying that yesterday it was all about "Evil Muslims vs Good Westerners".

**** your freedom of speech if you think that you can justify making jokes and offending and provoking others with it.
You can have your freedom of speech all you want, but if you say something offending to me than be prepared to take the consequences.

01-08-2015, 01:20 PM
You idiot...
you need to know one thing that you obviously didnt know before.
Those cartoons were not drawn to entertain somebody or to show that freedom of speech exists.
Those cartoons were drawn just, and just to provoke the Muslims at the first place, and doing so, in the middle of time when terrorists could blow every part of your town and when they are most sensitive is beyond stupid.
You and the others have claimed that they attack everyone equally, but if you look at the last cartoons you can see that almost every one of them has something to do with Muslims.
All of those cartoons are very rasist. Is changing your avatar to a drawing of Muhammad after incident happened rasist? Will you try to justify it too?

And as a writer yesterday said, not only the cartoons are racist, but also the saying that yesterday it was all about "Evil Muslims vs Good Westerners".

**** your freedom of speech if you think that you can justify making jokes and offending and provoking others with it.
You can have your freedom of speech all you want, but if you say something offending to me than be prepared to take the consequences.
No dipshit, freedom of speech is freedom of speech. It's the freedom to make fun of whoever the fck you want.

Reminds me of when South Park who go after just about everybody. Only Muslims got pissed off enough to threaten violence. Backwards ass nigguhs

01-08-2015, 01:21 PM
No dipshit, freedom of speech is freedom of speech. It's the freedom to make fun of whoever the fck you want.

Reminds me of when South Park who go after just about everybody. Only Muslims got pissed off enough to threaten violence. Backwards ass nigguhs
Maybe it is. But its beyond stupid to think that you can say whatever you want to somebody and to get nothing as a response. Its borderline idiotic.

01-08-2015, 01:30 PM
Maybe it is. But its beyond stupid to think that you can say whatever you want to somebody and to get nothing as a response. Its borderline idiotic.

Nobody else cares.. Theres no jews or Catholics gunning people down when they're made fun of all the time.. Because most don't take their religion as literally and seriously as you guys do.. To many it's just a cultural thing, what your family does how they celebrate holidays and make reasons to get together with one another and spend time. You retards actually take everything LITERALLY.

like some goat ****er from 2000 years had the keys to eternal life. :facepalm

01-08-2015, 01:36 PM
Nobody else cares.. Theres no jews or Catholics gunning people down when they're made fun of all the time.. Because most don't take their religion as literally and seriously as you guys do.. To many it's just a cultural thing, what your family does how they celebrate holidays and make reasons to get together with one another and spend time. You retards actually take everything LITERALLY.

like some goat ****er from 2000 years had the keys to eternal life. :facepalm
Its maybe because the Muslims are the only real believers in their religion and dont want to see jokes made of it, and all of others are the fake ones?

01-08-2015, 01:47 PM
As retarded as Muslims are for taking their prophet that seriously, how retarded is it to continuously provoke them instead of being tolerant?

"Oh what? You're saying please don't draw our prophet's face because it really offend us? Oh here lemme draw him in offensive poses instead and publish it because hey freedom of speech brah. Satire is our culture brah you better get used to it."

It is clearly the wrong way to go. Of course, those who do the killing are worse.

01-08-2015, 01:54 PM
you realize that this magazine draws biting satire about every authority..political as well as religious, not just islam, right? of course, only muslim extremists are butt hurt enough to massacre people over it.


01-08-2015, 01:57 PM
They are "french citizens" born in in France, how is the state supposed to react in such situations? It is supposed not let "its own people" back in the country? Multicultural society has never worked and does not belong to Europe. Thanks for the fake virtues U.S.

you don't let the one out of prison for a long time and I'm all in favor of saying hey, you leave the country to attend a terrorist training camp, guess what, you don't get to come back..

as for the USA comment. shove it u your ass

01-08-2015, 02:05 PM
If these nutjobs were another religion, they would react the same way. It is not the religion, it is the people. Brainwashed and extremely violent (killing of innocents), that is not something preached by the sane Muslim world. Of course the usual people come in here and will talk about Islam being the problem :oldlol:


You can't poke satire at extremists and expect no reaction, jus sayin.
Nobody is saying that all muslims are murderous savages that kill over being offended.

No one is even saying that is the majority of muslims.

You are wrong to deny that the Koran and the hadith dont talk about spreading the religion by force and punishing those that insult the religion.

Islam like Christianity has some heinous lessons its holy books teach. the difference is almost no christian takes Christianity serious enough to kill over anymore.

There are multiple governments currently on earth that take Islam seriously enough to kill over. Its far more prevalent in Islam.

Seriously come up with another religion where they kill screaming stuff like Allah Akbar and afterwards say stuff like the prophet has been avenged.

That exists in islam. The desire to kill over the drawing of a cartoon.

01-08-2015, 02:08 PM
You don't think they knew people would want to kill them?

Those are the people who need to be made fun of the most, and constantly. People who kill people over drawings. They should be made fun of so hard.
And that only confirms how stupid they were. As I said, the only thing that would have made yesterdays day the perfect one for all of the humanity is dead of the killers too. The killers and the drawers are the same shit in different packages.

01-08-2015, 02:08 PM
As retarded as Muslims are for taking their prophet that seriously, how retarded is it to continuously provoke them instead of being tolerant?

"Oh what? You're saying please don't draw our prophet's face because it really offend us? Oh here lemme draw him in offensive poses instead and publish it because hey freedom of speech brah. Satire is our culture brah you better get used to it."

It is clearly the wrong way to go. Of course, those who do the killing are worse.
What if we lived in a country where people found it offensive to be taxed and they started killing over it?

What if we lived in a country where bush supporters killed over bush being called dumb or if obama supporters killed over obama being criticized, etc.

There is plenty wrong with the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad. He was a militaristic genocidal leader. He married girls as young as 9. There is plenty wrong with the modern interpretation of islam.

People should criticize Islam and the prophet as much as they like. its a free country, and honestly if we need to wage war to protect the freedom speech then so be it.

01-08-2015, 02:11 PM
And that only confirms how stupid they were. As I said, the only thing that would have made yesterdays day the perfect one for all of the humanity is dead of the killers too. The killers and the drawers are the same shit in different packages.
:lol :biggums: You think criticizing and parodying a horrible historical figure is the same as killing people?

What kind of psychopath are you?

If somebody parodied and mocked someone i respected, Eg. darwin, I would not react at all because I am actually confident in my respect for that person.

Deep down muslims know how flawed the prophet was. Thus why they are so sensitive. Nobody is sensitive about criticism that aren't true.

Patrick Chewing
01-08-2015, 02:13 PM
As retarded as Muslims are for taking their prophet that seriously, how retarded is it to continuously provoke them instead of being tolerant?

"Oh what? You're saying please don't draw our prophet's face because it really offend us? Oh here lemme draw him in offensive poses instead and publish it because hey freedom of speech brah. Satire is our culture brah you better get used to it."

It is clearly the wrong way to go. Of course, those who do the killing are worse.

People who are easily provoked have no place on this Earth at all. Every country has satire and pokes fun at political figures, celebrities, and religions. Laughter at someone or something else's expense is what makes life tolerable in my opinion. It would be asinine to stop with the satire because a certain culture isn't civilized enough yet in today's day and age.

Appeasement, fear, and political correctness are all dangerous diseases that should be avoided at all costs.

01-08-2015, 02:14 PM
What people's views??? Drawing a joke out of someone's prophet, with one objective, and thats to make those mad and wanna kill you is stupidity. That guy was just very stupid in my mind and nothing else, and you can see where stupidity can take you to.
People need to recognize the line between freedom of speech and hating/bigotry.
There is no line. You are allowed to be a bigot.

You are not allowed to kill people. that is freedom of speech.

Eg. You are allowed to call white people devils and mock Christianity. White people arent allowed to kill you for it.

01-08-2015, 02:14 PM
Bible does not preach violence? :roll:

Because Christians are actively bombing and killing non-Christians all over the world.

Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.

Patrick Chewing
01-08-2015, 02:15 PM
And that only confirms how stupid they were. As I said, the only thing that would have made yesterdays day the perfect one for all of the humanity is dead of the killers too. The killers and the drawers are the same shit in different packages.

You need to be offed next. If you do not value life, why are you still breathing??

01-08-2015, 02:15 PM
As I said before, that was nothing more than a conflict between free-minded left wing and right wing fundamentalists. I dont like any of them, and it would have been the best for all of us if all of them were killed yesterday.

And, are you a real christian?
Wow you actually think people deserve to die over ideas and drawings?

01-08-2015, 02:18 PM
Maybe it is. But its beyond stupid to think that you can say whatever you want to somebody and to get nothing as a response. Its borderline idiotic.

This is why people say mainstream Islam isn't compatible with western culture.

"You can't draw a cartoon and not expect to get slaughtered for it".

Ludicrous. People who think like this shouldn't be allowed citizenship in a modern country.

01-08-2015, 02:24 PM
Nobody here is defending them, they are only correcting you on your ignorantly immature anti-islam/nazi/racist comments, actual muslims hate those more than you or anybody else here, infact those terrorists have done much more damage against the normal muslims than anybody else, some muslims here have probably ran for their life to whatever country they are in just to not get killed by those.... yet you sit here, comfortable in your chair, watch movie, scratch your balls and NEVER met a muslim your life while you start threads and do so only to attack Islam and not those terrorists, you make it very clear... thats the problem here, YOU.... nobody else.... understand?
Islam is not a race. It is a religion. anyone can be islamic. You can be white, black, east asian, south east asian, south asian, native american, latino, etc and be a muslim.

Mocking islam is literally mocking a set of beliefs.

I have known and worked with 2 very good people that happened to be very non-devout Muslims. the types of Muslims that would drink alcohol and smoke regularly. Even eat pork sometimes. One was a guy from Iran that moved to the US to escape persecution (his family did) his name was Hamid.

So I know many muslims dont proscribe to the bad stuff taught in the Koran and the Hadiths. Just like most christians wouldnt stone sinners to death.

But Its perfectly fine to criticize and mock anything in a free country. its not ok to kill over being offended.

You need to stop defending the Koran and the hadiths. their teachings directly lead to these murders.

Do you honestly think these cartoonists deserved to die for mocking the prophet? I know islam teaches they do, but I would like to think the majority of muslims arent that beholden to their horrible religion.

01-08-2015, 02:26 PM
Wow you actually think people deserve to die over ideas and drawings?
I dont give a shit about anyones idea or drawing as long as its not offending to me and doesnt provoke me, and as long as I dont see that they are doing it on purpose just to make me mad.

Take this forum for example.

No hate thread was created by a Muslim, and it will not be created. But about 5 hate threads about Muslims every day were created in a span of 2-3 weeks a month ago, and it would still be so if I didnt destroy those posters. Even mods were deleting my Bible-citing posts just because they didnt like it, but they keep ignoring hate threads toward Muslims.

Patrick Chewing
01-08-2015, 02:30 PM
I dont give a shit about anyones idea or drawing as long as its not offending to me and doesnt provoke me, and as long as I dont see that they are doing it on purpose just to make me mad.

Take this forum for example.

No hate thread was created by a Muslim, and it will not be created. But about 5 hate threads about Muslims every day were created in a span of 2-3 weeks a month ago, and it would still be so if I didnt destroy those posters. Even mods were deleting my Bible-citing posts just because they didnt like it, but they keep ignoring hate threads toward Muslims.

You're avoiding the question you assclown. Does somebody deserve to die for drawing something that mocks that individual?

Come on, admit it that you'd be a murderous POS if someone got a hold of your ugly mug and turned you into a drag queen. PM your pic. A lot of tough talk from some brainwashed towelhead.

And these aren't hate threads towards Muslims. These are threads exposing their violent nature, just like you've shown thus far. Bitch.

01-08-2015, 02:31 PM
Yeah, definitely terrible what has happened to them but were they retarded? In this current climate why would you want to endanger yourself? Its not like they were making a REAL political statement, just making trashy cartoons to get attention. Are lives worth risking for that?
They are making a political statement.
They are pointing out all of the violence, sexism and discrimination against non-muslims that exist in the teachings of the Koran and the Hadiths.

They are pointing out the negatives of the Prophet Muhammad. A man who lived from  570AD – 8 June 630 AD. His full name was Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim (ابو القاسم محمد ابن عبد الله ابن عبد المطلب ابن هاشم)

He had 13 official wives some he married when they were 9 years old.

He committed numerous acts that we would describe as war crimes.

He implemented systemic discrimination against non-Muslims. For example condemning pagans and forcing jews and christians to pay extra taxes.

His systemically gave less rights to non-muslims and women.
Muslims worshiping Muhammad is like if germans worshipped hitler. He was a terrible human being by modern standards.

01-08-2015, 02:34 PM
I dont give a shit about anyones idea or drawing as long as its not offending to me and doesnt provoke me, and as long as I dont see that they are doing it on purpose just to make me mad.

Take this forum for example.

No hate thread was created by a Muslim, and it will not be created. But about 5 hate threads about Muslims every day were created in a span of 2-3 weeks a month ago, and it would still be so if I didnt destroy those posters. Even mods were deleting my Bible-citing posts just because they didnt like it, but they keep ignoring hate threads toward Muslims.
Wow I rarely insult people online, because rarely do i feel someone deserves it and its childish and immature
but you are a piece of shit if you think its ok to kill someone that offends you.

Muslims that think this way are a piece of shit.

Muhammad was a pedophile and genocidal murderer.

I dont give a shit about anyones idea or drawing as long as its not offending to me and doesnt provoke me, and as long as I dont see that they are doing it on purpose just to make me mad.

Being offended is not a reason to kill other people.

People get offended all the time. Civilized people dont respond with violence, barbaric animals do.

Even mods were deleting my Bible-citing posts just because they didnt like it, but they keep ignoring hate threads toward Muslims.

I have bashed Christianity a ton, Jeff is fine with it, he is only sensitive about Judaism

01-08-2015, 02:38 PM
You're avoiding the question you assclown. Does somebody deserve to die for drawing something that mocks that individual?

Come on, admit it that you'd be a murderous POS if someone got a hold of your ugly mug and turned you into a drag queen. PM your pic. A lot of tough talk from some brainwashed towelhead.

And these aren't hate threads towards Muslims. These are threads exposing their violent nature, just like you've shown thus far. Bitch.
Im sure your girlfriend has a picture of me in her wallet. Look up there you ****.
You still butthurt over the threads from a month ago where I shutted your mouth?

And no, nobody deserves to die for drawing. Im talking here about stupidity of those drawers who knew something bad could happen, and who knew they could be attacked by fanatics like yesterday, but they kept doing it. I cant believe that somebody so stupid exists (existed) who would mock the people who can easily kill you. :wtf:

01-08-2015, 02:39 PM
Wow I rarely insult people online, because rarely do i feel someone deserves it and its childish and immature
but you are a piece of shit if you think its ok to kill someone that offends you.

Muslims that think this way are a piece of shit.

Muhammad was a pedophile and genocidal murderer.

Being offended is not a reason to kill other people.

People get offended all the time. Civilized people dont respond with violence, barbaric animals do.
Over and over again. The stupid one thinks he knows something. Whats new on ISH?

01-08-2015, 02:41 PM
Im sure your girlfriend has a picture of me in her wallet. Look up there you ****.
You still butthurt over the threads from a month ago where I shutted your mouth?

And no, nobody deserves to die for drawing. Im talking here about stupidity of those drawers who knew something bad could happen, and who knew they could be attacked by fanatics like yesterday, but they kept doing it. I cant believe that somebody so stupid exists (existed) who would mock the people who can easily kill you. :wtf:

What if we lived in a would where people killed muslims for praying in a mosque?

They only reason that drawing the prophet Muhammad is considered dangerous is because some sections of the muslim population are savage barbarians

There is nothing that should be dangerous about mocking Islam.

Do you know how often those cartoonists mocked Christianity?

01-08-2015, 02:42 PM
Over and over again. The stupid one thinks he knows something. Whats new on ISH?
You dont consider marrying and having sex with a 9 year old girl pedophila?
You dont consider the aftermath of the Battle of Hunayn a war crime?

01-08-2015, 02:43 PM
Over and over again. The stupid one thinks he knows something. Whats new on ISH?
That guy is literally the worst. He thinks he's educated but keeps saying that ridiculous shit as if it's fact.

01-08-2015, 02:51 PM
You dont consider marrying and having sex with a 9 year old girl pedophila?
You dont consider the aftermath of the Battle of Hunayn a war crime?
You really comparing the time of 1500 years ago with todays standards? About 150-200 years ago, in America it was a normal thing to be married with a 12 year olds. At the time when Muhammad married Aisha, it was a normal thing everywhere in the world to be married with young girls after their first menstrual period.
Even enemies of Muhammad have never said anything about that and they didnt attack him because of that, because it was a normal thing at the time.
Yeah, the man whos 3 other women were 40-50 year old WIDOWS was a pedophile.
Learn your history you dipshit.

And not killing 6000 kids and women of enemies after that war was a war crime? What drugs do you use?

01-08-2015, 02:52 PM
My condolences to the family of the people who died but I have zero respect for these paid off so called magazines who just blindly provocate different cultures with their attention and -money whoring cartoons that spread no meaningful messages.

You can't keep provocating a specific group in a society with an already intricate balance and not expect any backslash esp in europe where so many different cultures live together.

You keep poking the bear for 12 years long and that bear is gonna poke you back one time.

01-08-2015, 02:54 PM
That guy is literally the worst. He thinks he's educated but keeps saying that ridiculous shit as if it's fact.
It is a fact

Are you seriously so uneducated that you dont know about the battles of Tabouk and Battle of Hunayn as a muslim?

They were pivotal to Muhammad's conquest in arabia.

"The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became all right, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234)

His pedophilia is indisputable.

If you want to argue that values were different then fine, that a different argument but he definitely was a pedophile.

Please provide a specific claim that I have made is false, and I will source something to support my claim.

Patrick Chewing
01-08-2015, 02:55 PM
My condolences to the family of the people who died but I have zero respect for these paid off so called magazines who just blindly provocate different cultures with their attention and -money whoring cartoons that spread no meaningful messages.

You can't keep provocating a specific group in a society with an already intricate balance and not expect any backslash esp in europe where so many different cultures live together.

You keep poking the bear for 12 years long and that bear is gonna poke you back one time.

Civil suit (they tried and failed)
Ignore it
Move away

All acceptable non-violent options. But this bear you speak of is a primitive bear with no respect for human life. They belong to the Death Cult. And it's coming to a town near you.

01-08-2015, 02:55 PM
You really comparing the time of 1500 years ago with todays standards? About 150-200 years ago, in America it was a normal thing to be married with a 12 year olds. At the time when Muhammad married Aisha, it was a normal thing everywhere in the world to be married with young girls after their first menstrual period.
Even enemies of Muhammad have never said anything about that and they didnt attack him because of that, because it was a normal thing at the time.
Yeah, the man whos 3 other women were 40-50 year old WIDOWS was a pedophile.
Learn your history you dipshit.

And not killing 6000 kids and women of enemies after that war was a war crime? What drugs do you use?
Ya killing women and children is a war crime. What kind of drugs do you use where after you win and murderer children and women on purpose is not a war crime? Literally killing after the battle.

And yes having sex with 6-9 year old girls is pedophilia.

01-08-2015, 02:57 PM
It is a fact

Are you seriously so uneducated that you dont know about the battles of Tabouk and Battle of Hunayn as a muslim?

They were pivotal to Muhammad's conquest in arabia.

"The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became all right, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234)

His pedophilia is indisputable.

If you want to argue that values were different then fine, that a different argument but he definitely was a pedophile.

Please provide a specific claim that I have made is false, and I will source something to support my claim.

01-08-2015, 02:58 PM
Ya killing women and children is a war crime. What kind of drugs do you use where after you win and murderer children and women on purpose is not a war crime? Literally killing after the battle.

And yes having sex with 6-9 year old girls is pedophilia.
You can keep saying the same bullshit as long as you want but that wont make them right. You are just showing how retarded you are and how you dont want to learn from someone who knows better than you.

01-08-2015, 03:04 PM
You really comparing the time of 1500 years ago with todays standards? About 150-200 years ago, in America it was a normal thing to be married with a 12 year olds. At the time when Muhammad married Aisha, it was a normal thing everywhere in the world to be married with young girls after their first menstrual period.
Even enemies of Muhammad have never said anything about that and they didnt attack him because of that, because it was a normal thing at the time.
Yeah, the man whos 3 other women were 40-50 year old WIDOWS was a pedophile.
Learn your history you dipshit.

And not killing 6000 kids and women of enemies after that war was a war crime? What drugs do you use?

Nope. Unlucky for you we have many many records from the Greeks, the Romans and the Catholic church that clealy show the normal age of marriage has always been 16-23 for a woman.

Look at a damn 9 year old girl. Can't you see? Can't you recognize it's pedophilia?

Just goes to show who you are I suppose.

01-08-2015, 03:06 PM
You can keep saying the same bullshit as long as you want but that wont make them right. You are just showing how retarded you are and how you dont want to learn from someone who knows better than you.


rent free

01-08-2015, 03:13 PM
Guys, if you don't stop speaking ill of LEFT4DEAD's death cult, he won't hesitate to grab his salami sword.

Just keep that in mind. Think Lebron23 but crazy enough to actually follow through.

01-08-2015, 03:20 PM
You can keep saying the same bullshit as long as you want but that wont make them right. You are just showing how retarded you are and how you dont want to learn from someone who knows better than you.
Please actually make an argument rather than baseless ad hominem attacks

I have called you a piece of shit because you think attacking people for mocking an set of beliefs is ok.

Teach me something then? I think you dont know shit. I have read a lot about the history of the middle east. Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim was a horrible human being. But feel free to defend pedophilia, systemic government imposed discrimination, slavery and war crimes.

Seriously I am curious about the value system of a person that can look up to the prophet Muhammad as a good person in 2015.

01-08-2015, 03:24 PM
Make a counter argument?

Its a forum.

01-08-2015, 03:24 PM
Again, these cartoonists made fun of all kinds of people. South Park targeted all kinds of people and ideas.

Only one group has ever resorted to violence and terrorism in defense

01-08-2015, 03:28 PM
That guy is literally the worst. He thinks he's educated but keeps saying that ridiculous shit as if it's fact.
no response?

What have I said in this thread that isnt factual?

01-08-2015, 03:31 PM
Please actually make an argument rather than baseless ad hominem attacks

I have called you a piece of shit because you think attacking people for mocking an set of beliefs is ok.

Teach me something then? I think you dont know shit. I have read a lot about the history of the middle east. Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim was a horrible human being. But feel free to defend pedophilia, systemic government imposed discrimination, slavery and war crimes.
And you still keep saying those words but dont have an explanation for it. I explained you why its dumb to call him a pedophile and you are still acting like an ignorant piece of shit.

You are saying he did the war crimes, and your only reason is a lie that he killed 6000 women and children, when in fact he kept them as prisioners and didnt kill them.

You are saying he did the war crime in a war where his army was outnumbered 20000 to 12000.

I will not even continue because its too many information for you little retarded brain.

Im destroying all of you ******s and you cant do anything about it. :oldlol:

01-08-2015, 03:35 PM
My condolences to the family of the people who died but I have zero respect for these paid off so called magazines who just blindly provocate different cultures with their attention and -money whoring cartoons that spread no meaningful messages.

You can't keep provocating a specific group in a society with an already intricate balance and not expect any backslash esp in europe where so many different cultures live together.

You keep poking the bear for 12 years long and that bear is gonna poke you back one time.

Absolute worst argument I've heard regarding the issue. You can't justify either logically or morally the murder of a dozen people over a f*cking cartoon. Just can't. If people are offended by something, they should use their constitutionally guaranteed right to voice their displeasure. Draw a cartoon mocking the satirists, write an editorial, post a youtube video, etc. Getting a band of lunatics together, grabbing some high-powered rifles and massacring people as a response is just plain insane and indefensible.

01-08-2015, 03:38 PM
And you still keep saying those words but dont have an explanation for it. I explained you why its dumb to call him a pedophile and you are still acting like an ignorant piece of shit.

You are saying he did the war crimes, and your only reason is a lie that he killed 6000 women and children, when in fact he kept them as prisioners and didnt kill them.

You are saying he did the war crime in a war where his army was outnumbered 20000 to 12000.

I will not even continue because its too many information for you little retarded brain.

Im destroying all of you ******s and you cant do anything about it. :oldlol:
You think its dumb to call sex with 9 year old girls pedophilia?:biggums:

Narrated Aisha: The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became alright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, “Best wishes and Allah’s Blessing and a good luck.” Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah’s Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age. (Book #58, Hadith #234)

Narrated Hisham’s father: Khadija died three years before the prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ’aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old. (Book #58, Hadith #236)

Narrated ‘aisha: that the prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). (Book #62, Hadith #64)

Slavery of women and children is also a war crime, and plenty of sources stated that they killed non-muslims after battles.

Jai Maharaj, sponsor of the Satyameva Jayate website, wrote that Muhammad was "in fact a terrorist, criminal and murderer whose entire life was based on victimizing innocents and indulging in mindless violence, carnage and massacre." Maharaj chronicled what he called were Muhammad's "criminal acts in the form of battles and murders", including the killing of four merchants during the sacred month of Rajab, the killing of 70 merchants and 900 men from Mecca, the killing of the poets 'Asma' bint Marwan and Abu 'Afak, and the initial motivation to kill followed by eventual expelling of the Jewish tribe of Banu Qaynuqa

[QUOTE]Norman Geisler accuses Muhammad of "mercilessness" towards the Jewish tribes of Medina.[60] Geisler also argues that Muhammad "had no aversion to politically expedient assassinations," "was not indisposed to breaking promises when he found it advantageous" and engaged in retaliation towards those who mocked him."[60] The Orientalist William Muir, in assessing Muhammad's character, described him as cruel and faithless in dealing with his enemies.[61][62]

Magnanimity or moderation are nowhere discernible as features in the conduct of Mahomet towards such of his enemies as failed to tender a timely allegiance. Over the bodies of the Coreish who fell at Badr, he exulted with savage satisfaction; and several prisoners,—accused of no crime but that of scepticism and political opposition,—were deliberately executed at his command. The Prince of Kheibar, after being subjected to inhuman torture for the purpose of discovering the treasures of his tribe, was, with his cousin, put to death on the pretext of having treacherously concealed them: and his wife was led away captive to the tent of the conqueror. Sentence of exile was enforced by Mahomet with rigorous severity on two whole Jewish tribes at Med

01-08-2015, 03:43 PM
You think its dumb to call sex with 9 year old girls pedophilia?:biggums:

Narrated Aisha: The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became alright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, “Best wishes and Allah’s Blessing and a good luck.” Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah’s Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age. (Book #58, Hadith #234)

Narrated Hisham’s father: Khadija died three years before the prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ’aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old. (Book #58, Hadith #236)

Narrated ‘aisha: that the prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). (Book #62, Hadith #64)

Slavery of women and children is also a war crime, and plenty of sources stated that they killed non-muslims after battles.

Jai Maharaj, sponsor of the Satyameva Jayate website, wrote that Muhammad was "in fact a terrorist, criminal and murderer whose entire life was based on victimizing innocents and indulging in mindless violence, carnage and massacre." Maharaj chronicled what he called were Muhammad's "criminal acts in the form of battles and murders", including the killing of four merchants during the sacred month of Rajab, the killing of 70 merchants and 900 men from Mecca, the killing of the poets 'Asma' bint Marwan and Abu 'Afak, and the initial motivation to kill followed by eventual expelling of the Jewish tribe of Banu Qaynuqa

You dont consider these war crimes? :biggums:

Thats not a war crime?
When you make up your mind, and post me your words with actual facts than I will read it. But copying and pasting some shit (that I didnt even read) from some site just shows how stupid you are and how you dont have a clue what are you talking about.

p.s. I just saw there is banu qurayza mentioned there. Every time you idiots are posting the same shit that I destroy over and over again with the facts.

And you red smt about history of middle east? You think you are a smartass because you copy-pasted a wiki site on here?

Now take a lesson and read smt about banu qurayza and stop embarassing yourself fool.

longtime lurker
01-08-2015, 03:44 PM
I swear threads like this is just posters spouting the same bullshit over and over again. They have no idea just how ignorant and clueless they are.

01-08-2015, 03:44 PM
[QUOTE=MavsSuperFan]You think its dumb to call sex with 9 year old girls pedophilia?:biggums:

Narrated Aisha: The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became alright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said,

HitandRun Reggie
01-08-2015, 03:52 PM
You can't keep provocating a specific group in a society with an already intricate balance and not expect any backslash esp in europe where so many different cultures live together.

If provoking a group of people with cartoons is a reason to expect a targeted massacre of non-militants, then Islamic countries should expect the total destruction of the whole Islamic foundation in areas where Christians are murdered, raped, displaced, and literally crucified by Muslims.

The thing is, you idiots moved from your Islamic dominated shytholes to these countries where these freedoms that enrage Muslims take place, and then have the gall to show outrage. The simple solution is for Muslims to stay where they are. Islamic(you) people are parasites, I just hope that filth never comes to the Western Hemisphere in any significant degree.

longtime lurker
01-08-2015, 03:57 PM
My condolences to the family of the people who died but I have zero respect for these paid off so called magazines who just blindly provocate different cultures with their attention and -money whoring cartoons that spread no meaningful messages.

You can't keep provocating a specific group in a society with an already intricate balance and not expect any backslash esp in europe where so many different cultures live together.

You keep poking the bear for 12 years long and that bear is gonna poke you back one time.

This is akin to blaming the victim.

01-08-2015, 04:00 PM
When you make up your mind, and post me your words with actual facts than I will read it. But copying and pasting some shit (that I didnt even read) from some site just shows how stupid you are and how you dont have a clue what are you talking about.

p.s. I just saw there is banu qurayza mentioned there. Every time you idiots are posting the same shit that I destroy over and over again with the facts.

And you red smt about history of middle east? You think you are a smartass because you copy-pasted a wiki site on here?

Now take a lesson and read smt about banu qurayza and stop embarassing yourself fool.

When you make up your mind, and post me your words with actual facts than I will read it.
Thats exactly what i did.

But copying and pasting some shit (that I didnt even read) from some site just shows how stupid you are and how you dont have a clue what are you talking about.

The parts about him having sex with a 9 year old are translations from the Hadith

You dont respect the Hadith as a muslim?

Read about his war crimes here

[QUOTE]The Islamic prophet Muhammad besieged the Banu Qurayza for 25 days until they surrendered.[1] One of Muhammad's companions decided that "the men should be killed, the property divided, and the women and children taken as captives". Muhammad approved of the ruling, calling it similar to God's judgment,[7][8][9][10][11] after which all male members of the tribe who had reached puberty were beheaded.[2][12] According to Daniel C. Peterson and Martin Lings, this judgment was in accordance with the law of Moses as stated in Deuteronomy 20:10-14.[13][14] T[B]he Muslim jurist Tabari quotes 600

01-08-2015, 04:06 PM
Thats exactly what i did.

The parts about him having sex with a 9 year old are translations from the Hadith

You dont respect the Hadith as a muslim?

Read about his war crimes here


I made a claim that he committed war crimes
then I backed it up with sources that he killed jews that surrendered to him.

Make an actual argument beyond ad hominem attacks if you actual are able to. I am beginning to doubt you mental capacity to mount an actual debate.
OK, what happened with the 6000 killed women and children?
You really think I have time to explain every one of your stupid findings on internet.
You are just finding more stuff to be owned with and its like playing with dumb ignorant kid.
Its funny how you leave the theme you first mention after getting owned on, and skip on another. :oldlol:

01-08-2015, 04:06 PM
You idiot...
you need to know one thing that you obviously didnt know before.
Those cartoons were not drawn to entertain somebody or to show that freedom of speech exists.
Those cartoons were drawn just, and just to provoke the Muslims at the first place, and doing so, in the middle of time when terrorists could blow every part of your town and when they are most sensitive is beyond stupid.
You and the others have claimed that they attack everyone equally, but if you look at the last cartoons you can see that almost every one of them has something to do with Muslims.
All of those cartoons are very rasist. Is changing your avatar to a drawing of Muhammad after incident happened rasist? Will you try to justify it too?

And as a writer yesterday said, not only the cartoons are racist, but also the saying that yesterday it was all about "Evil Muslims vs Good Westerners".

**** your freedom of speech if you think that you can justify making jokes and offending and provoking others with it.
You can have your freedom of speech all you want, but if you say something offending to me than be prepared to take the consequences.
No, those cartoons were drawn to make a point, and unfortunately that point was proven by the actions of these muslims, and are further justified by the petty excuses you continue to make for them. There is a long history of Muslims, and Islamic countries, trying to suppress freedom of speech in the West (they even tried to force a law through the UN!), and that is what is being mocked, and rightly so.

How can taking the piss out of a religious figure be racist? Is mocking Jesus also racist? How about Moses? Or Zeus? Thor? Apollo? Vishnu? Ron Hubbard?

No, you want special treatment for muslims because you're a bigot whose response to incidents such as this is: 'it is wrong to do this, and against the teachings of Islam, but if you mock the prophet, what do you expect?'

You're a complete disgrace.

01-08-2015, 04:07 PM
So explain this to me...

Freedom of Speech

That is what this is about... about how it should be allowed. I should be allowed to offend whoever I want? We aren't even allowed to offend whoever we want on this website, and it is based in the US. My homie Immortal probably isn't even allowed to post in Religious threads anymore. Sure it is not even close to being the same thing as getting murdered over a drawing, but you can get banned and have your posts deleted on this very website if you offend a particular religious group. That is not freedom of speech.


01-08-2015, 04:10 PM
Mavs dude... your sources are shit. I don't care what Hadiths are saying because they can be blashphemous and none of them are proof or factual evidence. If it were written in the Qur'an than I will take them seriously.

How does one go from marrying someone 20 years older than you to someone 40 years younger? It has nothing to do with sex or preference and everything to do with uniting feuding tribes.

01-08-2015, 04:11 PM
OK, what happened with the 6000 killed women and children?
You really think I have time to explain every one of your stupid findings on internet.
You are just finding more stuff to be owned with and its like playing with dumb ignorant kid.
Its funny how you leave the theme you first mention after getting owned on, and skip on another. :oldlol:
it is a war crime to enslave 6000 women and children, further you honestly think you capture 6000 women and children without kill a lot of them? Use some logic dumbass

You are just finding more stuff to be owned with and its like playing with dumb ignorant kid.
I am probably older than you are and certainly more mature. You possess no capability other than ad hominem insults. Also you ignore any evidence against you.

Its funny how you leave the theme you first mention after getting owned on, and skip on another. :oldlol

What are you talking about? You dont think they killed women and children after the battle of Battle of Hunayn? you think women and children got enslaved non-violently?

Also address all the other war crimes i have cited.

01-08-2015, 04:13 PM
So explain this to me...

Freedom of Speech

That is what this is about... about how it should be allowed. I should be allowed to offend whoever I want? We aren't even allowed to offend whoever we want on this website, and it is based in the US. My homie Immortal probably isn't even allowed to post in Religious threads anymore. Sure it is not even close to being the same thing as getting murdered over a drawing, but you can get banned and have your posts deleted on this very website if you offend a particular religious group. That is not freedom of speech.

Sure, you can offend whoever you want. The reason this site differs is that its a public domain and owned by Jeff. Jeff can ban you for whatever he wants but you can't be prosecuted or infringed in your right to say what you want.

Again, these cartoonists also mocked Christians, French politicians, and other groups. No one attempted to commit terrorism other than the Muslims

Muslims go crazy over a South Park episode where Muhammad just stands there while Buddha and Jesus are doing lines of cocaine in the same episode :lol :roll:

Freedom of speech is the most important right in the Western World. It's what separates us from countries where Sharia is common. Hell, even right now you're practicing your Freedom of Speech by supporting the terrorists.

01-08-2015, 04:13 PM
So explain this to me...

Freedom of Speech

That is what this is about... about how it should be allowed. I should be allowed to offend whoever I want? We aren't even allowed to offend whoever we want on this website, and it is based in the US. My homie Immortal probably isn't even allowed to post in Religious threads anymore. Sure it is not even close to being the same thing as getting murdered over a drawing, but you can get banned and have your posts deleted on this very website if you offend a particular religious group. That is not freedom of speech.


This is a privately owned website. You're allowed to start a satirical blog mocking Christians. Christians living in the U.S. probably won't find you and murder you with AK-47s (although I can't promise that) but you're allowed to do it in this country.

Freedom of expression, son. Strange concept to you, maybe, but it's available to you. If you're actually an American, of course.

01-08-2015, 04:15 PM
Hell, even right now you're practicing your Freedom of Speech by supporting the terrorists.
This is cool, everyone in here likes to assume stupid sad shit about anyone in here supporting terrorism.


01-08-2015, 04:15 PM
it is a war crime to enslave 6000 women and children, further you honestly think you capture 6000 women and children without kill a lot of them? Use some logic dumbass

I am probably older than you are and certainly more mature. You possess no capability other than ad hominem insults. Also you ignore any evidence against you.

What are you talking about? You dont think they killed women and children after the battle of Battle of Hunayn? you think women and children got enslaved non-violently?

Also address all the other war crimes i have cited.
Check "Germans protest againt Islam" thread for explanations of all the shit you posted. Im tired of repeating everything to all of you idiots on here.

HitandRun Reggie
01-08-2015, 04:16 PM
So explain this to me...

Freedom of Speech

That is what this is about... about how it should be allowed. I should be allowed to offend whoever I want? We aren't even allowed to offend whoever we want on this website, and it is based in the US. My homie Immortal probably isn't even allowed to post in Religious threads anymore. Sure it is not even close to being the same thing as getting murdered over a drawing, but you can get banned and have your posts deleted on this very website if you offend a particular religious group. That is not freedom of speech.


The moderator selectively barring posts and posters IS freedom of speech. It's their website they can do what they want. Humans are imperfect animals, not everyone will always be happy. Immortal can go somewhere else or start up his own website if he doesn't like it. Your analogy is horrible as always.

Riley Martin
01-08-2015, 04:20 PM
Did someone really just try to use forum moderation to justify the slaying of people over a cartoon? "I can't say whatever I want on a forum without getting banned, therefore cartoonists shouldn't be able to without getting killed?" Wow.

01-08-2015, 04:24 PM
Did someone really just try to use forum moderation to justify the slaying of people over a cartoon? "I can't say whatever I want on a forum without getting banned, therefore cartoonists shouldn't be able to without getting killed?" Wow.

You obviously haven't yet been exposed to the mind of the average muslim.

Fact: 42% of young french muslims believe suicide bombing is sometimes justified.


Sadly it's not limited to euro muslims. Only 58% of American muslims were "strongly opposed" to al qaeda in 2006.

longtime lurker
01-08-2015, 04:26 PM
Did someone really just try to use forum moderation to justify the slaying of people over a cartoon? "I can't say whatever I want on a forum without getting banned, therefore cartoonists shouldn't be able to without getting killed?" Wow.

A lot of stupid stuff has been said on both sides of the argument. When posters say "we should just nuke the middle east" is just as reprehensible as arguing that those cartoonists deaths weren't complete lunacy.

01-08-2015, 04:26 PM
Absolute worst argument I've heard regarding the issue. You can't justify either logically or morally the murder of a dozen people over a f*cking cartoon. Just can't. If people are offended by something, they should use their constitutionally guaranteed right to voice their displeasure. Draw a cartoon mocking the satirists, write an editorial, post a youtube video, etc. Getting a band of lunatics together, grabbing some high-powered rifles and massacring people as a response is just plain insane and indefensible.

who are the people behind the curtains tho?
they'll say ISIS did it...or Al Qaeda? Hamas? Boko Haram? or just independent Muslim terrorists?

They demonstrate good fire discipline, single or double-tap targets, conserve ammo, use hand signals, move calmly, methodically.

don't sound like them isis guys tho they looked more like hired mercenaries that were there on a mission and not an angry mob that was after blood like most of yall think of muslims.

Also that magazine was putting up those pictures for 12 years now so why go on a killing spree now? What would this accomplish really?

btw no I have no respect for outlet media that tries to moneywhore his cartoons at the expense of society with it's intricate balance and it's entirety and integrity.

01-08-2015, 04:32 PM
This just in:

Catholic Church Fails To Behead A Single Person In 2014 (http://www.catholicvote.org/catholic-church-fails-to-behead-anybody-in-2014/)

For the most intolerant and extreme religion in the world, this is a rather embarrassing statistic.

It appears that the Catholic Church, widely recognized as the most uncompromising and dogmatic among the world

01-08-2015, 04:34 PM
Check "Germans protest againt Islam" thread for explanations of all the shit you posted. Im tired of repeating everything to all of you idiots on here.
My arguments are that The Prophet Mohammad

Enslaved people
Had sex with girls as young as 9 years old and thus is a pedophile
Executed men after they have surrendered
Enslaved their wives and children (aka war crimes)
Imposed government sanctioned discrimination on non-muslims and women.

Nothing in that thread contradicts what I have stated here and supported with sources.

longtime lurker
01-08-2015, 04:39 PM
[QUOTE=rufuspaul]This just in:

Catholic Church Fails To Behead A Single Person In 2014 (http://www.catholicvote.org/catholic-church-fails-to-behead-anybody-in-2014/)

For the most intolerant and extreme religion in the world, this is a rather embarrassing statistic.

It appears that the Catholic Church, widely recognized as the most uncompromising and dogmatic among the world

01-08-2015, 04:44 PM

01-08-2015, 04:47 PM

01-08-2015, 04:58 PM

HitandRun Reggie
01-08-2015, 05:03 PM

Does this group of religious fanatics suddenly become "African" because it doesn't suit your narrative?

Nowhere in the article does it say the man was a non-militant. Muslims militants started attacking Christians there. Christians formed their own militia and are successfully fighting back.

01-08-2015, 05:07 PM

Does this group of religious fanatics suddenly become "African" because it doesn't suit your narrative?

1. "Christian militia", whatever the hell that is, does not equal the Catholic Church.

2. What I posted was satire.

3. You're dumb.

longtime lurker
01-08-2015, 05:18 PM
Nowhere in the article does it say the man was a non-militant. Muslims militants started attacking Christians there. Christians formed their own militia and are successfully fighting back.

His point was about how Christians don't behead people, I showed him that he was wrong. And nice of you to simplify the discussion to "Christians are fighting back".

1. "Christian militia", whatever the hell that is, does not equal the Catholic Church.

2. What I posted was satire.

3. You're dumb.

1. ISIS does not equate to "All Muslims"

2. I don't give a fvck

3. I exposed your ignorance and you got butthurt. Typical when you're conditioned to not having a clue about the world outside of America.

01-08-2015, 05:25 PM
The moderator selectively barring posts and posters IS freedom of speech. It's their website they can do what they want. Humans are imperfect animals, not everyone will always be happy. Immortal can go somewhere else or start up his own website if he doesn't like it. Your analogy is horrible as always.

That's not freedom of speech. That's private property owners having the right to set up rules of conduct on their, in this case, virtual property. You can't hand out flyers on the street corner, but you need my permission to do it my store.

Freedom of speech means you can't be prosecuted by the government.

Freedom of speech is also not absolute under the first ammendement in the US. Child pornorgraphy, libel, slander, yelling "fire" in a crowded theater are not legal in the US.

01-08-2015, 05:25 PM

Yep, looks like 1.6 billion people to me.