View Full Version : Question for Cleveland fans

Black and White
01-07-2015, 06:12 PM
I understand what the franchise is doing as they are trying their best to assemble a championship roster, but I can't help but feel they have given away their younger pieces to appease LeBron, Wiggins isn't a superstar (yet) and neither is Waiters but the scope of the team is so different now.

How are you guys feeling about this? Would you have preferred to go with the original makeup and work forward or this is the direction you like?

Mr Exlax
01-07-2015, 06:17 PM
Not a fan, but they've never won. They've come close with LeBron. Them hoes better go all in and try to win now.

01-07-2015, 06:18 PM
If they don't contend, Love and Lebron might be gone. They put themselves in an unenviable position of having to have success immediately.

Lebron has shown no loyalty to any team, not willing to spend.

01-07-2015, 06:18 PM
I would do all these trades if Lebron was signed for 4/5yrs but this is BS. he can opt out after this and next yr

01-07-2015, 06:22 PM
damned if they do damned if they don't.

Cleveland gets chastised for "not doing enough" the first time Lebron is here and now they are making moves they are idiots for trading away all their young talent.

In a vacuum these moves should have been made. You have short windows to win chips and you need to play your hand.

Cavs were in asset collection mode before bron now they are cashing their chips in.

I liked Wiggins and I liked Dion, but the team is probably better with Love, Shumpert, Mozgov, and JR then those two guys.

01-07-2015, 06:23 PM
I would do all these trades if Lebron was signed for 4/5yrs but this is BS. he can opt out after this and next yr

Lebron is not going to leave Cleveland again. Not happening. He will opt out and he will sign a new deal with the new cap.

01-07-2015, 06:26 PM
Why they didnt just wait to sign Love in the off season is beyond me.

If Lebron really was just going the cavs to "come home" and "help mentor young players" he would have had no problem playing with the duo of Irving/Wiggins. He could have mentored them for the year, and then signed Love in the off season.

01-07-2015, 06:28 PM
I still would have preferred to see what would have happened with either all the young guys or only LeBron but since we acquired him and Love, there is no point in keeping picks. You move in now.

01-07-2015, 06:30 PM
If for whatever reason Lebron decided to sign with the Celtics last offseason, do you think Danny Ainge would just shuffle his feet and say, "Well, we've got a lot of young talent that we'd like to see develop..."? No. He'd start flipping that goddamn mountain of assets he has stockpiled up into role players and solid starters to pair with Lebron.

I know trading Andrew Wiggins and Dion Waiters is a bit of a gut punch for fans who wanted to see the Cavs grow organically (Believe me, I did too), but when a top 5 player in the league who's close to hitting the downturn of his prime decides to sign with your team, you have no choice but to go into win-now mode. Lebron just turned 30, and it's already evident he's not exactly the dominant player he was during those title runs. Would you let Lebron exit his prime while waiting for a talent like Wiggins to finally become somewhat good in maybe 2-3 years? No, you gotta win now. Look at Melo, by the time the Knicks become anywhere near title contenders who knows what state he'll be in :confusedshrug: . This is Cleveland's best chance to win anything since Lebron left, and they're not gonna squander it.

I'm not confident the Cavs will still actually win anything, and I agree coming back to the Cavs was just a shady buisness move by James; but this is the best course of action they can take with Lebron on their team. The same goes if Durant decided to sign anywhere else either. Anyone spouts off the "Lebron GM in effect" and "Lebron ruining the Cavs" nonsense is either just one of the plentiful Kobe/OKC-stan retards roaming this board, or just another uneducated basketball fan.

01-07-2015, 06:30 PM
Lebron is not going to leave Cleveland again. Not happening. He will opt out and he will sign a new deal with the new cap.


Lebron in a much better situation in Cleveland right now.

01-07-2015, 06:32 PM

Lebron in a much better situation in Cleveland right now.
You're not a Cleveland fan tho:coleman:

Black and White
01-07-2015, 06:36 PM
If for whatever reason Lebron decided to sign with the Celtics last offseason, do you think Danny Ainge would just shuffle his feet and say, "Well, we've got a lot of young talent that we'd like to see develop..."? No. He'd start flipping that goddamn mountain of assets he has stockpiled up into role players and solid starters to pair with Lebron.

I know trading Andrew Wiggins and Dion Waiters is a bit of a gut punch for fans who wanted to see the Cavs grow organically (Believe me, I did too), but when a top 5 player in the league who's close to hitting the downturn of his prime decides to sign with your team, you have no choice but to go into win-now mode. Lebron just turned 30, and it's already evident he's not exactly the dominant player he was during those title runs. Would you let Lebron exit his prime while waiting for a talent like Wiggins to finally become somewhat good in maybe 2-3 years? No, you gotta win now. Look at Melo, by the time the Knicks become anywhere near title contenders who knows what state he'll be in :confusedshrug: . This is Cleveland's best chance to win anything since Lebron left, and they're not gonna squander it.

I'm not confident the Cavs will still actually win anything, and I agree coming back to the Cavs was just a shady buisness move by James; but this is the best course of action they can take with Lebron on their team. The same goes if Durant decided to sign anywhere else either. Anyone spouts off the "Lebron GM in effect" and "Lebron ruining the Cavs" nonsense is either just one of the plentiful Kobe/OKC-stan retards roaming this board, or just another uneducated basketball fan.

As I said in the OP, I understand what the Cavs are doing, all im asking is how the Cleveland fans feel about the new roster, there are obviously going to be people that would have loved to see the team grow. It's definitely interesting how LeBron said he wanted to help teach the younger guys, but that all seems to have been thrown out the window.

01-07-2015, 06:40 PM
You're not a Cleveland fan tho:coleman:

You are neither a Knicks fan. You are more of a Kobe fan/$tan. Love to see the tears flowing in your eyes after LeBron and his teammate win the champion$hip in June.

Smook A.
01-07-2015, 06:42 PM
Cavs' window for contending is not that huge , so they really couldn't afford to wait for the young guys to develop when LeBron joined. They had to switch to the win-now mode.

01-07-2015, 06:42 PM
As I said in the OP, I understand what the Cavs are doing, all im asking is how the Cleveland fans feel about the new roster, there are obviously going to be people that would have loved to see the team grow. It's definitely interesting how LeBron said he wanted to help teach the younger guys, but that all seems to have been thrown out the window.

C'mon, we all know that "developing the young players" shitck was just some trumped up PR nonsense to shield the fact that he ditched Miami for a better situation somewhere else, which happened to be his former team.

Also, words mean nothing when you're supposed to be a championship contender, yet you're only 3 games over .500. If the young guys (Dion Waiters) aren't playing effectively and there's a viable trade for them to improve the team, why wouldn't the GM pull the trigger?