View Full Version : Memphis wants Deng/Green

01-08-2015, 11:57 AM
Memphis wants to trade for Miami's L. Deng or Boston's Jeff Green.

What does Memphis even have to trade for Deng?
I think Miami will stick with Deng for now unless they can swing a 3-way.

I don't know jack about Green. He can score at the same clip as Deng with less defense Im guessing.

(multiple sauces)

01-08-2015, 11:59 AM
Since none other than Mozgov is worth two first round picks, I'd say Memphis would have to offer Marc Gasol, and they'd still be turned down.

01-08-2015, 12:27 PM
Jeff Green for Tayshaun and a first is probably enough.

01-08-2015, 12:29 PM
God no to Deng on that fresh contract. He's just Prince 5 years ago at this point.

Green is tempting in a sly way, but I don't know if he's really moving the needle either. He could give the Grizz a different look and play backup 4, which is their weakest position with Leuer. But that's getting into identity shift territory with a player who has never proven to be consistent.

Also, I'm assuming the trade would be Tayshaun's expiring plus a future 1st rounder. I worry about the Grizzlies having youth going forward, but they've not been a historically strong team at drafting, to say the least.

01-08-2015, 12:33 PM
I have to add: As much as I've dreaded seeing him on the court for the past 3 years, I don't know if I'd give up the ol' 'veteran/winner presence'. I haven't seen much green in a couple years, but he never seemed to have the 'tough-as-shit' intangible that every other major rotation player has.

01-08-2015, 12:39 PM
If they get Deng , Gasol is gone next season

01-08-2015, 12:41 PM
Zach Randolph, Tayshaun Prince, and 2016, 2018 first round picks for Melo?

01-08-2015, 12:55 PM
I haven't seen much green in a couple years, but he never seemed to have the 'tough-as-shit' intangible that every other major rotation player has.
Green is ideally a 4th or 5th option. Dude can't reliably score as a go to guy. Doesn't have the fire. If he doesn't have to worry about scoring in the last 3 minutes he's fine. That's Conley, ZBo VC and Marc time anyway.

Solid team defender, can play 3 and 4. Decent corner 3, can guard his guy. Awful footwork.

He's best taking 2-3 dribbles and pulling up or going to the rim. Shouldn't ball handle much other than that. Better than average role player with a big game every 10 or so.

Eric Cartman
01-08-2015, 01:27 PM
Zach Randolph, Tayshaun Prince, and 2016, 2018 first round picks for Melo?

Getrrrdone, Phil.

Mass Debator
01-08-2015, 01:29 PM
Lee + Prince for Deng?

Papaya Petee
01-08-2015, 01:34 PM
Lee + Prince for Deng?
God no.

The Heat are in desperate need of a PG, followed by a Center.
Unless Deng can bring in a PG so we can get rid of Chalmers, I say no.

01-08-2015, 02:00 PM
Green is ideally a 4th or 5th option. Dude can't reliably score as a go to guy. Doesn't have the fire. If he doesn't have to worry about scoring in the last 3 minutes he's fine. That's Conley, ZBo VC and Marc time anyway.

Solid team defender, can play 3 and 4. Decent corner 3, can guard his guy. Awful footwork.

He's best taking 2-3 dribbles and pulling up or going to the rim. Shouldn't ball handle much other than that. Better than average role player with a big game every 10 or so.

The every '10' or so is what bothers me. Every 5 and I'd roll the dice. I look at it as come playoffs, the core four are gonna be right there with any team. The Grizz have never had anyone outside of those guys who is capable of swinging a playoff game in their favor (a la reggie jackson vs MEM last year). I couldn't be more pumped to have Carter (and resurgent CLee aka Danny Green Sr.) I wouldn't bet the farm on Jeff Green being an x-factor on the playoff margins.

Would rather have him than Wilson Chandler though. God I hope they don't go that route.

Mass Debator
01-08-2015, 02:14 PM
God no.

The Heat are in desperate need of a PG, followed by a Center.
Unless Deng can bring in a PG so we can get rid of Chalmers, I say no.
I just don't want to see the Cole/Chalmers combo anymore. Courtney Lee off the bench would be an upgrade instantly with his willing defense and 49% 3pt shooting.

I'm also really banking on Granger being healthy and starting to provide more consistent shooting for Wade's dishes. Deng's shooting is too erratic. Prince's $7.7m expiring contract would make Wade happy next year and could contribute some this year. The Griz would probably have to add a pick to sweeten the deal.

Of course another move needs to be done, but with the emergence of Whiteside, I don't know where another center would fit in the rotation. I would love to see another point guard but not for Chalmers as much as he frustrates me. I don't think Cole really wants to be here so I rather see him leave.

So basically I don't trust this Heat team the way it is right now, and I don't think you can get much for Deng. They can go after one of the Suns' point guards but who's going to back Wade up? Chalmers/Cole? Who's going to replace Deng's position? James Ennis? What's the master plan for next year? Heat are too tight on cap space. I think it'll be a mistake if we don't let Deng go for Lee/Prince/Pick. That combo would give the Heat at least the same amount of production and impact as Deng while still preparing for next year. Trading for a point guard is not going to get us winning big this year unless we get a top 6-8 one...unlikely.

01-08-2015, 02:16 PM
Deng on Memphis might equal a title. That being said I don't see Miami going for the tank. If they ever got healthy they're among the better teams out east.

01-08-2015, 02:26 PM
Jeff Green for Tayshaun and a first is probably enough.
I'd do it. Prince is an expirerer.

01-08-2015, 02:39 PM
I could see Prince + Adams potentially being an offer other teams would consider for either Green or Deng. Not sure if Memphis would go that route though.

longtime lurker
01-08-2015, 03:29 PM
I'm sure the Celtics would give up Green for 2 second rounders.

01-08-2015, 04:00 PM
God no to Deng on that fresh contract. He's just Prince 5 years ago at this point.

Green is tempting in a sly way, but I don't know if he's really moving the needle either. He could give the Grizz a different look and play backup 4, which is their weakest position with Leuer. But that's getting into identity shift territory with a player who has never proven to be consistent.

Also, I'm assuming the trade would be Tayshaun's expiring plus a future 1st rounder. I worry about the Grizzlies having youth going forward, but they've not been a historically strong team at drafting, to say the least.
Pretty sure its a 2 year contract with a players option for the end of this season......And at a very reasonable price too..And the grizzlies have nothing the heat would really want. We need a starting pg or center and theyre not giving us either. Im not too confident with an ennis/granger/ williams rotation tho.

01-08-2015, 04:03 PM
Grizzlies have zero assets outside of their core pieces. They aren't getting shit unless a third team hops in.

01-08-2015, 04:17 PM
Jeff Green is gonna be a free agent also. It's likely he opts out of his last year to sign a bigger contract than $9 million/year.

Because of that, an expirer doesn't constitute value in a trade for Green.

Someone would have to give up a first-rounder or two good second-rounders, otherwise Green is staying in Green for now.

01-08-2015, 05:58 PM
Jeff Green is gonna be a free agent also. It's likely he opts out of his last year to sign a bigger contract than $9 million/year.

Because of that, an expirer doesn't constitute value in a trade for Green.

Someone would have to give up a first-rounder or two good second-rounders, otherwise Green is staying in Green for now.
Are you sure he can get more?

01-08-2015, 06:07 PM
Green seems a lot more likely than Deng. Ainge is more willing to move his players (Rondo and Green have came up time and time again in trade talks). The Grizzlies likely won't give up anything that the Heat need.

01-08-2015, 06:08 PM
Are you sure he can get more?

Id say that unless you have a reliable and quick release.

Floating 3s value are slightly lower than a stationary one, who can read defense and make different types of passes.

That. Or you can be a 3 who rolls to the basket really well depending on who's your 4 to add up some value.

01-08-2015, 06:12 PM
Hawks get

Jeff Green
2nd round pick

Celtics get

Shelvin Mack
Kent Bazemore
Protected 1st round pick
4 million trade exception

01-08-2015, 08:04 PM
The every '10' or so is what bothers me. Every 5 and I'd roll the dice. I look at it as come playoffs, the core four are gonna be right there with any team. The Grizz have never had anyone outside of those guys who is capable of swinging a playoff game in their favor (a la reggie jackson vs MEM last year). I couldn't be more pumped to have Carter (and resurgent CLee aka Danny Green Sr.) I wouldn't bet the farm on Jeff Green being an x-factor on the playoff margins.

Would rather have him than Wilson Chandler though. God I hope they don't go that route.

Green is better than Wilson by a mile. Deng would be the best available and I hoped he'd sign there last offseason, but I'm not sure Riley gets rid of him.

Pretty sure Green is a player option next year so it's basically expirer for expirer. Not sure who else thwy xould get for cheap thay they could kust pop into the rotation without messing up chemistry.

01-09-2015, 06:16 AM
This damn rumor has consumed all my idle thoughts. Was conservative on it yesterday, but I'd fully support a Green trade if it's Prince + first. I want this team to win a title and they have the ability.

I gotta tangent and just say that the feeling of getting an actual NBA team, watching them grow, then suck through mismanagement and bad drafts, then luck out with the Marc and Zbo deals, all the while keeping the faith in Conley has been an incredible experience. This team is really something special and they play basketball how I've always preferred it to be played--through the big men. Cheers to fellow small market team fans.

01-09-2015, 06:24 AM
This damn rumor has consumed all my idle thoughts. Was conservative on it yesterday, but I'd fully support a Green trade if it's Prince + first. I want this team to win a title and they have the ability.

I gotta tangent and just say that the feeling of getting an actual NBA team, watching them grow, then suck through mismanagement and bad drafts, then luck out with the Marc and Zbo deals, all the while keeping the faith in Conley has been an incredible experience. This team is really something special and they play basketball how I've always preferred it to be played--through the big men. Cheers to fellow small market team fans.

Prince + first is a fair trade for both teams, but it is definitely an all-in move to become as stacked as possible.

Green has really improved his left hand this year. He was having his clear-cut best year until Rondo got traded and his will to win got deflated. He has been playing depressed for a couple weeks now. It's hard to watch.

01-09-2015, 08:12 AM
This damn rumor has consumed all my idle thoughts. Was conservative on it yesterday, but I'd fully support a Green trade if it's Prince + first. I want this team to win a title and they have the ability.

I gotta tangent and just say that the feeling of getting an actual NBA team, watching them grow, then suck through mismanagement and bad drafts, then luck out with the Marc and Zbo deals, all the while keeping the faith in Conley has been an incredible experience. This team is really something special and they play basketball how I've always preferred it to be played--through the big men. Cheers to fellow small market team fans.
I always wondered how far along the grizz would've been if we drafted like an average team.
1. Mayo (via trade)
2. Thabeet
3. Henry
4. Maybe lots more forgettable 1st rnd picks

Shoulda woulda couldve kept Carroll

01-09-2015, 12:19 PM
My dream trade would be Prince, Adams, and a first for Green.

01-09-2015, 01:30 PM
Deng would be the best fit. He matches that grind it out attitude. He plays hard and unselfishly. He's a good cutter and catch and shoot midrange guy who'd work great off the high low bigs.

Green, and I'm a Celtic fan, would maybe be more interesting. He would give them a flexibility they don't have at the moment, because he can defend the four and it would keep them from getting hurt in case small ball lineups start bothering them, which I know hasn't been the case in the past, but if GS gets away with Draymond Green or Harrison Barnes at the four, Green would be a great answer. Or if the Spurs ever got it going and put Kwahi at the four. I know Green gets hammered for his personality and not having "it", but that also has a value, in that you can play him off the bench. He's a fit in type of guy. You can float him around from position to position, and he'll do his job and fit in. Every once in a while he gets off. Usually with a few easy buckets to start. He's very good in transition.

If I were Memphis I'd do Prince and a first for either. Leaning toward Deng first. I'm not sure Miami would do it. I'm sure they view Deng as a short term re-build piece, and they're stubborn. They have that city and I'm sure think they can rebuild quickly. A late first may not mean as much to them.

Boston would almost certainly do it. They pick up no salary and would view that first as just another asset. Either a potential rotation piece for a management group that is generally confindent in it's drafting and developing (and generally speaking rightfully so, Fab Melo and a few others not withstanding). Or another piece to move up and get a guy they really want.

Memphis is in too good of a run right now to give up much of anything else from that roster. Courtney Lee is part of that rotation. His shooting is very important to them. Beno Udrih means more to them than he does anyone else. I don't see anyone chasing Adams or Stokes.