View Full Version : Can someone tell me what's going on in Utah?

01-10-2015, 06:08 AM
It seems like they have a lot of good pieces that are performing pretty efficiently. I haven't had a chance to watch Utah this season.

Can someone give me insight on them? Where are they headed? Are they underperforming? Are they in the trade market? Is Favors the real deal?


01-10-2015, 06:36 AM
It seems like they have a lot of good pieces that are performing pretty efficiently. I haven't had a chance to watch Utah this season.

Can someone give me insight on them? Where are they headed? Are they underperforming? Are they in the trade market? Is Favors the real deal?


They're one of five teams with an average age below 25.

As you can imagine, the other four teams suck pretty bad as well.

01-10-2015, 07:32 AM
Pretty much what UK said. They've got some nice pieces moving forward and could be a pretty darn good team in the not so distant future. Time will tell...

01-10-2015, 08:47 AM

Xiao Yao You
01-10-2015, 09:33 AM
It seems like they have a lot of good pieces that are performing pretty efficiently. I haven't had a chance to watch Utah this season.

Can someone give me insight on them? Where are they headed? Are they underperforming? Are they in the trade market? Is Favors the real deal?


They are tanking hard again obviously. The front office did a better job putting together a shitty roster than a year ago. They are over performing now because of the emergence of Gobert. Sad part is they could have been competing for that last playoff spot if they'd chose to bring over Neto and sign some vets with their cap space and exceptions and sent their youngest guys to their new D-league team where they belong. Not to mention Millsap and Demarre. It's a joke really!

They finally have someone to build around in Gobert but if they play him they might win games. Sadly Booker needs to be dealt so they can figure out what they're going to do with Favors and Kanter. Is Favors really the great defensive stopper he was made out to be when they let their best player Millsap go? No. Does he have a post game? No. Can he be a stretch 4 next to Gobert? Not yet anyway. Can he guard the perimeter as a 4? Remains to be seen. They're in the trade market because they have pieces and cap space and are looking to lose games.

01-10-2015, 10:03 AM
They are one guard away from being relevant again. They found a very strong combination in Hayward, Favors and Gobert. Now they have to make a decision on Kanter.

Xiao Yao You
01-10-2015, 10:09 AM
They are one guard away from being relevant again. They found a very strong combination in Hayward, Favors and Gobert. Now they have to make a decision on Kanter.

Favors might have to go. He can't spread the floor like Kanter and the coach wants to do that. Right now it's all about Gobert and who fits best around him. They need shooters. They need a point guard who they might already have playing in Spain. Time will tell.

01-10-2015, 10:34 AM
Favors might have to go. He can't spread the floor like Kanter and the coach wants to do that. Right now it's all about Gobert and who fits best around him. They need shooters. They need a point guard who they might already have playing in Spain. Time will tell.

Seems to be working just fine. Favors can work in a similar role to Zach Rasndolph in Memphis. Also seen him knock down mid range jumpers. That

Xiao Yao You
01-10-2015, 11:36 AM
[QUOTE=R.I.P.]Seems to be working just fine. Favors can work in a similar role to Zach Rasndolph in Memphis. Also seen him knock down mid range jumpers. That

01-10-2015, 12:59 PM
The coach is the one that has Kanter and Booker shooting 3's. That is the way he wants to play. Favors has a lot to prove guarding the perimeter as well. Gobert is probably their best perimeter defender but Favors can't defend the rim so that's not much of an option. Kanter is more of a Zach Randolph that Favors. It's Favors or Kanter unless they think they can pay both of them and go with a 3 man big man rotation. They have until summer to figure it out.


01-10-2015, 04:50 PM
So they've done a pretty good job overall setting up for the future.

It's just a matter of creating a balanced roster, developing talent, and keeping the team together as pieces get added/get better.

Xiao Yao You
01-10-2015, 06:36 PM