View Full Version : Wilt Chamberlain had a 37bpm resting heart rate?

01-10-2015, 07:55 PM
Lazeruss, you tried providing a link for this once but it didn't work, do you have a screenshot of the article or a new link? Would love to see it. :cheers:

01-10-2015, 08:22 PM
Lazeruss, you tried providing a link for this once but it didn't work, do you have a screenshot of the article or a new link? Would love to see it. :cheers:

It looks like something has changed since then...

but here was the original post...


Again, I don't know what could have changed since then.

Maybe Fpliii or someone else can find it.

EDIT... Found it. It is the trivia on the last hand side...


01-10-2015, 08:25 PM
Another Wilt myth :oldlol:

01-10-2015, 08:26 PM
It looks like something has changed since then...

but here was the original post...


Again, I don't know what could have changed since then.

Maybe Fpliii or someone else can find it.

EDIT... Found it. It is the trivia on the last hand side...


For a second, I thought you were making a death joke :oldlol:

01-10-2015, 08:27 PM
Another Wilt myth :oldlol:

Read that link again...


Once again...just another unbelievable, but TRUE FACT on the life of Mr. Chamberlain.

01-10-2015, 08:29 PM
Nice :applause:
If only he kept that calm in the playoffs.

01-10-2015, 08:35 PM
Read that link again...


Once again...just another unbelievable, but TRUE FACT on the life of Mr. Chamberlain.
What does that link look like to you? To me it's a random page with a tv guide from a newspaper called The Spokesman Review March 24, 2000

No info on Wilt Chamberlain at all.

01-10-2015, 08:38 PM
Nice :applause:
If only he kept that calm in the playoffs.

Just curious...

can you give me a list of NBA players that put up complete 30+ ppg and 25+rpg post-seasons? And all the players that had a 39-23 .559 FG% series (BTW, the NBA post-season average FG% that year was .420..or nearly 14% above the league average.) Or all the many players who put up a 30-31 .555 FG% post-season series (and against the best defensive player of their era, too.)

Maybe you can provide me a list of all of the players who averaged a 30-27-5 .515 (and shooting about 10% over the league average)...and in their first 67 playoff games combined (35 pf which were against a Bill Russell, and 6 more against Nate Thurmond.)

Give me the list of players who had 50+ point, 22+ rebound games. And then, how about a 50-35 playoff game? And then, how about a 56-35 playoff game. Oh, and BTW, all three of those were in "must-win" "elimination" games. Please give me the list of players who accomplished a 50+ point game in a "must-win" game.

How about a player that put up a 22-29-9 .579 FG% complete playoff run, which included holding two other HOF centers to FG%'s of .358 and .343.

Maybe you can give me the list of players who had QUAD-double post-season games (Wilt has at least two, and likely several more...one of which was a 24-32-13-12 game against Russell.)

The list is long my friend...

01-10-2015, 08:39 PM
What does that link look like to you? To me it's a random page with a tv guide from a newspaper called The Spokesman Review March 24, 2000

No info on Wilt Chamberlain at all.

Look at the trivia by L.M. Boyd on the left hand side...

01-10-2015, 08:40 PM
Look at the trivia by L.M. Boyd on the left hand side...
Ohhhhhhhhhh got it, thanks lol

Im so nba'd out
01-10-2015, 08:43 PM
Nice :applause:
If only he kept that calm in the playoffs.
:oldlol: You've had a nice 2015 keep it up son your on a roll

Most Improved Poster for the 2014-2015 season is in your grasp

01-10-2015, 08:50 PM
Gotta love those that challenge the "Wilt Myths"...

I remember some clueless idiot claiming that Wilt's "world-class volleyball skills" came in a coed volleyball league.


Byron Shewman, former IVA player

In 1978, I was a player-coach for the Tucson Sky. The All-Star Game was held in El Paso, and I was coaching the East team. Wilt was playing, and a journalist from the major El Paso paper called me a couple of days before for an interview about the game. I found out later that this guy didn’t like Wilt, and he asked me specifically, “What do you think about Wilt?” And we had all been kind of primed not to say too many negative things about Wilt.

Wilt was, by and large, a very effective hitter. The rest of his game was spotty because he hadn’t played that much. His blocking and ball handling were not too strong, and his hands were so big he couldn’t set the ball. It was like setting a softball or a baseball. And his passing wasn’t that strong, either. But it didn’t matter. It was a specialized game at that time. There was no rotation. And he was very effective in his role.

There were some world-class players at that game, and also the best American players, who were getting better all the time with the competition.

So we got to El Paso, and the morning of the match, I was at breakfast. And Dodge Parker, an old friend who was on the other team, said, “Did you see the headline in the paper? Why did you say that?” And I said, “Say what?” So I looked at the paper, and it said something like “Shewman says East will go after Chamberlain’s weak ball handling.”

When we got to the gym before the match, the owner of the league came up in a panic and said, “Byron, you’ve got to go over and talk to Wilt. He’s threatening not to play. And if that happens, we’ve got no TV.” And I’m stammering, and I see Wilt. And it was one of those hot El Paso days, and he was over there sweating in his tank top. He looked like Godzilla. It looked like he had steam coming off his forehead. So I went over and said, “Wilt, can I have a word with you?” And he said, “Don’t even bother,” and he turned his back on me.

After warm ups, they introduced both teams, and we were kind of behind the bleachers. And for some reason, I was the last guy to be introduced for the East and he was the last guy from the West. I’ll never forget standing next to him. We were back in this corner, like in a cave. And here was this giant of a human being still seething at me, and I just wanted them to introduce me so I could get out of there.

“And then Wilt went out and played—and I’ve seen three Olympics and a lot of world-class, high-level volleyball—and he played as well as any hitter I’ve ever seen. He was playing against some world-class players, and I can’t remember his stats, but it was something close to a 90-percent kill rate. I guess a lot of it was attributed to me and that headline.

After the game, I ran up to the writer and said, “You’d better get over there right now.” I made sure that guy wrote a letter of apology to let Wilt know that he misquoted me, which he did. And he did write it.

I saw Wilt maybe a year later on the beach and we laughed and he said, “Don’t worry about it.”

01-10-2015, 09:16 PM
Is that even possible? :eek:

01-10-2015, 09:26 PM
Is that even possible? :eek:
why not

look at cyclists

01-10-2015, 09:26 PM

01-10-2015, 09:50 PM
I read somewhere that the purring of a cat can lower your heart rate. So it would make since that the bigger the cat, the more your heart rate would lower.

I bet that cougar really helped lower that heart rate down.

01-10-2015, 10:28 PM
I read somewhere that the purring of a cat can lower your heart rate. So it would make since that the bigger the cat, the more your heart rate would lower.

I bet that cougar really helped lower that heart rate down.

That or the 20,000 ******* he slayed

01-10-2015, 10:52 PM

my RHR is 47, my son's is 43 so 37 seems possible

01-10-2015, 10:58 PM

my RHR is 47, my son's is 43 so 37 seems possible
You both athletes?

Mine is 49, way lower than the normal 60-80 but I'm doing a variety of athletics 2 to 3 days a week plus gym time.

01-10-2015, 11:02 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhh got it, thanks lol
:lol Wilt's heartbeated a million times before you did, but don't feel rushed.

01-10-2015, 11:05 PM
I read somewhere that the purring of a cat can lower your heart rate. So it would make since that the bigger the cat, the more your heart rate would lower.

I bet that cougar really helped lower that heart rate down.

Actually Wilt liked them younger than him, not older.

01-10-2015, 11:06 PM
i'm a bodybuilder but i play ball a few times a week and skip rope all the time. my son plays aau ball and varsity track as a 9th grader.

You both athletes?

Mine is 49, way lower than the normal 60-80 but I'm doing a variety of athletics 2 to 3 days a week plus gym time.

Deuce Bigalow
01-10-2015, 11:10 PM
Nice :applause:
If only he kept that calm in the playoffs.
:lol Oh its just too easy

01-10-2015, 11:38 PM
Just curious...

can you give me a list of NBA players that put up complete 30+ ppg and 25+rpg post-seasons? And all the players that had a 39-23 .559 FG% series (BTW, the NBA post-season average FG% that year was .420..or nearly 14% above the league average.) Or all the many players who put up a 30-31 .555 FG% post-season series (and against the best defensive player of their era, too.)

Maybe you can provide me a list of all of the players who averaged a 30-27-5 .515 (and shooting about 10% over the league average)...and in their first 67 playoff games combined (35 pf which were against a Bill Russell, and 6 more against Nate Thurmond.)

Give me the list of players who had 50+ point, 22+ rebound games. And then, how about a 50-35 playoff game? And then, how about a 56-35 playoff game. Oh, and BTW, all three of those were in "must-win" "elimination" games. Please give me the list of players who accomplished a 50+ point game in a "must-win" game.

How about a player that put up a 22-29-9 .579 FG% complete playoff run, which included holding two other HOF centers to FG%'s of .358 and .343.

Maybe you can give me the list of players who had QUAD-double post-season games (Wilt has at least two, and likely several more...one of which was a 24-32-13-12 game against Russell.)

The list is long my friend...

Underachieved in the playoffs and should have won more championships than he did.

01-10-2015, 11:51 PM
Don't like to pass judgement on things I don't understand. Anyone understand the science of this that can weigh in on it better?

01-11-2015, 12:06 AM
That's something that I could believe. Wilt was hardcore into fitness. When I play basketball on a regular basis my resting heart rate is in the 40s, so I could only imagine Wilt's.

01-11-2015, 12:24 AM
Another Wilt myth :oldlol:
I dunno if it's a myth or not but lots of runners I know had ones in the 30s. When I'm super fit mine's in the high 40s. Miguel Indurain the cyclist was measured at 28. It's quite common for endurance athletes to have really low RHR.

01-11-2015, 12:28 AM
Just to add the "myths"...

Wilt has the seven highest mpg seasons in regular seasons NBA history, and then he averaged 47.2 mpg in his 160 playoff games. Keep in mind that in many of those seasons he was scoring 30 ppg, grabbing 25 rpg, and blocking 7+ shots per game.

01-11-2015, 12:57 AM
why did he die so young?

01-11-2015, 01:33 AM
^heart attacks/arrhythmias just happen, all too frequently, as does congestive heart failure. not always a good explanation

01-11-2015, 01:50 AM
why did he die so young?
he choked

01-11-2015, 01:53 AM
he choked

omfg that is ****ing brutal

01-11-2015, 01:55 AM
why did he die so young?

01-11-2015, 02:07 AM
I believe this one. I had a low 40's heart rate when I was doing 2-4 hours a day of competitive swimming in my teens. Now real life gets in the way of exercise :cry:

Seems odd that such a powerful heart would give out relatively early? Wasn't he supposed to be doing a bunch of other sports for fun in his retirement?

La Frescobaldi
01-11-2015, 03:42 AM
I believe this one. I had a low 40's heart rate when I was doing 2-4 hours a day of competitive swimming in my teens. Now real life gets in the way of exercise :cry:

Seems odd that such a powerful heart would give out relatively early? Wasn't he supposed to be doing a bunch of other sports for fun in his retirement?

the Warriors traded him in '64-'65 because the doctors said he had a heart condition and that's the only season he missed a lot of games (except of course the knee injury in '70). Then other doctors said he didn't...... who knows. It was hush hush but the Warriors were saying they didn't want a player dying on the court. He certainly had troubles with it in his 40s and 50s from what i've read, lot of doctor visits, etc.

01-11-2015, 06:41 AM
Another Wilt myth that didn't help him win more than 2. :rolleyes:

01-11-2015, 10:34 AM
why did he die so young?

He actually had a long life:

01-11-2015, 01:49 PM
why did he die so young?

What the morons posting in this thread don't seem to grasp is that the lower your heart rate is...generally that means the more damaged your heart is from overuse.

01-11-2015, 02:03 PM
What the morons posting in this thread don't seem to grasp is that the lower your heart rate is...generally that means the more damaged your heart is from overuse.

No, it means your heart doesn't have to beat as often to circulate the blood, therefore it's actually been used less.

01-11-2015, 02:05 PM
No, it means your heart doesn't have to beat as often to circulate the blood, therefore it's actually been used less.

thank you, the guy proclaiming everyone a moron is completely wrong

01-11-2015, 02:54 PM
Another Wilt myth that didn't help him win more than 2. :rolleyes:

Give us all here your honest answer...

swap Russell and Wilt's rosters in their 10 years in the league together, and tell us all here how many rings Wilt winds up with.

BTW, none other than John Wooden would have told you that it would have been Wilt holding all those rings.

01-11-2015, 02:56 PM
No, it means your heart doesn't have to beat as often to circulate the blood, therefore it's actually been used less.
Yeah, really amazing when you consider that for the blood to get to his extremities (fingers and toes) which requires much more work for a guy built like him. Especially when one like me thought 37bpm meant blocks per minute but not even the video games can pull that off.

01-11-2015, 03:01 PM
Especially when one like me thought 37bpm meant blocks per minute but not even the video games can pull that off.


Yeah, really amazing when you consider that for the blood to get to his extremities (fingers and toes) which requires much more work for a guy built like him.

Forgot which poster said it first, but dude won the genetic lottery.

01-11-2015, 03:02 PM
He actually had a long life:
Good One!!!

01-11-2015, 03:09 PM
he choked

01-11-2015, 03:57 PM
No, it means your heart doesn't have to beat as often to circulate the blood, therefore it's actually been used less.
The GOAT when it comes to steroids abuse though.

01-11-2015, 04:01 PM
Is there any truth to the steroid allegations ? I mean I have family who lived in Philly during that time and there were always some noise but nothing concrete.

01-11-2015, 04:02 PM
The GOAT when it comes to steroids abuse though.

Interesting...a 258 lb Wilt, in his rookie season in 1959-60 was already benching a known 375 lbs. In the mid-60's, a 290 lb Wilt was benching a known 425. And after that the internet is plastered with accounts of 500+ (and even an eye-witness account of a late 50's Wilt benching 465.)

The Steeler's O-Line of the early 70's were all "juicing" (and all were benching 500+ as well.) But, Wilt's strength, while amazing at age 23, became progressively stronger as his weight increased. There was never a sudden change (like Bonds in '01.)

La Frescobaldi
01-11-2015, 04:02 PM
The GOAT when it comes to steroids abuse though.

you have a picture of the original steroid exploded cheeks man as an avi

01-11-2015, 04:06 PM
I believe this one. I had a low 40's heart rate when I was doing 2-4 hours a day of competitive swimming in my teens. Now real life gets in the way of exercise :cry:

Seems odd that such a powerful heart would give out relatively early? Wasn't he supposed to be doing a bunch of other sports for fun in his retirement?
You can do all the workouts you want and be as fit as a fiddle but you can't out exercise genetics.

01-11-2015, 04:12 PM
you have a picture of the original steroid exploded cheeks man as an avi
Doesn't change the fact that Mr. Chokerlain was a 'roid junkie.

EDIT: 3 > 2, BTW.

La Frescobaldi
01-11-2015, 04:51 PM
Doesn't change the fact that Mr. Chokerlain was a 'roid junkie.

EDIT: 3 > 2, BTW.

you have any evidence? like for example suddenly exploded cheeks?

01-11-2015, 04:59 PM
you have any evidence? like for example suddenly exploded cheeks?
A suddenly exploded heart?

01-11-2015, 05:03 PM
A suddenly exploded heart?
63 years isn't exactly sudden.

La Frescobaldi
01-11-2015, 05:07 PM
A suddenly exploded heart?

lol 63 y.o. is sudden? Barry Bonds is sudden. Wade James Parsons and about 40 more losing athleticism in a few months is sudden.

01-11-2015, 05:10 PM
lol 63 y.o. is sudden? Barry Bonds is sudden. Wade James Parsons and about 40 more losing athleticism in a few months is sudden.
I don't know if you've been watching basketball recently, but Wade has been better than the past 2 seasons. With the stricter PED regulations and stuff. :oldlol:

Wilt would've probably gotten banned from the NBA within his first couple of seasons, if they actually checked for PED's.

01-11-2015, 05:14 PM
I don't know if you've been watching basketball recently, but Wade has been better than the past 2 seasons. With the stricter PED regulations and stuff. :oldlol:

Wilt would've probably gotten banned from the NBA within his first couple of seasons, if they actually checked for PED's.
This is based on?

01-11-2015, 05:30 PM
you guys in general know very little about steroids. testosterone (except when too low) has no adverse effect on heart health nor cholesterol nor blood pressure. it's when you start ****ing with other steroids that u can have issues

01-11-2015, 06:09 PM
Wilt also won WW2 by spearheading the Manhattan project

01-11-2015, 06:21 PM
You f'in idiots, wilt was no ped user. His heart was weak because in 1960 Clyde lovellete threw a vicious elbow at wilts mouth and knocked his teeth out. Wilt thinking he was invincible did nothing about it until it was too late, and it became infected. What they didn't know in the 60s but what they know now is that the health of your teeth is directly connected to your heart health. So that one incident have him all the health problems he had for the rest of his life, even during his career (except his knee and hip issues).

01-11-2015, 07:55 PM
Btw Stan lorber, wilts personal physician for the longest time, said the when he was doing tests on wilt back in the mid 60s to see what was wrong with him that he had to make wilt run 2-3 miles just to get him to a normal heartbeat of 60.

01-11-2015, 08:08 PM
You f'in idiots, wilt was no ped user. His heart was weak because in 1960 Clyde lovellete threw a vicious elbow at wilts mouth and knocked his teeth out. Wilt thinking he was invincible did nothing about it until it was too late, and it became infected. What they didn't know in the 60s but what they know now is that the health of your teeth is directly connected to your heart health. So that one incident have him all the health problems he had for the rest of his life, even during his career (except his knee and hip issues).

Wasn't Wilt supposed to perform some tooth surgery by the end of '99, after having lost considerable weight and complaining of a severe toothache (with his sister having claimed that it had been the first time she had ever seen Wilt really complain about being in pain)?