View Full Version : Why does everyone bash Hawks for weak schedule?

01-11-2015, 02:58 AM
Let's look at some facts shall we?

Hawks are tied with Chicago at 22nd ranked schedule in the league... and the bulls and wizard fans are the main suspects of calling the Hawks schedule a piece of cake. However, wizards have the 2nd most easiest schedule at 29th and Bulls are tied with them.

I believe people are running out of excuses.


01-11-2015, 03:03 AM
Who are you talking about?

01-11-2015, 03:03 AM
Let's look at some facts shall we?

Hawks are tied with Chicago at 22nd ranked schedule in the league... and the bulls and wizard fans are the main suspects of calling the Hawks schedule a piece of cake. However, wizards have the 2nd most easiest schedule at 29th and Bulls are tied with them.

I believe people are running out of excuses.


Nice post.


01-11-2015, 03:12 AM
Where the **** did all these Hawks fans come from? :biggums:

01-11-2015, 03:16 AM
Where the **** did all these Hawks fans come from? :biggums:
i swear ish has more hawks fans than philips arena during a hawks home playoff game :lol

01-11-2015, 03:18 AM
Who are you talking about?

tontex(wizards fan)
poido123(bulls fan)

Off the top of my head.

01-11-2015, 03:21 AM
Wasn't this a big deal a month and half ago? The Hawks haven't had a gimmie game since back on December 10th against Philly. Even Utah had won 4 out of 5 when the Hawks played them.

01-11-2015, 03:26 AM
The Wizards have about three quality wins all season.

Cleveland, Clippers, Rockets and the Bulls

The Hawks have:

Cleveland, Chicago, Portland, Memphis, Washington, Houston, Dallas, Clippers (twice)

The Hawks have one bad effort against a good team. That was that first Cleveland game where the Cavs shot the lights out. Losing by two points to a healthy SA team on the road is nothing to be ashamed of.

01-11-2015, 03:29 AM
Where the **** did all these Hawks fans come from? :biggums:

Theres 3 or 4 they just like to make a ridiculous amount of threads

01-11-2015, 03:39 AM
i swear ish has more hawks fans than philips arena during a hawks home playoff game :lol


01-11-2015, 03:45 AM


His claim doesn't make sense when you consider that the playoff crowds have been good.

It's so easy to say shit on the internet that does not make sense.

You guys are dangerously stupid.

If you think the Hawks will flop or go out early in the playoffs... Or if you want to mock the regular season crowds, that makes sense. But the fans have actually showed up to the playoff games.

01-11-2015, 03:53 AM

His claim doesn't make sense when you consider that the playoff crowds have been good.

It's so easy to say shit on the internet that does not make sense.

You guys are dangerously stupid.

If you think the Hawks will flop or go out early in the playoffs... Or if you want to mock the regular season crowds, that makes sense. But the fans have actually showed up to the playoff games.
Good post. Interested in hearing excuses for this or if thy will admit they were wrong (not likely).

01-11-2015, 03:54 AM

His claim doesn't make sense when you consider that the playoff crowds have been good.

It's so easy to say shit on the internet that does not make sense.

You guys are dangerously stupid.

If you think the Hawks will flop or go out early in the playoffs... Or if you want to mock the regular season crowds, that makes sense. But the fans have actually showed up to the playoff games.

Cool, how do they rank versus fellow playoff teams in the playoffs?

But the fact that they are currently 24th in average home attendance, and 25th in home percentage speaks wonders.

01-11-2015, 03:56 AM
Cool, how do they rank versus fellow playoff teams in the playoffs?

But the fact that they are currently 24th in average home attendance, and 25th in home percentage speaks wonders.
People like yourself key in on these irrelevant things because you can't bash the quality of play. Anything to knock the hawks.

01-11-2015, 03:59 AM
Cool, how do they rank versus fellow playoff teams in the playoffs?

But the fact that they are currently 24th in average home attendance, and 25th in home percentage speaks wonders.

They've had nearly 4 straight sellouts.

It doesn't sound like a lot, but we'll see.

The home crowds have been terrible over the years. But the fans show up for the playoffs.

19,000 a game for a 38 win team in a series against a 50 something win team is pretty good.


They were doing about as good with crowds in the first round as Indy was.

And the crowds were part of the reason the Hawks took Boston to 7 games back in 2008.

They just haven't invested in the 82 game season.

01-11-2015, 03:59 AM
People like yourself key in on these irrelevant things because you can't bash the quality of play. Anything to knock the hawks.

Yes, you have figured me out.

I waited decades and until the Hawks were above the fourth seed in January so I can bash them. :bowdown:

01-11-2015, 04:00 AM
They've had nearly 4 straight sellouts.

It doesn't sound like a lot, but we'll see.

The home crowds have been terrible over the years. But the fans show up for the playoffs.

19,000 a game for a 38 win team in a series against a 50 something win team is pretty good.


They were doing about as good with crowds in the first round as Indy was.

And the crowds were part of the reason the Hawks took Boston to 7 games back in 2008.

They just haven't invested in the 82 game season.

I'm just wondering if you have a link to where it can be compared to other playoff sides is all, not saying that the number wasn't solid.

Don't want to go box to box to check it.

But why is it that they can't seem to climb into the top 15-20 of attendance during the reg season>

01-11-2015, 04:05 AM
i thought the hawks just ripped through the west? weak schedule? this aint the nfl...u play every team at least twice in the nba.smh

01-11-2015, 04:09 AM
I'm just wondering if you have a link to where it can be compared to other playoff sides is all, not saying that the number wasn't solid.

Don't want to go box to box to check it.

But why is it that they can't seem to climb into the top 15-20 of attendance during the reg season>

I don't have a link. You have to go through and just look at the box scores to see the attendance numbers.

The local media hasn't sent anyone to cover the Hawks on the road this year until the Detroit game. It took almost half a season for the AJC to even follow the team on the road. The media here have never really covered the team unless it's the playoffs.

Sorry, but we all know that people are sheep. If the media here and the national media are going to ignore the team the locals are going to do what they do. Think about it, on Inside the NBA the other night they basically ignored the Hawks... Promoting Washington, Toronto, and Chicago as top east teams... But no mention of the Hawks.

You think the general fan is going to respect a team that basically gets no coverage? C'mon... Georgia is not a basketball state.

It's not the only factor... But it plays a part. Then you have the terrible ownership and there has always been the sense that this franchise has been happy just making the playoffs. No star player for 20 years either. There are a lot of factors.

The truth is that the national media does not respect the Hawks because the home town fans do not respect the Hawks.... Funny enough, that's probably why the people in Atlanta don't respect the Hawks... Because nobody else does.

01-11-2015, 04:15 AM
Who are you talking about?


More than 1000 people are on ISH at any given moment.

600 now at 3AM is about as low as it gets....

This dude talking about everyone....names two people from a discussion im sure most of us never even saw.

People are barely talking about the Hawks even now....Hawk fans keep pressing the issue making topics acting like "everyone" is up in arms over shit 99.99999999% of people here never even heard about.

01-11-2015, 09:34 AM

More than 1000 people are on ISH at any given moment.

600 now at 3AM is about as low as it gets....

This dude talking about everyone....names two people from a discussion im sure most of us never even saw.

People are barely talking about the Hawks even now....Hawk fans keep pressing the issue making topics acting like "everyone" is up in arms over shit 99.99999999% of people here never even heard about.
These Hawks fans man.

Would have a lot more ISH fans if they shut up and let the game do the talking.

01-11-2015, 12:28 PM
These Hawks fans man.

Would have a lot more ISH fans if they shut up and let the game do the talking.

So you'd prefer the board to be spammed with LeBron is the best/LeBron is overrated/Kobe is god/Kobe sucks threads like the last couple years?

01-11-2015, 12:55 PM
So you'd prefer the board to be spammed with LeBron is the best/LeBron is overrated/Kobe is god/Kobe sucks threads like the last couple years?

A needless unjustifiable topic is what it is. Most of them are on Kobe/Lebron....you and other Hawk fans have been making them on the Hawks.

Bad is bad.

One of you made like 3 one word topics in a day....

You on here talking about everyone bashing the Hawks schedule....when 15,000 people here have not even mentioned the Hawks this season.

We dont need topics containing only the word "salty". Or on two people saying something....when you clearly could have responded in the topic they said it. As you notice...ive not prevented you from doing it. I dont even think you are a bad poster(though some Hawk fans are..some of all fanbases are)

I know that Hawk fans will come out of the shadows and make noise as bad teams fanbases do in the good times.

Im fine with it. Thats sports.

Im just saying...many people are getting fed up with it quickly. And Hawk fans acting like everyone is upset or talking down on them when they themselves generate almost all anti Hawks discussion is annoying.

At one point a couple weeks ago one of you made a topic asking why everyone was so "salty" about the Hawks...and I took a moment to check. 280 topics had been made since one the least bit related to the Hawks.

You guys are generating hate by being annoying. It becomes perpetual...feeds itself. You keep acting like people are upset...they get upset because you annoy them...then they actually ARE upset...and you make more "Why is everyone upset?" topics.

As I said...im not...keeping you from it. And you arent some awful poster or anything. But dont act shocked when it goes too far and topics start getting closed right away because they are just grease fires in the making.

Its nothing you or anyone would get banned over or anything. So dont take it as some undercover threat. It isnt that serious. Just explaining my line of thinking so you know why when it gets out of hand.

01-11-2015, 12:59 PM

More than 1000 people are on ISH at any given moment.

600 now at 3AM is about as low as it gets....

This dude talking about everyone....names two people from a discussion im sure most of us never even saw.

People are barely talking about the Hawks even now....Hawk fans keep pressing the issue making topics acting like "everyone" is up in arms over shit 99.99999999% of people here never even heard about.

OP does this from time to time and more recently I guess because of how the Hawks are playing.

Here's a thread in the off season I called him out on:


01-11-2015, 01:01 PM
Always thought you could only play who's in front of you....

01-11-2015, 01:02 PM
Kblaze is right rich. You are coming off so bitter and yelling for people to pay attention. The hawks are a great team on a roll. The amount of posts trying to brag or bait people into discrediting the bulls wiz and cavs is insane. Just enjoy it and wait for the inevitable playoff struggles that all teams without a star have.

01-11-2015, 01:10 PM
Kblaze is right rich. You are coming off so bitter and yelling for people to pay attention. The hawks are a great team on a roll. The amount of posts trying to brag or bait people into discrediting the bulls wiz and cavs is insane. Just enjoy it and wait for the inevitable playoff struggles that all teams without a star have.
The thing you don't understand about this site is everyone thinks they're a funny guy so people will just post "lolz hawx 1st round exit" regardless of how good they are. That's fine but when hawks fans talk up their team it's not ok? These mods on here are so used to the trolling they just let it slide, which is far worse than what we as hawks fans are doing trying to promote our team.

01-11-2015, 02:07 PM
A needless unjustifiable topic is what it is. Most of them are on Kobe/Lebron....you and other Hawk fans have been making them on the Hawks.

Bad is bad.

One of you made like 3 one word topics in a day....

You on here talking about everyone bashing the Hawks schedule....when 15,000 people here have not even mentioned the Hawks this season.

We dont need topics containing only the word "salty". Or on two people saying something....when you clearly could have responded in the topic they said it. As you notice...ive not prevented you from doing it. I dont even think you are a bad poster(though some Hawk fans are..some of all fanbases are)

I know that Hawk fans will come out of the shadows and make noise as bad teams fanbases do in the good times.

Im fine with it. Thats sports.

Im just saying...many people are getting fed up with it quickly. And Hawk fans acting like everyone is upset or talking down on them when they themselves generate almost all anti Hawks discussion is annoying.

At one point a couple weeks ago one of you made a topic asking why everyone was so "salty" about the Hawks...and I took a moment to check. 280 topics had been made since one the least bit related to the Hawks.

You guys are generating hate by being annoying. It becomes perpetual...feeds itself. You keep acting like people are upset...they get upset because you annoy them...then they actually ARE upset...and you make more "Why is everyone upset?" topics.

As I said...im not...keeping you from it. And you arent some awful poster or anything. But dont act shocked when it goes too far and topics start getting closed right away because they are just grease fires in the making.

Its nothing you or anyone would get banned over or anything. So dont take it as some undercover threat. It isnt that serious. Just explaining my line of thinking so you know why when it gets out of hand.

I wouldn't post so many Hawk threads if people would stop bringing up the myth that Hawks have no one going to their games when they have sold out their last 5 straight at home... It gets annoying. I fight fire with fire back. I can be an objective, reasonable poster only if the others are willing to be.

Sure, I exaggerate the truth, but who doesn't sometimes? I'm so proud of my Hawks its hard to resist. I haven't felt like this since the 90s, or 2008. And you can't deny that they haven't gotten the media credit they deserved yet. They haven't been mentioned once on Inside the NBA and ESPN First Take.

And people still underrate the Hawks, saying they are a first round or second round exit. I'm just trying to educate them.

And I have chilled down on the Hawk threads, and the one making the "Salty" comments isn't me, that's Hawkfan.

01-11-2015, 03:24 PM
I wouldn't post so many Hawk threads if people would stop bringing up the myth that Hawks have no one going to their games when they have sold out their last 5 straight at home... It gets annoying. I fight fire with fire back. I can be an objective, reasonable poster only if the others are willing to be.

Sure, I exaggerate the truth, but who doesn't sometimes? I'm so proud of my Hawks its hard to resist. I haven't felt like this since the 90s, or 2008. And you can't deny that they haven't gotten the media credit they deserved yet. They haven't been mentioned once on Inside the NBA and ESPN First Take.

And people still underrate the Hawks, saying they are a first round or second round exit. I'm just trying to educate them.

And I have chilled down on the Hawk threads, and the one making the "Salty" comments isn't me, that's Hawkfan.
Yet they've never made the conference finals in Atlanta. Even during those times.:oldlol:

01-11-2015, 03:55 PM
i swear ish has more hawks fans than philips arena during a hawks home playoff game :lol

:roll: :roll: :roll:

01-11-2015, 04:04 PM
See what I mean Kblaze?

01-11-2015, 04:06 PM
I don't know if its bashing.

but maybe people feel as if, they are in their own way.

01-11-2015, 04:20 PM
See what I mean Kblaze?

I was gonna ask if you saw what I mean considering what I said here just unfolded:

It becomes perpetual...feeds itself. You keep acting like people are upset...they get upset because you annoy them...then they actually ARE upset...and you make more "Why is everyone upset?" topics.

What on earth does the Hawks having historically poor support or comments on it have to do with their strength of schedule? Or most of the other topic on them? Be like someone saying the Bulls are often injured and me making random abrasive Bulls topics on unrelated subjects.

Hawks had no hate...until you guys started trying to make people respect them who...to that point...didnt even care they existed.

You could say maybe more people should care....but fact is the anti Hawk sentiments are entirely generated by Hawk fans the last few weeks.

You create it...then complain about it...and make new topics because it exists.

Its a never ending cycle.

01-11-2015, 04:21 PM
Where the **** did all these Hawks fans come from? :biggums:

It's just one that is making 10 threads about Hawks a day.

01-11-2015, 04:30 PM
I was gonna ask if you saw what I mean considering what I said here just unfolded:

What on earth does the Hawks having historically poor support or comments on it have to do with their strength of schedule? Or most of the other topic on them? Be like someone saying the Bulls are often injured and me making random abrasive Bulls topics on unrelated subjects.

Hawks had no hate...until you guys started trying to make people respect them who...to that point...didnt even care they existed.

You could say maybe more people should care....but fact is the anti Hawk sentiments are entirely generated by Hawk fans the last few weeks.

You create it...then complain about it...and make new topics because it exists.

Its a never ending cycle.
So you're justifying obvious trolling and scolding team promotion? Wow.

01-11-2015, 04:45 PM
I was gonna ask if you saw what I mean considering what I said here just unfolded:

What on earth does the Hawks having historically poor support or comments on it have to do with their strength of schedule? Or most of the other topic on them? Be like someone saying the Bulls are often injured and me making random abrasive Bulls topics on unrelated subjects.

Hawks had no hate...until you guys started trying to make people respect them who...to that point...didnt even care they existed.

You could say maybe more people should care....but fact is the anti Hawk sentiments are entirely generated by Hawk fans the last few weeks.

You create it...then complain about it...and make new topics because it exists.

Its a never ending cycle.
Oh, okay, so you're just being unreasonable now.

Hawks had no HATE because no one even realized they were tearing the league up. Us hawk fans have the right to discuss them rather then just make threads about superstars.

01-11-2015, 04:47 PM
Oh, okay, so you're just being unreasonable now.

Hawks had no HATE because no one even realized they were tearing the league up. Us hawk fans have the right to discuss them rather then just make threads about superstars.

There is a difference between discussing and shoving it down people's throats and trying to make the national fans care when the home fans don't even show up for all 41 games.

01-11-2015, 04:52 PM
There is a difference between discussing and shoving it down people's throats and trying to make the national fans care when the home fans don't even show up for all 41 games.

Lol, I'm blocking you. Hawks are IN A SOLD OUT ARENA AS WE SPEAK!

And have been for 5 games straight.

When you up your quality of your posts, I'll unblock you. But for now, gtfo.

01-11-2015, 04:56 PM
Lol, I'm blocking you. Hawks are IN A SOLD OUT ARENA AS WE SPEAK!

And have been for 5 games straight.

When you up your quality of your posts, I'll unblock you. But for now, gtfo.

And all it took was a ridiculously good record for Hawk fans to finally go and watch a game. Bandwagon fans at its finest.

01-11-2015, 04:59 PM
There is a difference between discussing and shoving it down people's throats and trying to make the national fans care when the home fans don't even show up for all 41 games.
Seriously, I think ish is brain dead. Are you really this stupid? They have sold out 5 straight games. This has been mentioned so many times yet you just keep saying this. What the hell is wrong with you? Is that something you can comprehend? Or are you gonna keep parroting off your garbage?

01-11-2015, 04:59 PM
And all it took was a ridiculously good record for Hawk fans to finally go and watch a game. Bandwagon fans at its finest.
Talks sht about no fans showing up

Talks shit when fans actually show up. What do you want? Make a decision and stick to it, stop being a moron

01-11-2015, 05:16 PM
Oh, okay, so you're just being unreasonable now.

Hawks had no HATE because no one even realized they were tearing the league up. Us hawk fans have the right to discuss them rather then just make threads about superstars.

So....you see that the Hawks had no hate...because nobody was aware of them. But you say you started fighting fire with fire....even though you admitted there was no fire before you guys started it. But you dont see why I say you create what you have a problem with and started the cycle?

01-11-2015, 05:18 PM
So....you see that the Hawks had no hate...because nobody was aware of them. But you say you started fighting fire with fire....even though you admitted there was no fire before you guys started it. But you dont see why I say you create what you have a problem with and started the cycle?
Why are you trying to justify these trolls and uninformed posts? Are you not reading the responses? I don't want to hear you're trash about "fueling the fire" I want to know why you are trying to justify trolling and lies about the hawks?

01-11-2015, 05:22 PM
Talks sht about no fans showing up

Talks shit when fans actually show up. What do you want? Make a decision and stick to it, stop being a moron

I never hated on there low attendance. I am just saying your record has been beast so far so obviously more fans are going to show up. All I am saying it just sucks that all it took was a 28 - 8 record to get them interested.

01-11-2015, 05:27 PM
All these hawk fans finally crawled out from under that rock they were hiding from the Dominique days how's that sun feel? You would think that they were the spurs of the east with all this shit talking going on lately. It's took half the east to rebuild and Bron leaving miami and that gruesome injury to Paul George for them to finally hold that 1 seed in the pathetic eastern conference. The Atlanta hawk fan count on this forum jumped from 3 to 100 real quick. I just feel bad for kyle korver when they get eliminated early. I'm happy for the franchise I mean it's not often that hawk fans can talk shit w.o that voice in the back of thier heads telling them they stupid. It's all gravy tho we all know they going back to there old ways after a 2nd round exit if that.

01-11-2015, 05:29 PM
All these hawk fans finally crawled out from under that rock they were hiding from the Dominique days how's that sun feel? You would think that they were the spurs of the east with all this shit talking going on lately. It's took half the east to rebuild and Bron leaving miami and that gruesome injury to Paul George for them to finally hold that 1 seed in the pathetic eastern conference. The Atlanta hawk fan count on this forum jumped from 3 to 100 real quick. I just feel bad for kyle korver when they get eliminated early. I'm happy for the franchise I mean it's not often that hawk fans can talk shit w.o that voice in the back of thier heads telling them they stupid. It's all gravy tho we all know they going back to there old ways after a 2nd round exit if that.

Sorry, but you're currently a treadmill team.

01-11-2015, 05:45 PM
Bottom line is this, Hawks fans--until your team makes it to the ECF or NBA Finals, ya'll need to chill. Anything less than that will be considered a failure of a season with the way your team has been playing this year. And you have to know, if ATL flames out in the playoffs, ya'll gonna get trolled HARDER than any other stans for all the shit ya'll been talkin this season.

01-11-2015, 05:46 PM
Seriously, I think ish is brain dead. Are you really this stupid? They have sold out 5 straight games. This has been mentioned so many times yet you just keep saying this. What the hell is wrong with you? Is that something you can comprehend? Or are you gonna keep parroting off your garbage?

Lol, I'm blocking you. Hawks are IN A SOLD OUT ARENA AS WE SPEAK!

And have been for 5 games straight.

When you up your quality of your posts, I'll unblock you. But for now, gtfo.

5 Straight games, stop the presses, that tops the season up until now, where Atlanta is 24th in total attendance and 25th in percentage.

Can you not comprehend I said a full season and not a stretch?

01-11-2015, 05:50 PM
5 Straight games, stop the presses, that tops the season up until now, where Atlanta is 24th in total attendance and 25th in percentage.

Can you not comprehend I said a full season and not a stretch?
Now you're talking shit when fans actually show up? They can't just fill a seasons worth of seats in one night. Make up your mind, do you want fans to show up to hawks games or not?

01-11-2015, 05:54 PM
Now you're talking shit when fans actually show up? They can't just fill a seasons worth of seats in one night. Make up your mind, do you want fans to show up to hawks games or not?

I'm talking shit because they don't show up over the course of the season and have fan support equivalent to a soccer side in Barbados. And that is it.

You guys are getting sensitive and bringing up a five game stretch to battle a 41 game season. It's like me saying "Hawes was a great signing because he's 2-3 from the field tonight"

01-11-2015, 05:55 PM
I'm talking shit because they don't show up over the course of the season and have fan support equivalent to a soccer side in Barbados. And that is it.

You guys are getting sensitive and bringing up a five game stretch to battle a 41 game season. It's like me saying "Hawes was a great signing because he's 2-3 from the field tonight"

They have sold out 13 home games this season.

01-11-2015, 05:58 PM
They have sold out 13 home games this season.

I thought you blocked me bruh.

And they still rank 24th in total, 25th in %.

01-11-2015, 05:59 PM
I thought you blocked me bruh.

And they still rank 24th in total, 25th in %.


01-11-2015, 06:02 PM
I thought you blocked me bruh.

And they still rank 24th in total, 25th in %.

I haven't got to it yet because I'm watching my team destroy the wizards.

They had a bad start to attendance after selling out the home opener but had a great month of december and so far this month.

01-11-2015, 06:25 PM
Bottom line is this, Hawks fans--until your team makes it to the ECF or NBA Finals, ya'll need to chill. Anything less than that will be considered a failure of a season with the way your team has been playing this year. And you have to know, if ATL flames out in the playoffs, ya'll gonna get trolled HARDER than any other stans for all the shit ya'll been talkin this season.
This. SO THIS. Everyone here knows they are good. Hell they are great right now. But man they have no excuses now and if they get bounced in the second round it will be a blood bath. Us nice posters have tried to warn them...

01-11-2015, 06:28 PM
I'm talking shit because they don't show up over the course of the season and have fan support equivalent to a soccer side in Barbados. And that is it.

You guys are getting sensitive and bringing up a five game stretch to battle a 41 game season. It's like me saying "Hawes was a great signing because he's 2-3 from the field tonight"

In fairness, you guys are always going to move the goal post.

They can't win..... They win.... Well, they can't beat good teams... They beat good teams.... Then the argument becomes that they can't win in the playoffs.

Then, people say the fans don't show up.... When they start showing up the goal post gets moved again.

01-11-2015, 06:31 PM
In fairness, you guys are always going to move the goal post.

They can't win..... They win.... Well, they can't beat good teams... They beat good teams.... Then the argument becomes that they can't win.

Then, people say the fans don't show up.... When they start showing up the goal post gets moved again.
This x100. To start the season it was:
- They can't make the playoffs
- They can't beat .500+ teams
- They can't beat western teams

When they realize they were completely wrong about how good the Hawks are:

- They can't get fans to the games
- Their fans are only bandwagoning.

What's wrong with just admitting you're wrong?

01-11-2015, 06:33 PM
I thought you blocked me bruh.

And they still rank 24th in total, 25th in %.

When they had a sell out against the Bucks a few weeks ago that was the biggest sign to me that things might be changing a bit. The Hawks selling out in a game against the Bucks? How unlikely is that?

They have no star player... They're not great team.

01-11-2015, 06:35 PM
When they had a sell out against the Bucks a few weeks ago that was the biggest sign to me that things might be changing a bit. The Hawks selling out in a game against the Bucks? How unlikely is that?

They have no star player... They're not great team.

No, they are a great team, but have superstar.
Like mid 00s Pistons.

01-11-2015, 06:36 PM
No, they are a great team, but have superstar.
Like mid 00s Pistons.

Well, I was talking about the Bucks.... It's not like the fans showed up because the Bucks have a great player or something.

01-11-2015, 06:39 PM
Well, I was talking about the Bucks.... It's not like the fans showed up because the Bucks have a great player or something.

Fair enough.

Right now, the Hawks are a great team.

01-11-2015, 06:56 PM
In fairness, you guys are always going to move the goal post.

They can't win..... They win.... Well, they can't beat good teams... They beat good teams.... Then the argument becomes that they can't win in the playoffs.

Then, people say the fans don't show up.... When they start showing up the goal post gets moved again.

I haven't moved a single "goal post".

I've said they suck in attendance, and only that, and Hawk fans got sensitive and said that they are good in attendance due to the past five games!

Sure, you can say the Buck game may be a sign of change, but they still are 24th/25th on the year so far.

01-11-2015, 07:14 PM
I haven't moved a single "goal post".

I've said they suck in attendance, and only that, and Hawk fans got sensitive and said that they are good in attendance due to the past five games!

Sure, you can say the Buck game may be a sign of change, but they still are 24th/25th on the year so far.

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm just picking at you. That's really not my intention.

I do understand that the Hawk fans here are too much right now. I think people just want to bring them back down to earth a bit.

01-11-2015, 08:39 PM
Seriously, I think ish is brain dead. Are you really this stupid? They have sold out 5 straight games. This has been mentioned so many times yet you just keep saying this. What the hell is wrong with you? Is that something you can comprehend? Or are you gonna keep parroting off your garbage?
Ohhhhhhh....ahhhhhhhhh 5 STRAIGHT games? Holy ****ing shit guys!! 5 STRAIGHT GAMES!! HOLY ****! 5 STRAIGHT GAMES

PS. holy shit...5 straight games..

01-11-2015, 09:10 PM
Ohhhhhhh....ahhhhhhhhh 5 STRAIGHT games? Holy ****ing shit guys!! 5 STRAIGHT GAMES!! HOLY ****! 5 STRAIGHT GAMES

PS. holy shit...5 straight games..
How are you gonna bash them for not having fans then bash them for getting fans in the building? You aren't too smart huh?

01-11-2015, 09:47 PM
How are you gonna bash them for not having fans then bash them for getting fans in the building? You aren't too smart huh?
Are you sure it's only 5 straight games? I mean, C'mon..If it's 6 straight games.. I mean holy shit guys!! Could you imagine?
http://http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag241/Anonymous_camo/5games_zps90e06e5f.jpg (http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/Anonymous_camo/media/5games_zps90e06e5f.jpg.html)
http://http://i1370.photobucket.com/albums/ag241/Anonymous_camo/dumbhawks_zpsbf09d34f.jpg (http://s1370.photobucket.com/user/Anonymous_camo/media/dumbhawks_zpsbf09d34f.jpg.html)