View Full Version : Jason Richardson's Top 10 In-Game Dunks

01-21-2015, 05:30 PM
In honor of the feller turning 34 yesterday: http://detroitsportsnation.com/lists/rake2204/jason-richardsons-top-10-game-dunks/22779/

Lexington Steel
01-21-2015, 05:36 PM
Top 5 dunker in NBA history, IMO. Dudes dunks were just aesthetically beautiful.

Is he still on the Sixers...lol

If he is, I dont understand why he didnt get bought out yet. Dude should be playing for a contender. I still think he could contribute for playoff bound teams or contender...kind of like what VC has been doing for the past 5 or so years.

01-21-2015, 05:37 PM
Jahidi White :lol

One of the best in-game dunkers ever and one of my favorite scorers as well.

My favorite J-Rich moment and the heart-racing sequence it comes after:


01-21-2015, 05:40 PM

01-21-2015, 05:47 PM
Am I the only one shocked he's only 34? Dude fell off so fast. And looking at his career stats, he was still putting up decent numbers as recently as 2011. Even 2012 is fine, I guess, if you were to limit his minutes. A fairly capable outside shooter (.368).

Yet, I don't remember anything about him post-GS. Which was 2007...

Oh, yeah, and best dunk contest dunker ever imo. Carter has the GOAT overall performance, but JRich was great in all 3(?) of his contests. With arguably the best dunk ever done in an NBA contest.

Also after watching those clips, I didn't think most of those dunks were impressive. The windmill was nice and uncanny to Nique's form. The Gil pass on #1 was better than the dunk. One of the dunks it looks like he boosted off the defender. Most of the others was just an athletic guy jumping high. He has a better style in the contest and it didn't really translate in game.

Young X
01-21-2015, 05:48 PM
Extremely underrated dunker. His performances in the '02 and '03 contests were phenomenal. And even tho he lost in '04 he gave still us this: http://youtu.be/IsvPpuh9kOU?t=1m4s (shout out to OP for the video) :bowdown:

01-21-2015, 06:18 PM
Also after watching those clips, I didn't think most of those dunks were impressive. The windmill was nice and uncanny to Nique's form. The Gil pass on #1 was better than the dunk. One of the dunks it looks like he boosted off the defender. Most of the others was just an athletic guy jumping high. He has a better style in the contest and it didn't really translate in game.I think a big thing Jason Richardson had working against him in terms of in-game dunks was his lack of versatility. Not only was he 6'6'' and primarily two-foot leaper with questionable wingspan, but he was a right-foot forward dunker to boot.

That meant, instead of leading with his left foot forward and being able to put his body between himself and defenders, like Vince:


Richardson's right foot leads brought his shoulders squared to the hoop on his takeoffs, making it a bit tougher (and different) when it came to finding ways to dunk in many situations, particularly in traffic.


For his relatively limited dunking versatility, I was a pretty big fan of his in-game dunks. There were certain types of flushes that just weren't going to be there, but he had wonderful style. Only one of his 360's and windmills made that list, but only because there were so many wicked examples of those flushes that one would need new lists devoted to just those slams alone.

Maybe some were lacking in flat out incredulity, but I thought he brought nasty stuff to the table. Sometimes it's not just about what the dunk was from a technical standpoint (for instance, last dunk is "technically" just a two-hand jam) but it's about the where, who, and how too. The explosion in that arena, the swagger between he and Arenas to connect on that play, the hang, the arm dangling near the crotch - just a great dunking moment.

01-21-2015, 06:22 PM
lol manu

01-21-2015, 06:25 PM
J-Rich please come back to the Warriors are retire

01-21-2015, 06:26 PM
He was a better contest dunker than Vince. The best of all time in fact.

01-21-2015, 06:59 PM
He was a better contest dunker than Vince. The best of all time in fact.I think he had the better slam dunk contest career, just because he wasn't a one-and-done guy, but it's tough to say he was unequivocally a better contest dunker than Vince Carter.

I think the time at which each player participated plays a role when considering such a title. In Carter's case, for the year 2000, he essentially invented three new dunks (the clockwise 360 windmill cuff, the bounce pass between-the-legs, the honey dip), made every single one of his attempts, and completed them with unrivaled style, grace and authority.

That said, Carter's contest is not without criticism. His second dunk was very similar to his first dunk. Though, at the time virtually nobody cared because they were still in such disbelief after the first finish that they had no qualms about seeing a similar version again.

Also, Carter has admitted his own shortcoming with the final dunk (wanted to take off at the free throw line, stepped in front of it). Still, it was about as close to a flawless dunk contest performance as we may ever see.

Richardson's right there though. He mostly did what I thought Carter was going to do before the 2000 contest. Richardson often did dunks we'd generally seen before, but just at the next level (ex: his clean windmills and 360's) with some new business mixed in-between (off-the-backboard between-the-legs in '04, bounce reverse between-the-legs in '03, the windmill two hand reverse in '02). I kind of thought that's what Carter was going to do, but instead VC just introduced dunks to the general public I'd never imagined.

01-21-2015, 10:07 PM
Top 5 dunker in NBA history, IMO. Dudes dunks were just aesthetically beautiful.

Is he still on the Sixers...lol

If he is, I dont understand why he didnt get bought out yet. Dude should be playing for a contender. I still think he could contribute for playoff bound teams or contender...kind of like what VC has been doing for the past 5 or so years.I don't know what Richardson's injury situation is, but I thought he'd been hurt for the better part of the last two or three years. His teammates bought him adult diapers for his birthday yesterday: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nba-ball-dont-lie/photo--76ers-teammates-make-jason-richardson-feel-really--really-old-231323193.html