View Full Version : Please don't delete a thread just because it criticizes Kobe, thanks

01-23-2015, 05:32 PM
why is "hurt" in quotations?

Because when things are going well for the Lakers, Kobe always plays up his injuries but always makes sure to let the media know he's a warrior who will play through anything.

Whenever Kobe finds himself embarrassed out on the basketball court, he always gets hurt and quits for the rest of the season. Kobe was throwing up bricks in a game the Lakers' "superteam" needed just to even secure a playoff spot, and he gets an achilles injury! He comes back the next season and the team is butt, and Kobe is a shell, and he gets a knee injury! This year Kobe comes back to play on his new 24mil/yr deal and he's embarrassing himself out there, and look! A shoulder injury!

When he failed to carry the team as the man in his prime, he demanded a trade. If things aren't going well for Kobe, he splits on the team and the fans. Period.

The amazing thing though to me, is how blindly loyal his stans like Droid and thousands of others are. They WILL NOT criticize the man. This is why politics and bigger issues in America are such a headache. Because people are DUMB AND LOYAL. They're afraid to criticize their leaders, their heroes, their benefactors. Kobe literally pisses in his fans' faces CONSTANTLY, and they thank him and defend him against criticism. If Lebron sneezes and doesn't say 'excuse me' those exact same people will literally attack his family on a personal level. It's just amazing to me what kind of stupid sheep people are. It's just....... I mean it rivets me. It boggles my mind. It's a trainwreck I can't look away from.

It's like when a priest would tell a super religious family he needed to be alone with their young son in private, and the family was so pious and god-fearing they didn't question it and just did as asked. These Kobe lovers WILL NOT criticise or question the dude. If this kind of servility were limited to the sports world, it'd be no big deal. But these people carry this shit over to real life and it ****s things up. Democratic politician lying? Stealing? Who cares. I'm a democrat voter, I'm not gonna say anything. Problems with black violence? Problems with illegal immigration? Oh, well, my liberal friends tell me I'm not supposed to criticize those groups, so I'm not gonna do it.

Droid101 thinks it's all shits and giggles the fact that he is a retarded monkey with an IQ of 8. He's all havin a good laugh about it and trying to troll me by flaunting his idiocy. I mean I guess it's working because it really disheartens me when I try to think about the future of society. How can things improve with dumb, blind, follower ants crawling all around like this? it's like 95% of people. I'm just flabbergasted yall. Seriously.

01-23-2015, 05:35 PM
I'm not a Kobe fan but are you trying to say he should of played through a Achilles injury and a knee injury:wtf:

Real Men Wear Green
01-23-2015, 05:35 PM
I even gave him a chance. :confusedshrug: