View Full Version : Can you get more p*ssy looking slim and fit or looking flabby and out of shape?

Patrick Chewing
01-29-2015, 01:15 PM
As long as your game is tight and you keep saying things the ladies want to hear, do you think looks matter at the end of the day? Lately I've been seeing a lot of out of shape dudes with some absolute dimes around them. What gives?

The gift of gab is a powerful gift to have if it isn't the most important.

Or does money play a role too?

01-29-2015, 01:27 PM
Too few variables here. A slim, fit guy with an ugly face and nothing going for him? A chubby dude with a cute face, great social skills and tons of other merits?

If everything is equal it's much better to be fit and handsome than it is to be out of shape and ugly, but having "game".

01-29-2015, 01:31 PM
I don't have amazing "game" but I still get laid regularly because I'm slim, fit, and not ugly so I'm going to go with that option.

01-29-2015, 02:03 PM
If you're tall, women come easier for you.

But everyone is capable, as long as you know how to talk to women. Humor is always a plus.

01-29-2015, 02:13 PM
Projecting an aura of self-assurance and self-confidence, bordering on a kind of haughty arrogance, is clearly one of the most important factors, but it is much easier to do this if you're tall and good looking.

Short guys almost always seem to be massively insecure about their height.

01-29-2015, 02:13 PM
The only plus with being slim and fit, is you also get the ******* who arent willing to do the work.

So they both get the same amount *******

01-29-2015, 02:30 PM
Look, it's not that hard, okay bro?

Here's a book I ordered.. open link: http://i.gyazo.com/020c9598f6a5e121c7fd9a570a8d5582.png

This is the bookmark slimmed down pocket edition for the pre story to part 1 of the original book "Understanding Women".. :cheers:

01-29-2015, 02:43 PM

Tarik One
01-29-2015, 03:48 PM

As long as you convey these qualities, you'll nail many women. Regardless of your physical appearance

01-29-2015, 04:12 PM
How women see you in relation to other guys matters substantially more.

If you're short and are legitimately a solid leader, as in you're in command of guys taller than you and have them do your bidding, you'll be fit.

01-29-2015, 05:42 PM
Attractive face = women come a' knocking.

Brad Pitt can get mucho p*ssy whether he's a movie star or a fry cook.

01-29-2015, 07:09 PM
The "gift of gab" is by far the most important....

meaning knowing how to talk to a woman , having self confidence, having social skills...

will it work all the time?....NO...but it will get you laid more times then being in great shape, yet having the personality of a rock.

having both?.....congrats ...you broke threw the 4th wall!

longtime lurker
01-29-2015, 11:17 PM
You can get more ***** by actually going out and trying to meet women instead of spending your time on the internet bitching about Obama, moslems and black people

01-29-2015, 11:20 PM
i got more puss being confident and out of shape then I did when I was shy and in shape.

but to answer OP;

1. money
2. money
3. money
4. money
5. confidence
6. looks.

01-29-2015, 11:36 PM

The Iron Sheik
01-30-2015, 12:54 AM
as much as people like to state otherwise, being attractive physically (nice facial features, in good shape, tall (for men), white (serious)) puts you at an advantage when it comes to seeking sex. sure ugly, fat, acne ridden people have sex too, but they have to scrape at the bottom of the barrel unless they're rich. because money says "f*ck you" to any set of rules.

The Iron Sheik
01-30-2015, 12:55 AM
i got more puss being confident and out of shape then I did when I was shy and in shape.

but to answer OP;

1. money
2. money
3. money
4. money
5. confidence
6. looks.

what kinds of puss were you getting? was it the kind you wanted to marry? or was it just run of the mill average old girl?

01-30-2015, 01:19 AM
You can get more ***** by actually going out and trying to meet women instead of spending your time on the internet bitching about Obama, moslems and black people

:no: Patrick Chewing would be out there bitching about Obama, Muslims and Black people to chicks he's trying to pick up, so I don't see him necessarily scoring more with the ladies. Hopefully for his sake, he isn't as bitter in real life as he seems to be here.

01-30-2015, 01:44 AM
I'll say by personal experience that confidence is huge with the ladies.

Patrick Chewing
01-30-2015, 01:52 AM

:no: Patrick Chewing would be out there bitching about Obama, Muslims and Black people to chicks he's trying to pick up, so I don't see him necessarily scoring more with the ladies. Hopefully for his sake, he isn't as bitter in real life as he seems to be here.

My ultimate goal is to **** them. I don't have time for politics with these bitches.

And I'm older than a lot of you on here, so I don't need help with the ladies.

Smook A.
01-30-2015, 02:03 AM
The shape you're in and the kind of face you have really matters. Women love dudes who are fit, and look good. What really matters though is personality and confidence. THAT is the biggest bonus.

Good looks and a nice body make women want to come to you. Having an even better personality will make them want to stick with you. Being attracted to a guy with good looks and later finding out he has a shit personality is like eating a burger that looks great but ends up tasting like pure shit.

The Iron Sheik
01-30-2015, 02:12 AM
people always talk about "confidence" but never explain what it is, or how one correctly displays it. you can't be confident as a shitty person. what i mean is that confidence has to be backed with substance. no matter how confident smush parker is, no one would take him seriously as an nba player. everyone laughed at monta ellis when he displayed confidence by saying he was as good as wade.

01-30-2015, 02:14 AM
Obviously you can get girls flabby and out of shape if you know what you're doing.

But is anyone going to try to say you can do better with girls fat than in shape? :wtf:

better question - is it easier to get girls with money but no confidence, or confidence and no money?

01-30-2015, 02:16 AM
people always talk about "confidence" but never explain what it is, or how one correctly displays it. you can't be confident as a shitty person.
Yes, you can. Be confident in the fact that you're shitty. Don't dwell on it, but don't mind folks bringing up your shortcomings. Long as you're not insecure it works.

Believing you're better than everyone is not confidence. It's arrogance. Confidence in yourself is recognizing who you are and owning it.

The Iron Sheik
01-30-2015, 03:35 AM
Yes, you can. Be confident in the fact that you're shitty. Don't dwell on it, but don't mind folks bringing up your shortcomings. Long as you're not insecure it works.

Believing you're better than everyone is not confidence. It's arrogance. Confidence in yourself is recognizing who you are and owning it.

this sounds great in theory, but it doesn't seem applicable in real life. like, a woman won't care how secure you are in being short, fat, poor and/or ugly. she won't f*ck you. in that scenario, it seems like confidence would just be akin to ignorance...like the fat women who tell themselves they are beautiful and don't need to change instead of trying to lose weight.

01-30-2015, 05:13 AM
this sounds great in theory, but it doesn't seem applicable in real life. like, a woman won't care how secure you are in being short, fat, poor and/or ugly. she won't f*ck you. in that scenario, it seems like confidence would just be akin to ignorance...like the fat women who tell themselves they are beautiful and don't need to change instead of trying to lose weight.

Tom Cruise does pretty well for himself and he's 5'7". And you think Floyd Mayweather has gone his whole life without any luck with women? Danny DeVito is 5'0 flat AND kinda strange looking. All 3 of them get more action than a good looking 6'2" guy, guaranteed.

It's kinda strange if of all the people you know, you can't think of at least one broke guy, one short guy, one fat guy, and one ugly guy who aren't players. And if they didn't have out of the world confidence it wouldn't work. Does Danny Devito have a tougher time getting women than Leonardo Dicaprio, standing a foot taller? Probably. But if you're confident enough it doesn't matter. https://www.youtube.com/user/CupidShmupid this dude is probably 5'0, 5'2 at best and puts up pickup videos.

The Iron Sheik
01-30-2015, 05:46 AM
Tom Cruise does pretty well for himself and he's 5'7". And you think Floyd Mayweather has gone his whole life without any luck with women? Danny DeVito is 5'0 flat AND kinda strange looking. All 3 of them get more action than a good looking 6'2" guy, guaranteed.

It's kinda strange if of all the people you know, you can't think of at least one broke guy, one short guy, one fat guy, and one ugly guy who aren't players. And if they didn't have out of the world confidence it wouldn't work. Does Danny Devito have a tougher time getting women than Leonardo Dicaprio, standing a foot taller? Probably. But if you're confident enough it doesn't matter. https://www.youtube.com/user/CupidShmupid this dude is probably 5'0, 5'2 at best and puts up pickup videos.

all of those guys are famous/talented/rich and that attracts women as well as gives them more confidence.

01-30-2015, 06:01 AM
In the game of flaws. I suspect its like the movie UP. You have a loving couple who one is trying to save up all the money to take his lover to her dream destination as a child. While the other believing that she had been on the journey of her life while sharing memories with him.

Knowing or without knowing it.
They were still a lovely couple.

As for the term confidence, I suggest that you substitute the term with substance, and see where you may end up arriving.

01-30-2015, 10:05 AM
I have plenty of confidence, but I'm also a quiet, introverted guy, so women never realize it.

Confidence to women = loud, obnoxious douchebag.

The Iron Sheik
01-30-2015, 12:32 PM
I have plenty of confidence, but I'm also a quiet, introverted guy, so women never realize it.

Confidence to women = loud, obnoxious douchebag.

i don't think that's necessarily true. Women are actually pretty good at picking up on fake confidence. confidence doesn't mean you have to be loud and obnoxious. but if you're quiet, introverted and maybe a bit shy, you probably aren't approaching them as much, which is the key. women will usually never approach first

Patrick Chewing
01-30-2015, 01:42 PM
i don't think that's necessarily true. Women are actually pretty good at picking up on fake confidence. confidence doesn't mean you have to be loud and obnoxious. but if you're quiet, introverted and maybe a bit shy, you probably aren't approaching them as much, which is the key. women will usually never approach first

Yeah confidence for a woman could actually mean that you're not afraid to speak out and admit you were wrong or make a fool of yourself from time to time. If you're always in self-defense mode, you'll never be able to keep a woman.