View Full Version : reasons why Bulls defense is not good anymore

01-30-2015, 08:01 PM
1. They have Collectively aged. Kirk, Noah, Taj, Pau have gotten old, hence, a step slower in reacting to offense.
2. Collectively, they are physically and mentally worn down esp the players who have logged heavy minutes.
3. Butler, is now more focussed in padding stats bec of his free agency, unlike before where he will lock down his guy.
4. Teammates of Rose would deny it, but they are pissed that Derrick it taking too many shots, ball stops, they feel not trusted and are discouraged.
5. The nagging injuries of Noah, Rose, Taj, rendering them slower to react on time.
6. Team is affected by the rift bet MGT and Thibs.

01-30-2015, 08:03 PM
Looks good to me. You also should mention that the league has had time to adjust to Thibs defensive schemes. Even using it on their own teams.

01-30-2015, 08:10 PM
water is wet

01-30-2015, 08:18 PM
They'll get back on track once Noah is semi-healthy and the team talks to each other on defense.

01-30-2015, 08:37 PM
All of those reasons make sense, but you can just sum it up with this roster just doesn't work as assembled. If these guys were going to communicate on defense for 48 minutes every game, they would have done it by now. Things need to be shaken up in a big way in Chicago. With the mindset that anything can go except Rose, Noah, Butler, and Gasol.

There's no coach or team meeting that will repair what has happened with this group.

01-30-2015, 08:44 PM
All of those reasons make since, but you can just sum it up with this roster just doesn't work as assembled. If these guys were going to communicate on defense for 48 minutes every game, they would have done it by now. Things need to be shaken up in a big way in Chicago. With the mindset that anything can go except Rose, Noah, Butler, and Gasol.

There's no coach or team meeting that will repair what has happened with this group.
How about we just trade Rose? I wouldn't mind Deron Williams in his spot.

01-30-2015, 09:38 PM
How about we just trade Rose? I wouldn't mind Deron Williams in his spot.

Worst post ever

01-31-2015, 12:08 AM
Thibs running them into the ground

Intensity can only stay high for so long

01-31-2015, 12:35 AM
How about we just trade Rose? I wouldn't mind Deron Williams in his spot.

rose is basically deron williams right now, good some games bad most of the time, injured a lot. At least rose is still young and might get back on track, deron williams not getting any better. and if we did trade rose, we wouldnt get anything because hes been bad, and his injury history.

01-31-2015, 01:15 AM

01-31-2015, 07:16 AM
I think no.4 is the main reason, Rose is trying to prove hes still the player that he isnt anymore.

Also Bron prolly broke them, year after year they cant get by Brons team.

01-31-2015, 11:55 PM
All of those reasons make sense, but you can just sum it up with this roster just doesn't work as assembled. If these guys were going to communicate on defense for 48 minutes every game, they would have done it by now. Things need to be shaken up in a big way in Chicago. With the mindset that anything can go except Rose, Noah, Butler, and Gasol.

There's no coach or team meeting that will repair what has happened with this group.

Which realistic players would you really want right now?
Would you trade Mirotic, Dunleavy etc for a guy like Arron Afflalo?
How about Wilson Chandler or Foye?