View Full Version : The Forumla For Winning A Championship

01-31-2015, 01:34 AM
We want more parody in the NBA.
We want to be entertained.
We want to see something different.

Fact is, unless you have low post scoring you're not winning. The only 2 players to change this formula in the last 35 years were Jordan & LeBron. So unless you have a next generation player as good as those two it's not happening.

Rim protection & low post scoring (just enough to keep the opposing team honest and force a double team). Scoring PG's & Stretch 4's are cute...nope, not if their your best player (Dirk scored in the post in his prime, 10-14 feet effective FG pct).

It's exciting to watch the NBA change, new superstars pushing the envelope but if you don't have these things then you're not gonna win in a 7 game series. You can't consistently score from the perimeter in a series, you will get worn down like they all do. Keep that in mind.

01-31-2015, 01:37 AM
The last four championships rarely had post scoring. They used the 3 ball and hit them at unbeatable rates.

01-31-2015, 01:39 AM
The last four championships rarely had post scoring. They used the 3 ball and hit them at unbeatable rates.

Yeah...... What he said.

01-31-2015, 01:46 AM
Spurs have gone to Duncan less and less over the years to conserve him for the playoffs. In the post season down the stretch of the 4th quarter the Spurs still run the offense through him more then half the time.

01-31-2015, 01:48 AM
The last four championships rarely had post scoring. They used the 3 ball and hit them at unbeatable rates.
Pretty much. If you simply look at the names of championship rosters you can say post scoring matches, but if you actually watched the finals you would know that they were not won through the post.

01-31-2015, 01:48 AM
I'm up for more parody, tbh.

01-31-2015, 01:51 AM
Spurs have gone to Duncan less and less over the years to conserve him for the playoffs. In the post season down the stretch of the 4th quarter the Spurs still run the offense through him more then half the time.
The Spurs were blowing teams out with the 3ball. And they were very beatable in close games, which is why they lost to the Heat in 2013 where Duncan would go entire second halfs with no points as they were forced to rely on Tony Parker and Manu.

The formula today is to have great spacing on offense, defense which is easier with a rim protector but not a necessity, and the ability to shoot and/or defend the three.

01-31-2015, 01:52 AM
More parody the better

01-31-2015, 02:03 AM
I'm personally sick to death of all the parody that goes on in the NBA

01-31-2015, 02:24 AM
it's spelled parroty idiot


Eric Cartman
01-31-2015, 02:58 AM
There is lack of parodies in the NBA, no denying that. What can we do about it? Well, there is NBA UNCENSORED TRASHTALK, which is always nice for a cheap laugh, but we need more substance in our NBA comedy.

We need more of those NWO videos of Lebron betraying the Cavs, then joining the Heat, then viceversa, then Pat Riley the Godfather, Adam Silver dunking over Donald Sterling, Iguodala's travel dance, that's the kind of comedy basketball fans need, TNT guys always chime in with good stuff too, especially shitting on the Knicks while playing circus music.

01-31-2015, 03:03 AM
None of the recent championship teams have had dominant post-scoring. And iso post-scoring is overrated and overvalued unless you have a Shaq,, Kareem, or peak Hakeem on your team.

01-31-2015, 03:09 AM
None of the recent championship teams have had dominant post-scoring. And iso post-scoring is overrated and overvalued unless you have a Shaq,, Kareem, or peak Hakeem on your team.

Duncan obviously needs to be added to that group, but the difference between those four and most of the other players is that they were all incredible passers.

Post players who can't pass aren't very valuable (Al Jefferson, Brook Lopez), but a post player who can, and who can dominate with scoring (the Shaqs/Hakeems/Duncans/Kareems) are.

01-31-2015, 04:07 AM
Duncan obviously needs to be added to that group, but the difference between those four and most of the other players is that they were all incredible passers.

Post players who can't pass aren't very valuable (Al Jefferson, Brook Lopez), but a post player who can, and who can dominate with scoring (the Shaqs/Hakeems/Duncans/Kareems) are.
very true.. post players must have good basketball sense to make the right play - usually the right pass - otherwise they won't be capable of being the one to carry their team to a championship level.

01-31-2015, 04:13 AM
There is only 1 formula for winning a championship: first team to win 16 games in the postseason = champions.

01-31-2015, 04:16 AM
We want more parody in the NBA.
We want to be entertained.
We want to see something different.

Fact is, unless you have low post scoring you're not winning. The only 2 players to change this formula in the last 35 years were Jordan & LeBron. So unless you have a next generation player as good as those two it's not happening.

Rim protection & low post scoring (just enough to keep the opposing team honest and force a double team). Scoring PG's & Stretch 4's are cute...nope, not if their your best player (Dirk scored in the post in his prime, 10-14 feet effective FG pct).

It's exciting to watch the NBA change, new superstars pushing the envelope but if you don't have these things then you're not gonna win in a 7 game series. You can't consistently score from the perimeter in a series, you will get worn down like they all do. Keep that in mind.
posting still occurs alot in NBA games, but not as much as it used to.

post players aren't developed as much anymore due to 3-point shooting, the subsequent spacing, and the resulting wide lanes that make penetration easier and more frequent.

and the spacing works in concert with defensive 3 seconds to clear the paint - these things coupled with the physicality ban on hand-checking and other measures, makes lane penetration literally a built-in component of today's game.

that's why the best, smart teams like the Spurs initiate every offensive possession by taking advantage of the automatic penetration and open paint by getting something going to the basket one way or another (could be by using a post up play as a diversion to get a hockey assist open 3-point look or a different two-point look).

01-31-2015, 04:17 AM
The last four championships rarely had post scoring. They used the 3 ball and hit them at unbeatable rates.

when you say "they used the 3 ball", this implies that other teams DON'T use the 3 ball. obviously, all teams use the 3-point shot heavily - it's not only specific to the Finals-winning team.

but as you say, the Spurs hit 3's at unbeatable rates - it's remarkable how much hotter the Spurs were from deep in the 2014 Finals - both teams attempted the same amount of threes, but the Spurs shot 47% to the Heat's 40%.

why did the Spurs shoot so much better? obviously, they have more ways of getting guys OPEN for 3-pointers, which would include a superior post game than the Heat, among other things. while the spurs weren't relying on post scoring to win the series, their superior post game gave them another way to get guys open, and therefore use the spacing more effectively than the Heat. more effective use of spacing resulted in better efficiency.

overall, the Spurs outscored the Heat by 27 points on 3-pointers in the 2014 Finals - that's a lot, but in reality, that was the margin of victory for just one game. it doesn't explain 3 straight blowouts like that, or the 70 point total margin of victory for the series.

what explains the remaining margin of victory is the two-pointers and FT's - the Spurs scored more two-pointers and FT's, just like they did with 3-pointers, and shot better on them as well. again, having a superior post game will provide a team more ways to score two-pointers and more ways to get guys open for two-pointers.

CLIFFS: teams don't rely on the post scoring to win games anymore. however, having a superior post game enhances a team's 3-point game, 2-point game, and FT game by giving a team more ways to get guys open for these shots, while also being one of the most effective ways of getting guys open - having a superior post game essentially allows a team to use the spacing more effectively and in more ways than the other team.

J Shuttlesworth
01-31-2015, 04:21 AM
Help defense
All Stars
Winners mentality
Key presence

^^^^ Now look at the first letter of the 5 things listed above

01-31-2015, 04:22 AM
I love NBA parody!

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CB4QtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DA5d HWA2ViaM&ei=pZDMVN3fHIffoASh9oG4CA&usg=AFQjCNE88StFZuWwVZMs51ofHzgha7_6MA&sig2=cdcMzKYO2GgXAaZDesNk9w&bvm=bv.85076809,d.cGU

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CCQQtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DWjY OB45rH-Y&ei=pZDMVN3fHIffoASh9oG4CA&usg=AFQjCNFKw8oJg0eLWrFqE1-CoTthywObxg&sig2=ee2aUnAseeIPNiuAg10hsg&bvm=bv.85076809,d.cGU

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CC0QtwIwAw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dhi6 0QeNjIDk&ei=pZDMVN3fHIffoASh9oG4CA&usg=AFQjCNEuRSA7Tg4YNzesYOYy2aXFgH5WDA&sig2=GQr7fE5UMORGYsspuUIMOw&bvm=bv.85076809,d.cGU

01-31-2015, 04:26 AM
why did the Spurs shoot so much better? obviously, they have more ways of getting guys OPEN for 3-pointers,
Dont feel like responding to your usual nonsense.
Spurs shot better on contested shots than open ones for the record.

01-31-2015, 04:33 AM
Dont feel like responding to your usual nonsense.
Spurs shot better on contested shots than open ones for the record.
in the data you are looking at, a contested 3's is defined as within 5 feet or some shit like that.

but i'm fine with your theory - the spurs offense wasn't superior and they aren't a great team - they just got hot.. :confusedshrug:

the fact that they weren't a great team and just got hot reflects worse on lebron - not only did lebron get blown out by historic margin to a non-great team, but you can't get hot without confidence.. lebron let a non-great team get a ton of confidence, which means he does not command respect.

any way you want to look at it boss... but i prefer my way of thinking - the Spurs offense was superior and they used the spacing more effectively to get open shots... makes a lot more sense.

01-31-2015, 04:34 AM
in the data you are looking at, a contested 3's is defined as within 5 feet or some shit like that.

but i'm fine with your theory - the spurs offense wasn't superior and they aren't a great team - they just got hot.. :confusedshrug:

the fact that they weren't a great team and just got hot reflects worse on lebron - not only did lebron get blown out by historic margin to a non-great team, but you can't get hot without confidence.. lebron let a non-great team get a ton of confidence.

any way you want to look at it... i prefer my way of thinking the Spurs offense was superior and they used the spacing more effectively to get open shots... makes a lot more sense.
That's nice. Hawks bout to show the Spurs how it's done.

01-31-2015, 08:09 AM
it's spelled parroty idiot

actually, it's parity.

01-31-2015, 11:28 AM
We want more parody in the NBA.
We want to be entertained.
We want to see something different.

Fact is, unless you have low post scoring you're not winning. The only 2 players to change this formula in the last 35 years were Jordan & LeBron. So unless you have a next generation player as good as those two it's not happening.

Rim protection & low post scoring (just enough to keep the opposing team honest and force a double team). Scoring PG's & Stretch 4's are cute...nope, not if their your best player (Dirk scored in the post in his prime, 10-14 feet effective FG pct).

It's exciting to watch the NBA change, new superstars pushing the envelope but if you don't have these things then you're not gonna win in a 7 game series. You can't consistently score from the perimeter in a series, you will get worn down like they all do. Keep that in mind.

you are correct to a degree....
Controling the paint is in fact the priority.
Easy baskets are given up , low percentage 3's are taken , and slashing for transitions are taken away.
So in essence , boards and great defense in the middle make a championship team.
Perfect modern day team, was Heat with Shaq. Shaq never scored huge numbers , but Zo and him protected the paint and boarded like gaints.

It is great to have a low post presense(spl) but scrap buckets from the post is just as effective.

Go back to the 76ers championship teams of Caldwell Jones , boarding and barely scoring ... he was one of the greatest defenders of all time.
Wes Unseld for the bullets - - boards and outlet passes.

Even when Wilt won it , I swear it was his boards and outlet passes that won it for them besides the defense.
I saw it all.

01-31-2015, 12:08 PM
Parody is copying something in a way that pokes fun at it.

01-31-2015, 07:00 PM
actually, it's parity.
Thanks for clearing that up. I was waiting to see if someone would notice. :facepalm

01-31-2015, 07:04 PM
Thanks for clearing that up. I was waiting to see if someone would notice. :facepalm
He was joking anyway

01-31-2015, 07:54 PM
In the 21st century every championship team has had either really good PFs or Shaq.

01-31-2015, 07:56 PM
Spurs have gone to Duncan less and less over the years to conserve him for the playoffs. In the post season down the stretch of the 4th quarter the Spurs still run the offense through him more then half the time.

No they dont... at all.

02-05-2015, 02:11 PM
We want more parody in the NBA.
We want to be entertained.
We want to see something different.

Fact is, unless you have low post scoring you're not winning. The only 2 players to change this formula in the last 35 years were Jordan & LeBron. So unless you have a next generation player as good as those two it's not happening.

Rim protection & low post scoring (just enough to keep the opposing team honest and force a double team). Scoring PG's & Stretch 4's are cute...nope, not if their your best player (Dirk scored in the post in his prime, 10-14 feet effective FG pct).

It's exciting to watch the NBA change, new superstars pushing the envelope but if you don't have these things then you're not gonna win in a 7 game series. You can't consistently score from the perimeter in a series, you will get worn down like they all do. Keep that in mind.

What about the 80's Bad Boys?