View Full Version : I think I know of a way to avoid death - or atleast come back to life [LEGIT]

02-04-2015, 08:06 AM

Some of you may think thats crazy, but hear me out. This is probably going to be a long read, so if you don't have an attention span long enough to take in this information, feel free to exit this thread.


Some of you may have noticed I have been making AI related threads and talking about this for a while, but if you read this you will understand why. This shit is so crazy, its actually shocking to think the majority of people have no idea what is only a few years away.

So yeah, I have been studying Computer Science at University in the last few years, and I have been reading up on AI. Which is artificial intelligence. Some of you may have seen some threads I have made on this technology. Anyway, we are speedily approaching a point where the AGI will be created. A computer that has the intelligence, and all the capabilities and consciousness as a human brain. Basically an artificial human who is no different from me and you, except they are a computer. This is the way this will be done.

1. Create AI with a set learning purpose. We already have AI that can learn how to become the best at chess, and learn it better than humans can. We have AI that can learn the quickest routes to specific places, and learn it better than humans can. What we do is create AI that has the ability to LEARN HOW TO CREATE AI, BETTER THAN HUMANS CAN.

2. Once this is achieved, and leading scientists and experts predict this is going to be done within the next couple of decades, you then wait for the AI to slowly improve itself, iteration by iteration, until it reaches the level of a human. Today, the smartest computer possible has the across the board intelligence level of a ant. This is essentially artificially recreating evolution, except fast tracking it to a specific purpose, rather than random changes based on environment over billions of years.

3. One thing you need to understand, is that with each new version of the AI created, it becomes better at its job, which is to create smarter AI. So the leaps in intelligence it takes with each new version is much larger than the step before. So say it starts with an IQ of 20, and is tasked with researching on AI and improving its own intelligence through unsupervised machine learning. Its next version may have an IQ of 25. Now it is a bit smarter, the next version it makes will make a larger leap. The next version may have an IQ of 40. Then the next an IQ of 80. Then IQ 200. 500. 1200. Over many years of self improvement, it will make slow improvements and then its progression will become faster, faster and faster until it becomes many millions of times smarter than a human could ever hope to be. Then a ASI is created. Which is a Artificially Super Intelligence.

To understand the difference in the level of intelligence between humans and a potential AI, click this link and look at this picture - http://waitbutwhy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/staircase1.png

That is how close humans are to other animals on Earth on the intelligence staircase. As Tim Urban put it -

A key distinction is the difference between speed superintelligence and quality superintelligence. Often, someone’s first thought when they imagine a super-smart computer is one that’s as intelligent as a human but can think much, much faster2—they might picture a machine that thinks like a human, except a million times quicker, which means it could figure out in five minutes what would take a human a decade.

That sounds impressive, and ASI would think much faster than any human could—but the true separator would be its advantage in intelligence quality, which is something completely different. What makes humans so much more intellectually capable than chimps isn’t a difference in thinking speed—it’s that human brains contain a number of sophisticated cognitive modules that enable things like complex linguistic representations or longterm planning or abstract reasoning, that chimps’ brains do not. Speeding up a chimp’s brain by thousands of times wouldn’t bring him to our level—even with a decade’s time, he wouldn’t be able to figure out how to use a set of custom tools to assemble an intricate model, something a human could knock out in a few hours. There are worlds of human cognitive function a chimp will simply never be capable of, no matter how much time he spends trying.

But it’s not just that a chimp can’t do what we do, it’s that his brain is unable to grasp that those worlds even exist—a chimp can become familiar with what a human is and what a skyscraper is, but he’ll never be able to understand that the skyscraper was built by humans. In his world, anything that huge is part of nature, period, and not only is it beyond him to build a skyscraper, it’s beyond him to realize that anyone can build a skyscraper. That’s the result of a small difference in intelligence quality.

And in the scheme of the intelligence range we’re talking about today, or even the much smaller range among biological creatures, the chimp-to-human quality intelligence gap is tiny.

So yeah, that is the difference between a human and a monkey in terms of intelligence. So imagine this..... http://waitbutwhy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/staircase2.png

So you can understand why it is literally impossible for us to understand what this thing will be able to do. It would be like me trying to explain what ISH is to an ameoba. Crazy to think about, that would be the difference in levels of intelligence.

It is widely believed that an ASI would be the very last human invention, one way or another. Either it goes horribly wrong and the human race is wiped out, or it goes great and it is capable of doing anything and everything a human can imagine. Logically, things like travelling across the universe in record time will become possible because of this being. Death would pretty much be a thing of the past. One reason that is, is because of Nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. Because everything in this universe is made up of atoms, being able to manipulate atoms and use them like tiny lego blocks to create things will be easily possible. In fact, today nanotechnology is already being pioneered on a much smaller level. This is something that is being done today.

So, it will be possible to create a new you EXACTLY, with your thoughts, memories and feelings, be recreating your atomic makeup. In fact -

In summary, for a typical human of 70 kg, there are almost 7*1027 atoms (that's a 7 followed by 27 zeros!) Another way of saying this is "seven billion billion billion." Of this, almost 2/3 is hydrogen, 1/4 is oxygen, and about 1/10 is carbon.

Due to most of the human body being made up of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon atoms, it would actually be easier to recreate than many of the things in our world. Aging would be wiped out because the body could be constantly "updated" to reverse the effects of aging, and a person who has been deceased, could have their body excavated and fixed up, replacing everything necessary, and essentially bringing them back to life.

This stuff is crazy, and to be honest what I have outlined is the best case scenario. Humans could easily lose control of this stuff and lead to the end of our race. But if it goes how we want it to, there really is no limit as to what is possible.

FYI, before anyone comes at me, what I have said is 100% true. All these things are on the way to reality, and many MANY scientists and experts much smarter than any retard on ISH are all in agreement that this is going to happen. The only arguements are when. Some say within the next 40 years, some say within the next 100. But like I said, this is coming. So get ready homies.

Im so nba'd out
02-04-2015, 08:13 AM
cliff notes OP?

02-04-2015, 09:00 AM
have you transhumanist idiots at least solved the ship of Theseus already?

if not, go crawl back to Kurzweil's feet

02-04-2015, 09:12 AM
How do you feel that you spent a week typing that up just for someoneme to tell you tl;dr?

First of all, I just typed that up in like 25 minutes. Secondly, why would I feel any type of way? This aint for everyone. Some people haven't got the required level of intelligence or understanding to read something like that or even really integrate its meaning into their mind. Thats fine, not everyone in the world can be smart. I accept that. Which is why I said straight up, if you can't read it, I still got respect and love for you but you gotta get the **** out cause this aint for you.

02-04-2015, 09:18 AM
have you transhumanist idiots at least solved the ship of Theseus already?

if not, go crawl back to Kurzweil's feet

Theres no need for the insult.

This is the great point though. This is something we will never know. For those who don't understand, think of this thought experiment -

[QUOTE]The Teletransporter Thought Experiment


02-04-2015, 04:50 PM
I agree that there will be technology to stop the aging process. We need to get on the moon/Mars colonization ASAP!

It would seem the transporter would need to teleport the actual atoms and cells, not make copies. Otherwise, it's just a clone, right? If it worked like it says in the example, I doubt the law would require destruction.

Doctor K
02-05-2015, 05:05 AM
how did u go form super-smart AI to nanotechnology? are these both the things of the future or is the super smart ai supposed to make nanotechnology and how? and why?

02-05-2015, 05:16 AM
"what is only a few years away" huh

can't say it's impossible but they're way too optimistic

at the moment, what those trans-humanists do, is the same what religions have done in the past: Provide a fictional narrative to help people to not fear death.

02-05-2015, 05:35 AM
"what is only a few years away" huh

can't say it's impossible but they're way too optimistic

at the moment, what those trans-humanists do, is the same what religions have done in the past: Provide a fictional narrative to help people to not fear death.

I have never feared death, I welcome it.

02-05-2015, 05:52 AM
I have never feared death, I welcome it.

you're a real human :applause:

guys like Nick Bostrom hope they can map their brain onto a computer so they can live forever

and they try to convince themselves with unqualified statements like this

Due to most of the human body being made up of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon atoms, it would actually be easier to recreate than many of the things in our world.


02-05-2015, 06:14 AM
A low of raw concepts, but this ASI thing is the scariest to be honest. If it goes wrong, humanity goes extinct.