View Full Version : I have the neighbor from hell - So I started peeing in his yard

Patrick Chewing
02-09-2015, 12:05 PM
About 5 years ago I moved to a new house, and I've had problems with the neighbor ever since. He stays up all night blasting old Slayer albums. I've tried confronting him on several occasions, but he just mumbles something about Big Bird and Cookie Monster, and slowly drifts away from the conversation.

I'm a reasonable guy, but there's only so much a person can take. Fed up, and frustrated, I resorted to retaliation. Now, I didn't want things to get too far out of control, but I thought that maybe peeing in his yard would help get the message across.

After a few weeks of peeing in his driveway, I progressively moved closer to his house. I peed on his walkway, porch, front door, and even the windows.

I thought maybe he wasn't noticing the pee, because he was still blasting music every night until dawn. But today I caught him watching me pee from the upstairs window. I think he was typing something on his computer.

Just a really weird situation. I'm not sure what to do with this guy.

Real Men Wear Green
02-09-2015, 12:12 PM
I don't advocate breaking the law. But if you're going to pee on his property hoping that he notices you doing it you might as well just fight him seeing as you're already breaking the law. Enough with the passive-aggressive stuff. It's not working and you're clearly seeking out a confrontation. So just go ahead and hit him.

I would hope that you try legal avenues first though. Make a noise complaint, have the cops talk to him and avoid potentially getting into a bad situation.

02-09-2015, 12:13 PM
If RMWG is your neighbour, then I agree, deck the sonofabitch.

02-09-2015, 12:14 PM
You might wanna cut out the pissing method now that he's fully aware of what you're up to. If he sets up a hidden cam and catches you in action, you'd be screwed in court.

You should probably start sh1tting on his house instead. Wear a mask though...

Patrick Chewing
02-09-2015, 12:26 PM
While walking up to his house to pee on it this morning, I noticed what looked to be feces on his doorstep and smeared on his window. I don't think he has a dog or anything like that. Every time I walk up to his window to pee, I don't hear any barking, just the loud music.

I'm wondering if the other neighbors are taking the same approach. Needless to say, I couldn't finish peeing on his window as the smell was making me nauseous.

HitandRun Reggie
02-09-2015, 12:28 PM
http://m.quickmeme.com/img/95/95e6ed7be1cfe825b2e12206d19fed3adee24cef4540661174 d21990643fe085.jpg

02-09-2015, 12:33 PM
You...can call the police...complain about noise.

02-09-2015, 12:39 PM
I have the worst neighbor as well. It's gotten to the point where she filed law suites framing my mother and shit. She kicks her tenants out every 2 to 3 months and files false accusations against them. She's taken at least 10 of her own tenants to court from what we know of.

Before moving in this new house 8 or 9 years now there's always a for rent sign on her house. She would throw gum, foil wrap with garbage in it over our yard and eggs. My mom almost killed her one day.

Now her and my mother are in court for her false accusations. Luckily for us I have pictures as evidence of all the shit she's thrown. And a 24 hour surveillance of her throwing shit in my yard busted. She got hit with a fine for it. The local cops and detectives are aware of her shit.

This is as nasty as it gets.

02-09-2015, 12:39 PM
just write him a nice letter saying please cut out the music after a certain time, keep it to a reasonable letter, bla bla bla, if i continue to hear it I will have to call the police for a noise violation, i don't want to, please don't make me do it.

the abosulte worst thing you want is a terrible neighbor situation on your hands. I've mediated many. I've dealt with many. Neighbor A starts calling the police, then Neighbor B starts calling the police on Neighbor A, etc. etc. things, escalate, either charges get filed because the city is sick of it or a civil suit comes around, (All the while you are living next door to this person)

it sucks. You have to think of your future relationship with the person you live next door to. People often times only think of the moment.

Also don't be a dumbass, you can wind up with a host of charges for peeing the worst of which would be sex related.

And guess what? You know what the first thing this guy is gonna say if you call the cops over there? "So and so has been whipping his d*ck out and pissing all over my yard."

02-09-2015, 01:47 PM
You ever actually try being nice to your neighbor and explain that noise is very disturbing. Then put a letter in writing sent certified saying you've asked nicely many times to reduce the noise and if he doesn't you will resort to legal means. Then start contacting police if he doesn't comply. Do everything legal and above board....

I would also use a video camera to capture and record the loud music that's playing so you have evidence if ever need in the future.

02-09-2015, 01:49 PM
Crazy how many people believe this shit. This dude seems like a super *****. Doubt he leaves his basement.

02-09-2015, 01:58 PM
lol at this *****. Im on the court with my neighbor for him trowing a bomb in front of my garage door, and to witness him shooting once from an AK47 and once from a Carbine around the hood.

First world problems.... :facepalm

And btw, I believe your story since you are that type of people who would pee in the night in somebodys yard, and the next day they would hide in the house from them.

02-09-2015, 02:01 PM
lol at this *****. Im on the court with my neighbor for him trowing a bomb in front of my garage door, and to witness him shooting once from an AK47 and once from a Carbine around the hood.

First world problems.... :facepalm

And btw, I believe your story since you are that type of people who would pee in the night in somebodys yard, and the next day they would hide in the house from them.

Now, this is something that deserves a thread.

02-09-2015, 02:06 PM
Kendo versus Fencing.

Let it begin

Demon Lizard
02-09-2015, 02:12 PM
Because nothing says I want you to stop playing your music loudly like peeing in a yard. You are lucky he didn't take a picture and call the cops on you.

02-09-2015, 02:20 PM
lol at this *****. Im on the court with my neighbor for him trowing a bomb in front of my garage door, and to witness him shooting once from an AK47 and once from a Carbine around the hood.

Loose cannon

The problem/key with attacking the jungle is that you cant have a mission, but "maybe" one path.

D-day, doesnt just "happen" like that.

02-09-2015, 02:34 PM
Seems like a really stupid way to retaliate. Now you can't call the cops for noise because the first thing he'll do is show the cops a pic of you trespassing on his property with your dick out.

The Iron Sheik
02-09-2015, 02:43 PM
why do people on here believe everything they read?

02-09-2015, 02:50 PM
Loose cannon

The problem/key with attacking the jungle is that you cant have a mission, but "maybe" one path.

D-day, doesnt just "happen" like that.
But the problem with this guy was, that you could rarely see him during the daylight. But as soon as night comes, you could hear him yelling in his yard in the part where there is no light. He was shooting and trowing bombs every now and then, till one day the special unit came and beat the shit out of him, took his weapon and we are on the court now.

That guy is like a line thin and you could beat him however you want to, but the problem is that you cant see him, and he rarely comes out of his house, and if he has to, he would take the cab, and he would return with it.

One sick mofo... :oldlol: