View Full Version : What things should be changed for future All Star Events?

02-16-2015, 03:27 AM
Legends game, HORSE...etc.

Those are two that definitely should be in the event.

What say You?

02-16-2015, 03:37 AM
Next year do a skills challenge with PF/C's only

Gasol Brothers, Noah, Cousins, AD, Blake Griffin, Paul Milsap and Al Horford.

02-16-2015, 04:30 AM
Next year do a skills challenge with PF/C's only

Gasol Brothers, Noah, Cousins, AD, Blake Griffin, Paul Milsap and Al Horford.

Griffin with a flop mid court :oldlol: I joke, I joke...

I think we need to incorporate the old timers more into the event.

Maybe a 3 on 3 half court game with 80s 90's 00s retired players like bird, magic, jordan and Co. Mixed with current players? That way old guys can hold their own...

I think a one on one challenge should be incorporated. Imagine a first to 21 lebron vs Durant duel :eek:

02-16-2015, 04:36 AM
It would never happen but:

1-on-1 Tournament...fans vote on who participates....8 players..maybe give the winner money to a charity of his choosing.

02-16-2015, 04:45 AM
It would never happen but:

1-on-1 Tournament...fans vote on who participates....8 players..maybe give the winner money to a charity of his/her choosing

It'd happen it just wouldn't be all stars. lol


02-16-2015, 04:46 AM
It would never happen but:

1-on-1 Tournament...fans vote on who participates....8 players..maybe give the winner money to a charity of his/her choosing

If a big enough amount of people get behind it, the league will be left with no choice.

A market demand is all that's needed. People power.

02-16-2015, 04:48 AM
If a big enough amount of people get behind it, the league will be left with no choice.

A market demand is all that's needed. People power.

NBAPA wouldn't allow it. unless people literally boycotted all-star weekend. no chance of that happening.

02-16-2015, 04:58 AM
NBAPA wouldn't allow it. unless people literally boycotted all-star weekend. no chance of that happening.

The question is, why wouldn't they have It?

People want to see two stars go at each other. That would create an extra boost to allstar weekend interest.

I'd love to a see 50 year old MJ go at lebron in a 3 on 3 halfcourt format. Your lying if you wouldn't.

The dunk contest has lost its shine, the stars don't go in it. Well, not enough of them and the best player in the game won't boost the interest in the event by participating in it.

The celebrity game is a bore and the skills challenge is just nice to watch if there's nothing else to watch on TV...

02-16-2015, 05:01 AM
The question is, why wouldn't they have It?

People want to see two stars go at each other. They would create an extra boost to allstar weekend interest.

The dunk contest has lost its shine, the stars don't go in it. Well, not enough of them and the best player in the game won't boost the interest in the event by participating in it.

The celebrity game is a bore and the skills challenge is just nice to watch if there's nothing else to watch on TV...

It has the potential to make their best players look bad...NBA has been marketing the league on individuals since Magic/Bird...LeBron/Kobe losing to JR Smith/Jamal Crawford./ in a 1-on-1 takes away the godly image of them the NBA has been marketing all this time...

02-16-2015, 05:04 AM
It has the potential to make their best players look bad...NBA has been marketing the league on individuals since Magic/Bird...LeBron/Kobe losing to JR Smith/Jamal Crawford./ in a 1-on-1 takes away the godly image of them the NBA has been marketing all this time...

A magic vs jordan charity game was nixed by stern in the day...Perhaps along the same lines as what you said, potential to embarrass a star player and the nba product.

02-16-2015, 05:39 AM
Never gonna happen with these *****-ass selfie-taking mother****ers...
But I'd kill to see an old school one on one tourney in the ASW.

02-16-2015, 05:43 AM
Could you imagine if over 50 jordan beat in his prime lebron one on One?

ISH would crash and the league would look to bury the evidence, only to realize the whole world was watching the game :lol

02-16-2015, 06:04 AM
I think some players are too afraid to do one on ones infront of everyone. i loved that one on one between kareem and dr j.

02-16-2015, 07:47 AM
Could you imagine if over 50 jordan beat in his prime lebron one on One?

ISH would crash and the league would look to bury the evidence, only to realize the whole world was watching the game :lol

No, He won't. I bet Current Pippen beat Current Jordan in 1 on 1 full court game. It's been a decade since MJ played a competitive 5 on 5 full court game.

02-16-2015, 07:52 AM
More alley oops to 40 year old Dirk

02-16-2015, 07:52 AM
I think some players are too afraid to do one on ones infront of everyone. i loved that one on one between kareem and dr j.

It was a mismatch A Skilled Big man will always beat A Skilled Perimeter Player.

02-16-2015, 08:33 AM
how about no more Kenny/Reggie on the PA while players are shooting 3's and hearing every word that they scream into their mics.


*misses 2 of next 3*

Hes gonna have to find a rhythm now...

02-16-2015, 12:36 PM
Let's change up the dunk contest.

1st round:
Each of the 8 participants does two dunks. All other participants must also attempt that dunk. (total of 16 dunks to complete for each person) Max of 5 tries. Each dunk is graded after all participants complete said dunk. Grade is done by "style". Who was most clean, more air, more reach, etc.

Four participants who completed the dunks using the least amount of attempts move on. Tie breaker is the grading, if a tie breaker is needed.

2nd round:
Same format, only 2 of the 4 move on.

3rd/final round:
Essentially a "dunk-off". Each player keeps doing dunks until the other player can't complete a dunk, within the given amount of attempts. Two attempts are all that's allowed.

Some people really like style and creativity of the dunk contest. That's still here.
Players can practice their own dunk for countless hours, if they choose, so that they can do a super hard one and theoretically eliminate much of the competition right then.
Or, come the finals, a player can have a wide array of dunks that he focused on. That way he just keeps "coming" at his competition, relentlessly, with creative dunks, instead of having to fall back on just normal stuff.

But now the dunk contest also speaks to the "black and white" "there is a winner" competition style that really speaks to people like me. I don't like relatively arbitrary votes determining who won. I don't like having arguments that "Player X had the best dunk of the tournament, but Player Y won".
We know who made or missed the dunks. We know how many attempts it took them to do so. Only in the event of a tie does the "silly" grading come in to play.

Imagine the rest of the field having to first watch Howard blow out the candle, and then they have to emulate it.
Or imagine the rest of the field attempting a foul line dunk.
Or Iggy's behind the backboard dunk.
etc etc.

Still allows for those creative, awesome dunks to be in play, but now it's more interesting.
Also, there's some drama, particularly in the finals...
"Wiggins has one more attempt to complete this dunk. If he makes it, he can still win. But if he misses this one attempt, he lost.. THE PRESSURE IS ON!"

02-16-2015, 12:53 PM
Either scrap the skills challenge or make it so people with actual skills have to win. You shouldn't be able to run half the court without dribbling like some mentally deficient 5th grader playing basketball for the first time.

You Cant Ban Me
02-16-2015, 12:55 PM
Im sure you lebald stans/kobetards would love a legends game so you can see a recently retired 40 year bron/rapist drop 40 points on a 60 year old jordan.Then you can make 1,000 threads on how he's the goat and jordan is no longer in the top 10 :roll:

02-16-2015, 01:12 PM
A college entrance test challenge. A spelling bee.

02-16-2015, 01:21 PM
home court advantage in the finals like the MLB does

02-16-2015, 01:32 PM
Keep the rookie/sophomore game like this year, world vs USA.

I didn't really like the changes in the skill challenges but whatever...

Remove the money-ball rack from the 3pt contest, make it like it used to be.

Try to get more stars for the dunk contest, have more than 4 players... Easier said than done though.

Would love to see a legends game but I highly doubt they'd do it nowadays.

HORSE would be very cool but I can't see it happening, at least not a great tournament. You don't have much time and I can't see the league/players doing a contest lasting for more than a day, after games or so, like they did back in the day.
Maybe remove the shooting stars and make a HORSE game involving 4 players and 2 rounds...

I wished the all-star game itself was more competitive like back in the day but I'm not seeing clear ways to make that happen.

Oh, and the announcers being heard across the arena was cringeworthy :facepalm

02-16-2015, 01:34 PM
A college entrance test challenge. A spelling bee.

there would be only half full rosters ......:eek: :eek:

02-16-2015, 01:35 PM
Oh, and the announcers being heard across the arena was cringeworthy :facepalm

for real...that was fukked up

02-16-2015, 05:51 PM
Celeb game is bleh. It's become too much of a "look at me" contest. But then again, it's not like I want to watch these uncoordinated buffoons just play basketball.

There needs to be incentive or something to make the US vs World, rookie/soph game, more competitive. Money? What does the winner get anyway? Also not going to go back and check, but what happens if the world team doesn't get enough players in the NBA to field a team? There's only so many non-US players drafted and often many of those second rounders stay overseas. Like I'm looking at the 2015 mock on DE and it looks like there's only 3 international players projected in the first round.

Shooting stars is fine. It is what it is, although ideally they would find WNBA players who can make those 8 foot shots. Miss it once... We all miss bunnies. Twice... Probably the pressure. After that... You need to find a new profession. Also back to the celeb game, get rid of the WNBA players. It's embarrassing.

Get better judges for the fashion thing. Parsons was ROBBED.

If you're sticking with the skills challenge, go back to the old format. I'd be fine with replacing it entirely. I honestly wouldn't mind bringing HORSE back. Especially considering how the focus of the game has shifted so much to shooting in recent years. Imagine something like Steph vs Crawford. As long as these guys don't throw brick after brick or lame shit like make a corner 3pter. Obviously a 1v1 or 2v2 competition would be amazing, but you're never going to get stars to do that.

No money rack in the 3pt contest. It was the one event that was already at the optimal performance and they still feel the need to touch it. Let it be. Also for the love of god don't have your announcers talking during the contest. Like seriously?

There's no saving the dunk contest. Lavine was great because he's Lavine. How many dunkers like him come into the league every year? Maybe zero? Zero? Yeah, it's under 1 on average. Once Lavine is done with this the contest goes to shit again. Even with Lavine in it, it's pretty much the Lavine show and a bunch of scrubs.

No one even cares about the allstar game. Although can we at least have the players trying in the final 5 or so minutes if the game is close? That's usually the case, except this year it didn't happen. These assholes just stood around and let people shoot open 3s to the end. I mean you had LeBron trying so desperately to win MVP and Westbrook playing like it were a regular season game. Overall it was just trading open 3s and dunks for the entirety of the game, including the final few minutes when the game was actually close. Disgusting. Might as well go straight NBA Jam mode and throw hot spots on there for 8 pointers and whatnot. Like what the Harlem Globetrotters do with the 4 pointers.

02-16-2015, 08:19 PM
get rid of the dunk contest because who cares, lock kevin hart away in a closet somewhere, dump the skills competition, don't let stupid ass stans/fans vote

02-16-2015, 08:22 PM
Make the game after the finals then the game is the Champs Vs the best of the other 29 teams.

02-16-2015, 08:33 PM
In the day, guys would go at each other in an allstar game to compete.

Now, you have to throw money or incentives to get these babies to play. The allstar game has been pretty lifeless, except for a couple of individual matchups like Lebron v kobe.

3 point contest was the most competitive e en I saw on the weekend. The rest was fluff.

02-16-2015, 09:40 PM
top 8 teams (regardless of conference) select 3 players on their team each to participate in a 3v3 tourney.

like a

Curry, Thompson, Bogut
Teague, Horford, Millsap

Zbo, Conley, Gasol
Lillard, Aldrigde, Matthews

winner gets some benefits in the playoffs or something.

02-16-2015, 10:06 PM
top 8 teams (regardless of conference) select 3 players on their team each to participate in a 3v3 tourney.

like a

Curry, Thompson, Bogut
Teague, Horford, Millsap

Zbo, Conley, Gasol
Lillard, Aldrigde, Matthews

winner gets some benefits in the playoffs or something.

That is about the only thing you could give the nba players they haven't got. A playoff incentive or advantage.

If some sort of playoff reward system was incorporated into the allstar game and 3 on 3 tournament, we will have nba players actually turn up to play.

02-16-2015, 10:13 PM
Celeb game is bleh. It's become too much of a "look at me" contest. But then again, it's not like I want to watch these uncoordinated buffoons just play basketball.

There needs to be incentive or something to make the US vs World, rookie/soph game, more competitive. Money? What does the winner get anyway? Also not going to go back and check, but what happens if the world team doesn't get enough players in the NBA to field a team? There's only so many non-US players drafted and often many of those second rounders stay overseas. Like I'm looking at the 2015 mock on DE and it looks like there's only 3 international players projected in the first round.

Shooting stars is fine. It is what it is, although ideally they would find WNBA players who can make those 8 foot shots. Miss it once... We all miss bunnies. Twice... Probably the pressure. After that... You need to find a new profession. Also back to the celeb game, get rid of the WNBA players. It's embarrassing.

Get better judges for the fashion thing. Parsons was ROBBED.

If you're sticking with the skills challenge, go back to the old format. I'd be fine with replacing it entirely. I honestly wouldn't mind bringing HORSE back. Especially considering how the focus of the game has shifted so much to shooting in recent years. Imagine something like Steph vs Crawford. As long as these guys don't throw brick after brick or lame shit like make a corner 3pter. Obviously a 1v1 or 2v2 competition would be amazing, but you're never going to get stars to do that.

No money rack in the 3pt contest. It was the one event that was already at the optimal performance and they still feel the need to touch it. Let it be. Also for the love of god don't have your announcers talking during the contest. Like seriously?

There's no saving the dunk contest. Lavine was great because he's Lavine. How many dunkers like him come into the league every year? Maybe zero? Zero? Yeah, it's under 1 on average. Once Lavine is done with this the contest goes to shit again. Even with Lavine in it, it's pretty much the Lavine show and a bunch of scrubs.

No one even cares about the allstar game. Although can we at least have the players trying in the final 5 or so minutes if the game is close? That's usually the case, except this year it didn't happen. These assholes just stood around and let people shoot open 3s to the end. I mean you had LeBron trying so desperately to win MVP and Westbrook playing like it were a regular season game. Overall it was just trading open 3s and dunks for the entirety of the game, including the final few minutes when the game was actually close. Disgusting. Might as well go straight NBA Jam mode and throw hot spots on there for 8 pointers and whatnot. Like what the Harlem Globetrotters do with the 4 pointers.

Agree with most of that.

I forgot about the celeb game... Thing I like the most is that you get to see some former players/legends, since I think there's no way we're getting another legends game.
Dude like Chris Mullin, this year, was just playing it easy and still "dominating", he was making some great passes and just seeing plays develop before anyone else, made some shots too when he felt like shooting, got a couple of blocks too... Stuff like skill and IQ (and even height ofc) never leaves. Cool to see.

02-16-2015, 10:32 PM
They did a legends game before, I think early 90s. Everyone was winded. It was before the rookie game started. I think it would be OK if you had the right guys who stay in shape. The shooting stars has shown a lot of guys do. Pippen, Mullen, Steve Smith, Reggie could all do it.

Some kind of back in time thing is needed though I agree.

Another cool idea, have past championship teams against each other. The wild card would be it could include active players. Like have the 2006 heat vs. The 2007 spurs.