View Full Version : Just how bad is Amare at this point in his career?

02-17-2015, 05:36 PM
Obviously the concern with him has ALWAYS been his defense and to a lesser extent rebounding on that atrocious contract. I'll admit that I have not watched 1 single Knick game this year, but just how bad can his defense be for him to be the net negative/0 impact player that most claim he is?

The guy is averaging 12 and 7 on good percentages in 24 MPG. Is his defense really so bad that he's not a solid player for the veterans minimum despite putting up those numbers?

Demon Lizard
02-17-2015, 05:38 PM
He'll add a scoring punch around the rim and some rebounding off the bench, but you can't rely on him for long stretches because of his D.

02-17-2015, 05:42 PM
He'll score and rebound fairly well but he will be inconsistent and nowhere on defense. also dont count on him to be a staple in their rotation.

02-17-2015, 06:03 PM
Prime Amare was a bad defender, so you know he isn't going to be great at it now.

02-17-2015, 06:27 PM
The fact that he's such a black hole on the defensive end is why I wasn't upset that Masai didn't take a bid on him. With that said, he would still be a tangible upgrade over Hansbrough. His defense is arguably the worst in the league up front though.

02-17-2015, 06:29 PM
He should go to OKC to give KD some much needed guidance.

02-17-2015, 06:42 PM
He's perfect off the bench. He can still drop 10+ easily, and he does gaurd his man straight up well. He's slow on rotations though, so playing him a max of 15 mins is ideal.

02-17-2015, 06:50 PM
Well, we are about to find out.

He is going to be put into the perfect situation...or at least as good as possible right now.

No pressure...playing next to Dirk and Tyson...with Rick coaching. He'll have multiple guards that can play pick and roll with him...and he's on a team that is pretty loaded so he won't be doubled unless he just starts going nuts.

If he can't make this work...he's finished.

02-17-2015, 07:11 PM
Well, we are about to find out.

He is going to be put into the perfect situation...or at least as good as possible right now.

No pressure...playing next to Dirk and Tyson...with Rick coaching. He'll have multiple guards that can play pick and roll with him...and he's on a team that is pretty loaded so he won't be doubled unless he just starts going nuts.

If he can't make this work...he's finished.

He's far from finished. He played great with this crap Knicks team with no weapons on the floor. He's proven to be healthy and can shoot well. He will be fine and a great pickup for the Mavs.

02-17-2015, 07:50 PM
Mavericks are the perfect scenario for him. There may be a little backlash from him, as he will expect all-star treatment. Besides his defense, a knock I always had on Amare was he thinks he's still the dominant player from 10 years ago. He's hardly that now.

Burgz V2
02-18-2015, 12:16 AM
pretty damn bad

02-18-2015, 09:23 AM
Colin Cowherd was saying a bunch of dumb shit about him on the radio, claiming he was an elite rebounder, and still was in limited minutes, and could help defend the rim. I have no idea how they let a national broadcaster say something that uninformed, and he says it with such confidence.

But Amare still can score. Even in limited minutes this year, he was still a net positive because he can still finish. And that was with a team that wasn't running anything he's apt for. The guy was and still is a PnR savant. He's one of the few guys who can both dive hard and suck in defenders, and also catch it in that weird in between space and use a bounce, or make a pass. That's pretty rare. And he even developed a little PnPop game in Pheonix and can still knock down that 17 18 footer.

Dallas is running tons of PnR. They have multiple guards who excel in it. Tyson Chandler is a classic PnR dive guy. And Dirk is a classic PnPop guy, plus he can space when he's not in it, and it allows him to play that elbow stuff because it starts out looking like PnR, then all of a sudden he's got the ball and everything is pinwheeling around him.

Having and extra big who can play PnR, something they gave up in the Rondo trade, to me seems like a huge help at a small cost. We're only talking 20 minutes a game.

02-18-2015, 09:30 AM
He's KD in 5 years.

02-18-2015, 12:10 PM
Effective scorer and a decent rebounder but nothing else. As a bench player on a contending team though? Pretty good.

He was money from mid-range last season, hitting 51% from 10-16 Ft and 42% from 16 ft - 3pt line, but has been inconsistent so far this year, probably has a lot to do with the terrible Knicks team he's playing on.

As a bench piece, he's valuable to any contender that needs a big man. He'd be a perfect fit for OKC.

02-18-2015, 01:20 PM
He is averaging 18/10 per 36 this year. He will be an effective player with the second unit for 20-25 minutes.

02-18-2015, 01:21 PM
The Devin Amare pick n roll will be pretty fun to watch.

02-18-2015, 01:26 PM
David West with bad D.

If he could still play 32+ minutes a game, he'd be putting up 16/8 easily. He's not too far off it now playing in the low 20s.