View Full Version : Get your "Did not read" pictures ready. Its absurd NBA hypothetical question time.

02-18-2015, 09:52 AM
2015 edition:

Lets say ISH has a contest....you write an article to enter...Jeff sends the person who writes the best piece to the 2016 all star Saturday night. Would have been the ASG itself...but hes not made of money. This is ISH not ESPN. Anyway you win...he gives you airfare to Toronto(Yes...its in Toronto next year) and when you get there he meets you...introduces you to Kyle Korver who hes somehow friends with.

You and Kyle hit it off...you watch him win the 3 point shootout with an absurd 28 of 30 in the finals which with the extra moneyballs...sets the record up in Wilt Chamberlain levels of unreachable. He asks if you want to go to Shaqs after party...and of course you do.

You are hanging out...few drinks...good time being had...and you notice a little commotion off in the distance. Someone comes over to Kyle over in a hurry and you see its...Charles Oakley and Chris Paul. They have JR Smith looking...bad. Not hurt...just kinda out of it. High...upset...you aren't sure. Hes quietly explaining something to the 3 of them...they agree to go take care of it.

Oak tells him "My guys are still busy with Nick Young....im on my own right now." Chris says he cant leave..hes waiting on Adam Silver to show...they have to discuss some things(Chris is the president of the players union...Kyle Korver is a vice president...if you didn't know). Oak asks Kyle to come...Kyle says they might need help...and to grab you. Oak hesitates and Kyle assure him..youre cool. You have the cosign from a players union VP...that's all Oakley needs.

You go with him and Kyle to a cab that takes you 3 to a hotel...you go upstairs(with JR Smiths keycard) and Oakley opens the door. Tells you and kyle to wait....he returns saying its not that bad. Shes probably ok. You go in and a beautiful young girl is passed out on the bed naked.

ak assures you shes ok....just did too much...he gestures to some pills on the night stand. JR panicked thinking the worst....he has you help take her to the shower and help clean her up. You get her in a robe and in bed...she starts coming around(Its been an hour or so). Oak and Korver talk to her and tell her to be cool...and everybody wins. As it turns out the drugs were JRs...he was doing them too. Thought she was maybe dying...freaked out. Called for help. Kyle tells her someone from Oakleys team would be back in a couple hours to make it right.

On the way down to the lobby you learn that Oakleys team..is called the Firemen(bit lame but its been the name since the 70s). They do nothing but solve tricky situations and keep them quiet. They are the reason you don't get NBA scandals at the rate you get in the NFL. They keep it behind closed doors. Oakley explains:

"Remember when Stern said he knew where the bodies were buried during the last lockout? He was talking about us. My team." He notes the worried look on your face and laughs "He didn't mean BODIES for real...but he knows the dirt" he said with a smile and a glance to Kyle that you took to mean...maybe he did mean bodies.

"Stern used what he knew to force us to take the owners final offer. I hated him...but I respected him. This new guy? He aint Stern." Kyle tells you Stern never fully trusted Silver and never let him in on the depth of the NBA/owner dirt. He kept him outside and never gave him so much as a hint. Now that hes gone progress can be made. He tells you Stern wont be a problem even from the shadows...that he is all ego and would love to see the NBA take a hit without him to force the public to acknowledge that he did the heavy lifting.

You go back to the party...Kyle puts you on a groupie...its a good night. You and Kyle stay in touch for the rest of the season. Kyle brings you out for a few games. You are good friends. Season ends(Thunder beat the Hawks in the finals if youre wondering)...and the talks begin to hopefully prevent a lockout from happening after the deal ends in 2017(remember...this is the 2016 summer...you have a year to work things out).

Kyle calls you one day and asks if you want to fly out to New York for the meetings...his treat...they have something important to talk to you about. Naturally you go....and you meet Kyle, Oakley, and union president Paul for lunch. Kyle tells you he told Paul about how you handled yourself with the incident. Said he trusted you...you have become pretty good friends. Kyle asks if you are willing to come a bit deeper down the rabbit hole...you reluctantly agree...having been assured they wouldn't ask you to do anything you were not comfortable with.

Here is the plan...

In the first round of negotiations the owners will all be staying in a 5 star hotel in New York that the league uses for such things. THe players stay there when road teams play in NY...and it was in fact the players union not the NBA who worked out the particulars of the leagues deal with the hotel. Because of that....the union has more relationships with the hotel than the owners. Plus...Oak tells you hes had a few jobs there...for anyone to start talking now? Mutually assured destruction. So the plan is this...Paul contacts the day to day operations manager and tells him he needs to put you on staff and assign you to the penthouse suite the owners use for private meetings. They need a total outsider since the owners may have developed relationships with the staff. This suite is catered nicely....has cleaning crew in and out...but they don't trust the employees as much as you...after what you did. Plus the owners know some of the guys...and guys like Cuban...big tippers. Staff takes care of these guys.

Paul "simply" wants you to go in each morning and plant a listening device in a couple spots. By the bigscreen....on the balcony. Plant them each morning...remove them each night while cleaning up the leftovers. He says you cant just leave it because the league has its own security at times do sweeps. Its a big enough risk to do it at all...you cant leave the devices indefinitely. He needs dirt on someone and this is how he gets it. You ask how you know they will say something he can use and he said not to worry about that. Says there is 50 thousand dollars in it for you.

You agree to the job.

02-18-2015, 09:53 AM
Part 2:

You manage to get it in the room and balcony on day one...no problems. The league has formally begun negotiations with the union when suddenly Paul starts the usual round of negotiations through the media. And hes really harping on the old stale issue...Donald Sterling and racism. You find it kinda lame hes still on the owners about the race issue but figure its just gamesmanship. Anyway you place the device the next morning and hear that Paul has a press conference called for just before the afternoons sessions. You notice as you help change from breakfast to lunch food at the table most of the owners and Adam Silver are there...I suppose getting their shit together for todays meetings with the players. Paul comes on the screen standing with Elgin Baylor....who at length recounts years of racism he saw and felt under Sterling and rumors of other owners feeling the same. The owners have the staff leave while they watch...visibly upset.

Next day you are shocked to wake to the news that a new deal has been reached.

The owners agreed to an unheard of 65-35 split, the max contract is now 8 years 300 million, roster size expanded to 18 spots 16 required filled, and the salary cap is approaching 200 million dollars. Sure wit hthe new TV deal that takes some of the sting off but you cant believe the owners caved like this.....unless of course....*as you later discover is the case*

Paul only brought up the Sterling issue again to get the owners talking about racism in "private" all together...and catch them saying something the media would kill them for...and use it as blackmail.

You go see Chris who at the sight of you drops what hes doing and comes to you and gives you a sly fist bump and tells you "This is all you.....meet me and Oak at like...3? By the pool out back. Got something for you."

They sit you down and give you 3 options for your reward.:

Option 1.

You get one of the new extra roster spots....at the new minimum pay of 1.5 million...3 year fully guaranteed contract. You travel with the team...stay with them on the road...you will never get into a game of course...but that aside you get the lifestyle of an NBA scrub. Get sick of the travel..they can arrange for you to be "injured" for entire seasons. Sit home and get paid. But once the 3 years is up...debt is paid...go your separate ways...everybody wins.

Total compensation...4.5 million...and probably thousands of pairs of shoes...and maybe an STD from one of the groupies sure to be after you. This is guaranteed money...nothing to risk

Option 2...

You travel to LA with Oakley and meet his west coast counterpart in the Firemen...Sam Perkins. Oakley tells you Perk is getting out of the game. But he needs a replacement. You would work under Sam for a year getting used ot the job...helping him put out "fires" in the entire NBA pacific division. First year pay...100,000...and if you are good enough...you take over his team when hes gone.

Pays 400,000 a year...on a 10 year handshake deal with the players union. If you like it...and they like you...you can sign another...and another. Open ended...this can be your career.

They stress to you...you will never sign a contract stating your job/duties...you will be a union consultant with no particular job description. Its up to future members of the union to keep this going...Paul cant promise what a future president might want to do...but says the firemen have existed since 1976 when Oscar Robertson founded them after the NBA aba merger combined the crazier ABA lifestyle with the already drugged out NBA guys and created image problems with the league. A young lawyer in the league...David Stern...helped set it up..and as long as they had him it was gonna continue..and be covered up. With Silver...who knows? But you have his word the job will be there as long as hes in the NBA...and if the union is smart it will always be. Oak tells you not to worry...these guys know the shit they do cant be allowed to hit the streets.

Total guaranteed compensation....100,000...if you are good...an additional 4 million over 10 years...open ended...potentially 400,000 a year...for life. If you have what it takes. Far more longterm money...learn the NBAs secrets...potentially go to jail I suppose.

Option 3...

Paul uses his contacts to get you a sports agent job at the agency Jay Z now partially runs. You start as a junior agent...80K a year. You go to colleges on the sly...recruit kids...try to get to them early for the agency. You get 20K a year to spend as you will on enticing these kids. You cant outright give it to them(so says the NCAA at least)...but you can use it to entertain in other off the record ways.

You dont get full commission(5%)...but you get 10% of the agency's commission on anyone you bring in. For example...say you brought in Derrick Rose...he signs a 100 million dollar deal...you don't get 5%...you get 10% of that 5%. So you get a half million dollars. But this is on EVERYONE you help bring in. You might bring up 4-5 guys who ended up with long term deals...NBA/NFL/MLB...whatever. You prove valuable...you get the senior agent rate...a flat 3% of everyone you bring in. So in the Rose example...you get 3 million of his 100. Agency keeps 2. Less guaranteed money....but you don't have to look over your shoulder...its...more or less...legal. And you could do this from now till age 80 if you wanted. End up richer than the athletes you rep.

Most potential money in option 3...but the most risk. You might be out on your ass after a year. Option 1....zero risk...but the least potential money. You could beat your NBA money with the second and third options in a few years....taxes considered? 4.5 million isn't a lifetime of money for someone your age. Option 2....more job security than option 3...more potential money than option 1...but more risk. You might well end up hiding bodies....but you have no evidence it will come to that.

Paul gives you till the morning to decide....and he walks off.

So....what option do you pick?

02-18-2015, 10:01 AM

02-18-2015, 10:03 AM
any cliffs?

02-18-2015, 10:06 AM
any cliffs?

A few NBA players drug some chick and rape her

I stopped reading at that point because I found it too far fetched since Kobe wasn't involved


02-18-2015, 10:12 AM
No rape....and I decided against Kobe/LeBron types because the players union leaders aren't really the big stars. Anthony Tolliver...Korver...Willie Green.

The union treasurer is James Jones.

Decided to stick with low key guys instead of forcing a superstar in.

02-18-2015, 10:12 AM
A few NBA players drug some chick and rape her

I stopped reading at that point because I found it too far fetched since Kobe wasn't involved

Got pretty boring after that part.

02-18-2015, 10:14 AM
Option 1 for me. Option 2 requires too much work for too long and option 3 is heavily dependent on your ability to bullshit people. Option 1 is only 3 years but think about how much fame and women you'd get? Hire a financial consultant to handle investments and you'd be golden. But do I get to choose my team or am I dumped on some team like the Jazz?

02-18-2015, 10:15 AM

Doug McDermott is the Bulls player rep....

Kelly Olynyk for the Celtics.

Just some random ass dudes.

02-18-2015, 10:17 AM
Option 1 for me. Option 2 requires too much work for too long and option 3 is heavily dependent on your ability to bullshit people. Option 1 is only 3 years but think about how much fame and women you'd get? Hire a financial consultant to handle investments and you'd be golden. But do I get to choose my team or am I dumped on some team like the Jazz?

Im thinking that after you nearly triple the salary cap and add at least 120 roster spots they would let you pick where to land.

02-18-2015, 10:21 AM
After the second paragraph, I kept waiting for you to introduce Bud Light.

Anyway, option 1. I don't care about the money. I'd actually "be" an NBA "player". That's worth more millions than I'm being paid.

02-18-2015, 10:24 AM
I'm taking reward #1. I'll wear a suit on the bench for 3 years for my $4.5m. It would be amazing to "play" for my favorite squad.

Then I'd just have to worry about shooting enough practice J's to be able to school normies once I'm out of the league.

02-18-2015, 10:25 AM
Option 1 - garanteed money wins.

Edit: then I'd publish my book "Inside an NBA team, the scandals", which also is filmed

02-18-2015, 10:39 AM
Option one was my at a glance pick....but after taxes/fees and so on....what is 4.5 million? About 1.8 I believe. For...life?

Its a damn good nest egg...but you still have to get a job.

Im confident in myself enough to think I could be a good agent...and the money could destroy the other two....but...eh. A boss not liking you could doom you from the jump.

Im not sure I don't take #2. Im gonna kick ass that first year...and get 4.1 million assured....and after 10 years? Im gonna re-up.

Id be digging holes in the desert for 40 years and retire richer than half the NBA. Get a couple cost of living raises...

Id be making 700K a year in my 50s I bet.

I see it as lump sum lottery payout vs the yearly installments.

Be nice to play as myself in NBA 2k17 and adjust my ratings so im a star though. Maybe be like...an 86. Not get out of line. NBA life ould be sweet....but I wouldn't feel like I earned it.

I could be proud dissolving some players ex girlfriend in acid. Not...proud im doing it...but id feel the pride of accomplishment.

Everybody wants to feel important....

02-18-2015, 10:42 AM
I could be proud dissolving some players ex girlfriend in acid. Not...proud im doing it...but id feel the pride of accomplishment.

Everybody wants to feel important....
Are you actually trolling? Interesting.

I wouldn't sell my morals for money. I've made some mistakes in my life. No need to continue to do so.

Not to mention... I'm currently used to working hard. Very hard. Give me the "easy" 4.5m, I'll invest it myself, and work moderately hard the rest of my life.

Too proud to take "blood money", and I'm not the type to sit on my butt and not work, anyway.

02-18-2015, 10:43 AM
Option one was my at a glance pick....but after taxes/fees and so on....what is 4.5 million? About 1.8 I believe. For...life?

More like ~2.3m depending on the state you live in. Enough to invest and pay yourself out ~90,000 a year indefinetly without impacting your principal

02-18-2015, 10:47 AM
I don't assume it would really come to that. But these groups do exist to some extent. In the NFL at least. I read a report on some guys teams would send to see to it that domestic violence incidents didn't make the news. Part of it:

The Post talked to two women, one of whom declined to be named because her ex-husband is still associated with the league. She recalled a night in the 1990s when several players were out celebrating the New Orleans Saints' first big win of the season. At one point, she says, her husband got mad and dragged her to their SUV while nearby officers were convinced not to intervene by a teammate. She says the attack grew worse at home:
He pushed me to the top of the stairs and shoved me over to the bed. When I stood up, he punched me, and the next thing I remember is coming to on the floor. I remember pulling my legs up to the fetal position to protect myself from his kick after kick. I was vomiting and gasping for air and remember screaming, 'You are going to kill me!' ...
Neighbors who saw the altercation begin outside their home had called the police. But when they arrived, instead of arresting her husband, the officers chatted and laughed with him about his successful game, she says. One requested an autograph for his kid. When her husband cleaned the blood from her face and ushered her downstairs to assure the police officers all was well in the home, they overlooked any evidence of abuse, she says, and as far as she knows they never filed a police report.

The next day, she says she was phoned by a representative from the Saints.
[The rep] said she called to 'check on me.' … I knew what the call meant. I think every wife knows innately what that call means: 'Your husband needs this job, and you don't want to take his dream away now do you?' I lost more than my dignity. I lost my voice, my self-confidence, my identity. I was just a football player's wife, collateral damage.

Dewan Smith-Williams is still married to former offensive lineman Wally Williams, though they live separately. Smith Williams recalled what happened in 2001, when police found marijuana inside their home. Then-Saints coach Jim Haslett left a note on their door telling them to call him before talking to anyone else, Smith-Williams said. Later, Haslett told her, "Don't talk to the media. Don't talk to the police. We will handle it." So when her husband did get violent, Smith-Williams remembered that advice.
The next year, during his final season, Williams tested positive for marijuana use and received a four-game suspension. So when Smith-Williams found marijuana in their Baltimore home, she confronted her husband about it. He stormed through their Baltimore house with a baseball bat, hitting doors, chairs and pictures while threatening her, she says. But after Coach Haslett's warning the previous year, she chose not to call the cops. Instead, she rang the NFLPA rep assigned to Williams's case. He told her to stay safe and to let Williams leave the house. He said that someone would call her back.

Ive read other stories on a couple union reps coming to "settle" issues for teams.

The players unions absolutely have hush squads.

Id probably lean towards the hush squad....but settle on agent.

That or take the money to join the league...and try to start an agency. But im sure it takes more than just...wanting to and have a couple million dollars. Id **** around and blow through the money getting started.

Ive read the hard part is getting the league to give you the ok. There are investigations/rules and so on.......

02-18-2015, 10:49 AM
Cannot believe I wasted precious moments of my life reading that st*t, why does this even belong on the main forum?

We have no respect for your fairytale dreams.

Real Men Wear Green
02-18-2015, 10:49 AM
No way in hell a guy gets trusted with all that dirt just because he's a friend of Kyle Korver.

Anyway, option 3. The most important thing is to hide any criminal activity. The other two options are a lot more risky. No one cares about the background of some agent in an agency.

In the case of option 1 a reporter is bound to wonder why a guy whose last competitive action was a college rec league has an NBA contract no matter whether I'm hidden on the injured list or not. And it would take some major digging to even find out about the rec league. It's completely unexplainable and would lead to some kind of investigation by a reporter and that could lead to being exposed. I disagree with the OP on this one, there's definitely risk.

Option 2 requires I become a career criminal. Every time something happens I get more and more risk. I'd almost expect to eventually be locked up and all of my money has to be thrown into safes. Not interested.

02-18-2015, 10:55 AM
No way in hell a guy gets trusted with all that dirt just because he's a friend of Kyle Korver.

Anyway, option 3. The most important thing is to hide any criminal activity. The other two options are a lot more risky. No one cares about the background of some agent in an agency.

In the case of option 1 a reporter is bound to wonder why a guy whose last competitive action was a college rec league has an NBA contract no matter whether I'm hidden on the injured list or not. And it would take some major digging to even find out about the rec league. It's completely unexplainable and would lead to some kind of investigation by a reporter and that could lead to being exposed. I disagree with the OP on this one, there's definitely risk.

Option 2 requires I become a career criminal. Every time something happens I get more and more risk. I'd almost expect to eventually be locked up and all of my money has to be thrown into safes. Not interested.

For option 1 I'd assume they'd make a fake background for you. Like "Oh he played in the Latvian outdoor league" lol

Plus, guys like JR Smith's brother make the NBA in obvious underhanded deals, people know what's going on but no one stops it.

02-18-2015, 10:56 AM
If I went into my planned side story on your antics with Korver this would have been an additional post at least. Just know....I did consider that he would be unwise to involve someone after only what I explained.

And I didn't think about the potential trouble in the first one....

But there are still walk ons aren't there? I believe you have to enter the draft....go undrafted...then you are a free agent.

I suppose a nosey reporter could do some digging...but im not sure he could find anything criminal. Someone would have to talk.

How can he prove you aren't awesome in practice when healthy?

The Magic at least used to do a summer invitational for walk ons. I think they could rig it....but you couldn't be out and about being seen on tv and not explained.

Real Men Wear Green
02-18-2015, 11:08 AM
For option 1 I'd assume they'd make a fake background for you.

Plus, guys like JR Smith's brother make the NBA in obvious underhanded deals, people know what's going on but no one stops it.
With no footage of me playing anywhere whatsoever? And no one ever having seen me play a minute for the NCAA? It would look extremely weird at best. There isn't a player in the league without any footage. Not even the guys from overseas.
If I went into my planned side story on your antics with Korver this would have been an additional post at least. Just know....I did consider that he would be unwise to involve someone after only what I explained.

And I didn't think about the potential trouble in the first one....

But there are still walk ons aren't there? I believe you have to enter the draft....go undrafted...then you are a free agent.

I suppose a nosey reporter could do some digging...but im not sure he could find anything criminal. Someone would have to talk.

How can he prove you aren't awesome in practice when healthy?

The Magic at least used to do a summer invitational for walk ons. I think they could rig it....but you couldn't be out and about being seen on tv and not explained.
It does avoid criminal prosecution if no one talks but if we're looking at the rest of mny life I'm not sure no one ever comes out with anything. You will always have guys that blow all their money after retirement and write tell-all books. And people are guaranteed to investigate why a guy no one has ever heard of has an NBA contract and never plays. At best you get to keep your money and are just highly suspect like Chris Smith. But you can never be sure that you aren't about to be exposed.

02-18-2015, 11:19 AM
Who thinks of shit like this? Get your mind out of the gutter. :oldlol:

02-18-2015, 11:23 AM
It seems the NBA doesn't offer walk ons for the summer league anymore...instead:


You can just come off the street and get a spot in the NBDL. Go undrafted...youre a free agent.

I figure that's how they rig it.

02-18-2015, 11:23 AM
Stop doing Speed.

02-18-2015, 11:27 AM
Who thinks of shit like this? Get your mind out of the gutter. :oldlol:

The concept of a sports league union hush squad is interesting to me.

You know they exist. I doubt Charles Oakley runs it or they are just....really really active...but if a player screws up I think there is someone to call who does not contact the cops.

Probably give you the number in the mandatory rookie meetings where they school you on NBA life.

That or its just....an assistant coach. The NFL is dirty as hell with these things. Lots of "Some guy called...said not to call the cops...." stories.

Id like to think the NBA version wouldn't be so active.

Real Men Wear Green
02-18-2015, 11:29 AM
It seems the NBA doesn't offer walk ons for the summer league anymore...instead:


You can just come off the street and get a spot in the NBDL. Go undrafted...youre a free agent.

I figure that's how they rig it.
A guy would still have to do something in the NBDL to show they had some kind of game. Which means that the opposing team is letting them score.

Am I being a spoilsport?

02-18-2015, 11:33 AM
Not at all.

I think you skip the NBDL stage totally. It just gives you a plausible explanation when a reporter asks why you don't have records.

NBDL walkon....gets you into the draft...undrafted free agent....minimum contract....injured.

I don't think anyone looks too deep. If you are like....5'6'' and visibly out of shape...sure.

I could pass for an NBDL guard at a glance. Im sure many could.

Im "hurt"...out of sight....the league just expanded rosters to 18...we have 100+ new scrubs who otherwise wouldn't be in the league.

Id be lost in the shuffle of new bodies I bet.

02-18-2015, 11:40 AM
Not at all.

I think you skip the NBDL stage totally. It just gives you a plausible explanation when a reporter asks why you don't have records.

NBDL walkon....gets you into the draft...undrafted free agent....minimum contract....injured.

I don't think anyone looks too deep. If you are like....5'6'' and visibly out of shape...sure.

I could pass for an NBDL guard at a glance. Im sure many could.

Im "hurt"...out of sight....the league just expanded rosters to 18...we have 100+ new scrubs who otherwise wouldn't be in the league.

Id be lost in the shuffle of new bodies I bet.
^this. You just have to look the part of an end of the bench scrub. I'm 6' 175 with very low body fat and long arms. I look like I could have played shitty college ball somewhere (when in reality I player shitty college water polo lol). I think I could pass. There are plenty of foreign players with little to no available footage.

Plus in this hypothetical we're talking about a widespread PR conspiracy already...what's a little more cover up?

02-18-2015, 11:43 AM
Can I choose option 2 and then transition into option 3 after I've built up a huge number of contacts and collected intel on half the league's players?

If I had to choose just 1 tho... I would probably go with option 3. I'd be willing to risk it for the upside, especially given the new cap situation in the league and the friendships I already have in the player's union. You have a few good years and you are basically set even at the lower commission level to start.

02-18-2015, 11:47 AM
If you get someone like Anthony Davis on your team...he signs a 300 million dollar deal.....your 3 percent sets you up nicely. Hell your 10% of the 5% agency total would be nice if you aren't a senior agent yet. Whats that...1.5 million?

But its hard to get those guys. Easier at a giant agency though I guess.

The more I think about it...the closer I get to #3.

02-18-2015, 12:04 PM
If you get someone like Anthony Davis on your team...he signs a 300 million dollar deal.....your 3 percent sets you up nicely. Hell your 10% of the 5% agency total would be nice if you aren't a senior agent yet. Whats that...1.5 million?

But its hard to get those guys. Easier at a giant agency though I guess.

The more I think about it...the closer I get to #3.

Plus you get a commission on endorsement money. I'd imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to sign a couple top flight HS/college guys if they know you run around with CP3 and Korver. Maybe get one of those guys to invite prospects to a summer pick-up game or something like that. Also, I feel like job security is legit at Jay-Z agency if CP3 and a group of NBA fixers are calling in a favor to get you the position.

02-18-2015, 12:06 PM
Didn't read; too long.

02-18-2015, 01:39 PM
Option 3. Being a no name scrub is lame and dissolving some players ex gf with acid is psychotic.

02-18-2015, 01:40 PM
Btw LeBron Jamesis the new VP of the Nbapa

02-18-2015, 02:52 PM

This is some wacky shit kblaze.

I'm taking option 3 though.

02-18-2015, 03:57 PM
Option number one no doubt.

02-18-2015, 03:57 PM
I'd definitely pick option number 2. Live that mafia lifestyle baby. No problem trading morals for money.

You got to dissolve some groupie in acid? Put a bullet in the head of KD's boyfriend when he threatens to go public with their relationship? Bury Lance Stephenson in the foundation of a building? Living life in the fastlane right there.

You'd probably wind up as the most powerful man in the NBA if you played your cards right. You could make a lot more than the $400k a year they pay you if you possess enough secrets to literally destroy the league.