View Full Version : Just when you thought ISIS couldn't get more evil.New revenue source=organ harvesting

HitandRun Reggie
02-18-2015, 01:14 PM
Harvesting organs from it's healthy victims for profit and executing doctors and people with medical experience who refuse to attempt the procedure of organ removal. :biggums:

"ISIS' horrifying trade in human organs, which was revealed by MailOnline last December, is just the latest way for the terrorist organisation to finance its activities, with other major sources of the group's $2 million-a-day income being the sale of oil, ransom payments, and smuggled antiques.

Speaking of ISIS' organ harvesting operations, Mr Alhakim said: 'We have bodies. Come and examine them. It is clear they are missing certain parts.'

He also said a dozen doctors have been 'executed' in Mosul for refusing to participate in organ harvesting"


02-18-2015, 01:28 PM

02-18-2015, 01:35 PM
The most inappropriate meme ever?

02-18-2015, 01:41 PM
Eh, they are just harvesting Muslim organs right now so no one cares. Just wait for the first white person to be harvested. Then and only then, this will suddenly this will become a terrible and despicable thing that needs to be stopped immediately.

02-18-2015, 01:47 PM
As long as they don't give me the heart of a beta.

02-18-2015, 01:48 PM
As long as they don't give me the heart of a beta.


02-18-2015, 02:01 PM
If only they were Jehovas Witnesses

02-18-2015, 02:03 PM
Also, if they are resorting to this for funds, they must be running out of money. Hopefully this whole thing is nearing its end.

02-18-2015, 02:09 PM
Eh, they are just harvesting Muslim organs right now so no one cares. Just wait for the first white person to be harvested. Then and only then, this will suddenly this will become a terrible and despicable thing that needs to be stopped immediately.
How do you know that? :facepalm

Also, if they are resorting to this for funds, they must be running out of money. Hopefully this whole thing is nearing its end.
Clueless is clueless

02-18-2015, 02:52 PM
Eh, they are just harvesting Muslim organs right now so no one cares. Just wait for the first white person to be harvested. Then and only then, this will suddenly this will become a terrible and despicable thing that needs to be stopped immediately.

i agree

02-18-2015, 06:27 PM
Eh, they are just harvesting Muslim organs right now so no one cares. Just wait for the first white person to be harvested. Then and only then, this will suddenly this will become a terrible and despicable thing that needs to be stopped immediately.

N1gga, y you always whining about white people?

02-18-2015, 08:56 PM
Eh, they are just harvesting Muslim organs right now so no one cares. Just wait for the first white person to be harvested. Then and only then, this will suddenly this will become a terrible and despicable thing that needs to be stopped immediately.
You so racist...

02-18-2015, 09:18 PM
Eh, they are just harvesting Muslim organs right now so no one cares. Just wait for the first white person to be harvested. Then and only then, this will suddenly this will become a terrible and despicable thing that needs to be stopped immediately.

Preaching to the wrong choir.

Please don't make other muslims look bad..

02-18-2015, 09:24 PM
As long as they don't give me the heart of a beta.

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

02-19-2015, 03:33 AM
As long as they don't give me the heart of Lebron.

Fixed up that grammatical error for you. Free of charge.

02-19-2015, 07:07 AM
"The world doesn't believe that you are fighting for freedom. Cause you ****ed the Middle East and gave birth to a demon. "

Immortal Technique said this years ago, dude is smart.

02-19-2015, 08:31 AM
Look. Isis are disgusting so-called human beings, but these daily or weekly reports of atrocities is getting ridiculous.

Curveball (the Iraqi informant )spread lies about Hussein's mobile nuclear labs which turned out to be milk pasteurization labs, but didn't stop Colin Powell from going to the UN with this misinformation/warmongering.

The Iraqi government , who refuses to fight Isis, & in fact dropped valuable US weapons & ran are throwing this out their.

You must keep the outrageous stories/rumors/misinformation & straight out lies going to keep the worlds attention .

Some one has got to fight ISIS & keep the war drums pounding in the West.

Isn't the daily mail a tabloid & who really trusts Iraqi government information/rumors?

02-19-2015, 08:33 AM
Eh, they are just harvesting Muslim organs right now so no one cares. Just wait for the first white person to be harvested. Then and only then, this will suddenly this will become a terrible and despicable thing that needs to be stopped immediately.

Would you rather be a muslim or a christian in the middle-east right now?

Stop pretending it's only Muslims who are having a hard time over there. The Christians are the most unfortunate, the most outnumbered, and the most persecuted (unless there was some Jews about, they'd be treated even worse). Your sympathy is a one-way street, seriously.

02-19-2015, 08:35 AM
The sad thing is all the oldest Christian regions of the world in the Middle East are getting destroyed by these people. Sooner rather than later there will be no history of Christianity in that region.

02-19-2015, 09:01 AM
Tis true. And the leader of the largest Christian nation (formally secular, i know) in the world stands back and doesn't even give tacit support to the Egyptians making bombing raids as reprisal for the beheadings of the Coptics. Obama just will not stand up for Christians: remind them of the crusades and slavery, yes, and tell them their oppressors aren't real members of the Religion of Peace, so to relax a bit; but stand up for them? God forbid! Even I think it's disgraceful, and I am and have never been a friend of the Christian faith.

Look. Isis are disgusting so-called human beings, but these daily or weekly reports of atrocities is getting ridiculous.

Curveball (the Iraqi informant )spread lies about Hussein's mobile nuclear labs which turned out to be milk pasteurization labs, but didn't stop Colin Powell from going to the UN with this misinformation/warmongering.

The Iraqi government , who refuses to fight Isis, & in fact dropped valuable US weapons & ran are throwing this out their.

You must keep the outrageous stories/rumors/misinformation & straight out lies going to keep the worlds attention .

Some one has got to fight ISIS & keep the war drums pounding in the West.

Isn't the daily mail a tabloid & who really trusts Iraqi government information/rumors?IS is not really the kind of group you need to make up stories about. They revel in violence and brutality, glorify these things, and then send them round the world.

This story is nothing compared to what they actually do. And of course, what they film and edit will not even be anything close to the worst of it.

02-19-2015, 09:22 AM
So people still believe everything they read about ISIS? You realize the media is just trying to sell us on a new war for the Military Industrial Complex, right? It's mostly fake.

Don't fall for it. Ignore it. Completely. Never talk about ISIS. Don't discuss it with your friends. Change the channel if the TV talks about ISIS. Only way to win.

Just ignore everything about ISIS. Your life will never ever be impacted by it. Worry about real threats to your life and health....

02-19-2015, 02:13 PM
IS is not really the kind of group you need to make up stories about. They revel in violence and brutality, glorify these things, and then send them round the world.

This story is nothing compared to what they actually do. And of course, what they film and edit will not even be anything close to the worst of it.

But we just take any rumor from the Iraqi government which flat out refuses to engage ISIS ,actually surrender their weapons(worth billions to US tax payers) & wants the West to fight for them?

I'm sick of the planted stories & warmongering. Sounds like the awful stories about our ex friend Sadaam Hussein during our run up to war in 2003. Suddenly our ex friend was a horrible rapist , torturer who 'gassed his own people'.

Ignoring the fact that the US helped him obtain these weapons & sat by quietly when he gassed the Kurds & refused to condemn him at the UN . The US also resfused sanctions against Iraq & even erroneously blamed the attack on our enemy Iran .

It sounds like the same media assisting with the fear & wongering 'he gassed his own people'(among other atrocities) in an attempt to lead us into war.

I can give you a long list of atrocities committed worldwide which we completely ignore.

02-19-2015, 02:20 PM
So people still believe everything they read about ISIS? You realize the media is just trying to sell us on a new war for the Military Industrial Complex, right? It's mostly fake.

Don't fall for it. Ignore it. Completely. Never talk about ISIS. Don't discuss it with your friends. Change the channel if the TV talks about ISIS. Only way to win.

Just ignore everything about ISIS. Your life will never ever be impacted by it. Worry about real threats to your life and health....

If it was only that easy I am sick of hearing about this group:cheers:

02-19-2015, 02:24 PM
Albanian terrorists have been doing this for years in Kosovo under the eye of NATO and EU peacekeepers. Hundreds of Serbs, Gypsies, Gorani and anti-KLA Albanians have had their organs harvested and sent into Western Europe. And all with the direct support of the United States. Google 'the White House Kosovo' for more information.

Carla Del Ponte who was the head prosecutor anat the International Criminal Tribunal was fored from her job for attempting to open up investigation against these American backed terrorists

And this has been proven & happening for years & I had never really heard of it(had to google) although I have heard of this stuff in India/Asia. Beheadings are going on in Mexico & similar atrocities in ongoing Civil Wars in Africa & other parts of the world.

We ignore this stuff ,for the most part, ,but every story that comes out of the Middle East we report every disgusting act (fact based or not ) to justify our thirst to interfere in the Mid-East..

CNN is now reporting that ISIS is 'forcing' people to donate blood & doing their duty to prepare us for war just as they did in 2003.

02-19-2015, 03:45 PM
But we just take any rumor from the Iraqi government which flat out refuses to engage ISIS ,actually surrender their weapons(worth billions to US tax payers) & wants the West to fight for them?

I'm sick of the planted stories & warmongering. Sounds like the awful stories about our ex friend Sadaam Hussein during our run up to war in 2003. Suddenly our ex friend was a horrible rapist , torturer who 'gassed his own people'.

Ignoring the fact that the US helped him obtain these weapons & sat by quietly when he gassed the Kurds & refused to condemn him at the UN . The US also resfused sanctions against Iraq & even erroneously blamed the attack on our enemy Iran .

It sounds like the same media assisting with the fear & wongering 'he gassed his own people'(among other atrocities) in an attempt to lead us into war.

I can give you a long list of atrocities committed worldwide which we completely ignore.
Thanks for reciting me a long list of things i already know, and have known for a long time. Cheers for the enlightenment buddy :applause: .

Saddam was all those things - i don't know what your point is there. He did gas the Kurds, and was one of the worst tyrants around - none of this has anything to do with the war being a poorly planned disaster (and you have no idea just how poorly things were managed after Saddam). Seriously, what the **** is this nonsense? I said nothing about intervention, only that they clearly engage in more barbaric activities than this, so i would not be at all surprised if it's true. How do you reply to this? With a list of irrelevant drivel, and even a promise to deliver me a list of yet more drivel. Well, thanks for the info!

The US supported Saddam against Iran? Gee, who knew...:sleeping

edit: i should also mention that what is of particular interest to the media with ISIS is that thousands of these people are European and American citizens. That alone makes it far more interesting to Europeans and Americans than any of the other atrocities you care to mention (particularly the risk of them returning, which many have). It doesn't take a genius to figure out why the media might be interested in a British man decapitating Americans, i mean really.

So people still believe everything they read about ISIS? You realize the media is just trying to sell us on a new war for the Military Industrial Complex, right? It's mostly fake.

Don't fall for it. Ignore it. Completely. Never talk about ISIS. Don't discuss it with your friends. Change the channel if the TV talks about ISIS. Only way to win.

Just ignore everything about ISIS. Your life will never ever be impacted by it. Worry about real threats to your life and health....
Yeah, no one wants to do you any harm. The world is all safe and happy bunnies except for the Military Industrial Complex :rolleyes:

It's all made up, that's right; i sometimes wonder what it must be like to live in a world as fantastically deluded as the one you inhabit.

02-20-2015, 08:14 AM

Would you rather be a muslim or a christian in the middle-east right now?

Stop pretending it's only Muslims who are having a hard time over there. The Christians are the most unfortunate, the most outnumbered, and the most persecuted (unless there was some Jews about, they'd be treated even worse). Your sympathy is a one-way street, seriously.

Spot on.
