View Full Version : KD - "I was loyal, if it come down to that. My deals up in 2016, Ive been here 9 yrs"

J Shuttlesworth
02-19-2015, 04:48 AM
"I was loyal," said Durant. "If it comes down to that, I mean: I was. My deal's up in 2016. I'll have been here nine years. I could have easily wanted out. I could have easily not signed the extension after my rookie contract. I could have not played as hard every night. But people tend to forget."


02-19-2015, 04:52 AM
Roc Nation is feeding Durant the bull...Expect him to bolt to a big market when he is a free agent.

02-19-2015, 04:54 AM
What he needs to understand is, beginning next season, it's going to be an issue. The Thunder are going to want him to sign an extension, or risk losing him for nothing. 2016 isn't that far away.

02-19-2015, 04:54 AM
Best player in the world

02-19-2015, 05:31 AM
For his sake, I hope he leaves. Thunder management clearly is not committed to winning a title.

02-19-2015, 05:34 AM
Durant has been talking too much lately :lol

02-19-2015, 05:40 AM
He'll apologize tomorrow.

02-19-2015, 05:42 AM
Durant has been talking too much lately :lol


Taller than CP3
02-19-2015, 05:42 AM
KD needs to shut the **** up and just play ball.

I liked him more when he was quiet and wore a backpack to press conferences.

02-19-2015, 05:48 AM
For his sake, I hope he leaves. Thunder management clearly is not committed to winning a title.

Thunder ownership is not committed. I'm sure if it were up to Presti, he would of gave Harden the max extension and amnestied Perkins, etc etc.

02-19-2015, 05:49 AM
Lebron and Kyrie should push Love out of cleveland so Durant can join :lol

02-19-2015, 06:00 AM
Kevin Durant should be mad.

Clay Bennett ruined his legacy.

Yes, he's only 26, but if Bennett hadn't been too cheap to pay Harden and hadn't been too cheap to fire Brooks and replace him with a competent coach, Durant easily has two titles by now, possibly a third by the end of this season.

Miami still beats them in 2012 obviously, but it's very likely that OKC with Harden and a new coach wins the title in 2013 and 2014.

Durant would've surpassed LeBron as the best player in the NBA if he beat him head to head in 2013, and he would likely add to his legacy with a FMVP.

It's mind blowing that Durant could be on his way to a third straight title and FMVP, but instead he might leave OKC with zero.

LeBron's legacy would be different if OKC beat them in the 2013 and 2014 finals, as he'd officially be 1/5, completely changing how people view him. Hell, Durant might even end up higher on the all time lists when all was said and done.

Now Durant still has a chance to win a title and a FMVP, but he will never have a chance to have a dynasty like he could've had in OKC.

The worst part is that this isn't revisionist history or looking at things in hindsight, this is literally common sense that any normal basketball fan would've done. Everyone knew the Harden trade was bad at the time, (maybe no one expected him to become an MVP candidate, but it was still very poorly received at the time) and everyone has been calling for Scott Brooks' head ever since Spoelstra coached circles around him in the 2012 finals.

Durant has every reason to be mad with OKC management and I won't blame him at all if he leaves.

It's ironic, but Clay Bennett screwed over Oklahoma City almost as much as he screwed over Seattle. Sure, Seattle doesn't have a team anymore, but if KD and Westbrook leave, OKC might as well not have a team either, because they will never draft 3 MVP caliber players in a row again, no one will sign there, and management will be too cheap to do anything about it.

Hope Clay Bennett enjoyed that 4.5 million dollars he saved by not signing James Harden, because OKC won't be profitable for a lonnnnnnnnnnnng time if Durant leaves.

02-19-2015, 06:06 AM
choosing Ibaka over Harden :roll:

02-19-2015, 06:11 AM
would be hilarious if he went to Houston

02-19-2015, 06:12 AM
washington fans be like :cheers: :banana: :lebronamazed: :djparty :party: :party: :party:

02-19-2015, 06:16 AM
I mean, besides some HUGE move made by OKC, it's obvious durant is REALLY understanding how he is losing his prime years. He is going to bolt in FA.

He probably feels like lebron in 2009 where he put 38/8/8 and they still lost to the magic due to bad team construction, only in durant's case it's worse because okc had so much more talent to work with. Not to mention the imbecile coach.

02-19-2015, 08:25 AM
I mean, besides some HUGE move made by OKC, it's obvious durant is REALLY understanding how he is losing his prime years. He is going to bolt in FA.

He probably feels like lebron in 2009 where he put 38/8/8 and they still lost to the magic due to bad team construction, only in durant's case it's worse because okc had so much more talent to work with. Not to mention the imbecile coach.

losing prime years?

with another MVP-form teamm8 like WB? . With ibaka? nah, not wasting his prime. the team construction is good as well. sometime you just need a little bit luck and you win it all

OKC are lucky that davis and holliday ware out and so that NO is out of playoff race. I predict a very deep playoff run by Durant and OKC.

02-19-2015, 08:40 AM
lol...so kd saying his loyalty ends with his contract

02-19-2015, 08:44 AM
losing prime years?

with another MVP-form teamm8 like WB? . With ibaka? nah, not wasting his prime. the team construction is good as well. sometime you just need a little bit luck and you win it all

OKC are lucky that davis and holliday ware out and so that NO is out of playoff race. I predict a very deep playoff run by Durant and OKC.

you can't win without COACHING..
no to mention losing harden.

every year not winning or not getting to the finals is lost on a high caliber player like durant.

Da Doc04
02-19-2015, 08:47 AM
washington fans be like :cheers: :banana: :lebronamazed: :djparty :party: :party: :party:

you know it!!! cant wait to see him in a Wiz jersey :rockon: :pimp:

02-19-2015, 09:06 AM
Lebron and Kyrie should push Love out of cleveland so Durant can join :lol

Kevin don

02-19-2015, 09:10 AM
washington fans be like :cheers: :banana: :lebronamazed:
:dancin :dancin :djparty :dancin :dancin :durantunimpressed:

02-19-2015, 09:12 AM
KD to LA:applause:

02-19-2015, 09:19 AM

02-19-2015, 09:33 AM
Rip okc if Alfred leaves, GOATbrook will be gone as well.

02-19-2015, 09:37 AM

dese hoes ain't loyal

02-19-2015, 11:12 AM
Kevin Durant should be mad.

Clay Bennett ruined his legacy.

Yes, he's only 26, but if Bennett hadn't been too cheap to pay Harden and hadn't been too cheap to fire Brooks and replace him with a competent coach, Durant easily has two titles by now, possibly a third by the end of this season.

Miami still beats them in 2012 obviously, but it's very likely that OKC with Harden and a new coach wins the title in 2013 and 2014.

Durant would've surpassed LeBron as the best player in the NBA if he beat him head to head in 2013, and he would likely add to his legacy with a FMVP.

It's mind blowing that Durant could be on his way to a third straight title and FMVP, but instead he might leave OKC with zero.

LeBron's legacy would be different if OKC beat them in the 2013 and 2014 finals, as he'd officially be 1/5, completely changing how people view him. Hell, Durant might even end up higher on the all time lists when all was said and done.

Now Durant still has a chance to win a title and a FMVP, but he will never have a chance to have a dynasty like he could've had in OKC.

The worst part is that this isn't revisionist history or looking at things in hindsight, this is literally common sense that any normal basketball fan would've done. Everyone knew the Harden trade was bad at the time, (maybe no one expected him to become an MVP candidate, but it was still very poorly received at the time) and everyone has been calling for Scott Brooks' head ever since Spoelstra coached circles around him in the 2012 finals.

Durant has every reason to be mad with OKC management and I won't blame him at all if he leaves.

It's ironic, but Clay Bennett screwed over Oklahoma City almost as much as he screwed over Seattle. Sure, Seattle doesn't have a team anymore, but if KD and Westbrook leave, OKC might as well not have a team either, because they will never draft 3 MVP caliber players in a row again, no one will sign there, and management will be too cheap to do anything about it.

Hope Clay Bennett enjoyed that 4.5 million dollars he saved by not signing James Harden, because OKC won't be profitable for a lonnnnnnnnnnnng time if Durant leaves.
this is so stupid. two can play at this game.

KD had it better than Lebron ever had in Cleveland. Lebron never had teammates like Westbrook, Harden, and Ibaka.

ruined legacy? talk about Lebron rotting in Cleveland for 7 years. you're talking about Lebron going 1/5. How about Lebron getting past the Celtics and winning over the Kobe-led Lakers if he had even a cast as good as Durant's.

and you're talking about coaching? :yaohappy: as if Mike Brown was some God-touched coach Lebron had in Cleveland.

Don't talk about what-ifs and ruined legacies. Lebron has had it far worse than KD and he won through it all. imagine if Cleveland surrounded him with talent in the beggining. he would never have left Cleveland at all and all this talk about his ruined legacy would not be happening.

02-19-2015, 11:40 AM
this is so stupid. two can play at this game.

KD had it better than Lebron ever had in Cleveland. Lebron never had teammates like Westbrook, Harden, and Ibaka.

ruined legacy? talk about Lebron rotting in Cleveland for 7 years. you're talking about Lebron going 1/5. How about Lebron getting past the Celtics and winning over the Kobe-led Lakers if he had even a cast as good as Durant's.

and you're talking about coaching? :yaohappy: as if Mike Brown was some God-touched coach Lebron had in Cleveland.

Don't talk about what-ifs and ruined legacies. Lebron has had it far worse than KD and he won through it all. imagine if Cleveland surrounded him with talent in the beggining. he would never have left Cleveland at all and all this talk about his ruined legacy would not be happening.

Apples and oranges. OKC had the luxury of lottery picks when they were still developing, Cavs did not. And contrary to most casual fans stupid ass beliefs, you need great assets to pull of superstar trades of which the cavs had none. Despite that, they still assembled good teams that had legit shots to win. Danny Ferry is not and was not a moron.

And let's not forget a lot of luck happened with OKC. If portland had drafted Durant, if Thabeet had not already been picked.. etc.

02-19-2015, 11:45 AM
Bye bye Durant.

02-19-2015, 11:47 AM
Honestly KD talks to much. Needs to STFU and just play. Rings aren't won with words they're won with action. Over the last 3 years KD has been on the decline in the playoffs. Step up.

Angel Face
02-19-2015, 11:58 AM
Starting to dislike KD, he bitches too much these days. :facepalm

02-19-2015, 12:06 PM
Starting to dislike KD, he bitches too much these days. :facepalm

he needs to just be more open instead of trying to be fake nice and shit.

it's clear he isn't happy about something in OKC. probably them keeping their coach and just letting things get progressively worse the last 2 years. Where's the urgency to get a coach who isn't a dumbass and to get talent that will fit in and stick?

OKC's front office is overrated. they suck

02-19-2015, 12:23 PM
Honestly KD talks to much. Needs to STFU and just play. Rings aren't won with words they're won with action. Over the last 3 years KD has been on the decline in the playoffs. Step up.

he needs the ball to do that ... there is the problem, his pg doesn't look to pass as much as he should and his coach is too busy sucking his manager to pay attention to the game (not that it matters), all this in that horrid iso heavy okc offense.

02-19-2015, 12:26 PM
he needs the ball to do that ... there is the problem, his pg doesn't look to pass as much as he should and his coach is too busy sucking his manager to pay attention to the game (not that it matters), all this in that horrid iso heavy okc offense.
Durant has won plenty of scoring titles. Unless you want him scoring 40 points a game. His PG passes plenty.

They need a system in place though. ISO offense, these guys don't have limitless energy where they can do it all game. That's why we saw them fail a couple of times in the final minutes of them playoff games. It's hard to beat a team going 1 on 1 over and over, especially a team like the Spurs. I remember Spree and Houston doing that in 99. It worked for them but that might be because the weak east and they got hot. This Western Conference... is scary good.

02-19-2015, 12:29 PM
Starting to dislike KD, he bitches too much these days. :facepalm

don't you dislike any basketball player not named michael jordan or that can't be used to prop jordan more?

02-19-2015, 12:30 PM
he needs the ball to do that ... there is the problem, his pg doesn't look to pass as much as he should and his coach is too busy sucking his manager to pay attention to the game (not that it matters), all this in that horrid iso heavy okc offense.

that's the thing tho. ever since harden left they haven't been the same team. it was goatbrook and alfred vs everyone else. ibaka has been average at best while the rest of the roster has been in development mode. brooks just looks like he has no idea what he's doing and just does one of two things. iso kd or iso westbrook.

02-19-2015, 12:36 PM
Durant has won plenty of scoring titles. Unless you want him scoring 40 points a game. His PG passes plenty.

They need a system in place though. ISO offense, these guys don't have limitless energy where they can do it all game. That's why we saw them fail a couple of times in the final minutes of them playoff games. It's hard to beat a team going 1 on 1 over and over, especially a team like the Spurs. I remember Spree and Houston doing that in 99. It worked for them but that might be because the weak east and they got hot. This Western Conference... is scary good.

imo KD should get enough shots to score 32-33-34 pts. He is that good of a scorer.

their offensive system is indeed a mess, my post implied that shot distribution is much more related to coaching. Westbrook not being the greatest floor general is just a bonus.

02-19-2015, 12:42 PM
So it begins.

02-19-2015, 02:14 PM
Well.....on the plus side I might be able to afford season tickets again in a few years.

02-19-2015, 02:23 PM
Kevin Durant is imploding mentally. He broke it off with his fiance? Dude is having a meltdown. A mid-career crisis. That is BS about his ex. He broke it off because of all the hoes he's been able to get with since becoming a star. Truth is she doesn't stack up to what rich famous men can get.

I'm gonna laugh when he leaves. He's not staying in OKC for his career. When he goes that will destroy Westbrook's career. He'll be a Steve Francis level guy. Never good enough to win on his own and will probably experiment with drugs and fully turn into a Ninja Turtle. And Presti will be remember as the most overrated GM ever. The guy had Durant, Harden, Westbrook, Jeff Green, and Serge Ibaka and still couldn't get win a title.

02-19-2015, 02:27 PM
Kevin Durant is imploding mentally. He broke it off with his fiance? Dude is having a meltdown. A mid-career crisis. That is BS about his ex. He broke it off because of all the hoes he's been able to get with since becoming a star. Truth is she doesn't stack up to what rich famous men can get.

I'm gonna laugh when he leaves. He's not staying in OKC for his career. When he goes that will destroy Westbrook's career. He'll be a Steve Francis level guy. Never good enough to win on his own and will probably experiment with drugs and fully turn into a Ninja Turtle. And Presti will be remember as the most overrated GM ever. The guy had Durant, Harden, Westbrook, Jeff Green, and Serge Ibaka and still couldn't get win a title.
Even if all that comes true(it won't) it's still better than not drafting Michael Jordan + Michael Roy/Greg Oden.

Trail Blazers missed out on two GOATs and OKC has been reaping the benefits for years and will continue to do so while Portland never manages to even make a WCF.


I'd be mad too if I was a fan of the Trail Blazers.

02-19-2015, 02:32 PM
Even if all that comes true(it won't) it's still better than not drafting Michael Jordan + Michael Roy/Greg Oden.

Trail Blazers missed out on two GOATs and OKC has been reaping the benefits for years and will continue to do so while Portland never manages to even make a WCF.


I'd be mad too if I was a fan of the Trail Blazers.

Are you even serious right now. Do you know how sad it's getting for OKC. Sonics fans get to watch this franchise implode and get off on this collapse.

It was worth it to watch a team come some close to winning and get all cocky. Best fans in the NBA? Yeah let's see those packed arenas when OKC loses Durant and Westbrook. It's funny to me because it's the karma of the situation. You steal another cities team and think you're gonna reap the rewards but it blows up in your face. It's justice and when it's all over you didn't win anything.

It couldn't have happened to a more deserving owner.:oldlol: It was worth it to draft Oden now that I think about it. Hell we lost Roy and Oden and still are better than OKC that had James Harden, Kevin Durant, and Russell Westbrook. You can't make this sh*t up.:roll:

I'm mad that my team is winning the division lmfao

02-19-2015, 02:34 PM
He'll apologize tomorrow.

:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

02-19-2015, 02:36 PM
Are you even serious right now. Do you know how sad it's getting for OKC. Sonics fans get to watch this franchise implode and get off on this collapse.

It was worth it to watch a team come some close to winning and get all cocky. Best fans in the NBA? Yeah let's see those packed arenas when OKC loses Durant and Westbrook. It's funny to me because it's the karma of the situation. You get steal another cities team and think you're gonna reap the rewards but it blows up in your face. It's justice and when it's all over you didn't win anything.

It couldn't have happened to a more deserving owner.:oldlol: It was worth it to draft Oden now that I think about it. Hell we lost Roy and Oden and still are better than OKC that had James Harden, Kevin Durant, and Russell Westbrook. You can't make this sh*t up.:roll:

I'm mad that my team is winning the division lmfao


Portland won't ever make a WCF with the core of Aldridge and Lillard. OKC has made 3 and been to the finals.

Bout to land Brook Lopez and win it all this year too. We'll win it regardless actually.






02-19-2015, 02:40 PM



02-19-2015, 02:44 PM



"OKC has the best player on the planet and we're stuck with not ever making a WCF."


02-19-2015, 02:44 PM
Kevin Durant is imploding mentally. He broke it off with his fiance? Dude is having a meltdown. A mid-career crisis. That is BS about his ex. He broke it off because of all the hoes he's been able to get with since becoming a star. Truth is she doesn't stack up to what rich famous men can get.

I'm gonna laugh when he leaves. He's not staying in OKC for his career. When he goes that will destroy Westbrook's career. He'll be a Steve Francis level guy. Never good enough to win on his own and will probably experiment with drugs and fully turn into a Ninja Turtle. And Presti will be remember as the most overrated GM ever. The guy had Durant, Harden, Westbrook, Jeff Green, and Serge Ibaka and still couldn't get win a title.


02-19-2015, 02:48 PM
RoseCity gotta use Bron to dog on KD. He has nothing Portland-related to use for his agenda. :oldlol: :oldlol:

02-19-2015, 02:49 PM
RoseCity gotta use Bron to dog on KD. He has nothing Portland-related to use for his agenda. :oldlol: :oldlol:
He's still recovering from this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt8xJOy-mQY


I couldn't live with myself If I was a Portland fan. First MJ and then Durant. :lol

Terrible franchise. Maybe the worst in basketball.

02-19-2015, 02:52 PM
First MJ and then Durant. :lol
:roll: :eek:


02-19-2015, 02:54 PM
RoseCity gotta use Bron to dog on KD. He has nothing Portland-related to use for his agenda. :oldlol: :oldlol:

Did you not see the invention of Lillard time happening in OKC and Westbrook's watch?


How about Damian Lillard styling on Westbrook? Brought his team back from being down 10 with 1:30 to go in the game. Destroyed Westbrook's soul that game. WB looking like come save me KD.

The comeback:


Optimus Prime
02-19-2015, 02:56 PM
Durant and Westbrook should be talking every day about where they are going next. OKC had a dynasty on their hands and blew it up because the owner is a cheap scumbag. It's too bad for OKC fans, employees and players, because they deserve better, but underneath all the shiny paint is the fact that Clay Bennett is probably the worst owner in the NBA since Sterling is gone.

Plus consider it "karma" for what Bennett did to Seattle.

If this trade deadline passes and OKC does nothing (again!) or gets Brook Lopez, Durant and Westbrook should be like :mad: :facepalm :wtf: :banghead: every single time they talk to the media.

Brook Lopez?!


02-19-2015, 03:00 PM
Did you not see the invention of Lillard time happening in OKC and Westbrook's watch?


How about Damian Lillard styling on Westbrook? Brought his team back from being down 10 with 1:30 to go in the game. Destroyed Westbrook's soul that game. WB looking like come save me KD.

The comeback:

That's fine bro. Happy for you.

Also happy Portland finally is gonna win the division after OKC had a death grip on it since 2010.

Only took Westbrook/Durant and half of our roster being out for you guys to FINALLY win the damn thing. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Come playoff time OKC will go deep like usual while Portland is either gone in the 1st or 2nd round. :lol

02-19-2015, 03:08 PM
That's fine bro. Happy for you.

Also happy Portland finally is gonna win the division after OKC had a death grip on it since 2010.

Only took Westbrook/Durant and half of our roster being out for you guys to FINALLY win the damn thing. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Come playoff time OKC will go deep like usual while Portland is either gone in the 1st or 2nd round. :lol

Even if OKC doesn't win just know that I'm rooting for you as a person. Even though no one else thinks it I think you can be something in life.

02-19-2015, 03:12 PM
Even if OKC doesn't win just know that I'm rooting for you as a person. Even though no one else thinks it I think you can be something in life.

I'm rooting for myself too. Can't settle for just being a millionaire, I have billion dollar aspirations.


02-19-2015, 03:13 PM
That's fine bro. Happy for you.

Also happy Portland finally is gonna win the division after OKC had a death grip on it since 2010.

Only took Westbrook/Durant and half of our roster being out for you guys to FINALLY win the damn thing. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Come playoff time OKC will go deep like usual while Portland is either gone in the 1st or 2nd round. :lol
Rat poison. :lol :lol

Why is it that the fans of the average, mediocre, pretender teams do most of the talking? Stay in your lane, boys.

02-19-2015, 03:24 PM
Rat poison. :lol :lol

Why is it that the fans of the average, mediocre, pretender teams do most of the talking? Stay in your lane, boys.
I do wonder that sometimes.

I have a simple theory, it's called: "Jealous basketball fan theory"

It states that fans of teams with no recent success will take out their rage on fans of teams who have been much much more successful than their own.

All these people making up rumors and predicting Durant's departure suffer from "jealousy basketball fan syndrome" and they'll say anything to compensate for their own teams lack of success.

RoseCity07 is a perfect example in this thread as he predicts nonsensical stuff to happen to OKC and the franchise and even throws out words like "karma" to validate his reasoning.

It's real sad stuff.

02-19-2015, 04:52 PM
Kevin Durant is imploding mentally. He broke it off with his fiance? Dude is having a meltdown. A mid-career crisis. That is BS about his ex. He broke it off because of all the hoes he's been able to get with since becoming a star. Truth is she doesn't stack up to what rich famous men can get.

I'm gonna laugh when he leaves. He's not staying in OKC for his career. When he goes that will destroy Westbrook's career. He'll be a Steve Francis level guy. Never good enough to win on his own and will probably experiment with drugs and fully turn into a Ninja Turtle. And Presti will be remember as the most overrated GM ever. The guy had Durant, Harden, Westbrook, Jeff Green, and Serge Ibaka and still couldn't get win a title.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

02-19-2015, 06:16 PM


02-19-2015, 06:29 PM
In his eighth season? Holy shit time flies...

02-19-2015, 06:36 PM
would be hilarious if he went to Houston
not a bad idea. not sure what he could do besides collude.

02-19-2015, 06:40 PM
Roc Nation is feeding Durant the bull...Expect him to bolt to a big market when he is a free agent.

new york

02-19-2015, 06:45 PM
too many excuses for kevin. team not stacked enough and dont forget how he left westbrook out on the line last playoffs

02-19-2015, 08:05 PM
No excuses