View Full Version : There's one thing I can point to that Kobe is better than Jordan at...

02-20-2015, 05:18 PM
And that's being a decent human being.


Michael Jordan is a selfish man, he's practically an asshole. The man is, and likely will always be, the greatest of all-time, yet he has so much to give to the game rather than his raunchy quotes like:

"You're a loser! You've always been a loser!"

"The white guys, they work hard, but they don't have the talent. And the rest of them? Who knows what to expect? They're not good for much of anything."

"You know I think that you guys have a heavy burden. I wouldn't want to be you guys if I had to because of all the expectations that you have to deal with."

That last quote was directed to his own ****ing sons. This dude choses NOT to spead the wealth of knowledge that he learned from the great Dean Smith and his time dominating the league, instead he'd rather golf day in and day out with his yes-men.

Lets take a look back into his day's after retiring a Chicago Bull:

As a leader Jordan proved more tormentor than mentor. Many Washington players got the business end of a Jordan harangue, but he designated second-year forward Kwame Brown as the whipping boy, referring to him, as reported by The Washington Post, as a "flaming ******." A source told SI that Jordan ritually reduced Brown to tears in front of the team. Brown, whom Jordan took with the first pick in the 2001 draft, showed flashes of brilliance, but his confidence was lacerated by a player who was once his idol. "Michael was tough," Wizards assistant John Bach tells SI. "But that's just who he is, attempting to make [his teammates] better."

Article Excerpt that counters:

We're not talking about basic trash talk here. This was psychological warfare gone horribly awry. Through those links above, corroborated elsewhere, and with perspective brought on by distance, you'll see that Brown was an intelligent, sensitive, 19-year-old kid dearly devoted to his mother, the woman who'd raised him and seven siblings after running away from his abusive father. Said father subsequently went to prison for life, with no parole, for murdering his girlfriend. How can you not root for a 19-year-old with that background? One who says something like this?

"The guy took probably the biggest risk of his life, picking a high school player Number 1," Brown says. "I'm conscious that if I screw up, I'm messing with Michael's reputation. I know he's going to work me to death."

Michael Jordan then put in motion an epic public humiliation. He invited Brown to his house so they could work out together. Took him under his wing. Every bit, he played the part of the 19-year-old kid's idol, and told him that he'd do everything he could to make him a star. It's hardly a reach to guess he was acting like a dad for the kid who wanted nothing to do with his father. Then, Jordan pulled the rug out.

This dude is a born asshole that doesn't know how to communicate with others without making himself feel superior. Jordan is widely regarded as the greatest competitor the game has ever seen, yet is still regarded as a pain in the ass teammate and individual.

I'm taking nothing away from what he did during his career as a player, but he fails to understand the importance of respect. This man let his own children become fall to the wolves. Michael Jordan is one of the most fundamentally sound player this game has had, and he CHOSE not to spread his knowledge to kids. He attempted to do so with Kwame Brown, but he that more just to make himself look good.


NBA Greats like Hakeem Olajuwon, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and, to some extent the guys on, NBA on TNT share their knowledge, tricks, tools, or what ever other wealth of experience they can give to the younger generation of players. NBA Legends these days are off helping the league, helping their community, or caring for their children, Michael chooses rather to play golf and act like he cares about the Charlotte Horncats.

Michael Jordan is an asshole, as is Kobe at times. Bryant has his own list long instances of being an ass to teammates, but after watching his special on NBATV he seems more down to earth than Jordan ever was. Hopefully Kobe Bryant can bring more to the game after he retires.

02-20-2015, 05:23 PM

J Shuttlesworth
02-20-2015, 05:24 PM
dubeta, hold this W

02-20-2015, 05:25 PM
I didn't even point out Jordan's obsession with the Jordan Brand and him ignoring kids are killing kids just for a pair.

The Air Jordan 11 is trending on Twitter as we speak, what's the over or under on 3 teenagers getting killed because of them.

02-20-2015, 05:27 PM
Everyone has forgave him for the rape allegations, if he wasn't he wouldn't be the face of a franchise let alone in the NBA.

02-20-2015, 05:28 PM
dubeta, hold this W
I'm taking back all the W's I've given to you.

02-20-2015, 05:40 PM

02-20-2015, 05:47 PM

Hey Yo
02-20-2015, 05:48 PM
Everyone has forgave him for the rape allegations, if he wasn't he wouldn't be the face of a franchise let alone in the NBA.
Kobe's never been the face of the NBA.

02-20-2015, 05:50 PM
Kobe's never been the face of the NBA.


02-20-2015, 05:57 PM
Kobe's never been the face of the NBA.

:biggums: :wtf:

02-20-2015, 05:59 PM
Kobe's never been the face of the NBA.
Who was the face of the NBA before Lebron? This Man.




Stop being stupid, stupid.

02-20-2015, 06:05 PM
MJ may be goat but he is a horrible person.

I can see Kobe going the similar route because he is one of the greatest of all time and one of the hardest workers ever, he will expect the same desire from the kid he is trying to mentor... but he will fail because the kid will not have the same desire he did as a youngin in the league. I just hope he doesn't turn into a bitter person like MJ did after retirement.

I'm sure MJ was similar, he tried to teach Kwame but Kwame did not have the same hunger MJ did when he was young. So that was a problem right there. If he took someone like Kobe it would be a lot easier because I am sure Kobe would have wanted to learn and had similar desires, as well as not backing down to the challenge.

Jordan is still bitter about plenty of things even though he has no reason to. He is the GOAT. He is better than whoever he is bitter against and has nothing to prove, but he will never take the high road. That Hall of Fame speech was stupid as hell. I have yet to listen to all of it, I could not sit through it. I wish the man luck in Hell when he passes, because he certainly won't be in Heaven.

02-20-2015, 06:09 PM
MJ may be goat but he is a horrible person.

I can see Kobe going the similar route because he is one of the greatest of all time and one of the hardest workers ever, he will expect the same desire from the kid he is trying to mentor... but he will fail because the kid will not have the same desire he did as a youngin in the league. I just hope he doesn't turn into a bitter person like MJ did after retirement.

I'm sure MJ was similar, he tried to teach Kwame but Kwame did not have the same hunger MJ did when he was young. So that was a problem right there. If he took someone like Kobe it would be a lot easier because I am sure Kobe would have wanted to learn and had similar desires, as well as not backing down to the challenge.

Jordan is still bitter about plenty of things even though he has no reason to. He is the GOAT. He is better than whoever he is bitter against and has nothing to prove, but he will never take the high road. That Hall of Fame speech was stupid as hell. I have yet to listen to all of it, I could not sit through it. I wish the man luck in Hell when he passes, because he certainly won't be in Heaven.

MJ really is a piece of shit human being, except at Basketball

02-20-2015, 06:11 PM
Jordan's probably a bigger asshole, but I'd hardly consider Kobe a "decent" human being. He's been a pretty big asshole throughout his career as well

02-20-2015, 06:14 PM
Women are built for rape.

02-20-2015, 06:15 PM
Kobe just admitted he had no friends. Can you imagine what a **** he would need to be to not have any friends? I mean everyone wants to be his friend and yet as soon as they meet him that goal is dashed.

But yeah, MJ is not a nice guy.

02-20-2015, 06:15 PM

Caught me off guard. Legit burst out laughing. Well played. :oldlol:

02-20-2015, 06:16 PM
Even Wade's an asshole





And that's even before getting into his 2011 and 2014 finals

02-20-2015, 06:16 PM

02-20-2015, 06:18 PM
Kobe just admitted he had no friends. Can you imagine what a **** he would need to be to not have any friends? I mean everyone wants to be his friend and yet as soon as they meet him that goal is dashed.

But yeah, MJ is not a nice guy.
You think if he wanted friends he wouldn't have any? How fckin stupid are you?

Kobe is one of the most famous people on the planet, and if he wants to hang out with someone and be friends, they will be friends. He doesn't want friends, which is why he said he doesn't have any. Anyone famous can make 100 friends in 10 minutes, all he has to do is be fake nice like the tool in Cleveland.

02-20-2015, 06:22 PM
Brown couldn't do anything right. "He couldn't catch it, couldn't throw it, couldn't shoot it right," [Wizards forward Popeye] Jones says. In a series of three-on-three drills, the Wizards banged him -- hard, intentionally. "He got pretty beat around," Jones says. Center Jahidi White knocked him to the ground -- and fell on top of him. Brown lay there, stunned and bruised.
"Get up, you aren't hurt," White said.
Brown got up, aching, holding his back. His gray practice shirt was soaked through. Nobody had any sympathy for him. Not even Popeye Jones, the veteran who'd looked out for him the most. "It's time for you to grow up," Jones told him, coldly. "Now. Today. Stand on your own two feet."
[Wizards coach Doug] Collins, still not satisfied, ordered a set of punishing sprints. Brown hesitated. "I hurt my back," he said.
Collins wheeled. Now it was his turn. "Stop being a baby and start growing up and playing, and earning the respect of your teammates," Collins shouted. "They're tired of you. They're tired of you getting knocked down, and laying around. They're tired of you holding your back. And holding your head. And holding your thumb. You're the one who has to be in that locker room, and meet them eye to eye."
Brown stared at his feet. "Do you want to play or not?" Collins snapped. No answer.
"Get off the court," Collins said disgustedly.
He sat in front of his locker trembling and crying. This is it, he thought, the league's not for me. I'm horrible. The coach thinks I'm horrible. The whole team thinks I'm horrible. I can't even play. Then he got on a treadmill and ran as hard he could, for almost an hour.
After a while, Jordan came into the locker room. He sat on a bench with Brown, and put his arm around him, and hugged him. "You're going to be all right," he said. For several minutes, he talked to Brown in soothing tones. "Doug is tough, but in a few years you'll understand how good he is," he said. They still believed in him, Jordan affirmed. "We put our necks out for you," he said. "We think you have the ingredients to be a great power forward for a long, long time."
To Brown, it meant everything. "He showed me a side you never read about," Brown says. "The M.J. who comes over and picks you up and talks to you when you're down and out."

-yahoo sports, ball don't lie, kelly dwyer

02-20-2015, 06:27 PM
-yahoo sports, ball don't lie, kelly dwyer

Dat MJ PR team doe. :lol

02-20-2015, 06:30 PM


Cold soul
02-20-2015, 07:47 PM
Kobe's never been the face of the NBA.

Yes, he was. How young are you?

02-20-2015, 08:02 PM
Kobe's never been the face of the NBA.