View Full Version : James Harden is averaging 27.4pts 5.7 rbs 6.8 assists on 45% shooting..

02-21-2015, 04:49 PM
And people are ready to anoint him King of the NBA and runaway MVP

For reference LeBron has had seasons of:

31, 7, 7 on 48% shooting

27, 6, 7 on 57% shooting

30, 9, 7 on 50% shooting

27,8 ,8 on 56% shooting

27, 8, 6 on 53% shooting

27,7, 7 on 51% shooting



LeBron literally has 10 seasons better than current Harden (best version yet)

For a frame of reference, if LeBron had a Harden season, it would be his worst season since he was a 18 year old rookie

So lets calm down on the Harden MVP bandwagon, dude is good but clearly should not be the runaway MVP

02-21-2015, 04:51 PM
And people are ready to anoint him King of the NBA and runaway MVP

For reference LeBron has had seasons of:

31, 7, 7 on 48% shooting

27, 6, 7 on 57% shooting

30, 9, 7 on 50% shooting

27,8 ,8 on 56% shooting

27, 8, 6 on 53% shooting

27,7, 7 on 51% shooting



LeBron literally has 10 seasons better than current Harden (best version yet)

For a frame of reference, if LeBron had a Harden season, it would be his worst season since he was a 18 year old rookie

So lets calm down on the Harden MVP bandwagon, dude is good but clearly should not be the runaway MVP

the bolded never happened

02-21-2015, 04:52 PM
Its not fair to compare Harden to the fcking King... they have to give the MVP to someone new now and again, so Harden the best of the group below Bron

02-21-2015, 04:54 PM
the bolded never happened

Not used to seeing such high efficiency numbers...

must be a kobe fan

02-21-2015, 04:55 PM
Nice job glossing over his TS%, which is 30 points higher than LeBron's this year.

02-21-2015, 04:55 PM
Not used to seeing such high efficiency numbers...

must be a kobe fan

no just calling you out for straight up lying in the op

02-21-2015, 04:56 PM
It's not fair to compare Harden to LeBron James.

02-21-2015, 04:57 PM
Not used to seeing such high efficiency numbers...

must be a kobe fan
Kobe had one season where he averaged 32/6/5 on 58% TS...

02-21-2015, 04:57 PM
no just calling you out for straight up lying in the op
He just rounded up..

02-21-2015, 04:59 PM
Anyone who calls him "runaway" MVP over Curry is ****ing retarded. Especially considering a GOOD postseason run for him this year would be 1) getting out of the 1st round, and 2) shooting over 40%. Has any MVP ever had lower expectations?

02-21-2015, 04:59 PM
He just rounded up..

:facepalm :facepalm

7.9 doesn't round up to equal 9

48% doesn't round up to equal 50%

02-21-2015, 05:00 PM
no just calling you out for straight up lying in the op

LeBron's 2013 and 2010 seasons

Rounding up but not nearly as blatant as Kobe fans using TS% when posting Kobe's stats

02-21-2015, 05:00 PM
lebron had those seasons of "layuping" and "fast break dunking"

not shooting

if it was shooting he wouldve clunked his fg% down to about 20%

02-21-2015, 05:02 PM
LeBron's 2013 and 2010 seasons

Rounding up but not nearly as blatant as Kobe fans using TS% when posting Kobe's stats
TS% is a great stat though :lol

02-21-2015, 05:02 PM
LeBron's 2013 and 2010 seasons

Rounding up but not nearly as blatant as Kobe fans using TS% when posting Kobe's stats

no posting TS% and rounding 7 up to 8 isn't the same thing dumb ass

02-21-2015, 05:02 PM
It's not fair to compare Harden to LeBron James.

This year? It absolutely is.

James Harden in 2014-2015:

27, 6, 7, 2 SPG 0.9 BPG, 61 TS%

.275 WS/48, .332 WP/48, 9.1 BPM

LeBron James in 2014-2015:

26, 6, 7, 1.5 SPG 0.7 BPG, 58 TS%

.186 WS/48, .199 WP/48, 6.5 BPM

+ playing on a better team, in a better conference, having your #2 miss 20 games and your #3 miss the whole year, AND not missing a game I believe (LeBron has missed 10).

Career-wise, nobody would dispute that LBJ blows Harden out of the water, but this year Harden has been so much better that it doesn't even warrant a comparison.

02-21-2015, 05:03 PM
Anyone who calls him "runaway" MVP over Curry is ****ing retarded. Especially considering a GOOD postseason run for him this year would be 1) getting out of the 1st round, and 2) shooting over 40%. Has any MVP ever had lower expectations?

Him and curry are 1/2, whichever order you wanna put it. Neither are a runaway favourite. I'd give it to Curry, but both have better cases than LeBron.

As for your point, if the Rockets were playing in the East they'd be a strong favourite to reach the conference finals. LeBron doesn't deserve to be put above Harden in the MVP race just because of that.

02-21-2015, 05:03 PM
This year? It absolutely is.

James Harden in 2014-2015:

27, 6, 7, 2 SPG 0.9 BPG, 61 TS%

.275 WS/48, .332 WP/48, 9.1 BPM

LeBron James in 2014-2015:

26, 6, 7, 1.5 SPG 0.7 BPG, 58 TS%

.186 WS/48, .199 WP/48, 6.5 BPM

+ playing on a better team, in a better conference, having your #2 miss 20 games and your #3 miss the whole year, AND not missing a game I believe (LeBron has missed 10).

Career-wise, nobody would dispute that LBJ blows Harden out of the water, but this year Harden has been so much better that it doesn't even warrant a comparison.Let's say the playoffs start right now, and your team by whatever means gets to add either Harden or Lebron. Who do you choose?

02-21-2015, 05:04 PM
:facepalm :facepalm

7.9 doesn't round up to equal 9

48% doesn't round up to equal 50%
The 9 comes from 2010 when he had 8.6 assists

02-21-2015, 05:05 PM
Anyone who calls him "runaway" MVP over Curry is ****ing retarded. Especially considering a GOOD postseason run for him this year would be 1) getting out of the 1st round, and 2) shooting over 40%. Has any MVP ever had lower expectations?


02-21-2015, 05:05 PM
The 9 comes from 2010 when he had 8.6 assists

Another, unbiased post, from an unbiased poster :cheers:

02-21-2015, 05:09 PM
Let's say the playoffs start right now, and your team by whatever means gets to add either Harden or Lebron. Who do you choose?

Why can't we just compare the years they are having instead of entertaining hypotheticals? it is, after all, the 2014-2015 MVP that's at stake. Not the "who is the better player based on their respective 5 year runs" MVP.

Like I said in another thread, if LeBron wins the MVP this year, it would likely be a "reputation MVP". The first 4 were wholly deserved, but I don't think this one would be.

Smook A.
02-21-2015, 05:09 PM
I wouldn't say that he's the runaway MVP at this point even though I'm sometimes biased af about the Rockets and Harden. Curry is leading the race right now considering how well him and his team are playing. Harden is playing well, but the Rockets aren't winning as many games as the very top teams in the league like the Warriors, Hawks and Grizzlies. It'd be much closer if they were.

02-21-2015, 05:10 PM
Lebron's first MVP = 28.4/7.6/7.2 with 1.6 steals per game on 59% TS

Harden 2015 = 27.4/5.7/6.8 with 2 steals per game on 61% TS

Harden carrying a worse supporting cast

02-21-2015, 05:10 PM
I wouldn't say that he's the runaway MVP at this point even though I'm sometimes biased af about the Rockets and Harden. Curry is leading the race right now considering how well him and his team are playing. Harden is playing well, but the Rockets aren't winning as many games as the very top teams in the league like the Warriors, Hawks and Grizzlies. It'd be much closer if they were.

Finally, an unbiased Rockets fan :cheers:

02-21-2015, 05:11 PM
Lebron's first MVP = 28.4/7.6/7.2 with 1.6 steals per game on 59% TS

Harden 2015 = 27.4/5.7/6.8 with 2 steals per game on 61% TS

Harden carrying a worse supporting cast

Harden carrying a worse supporting cast

Harden carrying a worse supporting cast

Harden carrying a worse supporting cast

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Smook A.
02-21-2015, 05:12 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Our 2nd best player RIGHT NOW is Josh Smith. Just let that sink in for a sec.

02-21-2015, 05:13 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
:roll: :roll:

LeBron winning 66 games with Andersen Varejao as his second best player isn't enough now :bowdown:

Im so nba'd out
02-21-2015, 05:13 PM
Harden is MVP leader as of now because he is caring a awful team to the playoffs in the stacked west.No 1 is calling him a better player than lebron he is just backpacking a team of scrubs by himself and that should be rewarded with a MVP

02-21-2015, 05:14 PM
Our 2nd best player RIGHT NOW is Josh Smith. Just let that sink in for a sec.

Can anyone remember who LeBron's supporting cast was other than Mo Williams?

Cavs ended up 66-16 with the best record in the league as well

LeBron was tied for the higher player efficiency of all time that season at 31.7

No one in NBA History carried as much as LeBron in 2009

02-21-2015, 05:15 PM
I wouldn't say that he's the runaway MVP at this point even though I'm sometimes biased af about the Rockets and Harden. Curry is leading the race right now considering how well him and his team are playing. Harden is playing well, but the Rockets aren't winning as many games as the very top teams in the league like the Warriors, Hawks and Grizzlies. It'd be much closer if they were.
Curry's supporting cast is like a billion times better than Harden's. If we're gonna compare Curry and Harden in terms of value, then Harden definitely wins. Curry being at the top of the MVP race REALLY benefits from him having a stacked team.

Smook A.
02-21-2015, 05:18 PM
Curry's supporting cast is like a billion times better than Harden's. If we're gonna compare Curry and Harden in terms of value, then Harden definitely wins. Curry being at the top of the MVP race REALLY benefits from him having a stacked team.
That's true. Hate to say it, but Harden may miss out on that MVP because the Rockets aren't winning as many game as the top TOP teams and that results from having a pretty weak supporting cast unfortunately.

02-21-2015, 05:20 PM
Who cares about seasons that occurred over a half decade ago?

LeBron fans are just upset that LeBron won't win the MVP this year (as it should be) so they're appealing to the past.

02-21-2015, 05:39 PM
That's true. Hate to say it, but Harden may miss out on that MVP because the Rockets aren't winning as many game as the top TOP teams and that results from having a pretty weak supporting cast unfortunately.


However. Curry is a better shooter, better defender, as talented a ball-handler, and every bit as good a facilitator (though if you were to take Harden, I wouldn't fault you).

Additionally, he doesn't utterly shit the bed in the playoffs in pathetic fashion, though that diagnosis has less to do with the MVP race, and more to do with evaluating his effectiveness and value as a premier player -- if you can't rely on your best player at the most critical time of the year....

02-21-2015, 08:45 PM
best player on a team that isn't stacked and will make the playoffs

02-21-2015, 08:49 PM
Anyone who calls him "runaway" MVP over Curry is ****ing retarded. Especially considering a GOOD postseason run for him this year would be 1) getting out of the 1st round, and 2) shooting over 40%. Has any MVP ever had lower expectations?
Thisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, Harden is so overrated its actually disgusting.

Has done nothing in the playoffs and I'd bet the rockets dont even get to the 2nd round.

02-21-2015, 08:52 PM
For a frame of reference, if LeBron had a Harden season, it would be his worst season since he was a 18 year old rookie

What if he's having a worse than Harden season?

02-21-2015, 10:11 PM
:roll: :roll:

LeBron winning 66 games with Andersen Varejao as his second best player isn't enough now :bowdown:

02-21-2015, 10:24 PM
the worst thing is hardens stats are mostly empty :facepalm

has a stacked team and still can't get it done.

02-21-2015, 11:00 PM
Doesn't King James Harden's team have a better record than Lebron's, in a stronger conference at that?

02-21-2015, 11:04 PM
James Harden is playing with Ariza and Josh Smith while LeBron played with Bosh and Wade + Kyrie and Irving.. You really don't think Harden's FG % would imrpove if he didn't have defenses keying in on him?

Smook A.
02-21-2015, 11:10 PM
Thisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, Harden is so overrated its actually disgusting.

Has done nothing in the playoffs and I'd bet the rockets dont even get to the 2nd round.
How the hell is he overrated? Harden looks like a totally new guy since the 2014 season started. When we lost our main guys like Dwight, T-Jones, and Beverley for a significant amount of time, I thought our chances of making the playoffs were thrown out the window. Turns out we didn't even look worse.

Harden stepped up BIG TIME and it translated into wins. I was extremely impressed. He was averaging monster numbers. Got his teammates involved, played defense, and was showing great leadership. I think its amazing how the Rockets are still a top 5 team in the East with their 2nd best player being out for a long time. I honestly don't give a shit if you hate Harden. It's just that calling him disgustingly overrated is a bit too much. He's one of the best players in the NBA right now, like it or not.

02-21-2015, 11:16 PM
Lol @ the haters that keep bringing up Harden in the playoffs.

1. The MVP is not a playoff award

2. Quit judging him based on PAST seasons instead of this season when considering him for MVP.

Wade's Rings
02-22-2015, 12:33 AM
That's true. Hate to say it, but Harden may miss out on that MVP because the Rockets aren't winning as many game as the top TOP teams and that results from having a pretty weak supporting cast unfortunately.

2009 Wade all over again with the Team holding him back.

02-22-2015, 12:53 AM
Lebron's first MVP = 28.4/7.6/7.2 with 1.6 steals per game on 59% TS

Harden 2015 = 27.4/5.7/6.8 with 2 steals per game on 61% TS

Harden carrying a worse supporting cast

02-22-2015, 12:56 AM
For all the people saying he hasn't done anything in the playoffs obviously were not watching in 2012.
Prior to the heat series he was amazing.
Now it's just a question of whether he will perform as the #1 guy in the postseason.

I really do believe he will this year.