View Full Version : This is the last thread ISH will ever host about Wilt (Officia/Jeff Approved)

02-23-2015, 12:48 PM
Yeah we get it, a physical specimen that used his physical advantage to dominate over competitors part of an undeveloped sport and structure. Even still he was a big failure, got owned in the playoffs despite his physical advantage. He is a freak of nature, but just not a baller.

Most people just don't give a ****, I just provided the cliffs on this guy so we never need any other threads on his underachieving ass. Done, finished, out of the way. Contribute ur final words on this matter in this thread, because beyond this his name will never be mentioned again on ISH.

Thanks for the time

Eric Cartman
02-23-2015, 01:06 PM
This has a steep ban written all over it :lol

deja vu
02-23-2015, 01:08 PM

02-23-2015, 01:11 PM
GOAT tier thread.

02-23-2015, 01:13 PM
If only the title were true.... Oh well, a man can dream can't he?

02-23-2015, 01:14 PM
well it would be nice to have all the shit I don't care about in one thread I will never have to visit