View Full Version : Which situation would you rather be in (1-4)?

Tarik One
02-24-2015, 04:08 PM
Rank from greatest to least:

Single and happy
Single and miserable
Relationship and happy
Relationship and miserable

02-24-2015, 04:12 PM
Rank from greatest to least:

Single and happy
Single and miserable
Relationship and happy
Relationship and miserable
1. Relationship and happy
2. Single and happy
3. Single and miserable
4. Relationship and miserable

02-24-2015, 04:16 PM
1. Relationship and happy
2. Single and happy
3. Single and miserable
4. Relationship and miserable

3 and 4 are arguable and 1 and 2 are (tho to a lesser degree IMO), but its definitely the 1st 2 on top and the last 2 on bottom

02-24-2015, 04:20 PM

3 and 4 are arguable and 1 and 2 are (tho to a lesser degree IMO), but its definitely the 1st 2 on top and the last 2 on bottom
Why would you want to be in a miserable relationship? If you're single and miserable, at least you're single and can d your own thing.

02-24-2015, 04:24 PM
Single and happy
Single and miserable
Relationship and happy
Relationship and miserable

02-24-2015, 04:24 PM
Why would you want to be in a miserable relationship? If you're single and miserable, at least you're single and can d your own thing.
Well it depends on how far miserable goes. Like isolated, losing your mind, possibly suicidal levels of depression while single because of the crushing loneliness? Depending on how miserable the relationship is that may be worse.

02-24-2015, 04:25 PM
Why would you want to be in a miserable relationship? If you're single and miserable, at least you're single and can d your own thing.

And your faith in the Lord is strong yes indeedy.

You sir, are the antithesis of the Devil, who serves to drag everyone down crab in a bucket mentality to the depths of hell since misery loves company.

I tip my hat to you good man. To carry your burden silently with dignity.

02-24-2015, 04:27 PM
I think single and miserable has a lot more potential to be socially, professionally, and emotionally debilitating to the point of physical harm. We are not meant to be socially isolated.

02-24-2015, 04:34 PM
If you're miserable in a relationship then you're probably TRYING to be "single and miserable"

abusive relationships are much more common than people know...

02-24-2015, 04:36 PM
I think single and miserable has a lot more potential to be socially, professionally, and emotionally debilitating to the point of physical harm. We are not meant to be socially isolated.

True, but prevents murder/suicides which the latter would certainly have happen in a small group of relationships.

1. Relationship and happy
2. Single and happy
3. Single and miserable
4. Relationship and miserable

Tarik One
02-24-2015, 04:43 PM
If you're miserable in a relationship then you're probably TRYING to be "single and miserable"

abusive relationships are much more common than people know...

I've gone from miserable in relationship to single and happy almost instantly a few times.

02-24-2015, 04:44 PM
1. Relationship and happy
2. Single and happy
3. Relationship and miserable
4. Single and miserable

Assuming the relationship isn't the reason for being miserable.

02-24-2015, 04:46 PM
I've gone from miserable in relationship to single and happy almost instantly a few times.
yeah, there is nothing worse than being stuck with someone you fckin hate...feels like pure freedom when it's over

02-24-2015, 04:48 PM
True, but prevents murder/suicides which the latter would certainly have happen in a small group of relationships.

1. Relationship and happy
2. Single and happy
3. Single and miserable
4. Relationship and miserable
Lots of people kill themselves while alone tho. And kill others.

i mean I think the extreme example of single and alone would be that Elliot Rodgers guy. Supreme isolation.

IDK if being in a relationship and miserable could drive a guy to become a serial killer. I mean he may kill her, maybe a guy shes ****ing with behind his back, but I dont know if he would take his anger out on the world at large in the sorta way Elliot Rodgers did, or like the Columbine kids did (idk if they were single but they were deff isolated and alone, even if they were in a relationship).

Honestly at the extremes being single and miserable and in a relationship and miserable are equally as bad. If your not at the extreme of the situation and its just more "regular" levels of miserable then the relationship is worse IMO

02-24-2015, 04:55 PM
1. Relationship and happy
2. Single and happy
3. Single and miserable
4. Relationship and miserable

Yeah, this is the obvious order. Actually, pt and Tarik make a good point about the relief of shedding a bad relationship. I'd switch 3 & 4.

02-24-2015, 04:59 PM
Yeah, this is the obvious order. Actually, pt and Tarik make a good point about the relief of shedding a bad relationship. I'd switch 3 & 4.
How can you be single and miserable though? Never in my life have I been single and miserable at the same time. Maybe because I'm young and not a female?

02-24-2015, 05:03 PM
How can you be single and miserable though? Never in my life have I been single and miserable at the same time. Maybe because I'm young and not a female?

Before driving to the sorority house, Rodger uploaded a video to YouTube, titled "Elliot Rodger's Retribution", in which he outlined details of his upcoming attack and the motivations behind his killing spree, which he described as a desire to punish women for rejecting him and also a desire to punish sexually active men for living a better life than his.[7] YouTube removed the video after the killings, saying it violated their guidelines with its threats of violence.[8][9]
After uploading the video, Rodger e-mailed a lengthy autobiographical manuscript to approximately a dozen acquaintances and family members.[10] The document, which he titled "My Twisted World", was made available on the Internet and became widely known as his "manifesto". In it, he describes his childhood, family conflicts, frustration over not being able to find a girlfriend, his hatred of women, his contempt for racial minorities and interracial couples, and his plans for the killing spree.

Imo if your single because its your choice thats one thing, but if whatever reason you want to be in relationship but cant despite your best efforts then it changes the equation

02-24-2015, 05:10 PM
1. Relationship and happy
2. Single and happy
3. Single and miserable
4. Relationship and miserable

This exactly.

02-24-2015, 05:11 PM

Imo if your single because its your choice thats one thing, but if whatever reason you want to be in relationship but cant despite your best efforts then it changes the equation
He's a weirdo, we're talking about sane people.

02-24-2015, 05:12 PM
How can you be single and miserable though? Never in my life have I been single and miserable at the same time. Maybe because I'm young and not a female?

I've met plenty of single depressed people. Also, I'm thinking people who are completely isolated from everybody (if not by choice) are miserable. If you are single and have a great group of friends, then yes, this would be baffling.

02-24-2015, 05:14 PM
How can you be single and miserable though? Never in my life have I been single and miserable at the same time. Maybe because I'm young and not a female?

Dude you live in Houston, where you have

Try being in JohnDeereGreene's situation.

02-24-2015, 05:15 PM
Polyamory and happy

if you want me you have to share me

02-24-2015, 05:17 PM
Dude you live in Houston, where you have

Try being in JohnDeereGreene's situation.
What's his situation?

02-24-2015, 05:18 PM
Being single and miserable doesn't necessarily mean you're going to stay away from all forms of human interaction and think about hurting yourself. That's to the extreme. In most cases, I would just hang out with friends and family more and eventually get out of it.

I'd say there's probably more of a chance of things escalating in a miserable relationship to fights that might get me in trouble then me having suicidal thoughts if I was single and miserable.