View Full Version : Dimethyltriptamine

02-24-2015, 06:47 PM
Also known as DMT
-Who here has tried it?

I'm not big into drugs, I have done coke, molly, shrooms, acid and used to smoke a ton of weed (dabs mostly) but I haven't done any drugs in a long time.

The only drug I would consider doing again would be DMT. I had the best experience on it the few times i tried it. The only way I can explain it is that you can see depth & sound and it literally takes you to a parellell universe. I blasted off through space and ascended through a giant triangle in space that turned into pure darkness before snapping back to reality.

There are TONS of informational videos on YouTube and tons of research done by doctors and scientists in regards to DMT.

If you haven't tried it, and you like drugs, I HIGHLY reccomend trying dimethyltriptamine.

Any stories or experiences from ISH? Reviews?

02-24-2015, 06:50 PM
Only losers do drugs. Get a high from accomplishing something with your useless life. Not directed at you OP

02-24-2015, 06:50 PM

never heard of it. that sounds intense

02-24-2015, 07:01 PM
Only losers do drugs. Get a high from accomplishing something with your useless life. Not directed at you OP

I agree that drugs are really for the younger, less-mature generation or older people that are sad losers.

I grew out of my drug phase and get a lot of fulfillment and enjoyment from being sober and doing what it is I do with my life now.

But until you do DMT I don't think you should knock it. It really is a life-altering and perspective changing drug.
I'm sure you take asprin or over the counter drugs which are far worse for the body and mind than pot or even DMT.

02-24-2015, 07:12 PM
I have done it about 4-5 times and it was OK.

First time was insane, I took as many hits as I could, then suddenly, before I could finish my last hit it was overtaking me... everything turned green and hexagonic and I instantly had to lay down and then I saw three long limbed black people laying down next to me with their heads resting on their hands and staring blankly at me so I looked away, closed my eyes, and saw colors explode until I got up and it was all gone

02-24-2015, 07:16 PM
Only losers do drugs. Get a high from accomplishing something with your useless life. Not directed at you OP

You're a loser because you can't handle drugs, not because you use them.

02-24-2015, 07:20 PM
My friend refers to it as the talking to God drug. You literally experience the stages of going to heaven and meeting the creator

02-24-2015, 07:25 PM
Just contacted the DEA.

OP you done goofed

02-24-2015, 07:37 PM
Only losers do drugs. Get a high from accomplishing something with your useless life. Not directed at you OP


I would love to try DMT

A couple 5g+ shroom trips have been life altering in the perceptions of the universe they opened up for me

02-24-2015, 07:40 PM
Sadly, i have yet to try it. Though, i really want to. i just dont go around looking for drugs at this point in my life, but if any of my friends happen to have some, ill join the club

ive been told by friends, that DMT is something your brain produces when youre first born and again when you die. not sure how much truth there is behind that, but it definitely helps sell the idea of doing it for me.

02-24-2015, 07:46 PM
Sadly, i have yet to try it. Though, i really want to. i just dont go around looking for drugs at this point in my life, but if any of my friends happen to have some, ill join the club

ive been told by friends, that DMT is something your brain produces when youre first born and again when you die. not sure how much truth there is behind that, but it definitely helps sell the idea of doing it for me.

100% accurate

Which is why a lot of people have such drastic, life-altering experiences while on DMT.

And i heard about it and started doing some research. Eventually talked to one of my hippy friends and asked him to find me some good, safe DMT. A few months later he gave me some. I was a lil scared and intimidated when I first tried it, but I've never had a bad trip on it. Only good experiences.

02-24-2015, 07:46 PM

I would love to try DMT

A couple 5g+ shroom trips have been life altering in the perceptions of the universe they opened up for me
"F*ck Society"


Back to the jungle you go, druggie

02-24-2015, 07:53 PM

I would love to try DMT

A couple 5g+ shroom trips have been life altering in the perceptions of the universe they opened up for me

Getting a job would be life altering for you to.

02-24-2015, 07:53 PM
dont refer to it as a drug cause it aint

ive done it, it changed my life for the better after doing it once ive never felt the need to do it again although ill never rule it out

in my opinion i think it gives you the opportunity to talk openly to a "god" or an inner self whatever it is you believe it may be

your deepest darkest insecurities are bought to the table and you address them

walking away from it I felt completely refreshed and have a lot better feeling about myself and the world around me

it truly is the spirit molecule, and no it wont make you turn into a hippie and make you wanna take LCD and other forms psychedelics ... if anything it has made me more focused on what I want out of my working life and how to achieve it

02-24-2015, 08:44 PM
Getting a job would be life altering for you to.

I work 6 days a week kid.

02-24-2015, 11:23 PM
I agree that drugs are really for the younger, less-mature generation or older people that are sad losers.

I grew out of my drug phase and get a lot of fulfillment and enjoyment from being sober and doing what it is I do with my life now.

But until you do DMT I don't think you should knock it. It really is a life-altering and perspective changing drug.
I'm sure you take asprin or over the counter drugs which are far worse for the body and mind than pot or even DMT.

What are you talking about drugs can be enjoyed recreationally by anyone of any age.

I haven't done DMT yet but am wanting to try it. If I was more social no doubt I would have tried it by now. I haven't even done LSD yet just shroomies and Hash for psychedelic experiences. I'm ready for some more intense experiences and yea from everything I have heard DMT is the Alpha. Not only that, DMT is released in large quantities at death and also during dreams... that is no coincidence.

02-24-2015, 11:24 PM

never heard of it. that sounds intense
Oddly enough, I was just listening to Joe Rogan talk about DMT with a country singer.

02-24-2015, 11:31 PM
100% accurate

Which is why a lot of people have such drastic, life-altering experiences while on DMT.

And i heard about it and started doing some research. Eventually talked to one of my hippy friends and asked him to find me some good, safe DMT. A few months later he gave me some. I was a lil scared and intimidated when I first tried it, but I've never had a bad trip on it. Only good experiences.

I do not believe that is accurate.

02-25-2015, 12:32 AM
****ing great time.

02-25-2015, 01:43 AM
I do not believe that is accurate.

I believe it is :confusedshrug:

There is a TON of research. A TON from reputable doctors and scientists who would know better than you or I.


Peep the 2nd paragraph. That is just one guys studies. There are countless, countless scientific studies that have been conducted and concluded that DMT is released at birth, death and while dreaming.

Also, DMT is def not a social drug. It's something to be done alone or with a few people you are close with. I had my best experience doing it in a room alone. And my least favorite experience in a room of about 5 people.

02-25-2015, 01:49 AM
I've had Dimetapp. Is that close enough?

02-25-2015, 01:52 AM
I've had Dimetapp. Is that close enough?

Basically the same thing, more or less.

02-25-2015, 03:15 AM
DMT is one hell of a drug. It's not something to take lightly, you should definitely want to take it and prepare yourself mentally to take it. It was the most intense drug experience I've had, I experienced another realm for countless hours (days?), but by my friends' count (who were all watching me) it was about 10-12 minutes. During this time, I didn't exist. I wasn't even aware or conscious. It was just blackness, nothingness, for an unknown amount of time, and then suddenly something existed, like I (or some fragment of my consciousness) burst into existence or was pulled into it.

At this time I wasn't completely comatose (by an outsider's view) like before, but I was lapsing in and out of consciousness - this is pretty normal when you watch people on DMT. As I'd return to the "other realm" some kind of... powerful entity/being was displaying its presence to me, but I wasn't able to fully comprehend what it was. It was a vastly powerful being, but benevolent. It seemed to be showing me some other chaotic dimensions and how they link together with this dimension.

Basically, you'll have no idea what the **** happened. It's so vastly overwhelming (if you properly break though), it's frightening but also very enjoyable.

It's not like LSD, it's not like Mushrooms, it's very unique, it lasts a short time, and it is very powerful. Only Salvia (and ketamine, although that you'd have to administer it IV or IM... which I don't and won't **** with) can produce a trip of comparable intensity.

If you aren't sure you want to do DMT but would like to read more about DMT experiences, research, and science, check out DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman, MD. Strassman is a researcher at the University of Colorado who was able to acquire a Schedule I license and actually perform a clinical trial on injected DMT in dozens of human subjects. Very interesting stuff.

02-25-2015, 10:37 AM
Oddly enough, I was just listening to Joe Rogan talk about DMT with a country singer.
Odd would be finding him not talk about DMT

02-25-2015, 11:10 AM
Odd would be finding him not talk about DMT
I don't listen to him much, I'm just a fan of the singer.

02-25-2015, 11:46 AM
I'm not big into drugs, I have done coke, molly, shrooms, acid and used to smoke a ton of weed (dabs mostly)

and i'm big not into gay sex but i have taken small weiners, big weiners, regular black weiners, brown indian weiners, bent korean weiners, transexual weiners, bear weiners, twink weiners, twank weiners, power bottom weiners, and used to take a ton of dog weiners up my bum.

02-25-2015, 12:10 PM
I believe it is :confusedshrug:

There is a TON of research. A TON from reputable doctors and scientists who would know better than you or I.


Peep the 2nd paragraph. That is just one guys studies. There are countless, countless scientific studies that have been conducted and concluded that DMT is released at birth, death and while dreaming.

Also, DMT is def not a social drug. It's something to be done alone or with a few people you are close with. I had my best experience doing it in a room alone. And my least favorite experience in a room of about 5 people.

That is some bullshit website. If you do a brief search of the literature scientists did not even have the tools to detect endogenous DMT in mammals until recently with the rise of mass spectrometry. Even now, only trace amounts have been reported in studies of mice and I think some other organism. Little to nothing is known about endogenous DMT in humans.

A good rule of thumb is to never believe the bullshit hippies and druggies spout. They have no idea what the **** they're talking about.

02-25-2015, 12:15 PM
A few years back I did a decent amount of research on this drug. IIRC it is just theory it is produced in the brain, there is no proof of it, is just rumor.

And all though stories from DMT experiences have similarities to NDEs there are consistent differences between the two. DMT stories seem to have very random details, as seen in this thread, and no one seems to have OBEs during them. (Out of Body, you can float around your real life body and see yourself and everything around you, even leave the room like a ghost)

NDE stories all follow a very specific pattern.
1. OBE, your floating around your body for hours or days
2. Follow tunnel of light to the after life
3. Meet God, feel overwhelmed with love
4. Meet deceased loved ones
5. Given life review
6. Given extensive knowledge about the universe
7. Sucked back into body

DMT stories are not like this...

QUESTION for those that have used

IIRC, when I was researching this drug, many of the users were completely convinced that the other dimension the drug took them to was very real. And in this thread I have seem the word "literally" used a couple times. Do any of you in here that took the drug believe your experience was legit and not just a brain trip???

02-25-2015, 12:18 PM
how did the people in this thread take their DMT and how much of it did they take?

02-25-2015, 01:54 PM
dont refer to it as a drug cause it aint

02-26-2015, 01:51 AM
A few years back I did a decent amount of research on this drug. IIRC it is just theory it is produced in the brain, there is no proof of it, is just rumor.

And all though stories from DMT experiences have similarities to NDEs there are consistent differences between the two. DMT stories seem to have very random details, as seen in this thread, and no one seems to have OBEs during them. (Out of Body, you can float around your real life body and see yourself and everything around you, even leave the room like a ghost)

NDE stories all follow a very specific pattern.
1. OBE, your floating around your body for hours or days
2. Follow tunnel of light to the after life
3. Meet God, feel overwhelmed with love
4. Meet deceased loved ones
5. Given life review
6. Given extensive knowledge about the universe
7. Sucked back into body

DMT stories are not like this...

QUESTION for those that have used

IIRC, when I was researching this drug, many of the users were completely convinced that the other dimension the drug took them to was very real. And in this thread I have seem the word "literally" used a couple times. Do any of you in here that took the drug believe your experience was legit and not just a brain trip???

Good to know... Here I've been telling people that it's present at death and during lucid dreams. I thought i remember reading that from a credible source but I guess it wasn't.

02-26-2015, 08:07 PM

have you tried it

02-26-2015, 08:09 PM
A few years back I did a decent amount of research on this drug. IIRC it is just theory it is produced in the brain, there is no proof of it, is just rumor.

And all though stories from DMT experiences have similarities to NDEs there are consistent differences between the two. DMT stories seem to have very random details, as seen in this thread, and no one seems to have OBEs during them. (Out of Body, you can float around your real life body and see yourself and everything around you, even leave the room like a ghost)

NDE stories all follow a very specific pattern.
1. OBE, your floating around your body for hours or days
2. Follow tunnel of light to the after life
3. Meet God, feel overwhelmed with love
4. Meet deceased loved ones
5. Given life review
6. Given extensive knowledge about the universe
7. Sucked back into body

DMT stories are not like this...

QUESTION for those that have used

IIRC, when I was researching this drug, many of the users were completely convinced that the other dimension the drug took them to was very real. And in this thread I have seem the word "literally" used a couple times. Do any of you in here that took the drug believe your experience was legit and not just a brain trip???

in regards to your question

Yes i personally do

02-26-2015, 08:33 PM
lol if you could live in my mind for a few days you would never try a drug like that.


02-27-2015, 05:54 AM
A few years back I did a decent amount of research on this drug. IIRC it is just theory it is produced in the brain, there is no proof of it, is just rumor.
Isnt DMT produced in our brain when we sleep? I heard a theory that the bigger the amount of DMT produced (better trip) that there will be higher chances to forget your dream when you wake up.

02-27-2015, 01:52 PM
have you tried it
Nah, mainly because I'm scared and don't know where to find it, but it's generally considered a drug.

02-27-2015, 02:05 PM
Isnt DMT produced in our brain when we sleep? I heard a theory that the bigger the amount of DMT produced (better trip) that there will be higher chances to forget your dream when you wake up.
There is no evidence that it is produced in our brain at all...that is all rumor/theory.

DMT and Our Brain: What the Scientists Say (https://forteansquirrel.wordpress.com/2013/01/30/dmt-and-our-brain-what-scientists-say/)

^^^ this guy has a couple scientists look into this

tl;dr: The rumor seems to have started from Joe Rogan and Strassman who published a book called

02-27-2015, 02:12 PM
in regards to your question

Yes i personally do
I'm a pretty spiritual individual and I do not rule out the possibility that this drug gives the user access to the astral plane or some other low level dimension. Many of the users are completely convinced the experience is authentic.

I've done my share of LSD/Shrooms and no matter how hard the trip once the effect wears off I completely understand it was just an 'effect'.

02-27-2015, 06:55 PM
I've been interested in doing DMT for some time but don't know anyone who could make it happen anymore.

Does anyone advise how it compares to Salvia? I hear its a similar intensity but more euphoric and transcendent.

I have done a fair amount of Salvia (40x) back in the day and had varying experiences with it, nothing terrible. I've had a couple of breakthrough hits where I was completely torn from reality, and my fragment of consciousness was plunged into a dissociated weird and disturbing existence where I had no awareness of who I was or that I was tripping supreme balls. Words can't even begin to describe it but it wasn't "bad" per se, dark definitely, but interesting.

Is DMT another level to Salvia? I'm conflicted as I'm not interested in LSD or even Shrooms, I couldn't deal with the duration and the phasing in and out. I can handle the intensity of Salvia and recon I could do DMT if the durations and intensity are similar.

Any hardened trippers opinions appreciated.