View Full Version : Putin opposition leader assassinated outside the Kremlin

02-27-2015, 06:54 PM
Boris Nemtsov was one of Russia's leading economic reformers in the 1990s (file photo from 2009)
A leading Russian opposition politician, former deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov, has been shot dead in Moscow, Russian officials say.

An unidentified attacker shot Mr Nemtsov four times in central Moscow, a source in the law enforcement bodies told Russia's Interfax news agency.

He was reportedly shot near the Kremlin while walking with a woman.

He died just before a march in Moscow against the war in Ukraine which he was actively promoting.

Mr Nemtsov, 55, served as first deputy prime minister under the late President Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s.

He had earned a reputation as an economic reformer while governor of one of Russia's biggest cities, Nizhny Novgorod.

Falling out of favour with Yeltsin's successor, Vladimir Putin, Mr Nemtsov became an outspoken opposition politician.

Mr Putin has been widely accused of fomenting the bloody rebellion in east Ukraine - an accusation he denies.

'Putin's aggression'
According to Russian-language news website Meduza, "several people" got out of a car and shot him.

He was shot in the back with a pistol from a white car which fled the scene, Interfax's source said.

One of the politician's colleagues in his RPR-Parnassus party, Ilya Yashin, confirmed Mr Nemtsov's death.

"Unfortunately I can see the corpse of Boris Nemtsov in front of me now," he was quoted as saying by Russia's lenta.ru news website. "At the Bolshoy Zamoskvoretsky Bridge. I see the body and lots of police around it."

In his last tweet, Mr Nemtsov sent out an appeal for Russia's divided opposition to unite at an anti-war march he was planning for Sunday.

"If you support stopping Russia's war with Ukraine, if you support stopping Putin's aggression, come to the Spring March in Maryino on 1 March," he wrote.

Are you in Russia? What is your reaction to the death of Boris Nemtsov? You can email haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk.

Critics of Putin, beware. Oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky accused Putin of corruption and wound up spending ten years in prison and labor camps. Alexander Litvinenko accused state security services of organizing a coup to put Putin in power. He was poisoned by a lethal dose of radioactive polonium. And Viktor Yushchenko, the former Ukrainian president, poisoned, disfigured and nearly killed by a toxic dose of dioxin.
now this guy

02-27-2015, 07:02 PM
Oh boy. Just wait for all the tinfoil hat kooks to start calling this a 'political conspiracy.'

This was an authentic act of terror, just like 9/11. Government's do not harm their own people. Period.

02-27-2015, 07:57 PM
Oh boy. Just wait for all the tinfoil hat kooks to start calling this a 'political conspiracy.'

This was an authentic act of terror, just like 9/11. Government's do not harm their own people. Period.

Because Spartan women didn't eat their own children on state grounds :facepalm

02-27-2015, 08:40 PM
Putin. :bowdown:

02-27-2015, 08:50 PM
Because Spartan women didn't eat their own children on state grounds :facepalm



02-28-2015, 12:17 AM
May he burn in hell forever.
You seem nice.

02-28-2015, 12:25 AM
Oh boy. Just wait for all the tinfoil hat kooks to start calling this a 'political conspiracy.'

This was an authentic act of terror, just like 9/11. Government's do not harm their own people. Period.

Borderline dictator has political foe assassinated = plausible theory.

US orchestrates 9/11 using mostly Saudi-born terrorists as an excuse to invade Afghanistan and Iraq (or whatever bullshit illuminati-related reason you can come up with) = illogical and stupid theory.

02-28-2015, 12:47 AM
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/50/Benedict_Arnold._Copy_of_engraving_by_H._B._Hall_a fter_John_Trumbull,_published_1879.,_1931_-_1932_-_NARA_-_532921.tif/lossy-page1-200px-Benedict_Arnold._Copy_of_engraving_by_H._B._Hall_a fter_John_Trumbull,_published_1879.,_1931_-_1932_-_NARA_-_532921.tif.jpg

Benedict Arnold says hello


02-28-2015, 12:48 AM
I'm not gonna lie. Several months ago, I would have grudgingly given props to Putin for pulling off a dirty move but now I just feel bad for him. Based Obama destroying the Russian economy and makin em desperate :bowdown:

02-28-2015, 01:04 AM
Government's do not harm their own people. Period.

Dennis Rodman, is that you?

02-28-2015, 01:06 AM
Nemstov was a has-been politician who hadnt been relevant in Russian politics for close to 20 years. Not only was he a payed agent of America/The West, he was also very close (Like most political figures) to organised crime. It could have been anyone that ordered him killed.

I'm hoping however that it was in fact Putin. Any traitors that are going to allow America and the West to continue their expansionist policies into Slavic land deserve to be hung, drawn and quartered. Just like their NAZI allies were in ww2. Dont **** with the Slavs. Were not Arabs. Or Africans. We fukced up Napolean and Hitler when they tried to exterminate our people and culture. We kicked out the Mongols and the Ottomans out of Europe. Dont think youll ever get rid of us.
Who's getting rid of anyone? Putin wants Ukraine and that's fine. That's his play. There's no way US is gonna go to conventional war with Russia. But f*ck up their economy? Hell yeah. Soviet Union days are over. Putin getting a little delusional. His chance at running a superpower is over

Don't think anyone wants to genocide your people. Just protect their interests. That's what it all comes down to. Putin's got his, US has its. Unfortunately unlike Hitler and Napoleon, Russia is in the aggressive position here. Their objective is to expand and the US is defending. I like our chances

02-28-2015, 01:33 AM
Who's getting rid of anyone? Putin wants Ukraine and that's fine. That's his play. There's no way US is gonna go to conventional war with Russia. But f*ck up their economy? Hell yeah. Soviet Union days are over. Putin getting a little delusional. His chance at running a superpower is over

Don't think anyone wants to genocide your people. Just protect their interests. That's what it all comes down to. Putin's got his, US has its. Unfortunately unlike Hitler and Napoleon, Russia is in the aggressive position here. Their objective is to expand and the US is defending. I like our chances

You might want to switch that around Russia doesn't want to have a NATO country at it's border.

02-28-2015, 01:58 AM
You might want to switch that around Russia doesn't want to have a NATO country at it's border.
Latvia says hello.
Lithuania says hello.
Estonia says hello.

02-28-2015, 02:04 AM
Benedict Arnold says hello
I had no clue what you were talking about here, then it hit me, if you're a fan of a dictator anyone opposed to that dictator must be a traitor.

I mean if someone was encouraged people to join a march protesting against the government they should be OK if he is gunned down in the street. That is what you are saying correct?

The totalitarian mindset is alien to me, sorry.

02-28-2015, 02:27 AM
Putin bringing back that cold war flavor.

Just wait till he bails out Greece and makes them a satellite neo-Soviet state.

02-28-2015, 03:21 AM
The totalitarian mindset is alien to me, sorry.

The totalitarian mindset is alien to me, sorry.

The totalitarian mindset is alien to me, sorry.

The totalitarian mindset is alien to me, sorry.
