View Full Version : Urgent Message to the user known as GreggPopazit!!!

Im so nba'd out
02-28-2015, 02:29 AM
Dont throw your life away in the BTE.I have noticed they've taken a liken to you and im sure that can be very intoxicating but please dont waste your life in the BTE.It's a terrible way to live your life i imagine.Refreshing your browser every 2 minutes,never going outside, and going months without even feeling something as simple as a breeze on your face.You probably will just ignore this message but you have been warned!

02-28-2015, 02:32 AM

02-28-2015, 02:34 AM
Melt it DOWN big fella, melt it DOWN

02-28-2015, 02:35 AM

out of ten

Im so nba'd out
02-28-2015, 02:41 AM
leave him alone he is a nice kid dont turn him into one of you!

02-28-2015, 03:46 AM
It's too late.

He's already doing my laundry...

02-28-2015, 06:18 AM
Well I'm convinced. I'm gonna go check out this BTE you speak of.

02-28-2015, 06:30 AM
Dont throw your life away in the BTE.I have noticed they've taken a liken to you and im sure that can be very intoxicating but please dont waste your life in the BTE.It's a terrible way to live your life i imagine.Refreshing your browser every 2 minutes,never going outside, and going months without even feeling something as simple as a breeze on your face.You probably will just ignore this message but you have been warned!


Im Still Ballin
02-28-2015, 07:11 AM
This was straight Ether with extra bellpeppers and jalapenos

02-28-2015, 05:00 PM
They say the BTE is full of queers and steers but I sure as shit haven't seen any steers in there

Im so nba'd out
02-28-2015, 06:19 PM
Do it Gregg! Embrace their generous offering. I would rather be on the BTE side than the troll side
Troll > BTE Zombie

Well I'm convinced. I'm gonna go check out this BTE you speak of.
This dude went from 10 post to 160+ in less than 24 hours...**** its too late we lost him http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-K06mccRucMI/TyTaEOe62TI/AAAAAAAAbOg/BWYJVHKX8ho/s1600/house+Resuscitate+gifkings.gif

robert de niro
02-28-2015, 07:06 PM
rip Gregg

02-28-2015, 07:37 PM
They say the BTE is full of queers and steers but I sure as shit haven't seen any steers in there

well that kind of narrows it down doesn't it
