View Full Version : Why does Andre Roberson get so many minutes?

02-28-2015, 05:09 AM
Does Scott Brooks not understand how much it ****s up the spacing when you have a 2 guard who has shot 15-64 on 3's this season? It might as well be 4 on 5 when he's out there. It's comical how much guys sag off him. Dudes literally stand under the basket and just completely ignore him :lol

He's like the new Kendrick Perkins. Just watch, guys like McGary and Morrow will be relegated to bench warming duty in favor of Nick Collison and Andre Roberson because Scott Brooks is a shithead. This is the same guy who played Derek Fisher's decomposed corpse 30+ minutes in a playoff elimination game :roll:

02-28-2015, 05:17 AM
Kobe stans are at such a loss for something to talk about...they are making us suffer with this horse shit. Damn...the pity is overwhelming me.

02-28-2015, 05:35 AM
It's Scott Brooks, he is so set in his ways, Roberson to him is Thabo 2.0. Thunder always have to play a D&3 SG, it would be OK if Brooks didn't insist on playing an offensively paralyzed borderline bench player.

02-28-2015, 05:39 AM
and waiters minutes should be given to morrow.

02-28-2015, 05:43 AM
I mean OP already pretty much said it, but it's because Brooks is a f***ing dumbass. It's painstakingly, glaringly obvious how much better OKC's offense flows with Morrow and, to a much lesser extent but still better, when Waiters is on the floor instead of Roberson. The offense was rolling tonight when McGary and Morrow were on the floor yet both were on the bench during crunch time.

I'm so sick and tired of a lot of things that pertain to this season, but Scott Brooks being OKC's coach is by far the most unbearable of them all.

02-28-2015, 05:54 AM
Lmao new scapegoat already, eh?

02-28-2015, 06:13 AM
Scott Brooks reminds me a lot of Avery Johnson in that he seems to be constantly searching for ways to justify his own playing career in the way he handles his rotation. Scott Brooks the basketball player didn't have a ton of natural talent and didn't put up huge statistics, but he played REALLY hard and he REALLY wanted to win and etc. etc. etc. So when he sees a player like Lamb with a ton of natural talent who seems to "float" through the game it naturally makes him more upset than when he sees a guy like Roberson with a broken jumper who still plays really hard. How many times did a young Scott Brooks have to swallow his pride and watch a "more talented" younger player who was taken higher in the draft play ahead of him even though he didn't work nearly as hard? When he in charge, things will be different.