View Full Version : Memphis won't make the finals, people keep overrating them.

Connor B
03-09-2015, 01:00 PM
We've got people like Bill Simmons saying that now that they have acquired Jeff Green, they are likely to make the finals (and he was saying they would make the finals even before Green). Other writers and posters on this board have followed suite.

First of all, let's not act like their shooting is all of a sudden elite. Green was a great addition but its not like they added prime Dirk. They've got a guy who is good for 15 or so points a game, that by no means catapults them into the finals.

Last year they had a chance to close out OKC and they couldn't, year before that swept by the Spurs (and really only because Brook was out for the semis). They are a very good team but they've done nothing to suggest they have what it takes to come out of the west and win.

I think a healthy OKC and a healthy GS can clearly beat them, Memphis won't be able to outscore them and those two teams are very difficult to slow down. If the Spurs continue to get back up to speed I don't think Memphis can beat them either. They have homecourt against OKC/Spurs, but really that's the only thing that makes it more competitive.

03-09-2015, 01:20 PM
They could win a title Pistons style, no real offensive superstar but great defense.
But it's hard I agree. Most teams in the NBA win chips with elite offense.
I have Memphis in 4th in the group of four that I think that may make the finals in the West, the other ones are GSW, Thunder and Spurs.

03-09-2015, 01:21 PM
Shut the **** up, Connor.

03-09-2015, 01:51 PM
I'm not going to count the Hollins era here. They're mostly the same offensively so far but have improved their DRtg by 2.2 from last year.

03-09-2015, 02:25 PM
I'm no Thunder fan by any means, but I'm still pissed that Presti and Brooks traded Jeff Green to the Celtics till this day. Green, Harden, Durant, and Westbrook could have easily made it to the Finals in today's shitty era of basketball. Ibaka's an overrated piece of shit, and they've should've traded him instead. Ibaka is good, but he's basically a glorified role player.

03-09-2015, 02:31 PM
STFU Conner

03-09-2015, 02:36 PM
Memphis should've won that series against OKC, they would've been up 3-1 if Jackson didn't bail KD and Westbrook out in game 4. Also Zbo was suspended for game 7, idk if it would've made a difference but they gave OKC all they could handle.

Idk if they will win the west or not but they are in my top 3 teams to do so along with GSW and Okc.

Fire Colangelo
03-09-2015, 02:49 PM
I'm no Thunder fan by any means, but I'm still pissed that Presti and Brooks traded Jeff Green to the Celtics till this day. Green, Harden, Durant, and Westbrook could have easily made it to the Finals in today's shitty era of basketball. Ibaka's an overrated piece of shit, and they've should've traded him instead. Ibaka is good, but he's basically a glorified role player.

Green is nothing special. He put up 17 points on a Celtics team that was trying HARD to drive up his value, that's it. He's decent but not great at everything. There was no point of keeping Green with a handful of already offensively established players in WB, KD and Harden.

If anything OKC made a mistake not drafting a big man they really needed like Noah

03-09-2015, 04:27 PM
2 years ago they went to WCF.

They are arguably better this year.

J Shuttlesworth
03-09-2015, 04:33 PM
They are pretty good but I don't trust their offense at the end of close games. Last year, Mike Miller was killing it for them in the playoffs.

03-09-2015, 06:07 PM
I see Grizzlies/OKC going to the finals in the west. I don't think the Warriors will make it in the playoffs, I think the clippers are "pretenders" just as the rockets are, Portland is another good team but I don't see them beating okc or memphis if they get matched against them. The mavs have looked really bad recently, and the Spurs I think are finally done (im sure i'll eat these words though, lol).

03-09-2015, 06:10 PM
Bulls west. No superstar = no finals. That only works if you're the Spurs. Who btw are winning it all again.

03-09-2015, 07:23 PM
They aren't overrated. They are legit. Didn't Zbo miss game 7 last year on a BS suspension. Memphis is my pick to make it to the Finals. I think they can beat any team they face. They are tough team that is capable of locking you down at any time.

03-09-2015, 07:28 PM
They are pretty good but I don't trust their offense at the end of close games. Last year, Mike Miller was killing it for them in the playoffs.


They will probably make the WCF but they won't advance beyond that because they don't have any above average perimeter players.

03-09-2015, 07:35 PM
Better than bulls

03-09-2015, 07:37 PM
They aren't overrated. They are legit. Didn't Zbo miss game 7 last year on a BS suspension. Memphis is my pick to make it to the Finals. I think they can beat any team they face. They are tough team that is capable of locking you down at any time.

Z-Bo got suspended for Game 7 v OKC. If he had played it's definitely possible that they would have pulled off the upset. They'll be a definite threat this year.

03-09-2015, 07:47 PM
They could win a title Pistons style, no real offensive superstar but great defense.
But it's hard I agree. Most teams in the NBA win chips with elite offense.
I have Memphis in 4th in the group of four that I think that may make the finals in the West, the other ones are GSW, Thunder and Spurs.

I agree! Gasol, Zach, and Green are sort of like Sheed, Billups, and Rip. I say that because u have three guys who could average between 18-20 points in a given season. They aren't superstar kind of scorers, but very good scorers.

However, the KEY DIFFERENCE is that Gasol and Zach are low post technicians. So that leads to high percentage shots. Once u couple that with their defense, it wouldn't be shocking at all if they won the title.

03-09-2015, 07:48 PM
It's the opposite, they are underrated.

03-09-2015, 08:02 PM
OKC Thunder started handling the Grizz much better once dumbass Brooks started making adjustments (Butler starting to give KD more spacing, giving Adams more minutes over Perkins)

Grizz were only in that series because Thunder were pretty much playing 3 v 5 against the Grizz and the bench sucked outsides of Jackson's one game. The Thunder with their new toys this season would have no problem dismantling the Grizz now.

03-09-2015, 08:24 PM
Grizz haven't been playing as well since All Star break but have still been ok.

This month is tough schedule and rest wise.. most back to backs and least rest all season. Playoffs are still a month away so not a huge disaster if they slip a bit, as long as they have home court going in. Better to peak in the playoffs, rather than now.