View Full Version : worst cast of stanning in history?

03-11-2015, 12:18 PM
Swede Halbrook would be a 25-15-5-5, .600 FG% guy in today's NBA.

And he would abuse the much shorter Hibbert's, Gasol's, Jordan's, Drummond's, Cousins', and Howard's of this era.

this dude played a couple of seasons in the 50s, career highs of 6 ppg and 7 rpg....

03-11-2015, 12:18 PM

Lord Bean
03-11-2015, 12:19 PM

03-11-2015, 12:22 PM
I watched Swede Halbrook play in the 60's, I was just a boy at that time, but I remember vividly because he was so skilled, me and my old grampapa, god rest his soul used to tune in just to watch Swede. He had fatigue problems because of his degenerated lungs but watching him play was a joy.

I don't know about his number today but Laz isn't far of he had the conditioning of today. I also heard he had a big family, like 16 children and 12 brothers so he had to work extra because NBA at the time wasn't very popular so he didn't make enough to support all of them.

He had all the post moves of 90s superstar bigs but was very coordinated. Maybe 22/14/5. His assist number maybe a bit high but he had great vision.

03-11-2015, 01:21 PM
I watched Swede Halbrook play in the 60's, I was just a boy at that time, but I remember vividly because he was so skilled, me and my old grampapa, god rest his soul used to tune in just to watch Swede. He had fatigue problems because of his degenerated lungs but watching him play was a joy.

I don't know about his number today but Laz isn't far of he had the conditioning of today. I also heard he had a big family, like 16 children and 12 brothers so he had to work extra because NBA at the time wasn't very popular so he didn't make enough to support all of them.

He had all the post moves of 90s superstar bigs but was very coordinated. Maybe 22/14/5. His assist number maybe a bit high but he had great vision.
How old you is bra?

03-11-2015, 01:24 PM
Where's that Marlo guy.

He would, literally, put Lins balls in his mouth if he had the chance.

03-11-2015, 01:31 PM
You guys know he's making fun of you right?

Like... you guys say stupid stuff about role players becoming great in that era, well he's making fun of you, flipping the script.

You are being made fun of. He's got his hand up your asses and he's making you talk, have some self-respect and stop reposting his jokes at your expense as literal truths it's cringe worthy.

03-11-2015, 01:40 PM
You guys know he's making fun of you right?

Like... you guys say stupid stuff about role players becoming great in that era, well he's making fun of you, flipping the script.

You are being made fun of. He's got his hand up your asses and he's making you talk, have some self-respect and stop reposting his jokes at your expense as literal truths it's cringe worthy.

Nothings more cringe worthy than 30 --> 22 --> 18

03-11-2015, 01:48 PM
Nothings more cringe worthy than 30 --> 22 --> 18

KG gif

Connor B
03-11-2015, 01:50 PM
You guys know he's making fun of you right?

Like... you guys say stupid stuff about role players becoming great in that era, well he's making fun of you, flipping the script.

You are being made fun of. He's got his hand up your asses and he's making you talk, have some self-respect and stop reposting his jokes at your expense as literal truths it's cringe worthy.

LMAO. Cavs Repped, OP Negged big time like a beta.

03-11-2015, 02:11 PM
You guys know he's making fun of you right?

Like... you guys say stupid stuff about role players becoming great in that era, well he's making fun of you, flipping the script.

You are being made fun of. He's got his hand up your asses and he's making you talk, have some self-respect and stop reposting his jokes at your expense as literal truths it's cringe worthy.

son there are some tiers to doing this thing called trolling:
1. simple trolling : wilt would drop 30 today, kobe is the goat, the hakeem ~ kareem ~ wilt that doesn't take into account the difference between player contexts, eras, etc. That's your bread and butter play right there as a wilt stan.
2. dick slurping trolling: wilt would throw shaq around easily. or that cousy could play in today's league. This shit is good for a laugh but saying it more than once is really a retard or sucky troll alert.
3. going full lazareus with shit like this. or 3ball style. or euroleague. or dubeta. just cancer, zero humor or trolling. just spam.

Lazruss humor intentions are obvious to your average 2th grader ..
"something something wilt something 2 grade humor ha ha wilt something wilt wilt deflect wilt REPEAT"
but his humor implementation is reaching the retardation of dubeta/3ball/euroleague level and it's ban worthy, it's the equivalent of spamming.

lol at the other poster talking shit. sonny you got homework to do.

03-11-2015, 02:36 PM
this dude played a couple of seasons in the 50s, career highs of 6 ppg and 7 rpg....

I'm pretty sure that is called trolling, not stanning.

03-11-2015, 02:44 PM
1. simple trolling : wilt would drop 30 today

Any reason why he wouldn't? That's not trolling, brah.

03-11-2015, 06:16 PM
I'm pretty sure that is called trolling, not stanning.

are you new here?
he said that to prop his boy wilt. everything is about his boy wilt. wilt. wilt. wilt. wilt. WILT
assist leader

03-11-2015, 06:56 PM
Doesn't matter if he has a Wilt agenda. He is still trolling.

03-11-2015, 07:00 PM
OP starting to realize he got trolled :lol

03-11-2015, 09:03 PM
Wilt Goat