View Full Version : is specialised education even worth it??

03-11-2015, 04:35 PM
I understand people who have a dream job or a passion for something that they want to do....

But for people that pay for extended education for the sake of making more money in the future i just find rediculous. Is the mass amount of student loan debt and the lengthly time studying really going to put you ahead or behind. Alot of people claim they'll be better off in the long run. But for some professions it could be nearly 10 years before you are fully qualified and have finished paying off your student loan. And if you're lucky enough to land a job that will pay you what u hoped. You'd only start accumilating once you're in your 30s in some cases.

03-11-2015, 04:39 PM
I understand people who have a dream job or a passion for something that they want to do....

But for people that pay for extended education for the sake of making more money in the future i just find rediculous. Is the mass amount of student loan debt and the lengthly time studying really going to put you ahead or behind. Alot of people claim they'll be better off in the long run. But for some professions it could be nearly 10 years before you are fully qualified and have finished paying off your student loan. And if you're lucky enough to land a job that will pay you what u hoped. You'd only start accumilating once you're in your 30s in some cases.

10 years isn't the long run. You probably won't be accumulating much in your 20s regardless of what path you choose to take (there are obviously exceptions).

03-11-2015, 05:04 PM
It depends on what kind of life you want to lead. Sure, you can probably make as much as I do with barely a bachelors, but your day to day life will probably be much shittier than mine or another professional.

And yeah, 10 years is nothing.

03-11-2015, 05:27 PM
Like going to medical school? I think initially people go for the idea of helping people. They become jaded later on but still stick to it because they're so far in debt that the only viable option is to get a job you can put up with for $300k a year.

03-11-2015, 05:37 PM
Only if you can get someone to pay most of the cost for you (typically the government or your parents if they're rich).

Otherwise, it's smarter to stick to something cheaper.

03-11-2015, 06:06 PM
In general college has become too expensive in this country and something needs to be done about it.

Health Care in the same boat.

We spend more than the rest of the world combined on military...time to sell a couple stealth bombers and get some school/health relief for people...it's pretty ridiculous IMO

03-11-2015, 07:46 PM
In general college has become too expensive in this country and something needs to be done about it.

Health Care in the same boat.

We spend more than the rest of the world combined on military...time to sell a couple stealth bombers and get some school/health relief for people...it's pretty ridiculous IMO

State University is not all that expensive even without federal aid or scholarships. Problem is most teens want to go to some fancy private university while dorming, spring breaking, traveling, etc, which is understandable and all but prepared to face the debt once the fun is over. If the government is going to forgive student debt than they need to give out a credit/refund the ones who actually went to a cheap school and understood basic financial issues.

In fact you can say the more gov't gets more involved the more tuition will rise as universities will be able to charge higher fees as they know the gov't will bail out the students. Remove the lifeline(Gov't) and make students get their loans through banks and see how much private university enrollment will decrease which will eventually make the private universities lower their tuition fees to a more affordable price.

PS, You can pay off a state university tuition with a minimum wage job.

03-11-2015, 08:04 PM
OP askin bout Special Ed :yaohappy:

03-11-2015, 08:35 PM
In fact you can say the more gov't gets more involved the more tuition will rise as universities will be able to charge higher fees as they know the gov't will bail out the students. Remove the lifeline(Gov't) and make students get their loans through banks and see how much private university enrollment will decrease which will eventually make the private universities lower their tuition fees to a more affordable price.


Unfortunately it is nearly impossible in this political climate for people to see it this way. We live in an entitlement society where people's go-to solution to everything is to demand that the government fix something. Easy money and easy credit, and when it all blows up, blame greed, not the root enablers of the problem.

03-11-2015, 08:44 PM
i just ask this because im 26 Ive just bought my 2nd house. I dropped out of high school when i was 15. And a mate of mine is training in I.T or something to do with computers hes 28 and still living in a boarding house eating noodles. Hes so far behind

03-11-2015, 08:49 PM

Unfortunately it is nearly impossible in this political climate for people to see it this way. We live in an entitlement society where people's go-to solution to everything is to demand that the government fix something. Easy money and easy credit, and when it all blows up, blame greed, not the root enablers of the problem.

Beautifully said. Sense of entitlement is a real big problem in places such as the US especially when it comes to retirement pension funds.

03-11-2015, 08:56 PM
i just ask this because im 26 Ive just bought my 2nd house. I dropped out of high school when i was 15. And a mate of mine is training in I.T or something to do with computers hes 28 and still living in a boarding house eating noodles. Hes so far behind

A lot of people go the college route due to security not ambition. People are mostly looking for a steady paycheck for the duration of their life. Struggling a bit right out of college is the price to be paid for that security.

03-11-2015, 09:10 PM
A lot of people go the college route due to security not ambition. People are mostly looking for a steady paycheck for the duration of their life. Struggling a bit right out of college is the price to be paid for that security.


03-11-2015, 09:39 PM


And it all comes down to a lack of courage to make it on your own. need for security is beta. Uf security is what people seek why not just go to jail.....

03-11-2015, 09:45 PM

And it all comes down to a lack of courage to make it on your own. need for security is beta. Uf security is what people seek why not just go to jail.....[/QUOT

So what do you do? Let me guess - sticking it to the man by working at Mickey Ds

03-11-2015, 11:23 PM
So what do you do? Let me guess - sticking it to the man by working at Mickey Ds

work for meales concrete pumping brah. Never worked at mcdz supermarkets or anything.... when We have work out at the mines i can make up to 3000 a week.:rockon: no student loan required.