View Full Version : Which is a bigger travesty

03-13-2015, 11:38 AM
Picking Anthony Bennet #1 overall, or the seahawks last playcall?

03-13-2015, 11:39 AM
Jeff confirming your registration on this forum.

03-13-2015, 11:40 AM
Jeff confirming your registration on this forum.


its Steve that confirms registrations you **** face. Jeff is too busy showering his balls in gold from all the $$ we generate him

03-13-2015, 11:44 AM

03-13-2015, 11:44 AM
The Seahawks play call.

Now, not because the called a passing play. That actually wasn't stupid at all...it was the passing play they called.

Making their short QB throw and over the middle precision pass on the goal line that goes against his strength as a player.

Just simply one of the dumbest things ever considering the magnitude of the situation.

You either run it or call a play action roll out pass where Wilson can run or pass...or throw it out of the end zone if he gets in trouble.

Throwing it over the middle with a short QB that isn't super accurate is simply the worst option possible.

Bennett was a terrible pick...especially when Oladipo was obviously safe and the Cavs didn't need to hit a home run...and Noel would have been safe and they didn't need him right away anyway, but that draft sucked and it's not like there were a ton of good options.

03-13-2015, 11:46 AM
Bennet is putting up 5.2 ppg on .453% TS and is/has been guaranteed over 16 million over his first three years

03-13-2015, 11:54 AM
The only reason I don't choose Bennett is because the obvious choice would have actually been Otto porter because like assholes we passed on Andre Drummond and had waiters already. Porter is somehow worse than Bennett.

03-13-2015, 11:58 AM
Just simply one of the dumbest things ever considering the magnitude of the situation.

Considering the success they had with that play during the season and the lack of success they had with Lynch on the goal line during the season, its not that dumb a play call at all. :confusedshrug:

03-13-2015, 12:24 PM
Seahawks. You can never make up for that. Cavs made up for Bennett by staying in the lottery and lucking out into another #1 (thus also getting frontrunner James).

03-13-2015, 12:27 PM
The Seahawks play call.

Now, not because the called a passing play. That actually wasn't stupid at all...it was the passing play they called.

Making their short QB throw and over the middle precision pass on the goal line that goes against his strength as a player.

Just simply one of the dumbest things ever considering the magnitude of the situation.

You either run it or call a play action roll out pass where Wilson can run or pass...or throw it out of the end zone if he gets in trouble.

Throwing it over the middle with a short QB that isn't super accurate is simply the worst option possible.

Bennett was a terrible pick...especially when Oladipo was obviously safe and the Cavs didn't need to hit a home run...and Noel would have been safe and they didn't need him right away anyway, but that draft sucked and it's not like there were a ton of good options.


Passing wasn't the wrong play, because you can still run twice after that if it was incomplete, as opposed to just running twice.

03-13-2015, 12:33 PM
Cleveland loves drafting scrubs (see Trent Richardson and Johnny Manziel)

03-13-2015, 12:58 PM
Bennett could retire now, and the pick still would not touch the Seahawks play call. That was one of the most reckless things I have ever seen happen in a sporting even. One yard, and you have the best RB in the league who is owning that game. Made the Titans one yard loss in the Super Bowl look like nothing.

03-13-2015, 03:54 PM
The Seahawks play call.

Now, not because the called a passing play. That actually wasn't stupid at all...it was the passing play they called.

Making their short QB throw and over the middle precision pass on the goal line that goes against his strength as a player.

Just simply one of the dumbest things ever considering the magnitude of the situation.

You either run it or call a play action roll out pass where Wilson can run or pass...or throw it out of the end zone if he gets in trouble.

Throwing it over the middle with a short QB that isn't super accurate is simply the worst option possible.

Bennett was a terrible pick...especially when Oladipo was obviously safe and the Cavs didn't need to hit a home run...and Noel would have been safe and they didn't need him right away anyway, but that draft sucked and it's not like there were a ton of good options.

Give Butler some credit. He made that play

03-13-2015, 03:56 PM
Seahawks by a mile.

03-13-2015, 03:59 PM
What's funny is I had a friend argue that the playcall was a good one. There's really not a whole lot you can say in that argument..

03-13-2015, 04:08 PM
terrible draft class.

That was hands downs a terrible play call.