View Full Version : Help me! Can't smoke weed or cigs! I'm dying.

03-14-2015, 03:52 PM
I'm about to enter nicotine withdrawal.

I went to the doctor and tested positive for Bronchitis, Strep Throat, and Mononucleosis. I started feeling sick Monday night, which suspiciously is the day after I got back from the E.R due to an allergic reaction. I had gone to the E.R sunday morning(like 5 A.M).

HAving these 3 diseases has made life difficult to live. I have tried my best smoking weed. I can't smoke cigs, as the doctor said the chemicals in cigs would slow down the healing process of my throat, but she said weed would be fine.

Well, I try to smoke weed, and I can't inhale it. It doesn't hurt my throat, but there is a tickling sensation that causes me to cough up the weed, wasting it.

Now I'm entering nicotine W/Ds, which is fine because I was planning to quit anyways, but I don't have weed to help me through the W/Ds!! I can't get a vape/make edibles either.


03-14-2015, 04:00 PM
Why can't you make edibles? Or buy them?

03-14-2015, 04:04 PM
Why can't you make edibles? Or buy them?

The only edible I have the ingredients to make are space cakes. But I just don't have enough weed.

I could make a fire cracker, but I only have enough for one. and then if I **** up, I won't have any weed at all and I can't reup till NEXT saturday.

I would make a fire cracker, but I never have before.

I'm dyin man. I need to smoke some MJ. I should sue the **** outta that hospital. I know for a fact they gave me all these diseases.

At first I thought my GF gave me mono, so she went and got tested and didn't have it. She is the only person I kiss and share drinks/food with, so the only other explanation is the ****ing hospital.

****ing ironic situation I'm in. Hospitals gives young man 3 diseases!

03-14-2015, 04:46 PM
I'm about to enter nicotine withdrawal.

I went to the doctor and tested positive for Bronchitis, Strep Throat, and Mononucleosis. I started feeling sick Monday night, which suspiciously is the day after I got back from the E.R due to an allergic reaction. I had gone to the E.R sunday morning(like 5 A.M).

HAving these 3 diseases has made life difficult to live. I have tried my best smoking weed. I can't smoke cigs, as the doctor said the chemicals in cigs would slow down the healing process of my throat, but she said weed would be fine.

Well, I try to smoke weed, and I can't inhale it. It doesn't hurt my throat, but there is a tickling sensation that causes me to cough up the weed, wasting it.

Now I'm entering nicotine W/Ds, which is fine because I was planning to quit anyways, but I don't have weed to help me through the W/Ds!! I can't get a vape/make edibles either.

Coughing gets you like 10x higher

03-14-2015, 04:51 PM
Just get an E-Cig, retard.

03-14-2015, 05:05 PM
Get a ****ing vape pen retard

03-15-2015, 08:43 AM
Original Poster is a retard!

03-15-2015, 08:54 AM
nicotine withdrawal Ignorance my friend, nicotine itself has very low addicitive properties. Get MAOis and you will be fine.

03-15-2015, 08:57 AM
You ill as shit. I'd just dose up on painkillers and bud until i started to get better.

03-15-2015, 09:42 AM
The first 3 to 5 days will suck; but it gets better from there. Beer was enough to take the edge off for me, but if that doesn't work try something stronger.

Bosnian Sajo
03-15-2015, 04:06 PM
To make a fire cracker, you need 0.5-1g's of mj...you telling me a gram was gonna last you till next saturday? Damn :lol

03-16-2015, 03:45 AM
Bronchitis, Strep Throat............maybe you should stop smoking :confusedshrug:

03-16-2015, 03:50 AM
The first 3 to 5 days will suck; but it gets better from there. Beer was enough to take the edge off for me, but if that doesn't work try something stronger.
for weed or cigs?

03-16-2015, 03:50 AM
I quit smoking cold turkey last year. I visualized the best version of myself and it had to go. It brought back steadyness to my life so you should quit too *****. it wasn't easy so suck it up or cave and be a beta bitch. First 3 days are brutal. 3 week mark i felt like i was in the clear. Expect to lose sleep. you get cravings even a month or two later sometimes but it fades

code green
03-16-2015, 07:48 AM
That sucks, dude. I've been there myself, and I can tell you from personal experience not to force the issue. If you smoke with strep, mono, laryngytis, or pretty much any throat issue, you can count on taking twice as long to heal.

Unless you're one of those people that NEED to smoke while drinking, get yourself a nice bottle of whiskey and take a few shots. You'll forget all about the pain after the 4th one.

EDIT: I gave mono as an example, I missed that you had it in the OP. That ****in blows. I had it last year, and it's the sickest I've ever felt. Stay in bed and don't leave that shit for the next 2 weeks.